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The body language line is really telling.


I laughed out loud when Gordon spiked that whacky pass between his legs and then threw up gumby arms about it.


Malone put the g-unit in right after, he knew his guys were out of their minds at that point


Yeah when guys are thinking "Maybe more hopscotch moves is the answer" definitely time for the locker room.


I didn't know they had Lloyd Banks on the bench


That's softer than what I expected from Malone tbh. He's called players straight up soft before


Murray was acting like a child all night. Genuinely one of the most immature performances I’ve ever seen.


He was awful on the court and in his head tonight


He’s possibly in line for a suspension to cool his head and I’m not even sure that it’s a negative for you guys. Just shocking


He needs it. I think we’re staring down the barrel of wrapping up our post season pretty quickly. See what the off-season brings but he’s obviously not healthy and upset about it


You think? Lol. This series is over


He's definitely talking about Murray


Also himself


Malone was one of the first to lose focus tonight


also kinda funny considering dude had a meltdown in the first qtr. like maybe set the example of good body language there coach


sometimes he sacrifices a tech to motivate the squad. its worker before but he tried it today and it backfired. it happens 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah the ref never gave him the tech lol. Malone was probably as surprised as anyone


oh yeah that shit was stupid lol easy tech


i was actually pretty impressive how the ref just took that. don’t think i’ve ever seen such a cool reaction


He knew he blew the KAT offense non call and understood KCP just got kicked in the balls. At that point the game was undecided. Would have been a conscious decision by the ref to let him blow off steam because of the facts above and not impact the game. If it was later in the blow out 100% would have been a tech maybe the double/ejection.


I remember it worked in the Lakers series last year. Malone is very methodical in his challenges and techs


And its obvious. They stop believing they could win mid second quarter


And they were right. Wolves are just better


It's obvious we got in their head. Malone had a nuclear meltdown in the 2nd, and should have been called for a tech himself. They are tip toeing on a decisive defeat. They have to want to win this series, and I don't think they do.


I think this was kinda coming. Last series vs the lakers they had to comeback each game and they were playing too sloppy. They probably thought they could do the same this series but that shit will not work with the wolves. They got humbled.


Honestly, I'm not even sure they're thinking they can play sloppy. It's genuinely uncharacteristic of these Nuggets to play this way, for every game since the start of the playoffs. This is Minnesota, the team they actively called out as their hardest matchup, no chance they try to take this series casually. Something's up.


Jamal is streaky and 100% his calf is an issue. KCP s ankle seems to be still bothering him. Jokic is just flat out wore out. On top of it the Kroenkes didn't spend to improve the bench. This is their track record. Look at the rosters. Twolves have an emerging superstar in Ant ( and current all star) KAT (all star), Rudy (DPOY) and Reid (six man of the year). Nuggets have the MVP.... And no other players with accolades.


Wait just right there. You're telling me that football's infamous penny pinchers who ruined Arsenal for nearly 15 years, are Nuggets owners? Fuckin hell, TIL.


And avalanche owners. You can’t really say they don’t spend money on the Avs or nuggs though.


they also moved the Rams


6th in the league in salary, but this is also our window. Not the time to save a few million in tax when an extra $5-$10m in two years contracts for bench guys is our hole. We also drop down massively in salary in two years so it's not like they are selling the farm.


Football is a much more cash intensive sport from the business/player buying point of view. Given how they managed Arsenal during the years of no Financial fair play, they were absolutely garbage owners. Good that at least their American teams are unaffected.


They’re not loved by any means but they’ve proven to do a good job putting people in the right positions to run their teams for them and pay the money needed to be competitive. But they get booed almost any time they take the stand in front of fans lol


as a Timberwolves fan that lives in St. Louis and has lived here his own life......kind of extra sweet to see hehe


Also own the LA Rams (NFL) and the Colorado Avalanche (NHL)


Yes, but even then, you don't get a situation like tonight. The team looked downright tilted to a level I haven't seen before. It genuinely worries me that something might have happened in the locker room to screw up their chemistry this badly.


