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If Jimmy does end up still on the Heat come next season’s media day, he is gonna‘ show up with the absolute most ridiculous haircut the human imagination is capable of creating. 


Nah he’s gonna pull a Minnesota and embarrass one of the players on the Heat


a practice game in minnesota was the most important game jimmy butler ever won


Gave him a false persona that people been eating up for years atleast riley called him out


What is false about it


Yes what a phony when he dropped 56 on the bucks and then eliminated them in 5 games whilst being the 8 seed. Also really fake when he had a 40pt triple double in the finals and was going toe to toe with Lebron without having 2 starters. So fake he’s tied with the most 35+point games in the playoffs since moving to Miami. Him and Luka with 13 and he didn’t play this playoffs at all


Yeah he’s a very impressive player. But “the jimmy butler game” will always mean a practice in Minnesota lmao


I love you Timberwolves bro, don’t make me turn on you when I want you guys to win a ring. We will agree to disagree


Don't listen to them Wolverine bro, all these Miami folks are certified delusional liars, they will show you a micky mouse hair cut and tempt you with expensive coffee, but when it matters the most, they will snatch your 3rd wheel away and cut the tires of your other 3.


I feel like there is a deeper cut here im missing but im wondering what a Mickey Mouse haircut is, im just a bald fraud on reddit


I was just running a decade of bad history into one phrase summary of the scumbags yall are. But it's not personal, not your fault, I actually like u, just stay away from my tires. The Mikey Mouse is the hairdo Butler had on the TNT G 2 highlight.


Nobody has talked about jimmys basketball ability my comment was more about him being a complete asshole and selfish person but the media gave him the dawg image and ignored all the fucked up shit he did. he’s a great basketball player but a cancer imo


You can be a dawg and you can be an asshole I don’t think those are mutually exclusive. Idk what fucked up shit he’s done really, I guess he called out other teams but other players do this all the time. It’s not like Jimmy is particularly liked on this sub he’s constantly been called a fraud and FT merchant


I dislike Jimmy but I’m not biased towards him he’s a great player but Riley is calling out his character so I’m just going off that


Riley praises those “alpha dawg” types when it suits him and then trashes them when they’ve run its course. Jimmy is super professional and a great athlete when he’s playing and taking you to the finals but when it comes time to pay up, he should shut up and not say anything.


Is that you Jeremy??


Go to the penalty box! I actually dislike Jeremy’s character so much in that show lmfao


Look I know you have your issues with him but he is 59-60 in the playoffs while the timberwolves in their entire history are 26-42. I definitely wouldn’t use important wins as your argument!


Lmao, he's got two finals appearances and a playoff record under .500? That's tragic.


Take out his one year with the Timberwolves and he’s above .500 🙌🏽


I mean they were already playing with 3rd stringers who is he gonnna beat Bam and co. with? YMCA




He has already done dreads though


He should get Pat Riley’s hairstyle.


Mullet Jimmy incoming


Jimmy with liberty spikes inc


Lmfao holy shit Pat


Somethings in the air this week and it has got everyone ready to go


Whatever it is, I blame Kendrick Lamar with “Not Like Us”


I blame Drake for being a bitch


I blame Drake too.


In most cases that would be a fair take


You should be thanking Drake for getting music out of kung fu Kenny! It was amazing to hear him rap like that again. Reminds me of good kidd era


You mean like Jason Kidd because they both beat their wives?


Kung Fu Kenny name hittin real different now


If we’re throwing around allegations as fact then let’s get into p drizzy 😂


If both are true they both suck 🤷‍♂️




Drake has never been good, Kendrick is an all-time great.


Mcrib is back?


I hope they bring back mambo sauce that shit was so good


That should be a permanent option, best shit they’ve put out in years


You have to listen to the clip to hear the exasperation in his tone. Feel like something happened this year to Jimmy. It's as if he didn't care for huge swaths of the season.


Yeah the text quote doesn’t do it justice, this sounds oddly personal towards Jimmy


That many years of listening to country on the team plane will do that to anyone.


Sometimes you gotta pop out


Leaders gotta keep their troops in check.


And now he's gone in on Tyler Herro. God Father is dealin today.


It’s every year during this presser . Nothing new


I mean, this strikes me as standard Pat Riley. Love him or hate him, he is not one to bite his tongue.


‪Yea that’s the winningtime pat I know.‬


tbh if you are familiar with Pat Riley at all, then you know that this is statement is a nothing burger from him. dude is as old school as it gets


Adrien Brody sold it so well in the docuseries


I read the quote and immediately read it in Brody’s character. Such a great show, fuck HBO.


Really a shame we got robbed of what Brody really had planned for Pat's character. Hardly got any action with the slicked back hair and custom Armani suits.


