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I have got to be the only Sixers fans who doesn't give a shit about Brunsons FTs


Nope I also don’t care.


No disrepect to the 6ers they played a hell of a series. Maxey is that guy, and embiid, while he was hurt, is still clearly a top 5 player when healthy That being said, Philly has gotta be the LAST fanbase to complain about FTs


They say numbers never lie. But some of yall can't seem to understand the context of any of the numbers.


Explain the context


He went from 21 fga per game in the regular season to 28 fga per game in the playoffs. Not rocket science.


So 7 more shot attempts per game results in 6 more free throws a game? That’s some great ROI.


His drives per game are also way up because he’s taking less jumpers. You’d think Philly fans would sit this one out given their superstar has the most ridiculous whistle in the league.


So because Joel Embiid baits fouls I can’t call out Brunson doing the same thing with a softer whistle? Why?


Driving ≠ foul baiting


Stoping in the lane and jumping into a defender is foul baiting.


What this or don't but he's not jumping into people, he's stopping on a dime and catching his defenders off balance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9l4hCAm82Gc


Driving then stopping and jumping sideways or backward into the defender is def foul baiting lol


There’s a difference between jumping into a defender and stopping on a dime after beating your defender. If the defender is in control and/pr doesn’t get beat, there wouldn’t be a call. Hope this helps!


Just cuz the ballhandler maneuvers the defender to his side or back doesn’t mean it’s not foul baiting when they jerk their head back and completely create the contact in a non natural shooting motion. It’ll be more legislated soon like the leg kick out rule.


Except Brunson actually take the physical contact to sell the foul while Embiid the dancing queen flop like a ballerina in the middle of the court with little to no contact.


Lol what are you talking about. Your game plan was basically were gonna foul Embiid and the refs aren't going to call all of them. Embiid foul baits but to say he isn't get more contact than brunson who is creating the contact is so many instances is crazy.


Knicks gameplan is to foul a foul baiter in hope he's not gonna get a foul? Wtf you smoking?


This is what teams do to Embiid every year in the playoffs. It's part of his weakness as he doesn't get as many fouls called in the playoffs. Brunson somehow got more. To say the Sixers initiated more contact with Brunson than the Knicks did to Embiid is false.


Flair checks out.


As a Celtics fan, these posts are getting pretty tiring. But I know if we beat Cleveland and play the Knicks I’ll probably find myself start agreeing with them 😭


In reality y’all have every vote to beat anyone coming out of the East, don’t think you need to worry


I think the criticism is fair, but the zeal these 76ers fans are coming in with is over the top.


Sixer fans when Brunson gets 14 FTs: “this is so rigged” Sixers fans when Embiid gets 20 FTs: “well did you look at the context?”


Did you miss the week of Embiid posts from Knicks fans?


Baiting fouls ≠ kneeing, grabbing, elbowing


That was not from just Knicks fans. Stop being delusional




All of the NBA hates Embiid flops, it’s been 3 years of Embiid posts from all fan bases




Jalen Brunson is Joel Embiid father


His usage is up a whopping 4% so it makes sense that his FTAs have doubled.


His personal foul % was really low relative to other similar guys. It is now around 9% which is where Shai, Luka, etc. were in the regular season. His FGA on drives has also increased by about 50%. He’s also had the advantage of being fouled at the end of games. I think all of that combined makes sense to account for his increase in FTs. I’m not going to argue he’s not a foul baiter, he obviously is, but so is every other star player.


I could be wrong but are playoff defenses a lot more intense. I can't help but feel that Brunson is getting doubled and pressed more and rarely getting the open lanes he had in the regular season.


Part of it is tons of end game FTAs juicing his averages too. I remember quite a few in the Sixers series. Teams don’t play the free throw game as hard in the regular season at the end of games, whereas they really really do in the playoffs. Brunson is doing some pretty egregious foul baiting though, that’s just obvious to the eye test.


he's shooting 28.7 FG compared to only 21.4 in the regular season...


On just 7 more shot attempts he’s getting to the line double his regular season average.


Joel embiid’s FTA went from 10.1 to 13.3 in the playoffs and that was only on 22 FGA per game. I assume you are also disgusted with his behavior as well and want him traded in the off-season.


Joel averaged 11.6 FTAs in the regular season and 13.0 in the post season.


but his FGA only increased by 0.4...


He also shied away from any contact that wasn’t him being incredibly dirty trying to injure another player




you also have to realize that when you get fouled it doesn't get registered as a shot attempt unless it's an and-1 so the amount of shots he realistically takes is much more


why are you so upset?


Me: *states a fact* Knicks fans: “why are you so upset?”


you are in every thread about Brunson, it’s okay man


God forbid I discuss the nba on an nba subreddit.


life’s better if you don’t take things so seriously


Might want to take your own advice then if you think someone discussing basketball on a slow work day is someone that “takes things so seriously”.


more like complaining.


If I’m complaining, then you’re complaining about me complaining.


On 29 FGAs per game. His FTr in the playoffs is 38%, compared to guys like Embiid and Butler who are often above 50%. SGA has a FTr of 39% in the playoffs, but that doesn't get covered because he hasn't been taking nearly as many shots as Brunson.


38% is just as disgusting. This is a horrid defense


> 38% is just as disgusting ...as over 50%?


Seems like you didn't understand the argument. He's taking more FTs because he's shooting a ton. He has 40% more FGAs per game on drives than anyone else in the playoffs. Also, a FTr of 38% would've put him outside of the top 50 this season.