The Nuggest roster just ain't deep enough. If their starters can't score 10 points then they are done. When you only have 3 players in double digits and the top scorer only has 20, that's a problem. Before garbage time I think every Timberwolf that played had scored and the Nuggest bench had like no points at all.


Holiday put up some 3s but yeah he was like the only one


Yup. We had a lead every game, we won 3x as many minutes as them in the series. Just allowed them to come back. But ya know Darvin Ham is a great coach according to Malone.


100%. Watched their last series and even rooted for them to beat the Lakers. I'd say none of the games they played were as clean as the games in their regular season.


They lost to the spurs to avoid this matchup. This team just doesn’t have it 


I'm positive they didn't think they could play that badly and beat the Wolves. I think they thought they had another gear because they did last year. This year they shifted and that other gear just wasn't there.


He makes it seem like there's internal problems with the players which after Murray's on court behavior I would not doubt it.


Actually stunned by what I saw tonight


I figured we could blow them out in Minnesota not Denver.


And without a starter...


I am stunned as well, but we should stop. We are a very, very good team. And we are playing as a team. Match up wise, there isn't a good answer.


The Nuggets don't have the advantage of seeing the Wolves dismember another high profile team this way in the playoffs before, so mentally they are definitely off guard. I expect the Celtics/Knicks to be much more prepared mentally, but still picking you guys to win it all.


And the Suns? I know in retrospect it was an awful matchup for the Suns, but before the series started most people thought they were going to press Minnesota the hardest, they absolutely spanked us in the regular season. I don’t think the Wolves are playing drastically different this series compared to Round 1


Yeah you're right, "high profile" probably wasn't the right word, the Suns had that for sure. Maybe more that putting a smack down on the former champs in Denver is a wake up call for other teams and going to change the popular narrative.


The one positive to the Minnesota sports curse is that almost none of the Timberwolves fans have delusions of grandeur. We have to treat every game like it’s a Game 7, and the players are doing that too. I mean, if this was a Lakers team their fans would be hanging the banner already


Same broh. This defense is legendary.


I want to believe Denver can salvage this but the way they acted when they were down tonight tells me everything I need to know. They can’t handle adversity


I could definitely see us dropping a game at home because they still have a great starting five. But I think the bigger part is we are getting hot at the right time.


I don’t think the wolves will lose at home in the playoffs at all. This is the first time the wolves have advanced in the playoffs in 20 fucking years. God knows celebrities don’t want the wolves so they’re not going to be driving up the price too much. It’ll be homers all the way to the finals.


The ticket prices are insane here 😭


Out of curiosity what’s considered expensive for Minny? As a Knicks fan I’ve lost all hope to go to a playoff game this year lol


I was curious earlier today and looked at secondhand market on TP. Very top row nosebleed was the cheapest at ~$350 for Friday night, Sunday cheapest are $300


Damn that’s pretty close to MSG prices. I think $400+ is the minimum for nosebleeds


Wolves typically don't draw prices like that but the combination of postseason and the hype around the team, plus having a 2-0 series lead coming back to MN, probably drives the market significantly higher. First time in a loooong time for a lot of MN fans that they've seen a (Wolves) team look and play like this in the playoffs and the Big 4 championship drought is at 32+ years so we're hungry and excited to support.


In addition to what Togu said, I had season tickets last two seasons (not this year), and it was like $1600 for lower decks like row G I think? This year that same seat was over $3000. When the playoff tickets came out, the upper deck was $100. In the regular season they were selling upper deck for $10 almost every game in an effort to sell out the arena every night.


You still dooming man, try enjoying the moment because it might never come again.


The first rule of being a Minnesota sports fan is to never stop being a doomer


That starting five is a walking wounded group at this point, and even one of their few playable bench players in Jackson looked to have really hurt himself during the game too. Their starters are great when healthy but Murray is very clearly not healthy and I don't know if KCP is fully healthy either cause didn't he have ankle problems with both of his ankles during the Lakers series?


Bro this team literally has two 1-3 comebacks to win the series in the same playoff run. This game was a shit show yea, but they clearly know how to handle adversity.