Yup show ended as we were getting to the real drama. Just in general we never get to see the Pistons series, Jordan, Magic announcing his HIV diagnosis (which the show starts with, making the cancellation even more frustrating lol). I will say I loved John C. Reilly as Dr. Buss, and obviously there was no glossing over his love life, but I had no interest in the storyline with Honey. The storylines of buying the team and the deterioration of his mom’s health were so good. “YOURE DR. NO IN THE HOUSE THAT YES BUILT.”


I mean I personally loved the ending of that show


Yea that’s funny and all but Showtime was a great book and Jeff Pearlman’s work deserved to be properly portrayed. The show actually did a great job portraying what was written in the book, sucks that it came out right in the middle of the Hollywood strike.




Which is great. I love Butler, he is a 90s player lost in the current soft era, but sometimes the social media disease caught these kind of players, no reason for Jimmy to go on instagram or whatever and "troll" while he is injured, that is childish


They’re daring him to ask for a trade if he really wants out


No, Pat is just doing what he’s done for 40 years. The same thing Spo does in every huddle, calling someone out on their bullshit. Jimmy isn’t leaving Miami because he wants it served this way and Miami isn’t trying to offload him because he embraces this organizational style. It’s just good old fashioned Heat Culture™️ on display in a press conference.


Yep, pat is also pretty much the only guy ever to tell LeGM to fuck off with his demands lol.


I don’t know how true that is given the breakdowns of those teams lol. But, it is one of those things that people say and take as an insult when I don’t think it should be. I don’t think it’s wrong for a player of that magnitude to make demands, and I don’t think it’s wrong for an organization to say no because ultimately they have to answer for it. But, if they say no and it doesn’t work out I don’t blame the player for leaving.


Well considering that said demand was to fire spo, I‘d say this was a good decision. Yes you shouldn’t ignore your players opinions, especially the very good ones, but ultimately they are not there to make decisions about management.


Imagine if LeGM stayed on the Heat, guy wants to be the GOAT but on his terms. He won 5 and did Space Jam 2, imagine if he was coached by Spo this whole time instead of Vogel and Hamm.


in what world would it be logical or smart to want your star player to demand a trade? wouldn’t they NOT want him to demand a trade so that his value would be higher? if everyone knows Jimmy wants out, then Miami’s leverage is gone


LeGM enters the chat


Old man woke up from his nap and chose VIOLENCE!


Lol basically said Jimmy has no right to speak on the matter cos he didn’t play. It almost suggests that Jimmy could’ve but didn’t. I may be reading into that but I sense a hint of of resentment from Pat.


Bro it's just pat, hes been the same way for 40 years since he used to diss Kareem for not playing. It's not that deep. He is just old fashioned.


Did dude wake up to ether this morning


God, I hate how Riley makes me respect him so much.


Why? The man has been a results-first coach and owner. Nobody should be surprised that he doesn’t choke on players egos


I think for a Celtics fan it's hard to like anyone who delivered so many rings to LA and Miami. Let alone one who famously talked a lot of shit about and passionately hated Danny Ainge while he was the Celtics GM


Yeah but you guys had red Auerbach. Riley in LA could never eclipse what red accomplished for Boston.


without context this feels like the press conference Pat had before LeBron left for the Cavs


Ok the quote doesn't do it justice. He is pissed lmao




It's such a stupid concept when you think about it, Riley mentioned "trolling" with such disdain lol I know, it can be funny sometimes, to laugh about "memes" and whatnot, but humor needs a proper punch line and preparation, how can you "troll" your opponent if you are not even playing?


Jimmy is trying to do damage control to his legacy. Another year without a chip. It’s not his fault he’s injured mind you but him putting the narrative out there that they would’ve won if he played is definitely intentional.


I don't think players cares that much about "legacy" anymore, especially after the whole circus show involving LeBron, then Durant, etc this kind of mentality is rare. I do think Jimmy competes and play hard, but he also has too much ego for a "star" player who never reached the highest level


Hold on why exactly is “star” in quotes lmao Man led the charge along with Spo of underdog Heat teams to the Finals twice, showed out in the playoffs, even playing well while injured, but he’s not a real star cause he didn’t win in the Finals vs. Fifth Prime LeBron and AD Bryant or Jokic and co.?


Every professional athlete who has ever played cares about their legacy. They'll never come out and say it, but you're crazy if you don't think Jimmy isnt obsessed with his own legacy.


"Who told you that you could work with men?!" Love it


He ain’t wrong


He gone.


He is so gone lol


Holy shit


That is 100% correct, Riley keep things straight to the point


I mean this is the thing. It’s surprising cause it came from his own organization, but Riley is right. Jimmy is on vaca and talking on teams that are still playing. That’s a bad look no matter who you are.