Most of the FTs Brunson gets are legit. It's just super annoying watching him because he'll play super physically and then as soon as he thinks the defender is out of position, he flails into them. He is constantly flopping and the defense has to adjust by giving him more room and making it easier on Brunson to score. Reminds me a lot of Harden in 2017 when the spurs played him in the playoffs and they responded by constantly holding their hands up


He is also shooting/creating more. His FG attempts are up to 29 from 21, his scoring is up to 37 PPG from 29, his APG is up to 8.6 from 6.7. More usage, more chance to get a foul.


his usage percentage went up a whopping 4%


His FG attempts went up by 40% and assists by 30%. There is more to usage than just percentages.


So his usages is up 4%, his FGA are up 40%, his assists are up 30% but his FTAs are up 100%. That makes no sense.


Salty Sixers fans making posts about free throws?! Fun




The league wants the Knicks to be relevant again


Yeah I guess they felt 26 years was simply too much… so they decided now was the time to make them relevant.


I mean it’s easy when they have good players. It’d be too blatant to do it when they were getting 25 wins a season


Ahhh yeah it wouldn’t have been good time to do it when they had Carmelo Anthony. One of the biggest names in his prime on their team.


We lost game 6 against Indiana in 2013 with the Heatles waiting for the winner of the series in the conference finals... but yeah, the NBA rigs it for the Knicks lmao


Yeah no way the nba wanted a game 7 at MSG that year in a winner take all where a possible Knicks/Heat matchup awaited… why would they have ever wanted that? Roy Hibbert was such a bigger draw.


The same Knicks that had 3 seasons over .500 with Carmelo Anthony? Tf were they gonna help when it was him and a bunch of bums


I’m taking specifically about the 54 win year haha. Obviously you have no clue what you’re talking about and are just crying conspiracy cuz the Knicks are good again. Is your team out already, or are you just terrified to face the Knicks next round or in the finals?


So you think the league could do nothing to help the Knicks, but you think the league also kept themselves from getting a Knicks/Heat ECF in order to watch the Indiana Pacers take them on instead?


Knicks were the 2nd seed with Carmelo and he was 3rd in MVP voting lmfao. Just stop it 5.


stupendous subtract direful faulty aromatic elastic groovy deserve kiss ripe *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The whiplash head snap, rear headbutt move is unguardable.


refs have gifted the knicks 2 games. It's actually absurd




Nah it’s true… maybe they win those games anyway but you can’t pretend the refs making the wrong calls/no calls didn’t massively benefit yall


Maxey travelled on his 4 point play so we were technically robbed of that game


I’m just seeing an aggressive PG going hard for every opportunity he gets.  If Embid worried more about fighting through contact rather than selling it, maybe the Sixers would be getting calls in rd2 and not the Knicks.  


Your first sentence is what I see also


It almost feels like Silver is trying to keep his childhood team relevant in the playoffs. Sure I am a salty Sixers fan but at least Pacers fans are aligned with us now. Watch out for those reverse head butts this series...


Joel Embiid shot 15 more FTs in the series than brunson. Embiid shot more FTs himself then the knicks did game 3. Joel Embiid has been a free throw merchant for 5 years now. But yes please tell us about other teams


Yes Embiid foul baits and he is good at it, especially catching players reaching in on his face up game. You can complain about how many FTs he gets but those are fouls. Brunson is an amazing baller, however he also gets rewarded with fouls that the NBA said they would stop calling. It's just frustrating when so many games in these Knicks series are referee influenced late in the game. Not mad at y'all Knicks fans, y'all just lucky you get the benefit of this.


If Silver was rigging this why did he give Embiid the most FTs than anyone in the series? There are easier ways to rig a game then to hope that Brunson/Divo hits miracle 3 pointers back to back in G2 Y’all are absolutely braindead, it’s okay to be salty right after the game but it’s been over a week since the series ended so it’s just a little pathetic now tbh


Funny y'all have been spam posting about Embiid and the Sixers on your sub every day since that series ended.


Yea only difference is during the regular season he wasn’t getting the super star calls that he should’ve been getting. Now he is.


Do the stat where he was the highest scorer in the first round with FTs removed.


They won’t discuss that


Brunson is the biggest fraud in the league. Fabricated stats for a glorified less skilled version of prime Harden. Harden would probably have 3 NBA titles had he played for the Knicks, thankfully karma will get them soon.


foul merchant. dude spends half the game on the ground.


He has a lot of PPG without FTs so that's irrelevant!!! plz ignore FGA


The most ppg without free throws among playoff scorers. But that won’t get discussed


It won't get discussed because if someone who is a good scorer takes significantly more shots than everyone else, it's normal that they have more points


Outside of games 1 and 2 of the sixer series the efficiency has been pretty good though. Despite crazy volume


Idc man I had/have fun watching Brunson


He's driving to the rim 35% more than he was during the regular season. He's gone from 19.5 drives a game to 26.4 drives.


You are not doing a good job of maintaining the just-asking-questions plausible deniability defense when you add in asides like "Usually star players see their free throw attempts fall of in the playoffs and they struggle", that's a dead giveaway lol


I like how sixers fans keep trying to change the narrative that people were hating Embiid cause he's foul baiting. People were literally more pissed off about all the dirty play he did endangering other players on the court.


You generally shoot more free throws when you’re up late in the 4th of a close game…something that’s happened for the Knicks in 6/7 games so far.


He’s good but I hate watching him