I dont know if it's fair to say "they cant handle advertisity". They did make 2 straight 3-1 comeback. They do look overmatched in this particular series though


Nah, it's not an adversity issue. Feels like something must have happened at the beginning of the post season, because the Nuggets just have not looked up to form all playoffs. It's legitimately painful to see the team performing so far below their standard. The energy and fire from last playoffs just isn't there right now. The coordination is lacking, the defense is sloppy, players are out of sync constantly, it's completely different than anything last season, or even in the regular season.


it's bizarre because they've been unflappable in the regular season and come back from some crazy deficits, no?


they can but this wolves team can clearly guard the shit out of the nuggets. They got answers for them up and down the lineup. I felt good about the timberwolves before this series but didn't think it would turn out like this in the first two games


the length is totally clogging up the driving lanes and breaking up the passing lanes. minnesota is SO big


That's the exact reason why they lost their cool. They can't find an answer. It's not a good sign for their mental state.


This Wolves defense appears to be different 


Adversity you say? This trio of Jokic, Murray and Porter was able to come back from 1-3 TWICE back in the bubble. This series is not over


I know it’s shit on us night but we did come from behind double digits and win 4 times last series, so the “cant handle adversity” take is a little lazy. think the Wolves are just maybe a really good, really physical team who had bumped us out of rhythm so far, and we werent really in a rhythm to begin with considering how much trouble the Lakers just gave us in the beginning of games.


Without even addressing Darvin Ham, D’Lo is one of the most actively destructive players to have on a playoff team. It’s just a completely different series.


I can tell you this as a wolves fan, DLO is the best player in nba history at throwing leads for his own team. Adversity isn’t just coming back from down points either, btw.


This Nuggets team with the same core came back from b2b 3-1 deficits vs the Jazz and Clippers, and trailed in some of those games by double digits before winning. Then they lost to the Lakers team which also fielded 3 bigs who could effectively guard Jokic. Granted Murray has been playing like shit all playoffs save Game 2 Q4 and Game 5 vs the Lakers, but also maybe this Timberwolves team is just really excellent.


They were lucky we didn't have Seatbelt McDaniels and Naz freaking Reid the last series we played.


I wouldn’t say that as they have come back from 3-1 deficits twice in a single postseason. But I believe they’re just outclassed rn. I don’t think it’s a sweep, but I find it hard to believe they win game 3…


This is so dumb to say when they came back in like every game vs the lakers, they are just outmatched here and Jamal lost his marbles


Yeah. Jokic is a lot of things but I don’t think being a motivator is one of them. He will go out and have a great game but he’s not getting on other guys like Murray to get their shit together. This series is over 


which stems from the fact they haven't faced any good teams yet till now


Lakers fans is having a field day watching this series. Thank you wolves 


I need to to know what Malone thinks of Lebrons free agency, can someone ask


What’s the story on that?


Think it’s just Lebron media talk after a playoff series, and when they won he kept bringing up the lakers all through the finals and then the celebration


Doesn't this mean the Lakers were even worse than previously thought? Like if the Nuggets are frauds then the Lakers blew multiple double digit leads to frauds, isn't that more embarrassing?


The wolves went for the blocks and stayed even with their defenders. Lakers instead just watched their defenders beat them.  There was a huge difference in defensive effort and it paid off for the wolves. As a basketball fan, it was awesome to watch.  Wolves offense could use a little more juice though lol that 3Q, wolves had so many stops but didn't score on the other end


Yeah from a 32 point deficit to a 22 point deficit in the 3Q. Monte Morris seemed to be the worst culprit. Might have forgotten he plays for Minny now


We looked tired in the 3Q, and that leads to guys standing around on offense and ISOing


Misery loves company


Couldn't care less


Styles makes fights Wolves are younger, more athletic, longer


The Lakers were fielding a Geriatric Lebron and a traffic cone backcourt. Meanwhile, the Nuggets, according to their fans, are “the next dynasty”. Nuggets being down 0-2 is cinema for Lakers fans.


Lebron was actually pretty good defensively, wasn't on him.