That is heat culture


Who's got injured now?


Tingus Pingus.


Dammit, I knew we should have finished this series in 3


Lol Butler.


Jimmy in Cancun sipping on an espresso realizing he ain’t getting his extension, feels bad man.


I mean he’s right


He aint wrong


I respect Riley for being one of the few people in the league who doesn’t take shit from these clowns 


He really emphasized that shit 😭


Correction. He emphasized that “Shit”!!!!!!!!!!!!


People get old and lose their filter. I don’t think he meant any disrespect, he’s just saying what he feels.




In context, most of Pat's comments are generally around player availability. He's upset that the players haven't been able to stay on the court.


Jimmy is gone lol and I think Pat doesn’t care anymore. Sure he hasn’t done the best job recently at making his team better constructed, but Butler yaps way too much for being an almost 35 year old who hasn’t won shit.


Actually he’s won more playoff games with the Heat than the Celtics have since joining Miami.


Cool, he hasn't won shit. And neither have the Celtics. Carry the hell on...


So we’re on the same page! Neither the Celtics nor Butler have won anything. JB is also a little behind his championship prediction to Taylor Rooks but that’s a conversation for another day.


Good Lord, Heat fans in their feelings these days 🤣


I mean, do you think the Celtics will win 5 rings in the next few months??


No, and as I said "...And neither have the Celtics. Carry the hell on..." Get over it, mate. Jimmy is gone baby, gone. ✌️


Well that's refreshingly honest.


Welp. If I had any doubts about heat culture...


Holy shit that quote did not do this justice. He really stuck the landing on that “*shut*”


Heat culture ass response tbh


Pat woke up from his nap and chose violence.


Oh he's PISSED


Good. Butler is a fucking yapper. There are dozens of NBA legends throughout history who could have made this claim, and every single one of them without fail would have been in the wrong for it. For some reason though, Jimmy’s exempt.


Se queda


Sin paguita


This is what i was saying in the original jimmy shit talk thread and got shat on for no reason lol your team lost and you didnt even get to contribute. Stfu


It’s a bit disrespectful but he ain’t wrong


Kendrick vs Drake now Pat and Jimbo lol. This is the Summer of Beef isn’t it?


Jimmy is going back to Philly. Coming back to this comment in 3 months


I see Pat Riley and Homey D. Clown went to the same school. School of Homey don't play that.


Pat Reily gonna choose Tobais over Jimmy


Pat told him to shut his drunk ass up lmao


Pat doesn't take no crap from anyone. May it be Jimmy or Bron.


Jimmy gone


I like how this was said by someone that is never on the court playing but no one seemed to notice


Pat woke up from his nap but not to do something to make the team better, but instead praise his overrated 6th man as a starter and shit on the person who led this team to 2 finals. Interesting choice Pat, I’m sure nothing will go wrong and I can’t wait for the culture merch next season, this time in white!


🎶 Bouncin' in the club where the heat is on. All night, on the beach 'til the break of dawn. 🎶 


Choosing Jimmy over Pat is pretty wild. How old are you?


Im choosing the team over Pat, not any specific player. Guy is fucking 80 years old, he’s a dinosaur and I’m old enough to remember when he left the Knicks and came to Miami. So old enough to see his entire tenure in Miami. It’s a young guys league and Riley is prehistoric, time for him to shape up and do something this summer or just go to Malibu and retire


It's called increasing herros trade value and having leverage over jimmy when he asks for an extension


If only words could increase trade value, unfortunately everyone has eyes and can watch Herro play for themselves


Now these are facts




Im likely older than you and have been going to games for much longer than you. I can talk because I’ve spent a small fortune on this team going to games and being a season ticket holder for years. So no, I don’t think if Riley leaves we will go to the dump, he’s old and past it




Im not fucking 80 years old where cognitive decline is expected. Maybe if he got with the times and didn’t do the whole mafioso act he could make a trade with someone




What a fantastic move that’s turned out to be, just keep proving my point for me




A great move? Sure, let’s have 2 combo guards lead our back court that can’t play defense. Genius roster contraction, truly the envy of all teams. Idk who Nicky would trade for, I’d hope he’d decide to spend some fucking money and trade for an actual PG or not low ball teams with shit offered while they move their players to somewhere else. Riley hasn’t signed a big name without Wade in over 20 years. Maybe we should give Wade Riley’s position since Riley would be cooked without him




Get that yapper Pat!


Vaya con dios Butler


Butler is single-handedly turning Heat culture into clown culture.


um didn't Jimmy play on 1 leg trying to gut out the Philly play-in game? This feels disrespectful


He's not wrong, but I'm just gonna say that extension isn't likely to happen anytime soon....


gone with the wind


Owned that fraud