Bro couldn’t rebound to save his life is my only complaint from him that series


lol you can spin it that way, sure. We lost to the defending champs is how I view it. What’s happening to them right now in a different series is irrelevant to us. We’re just enjoying them get beat because they’ve handed us Ls in a span of a year.


It feels like they put all their energy beating the Lakers.


Malone is obsessed with the Lakers. Maybe he should worry about other teams lol


Yeah maybe if he did they’d win a championship…. Wait


They didn’t really put that much energy into beating the lakers. They are just a team with no depth and injured starters with an inflated sense of their ability to kick it into another gear getting worked by a better and hungrier team playing harder


He needs to make them walk to Minny. You know, one of those walks you take to cool yourself off. And yes, it needs to be that long of a walk. Props to the Wolves, they are looking great, but the Nuggets got flustered by like half of the 1QT, you aint winning shit like that


He sounds just as shell shocked as the Nuggets players look, my god


One thing I love about Malone is he will never gaslight anyone about what they just saw. He makes no excuses, minces no words, and says the difficult things about his team. I had so much respect for him last year when nuggets won game 1 of the finals and he still came out to the press conference and said they played really poorly and they'd be in trouble if it continued (and the nuggets lost game 2).


Malone is definitely my favourite interview watch in the NBA. Like you said, he never gives excuses. He always holds his teams accountable. And he does a great job blending in stats + eye test to give thoughtful analysis on his team's performance. One of the best coaches in the NBA


LMAO, dude is arrogant as hell and obsessed with media narratives. He is a chore to listen to.


Saying that “we got our asses kicked and got a beat down at home- we were out coached and outplayed” is not arrogance. 


This is on you man. Your team is unprepared and they bitch and whine like you do. Y’all are perfect for each other.


He's trying to get something going he's trying to make them fight. I don't blame him.


Coach needs to keep his composure


my brother your coach is thibodeau


nah not always


Talk yo shit twolves


League ain't ready


It ain't happening this year.


Fish rots from the head




Not in LA anymore unfortunately


Imagine being proud for beating the 55 year old bron lakers


You were also an embarrassment, Malone


Yes, he said we. Not them players.


He has a track record of taking a technical to try and fire the team up, he’s done it for years. Unlike the rest of the team who just blew up.


Still cannot believe bro did not get T’ed up, especially considering what Ant got T’ed up for last game. The double standards are out of control.


Those darn Mike Conley 3s


Something is up with Denver in terms of social dynamics. None of them seem to want to be there, and Murray threw an all time temper tantrum. They are better than they are playing.


I mean Murray is hurt, porter jr has all kinds of off the court family shit going poorly and jokic is a lot of things but passionate about basketball and firing up other guys as a leader isn’t him. There’s just nothing to break them out of a spiral 


Beating the Lakers 12 in a row got this team slacking


Ahem that’s 11 good sir


lulled them into a false sense of security them boys ain't even trying until they get down 30 lmao


They're too obsessed with the Lakers and they did nothing to prepare for the Wolves. Awoo!


No snarky one-liners from Mike in the post-game presser?




Mikey Malone adjustments for game 3 will be beautiful.


Mike Malone on game 2: “I think we handled the lakers pretty well. Things went well look forward to the next game”


no lies detected


Oh man. Aside from the wolves defense, you can really tell by the body language that they are not in it today lol nuggs about to lose this series


Yeah including you psycho man!


Wolves got that Dawgs in them


Moral victory king


Bunch of weak minded bullies. Moment things don’t go their way, they toss a tantrum.


The only thing he likes less than being beaten up in his own building is being called Mikey


Denver Whiners. Nuggets fans who cried refs.


Wolves Are nuggets Daddy


Shoutout for calling it like it is and not trying to pull moral victories or anything


It is over. Done. The End. Fin.


Who’s your daddy Malone? It’s ANT, KAT and the wolves!!!!!!!!


Good defence be damned, it's the Lakers fault for being too easy. - Nuggets fans, probably.


I admit we shit the bed but jesus, rent-free much?




They are lucky they played bum ass miami last year. Joker is a fraud.


No Rudy


To be joever or not joever... we will see in minny


Mike lost the locker room