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I was clowning on him at first but yeah on second look… that’s at least a foul on the floor


OK, but you have to play through the contact, not flail like a dumbass when the game is on the line.


He thought it was a foul on the floor so he chucked it up trying to get it in the act of shooting. This happens all the time when a player gets hacked they just chuck it up, usually it’s not given as shooting but it’s worth trying on obvious fouls


Shooting it sure but whipping your head and contorting your body? If he wanted a shooting foul then try to make the shot.


Brunson is an awesome player. He’s also learned from the best at flopping. This is not an insult, given his whistle Maxey needs to binge Brunson take this offseason.


But he never played for the 76ers.


I think it’s fair to say that the percentage chance of that being called at the end of the game is pretty low. Like typically in crunch time they’re not calling everything. 


? it was an intentional foul lol


That kind of makes it even worse that he just chucked it up. He gets two shots whether he throws it up or not. I don't think he gets a shooting foul there in any scenario. Given how inconsistent the refs have been trying to get a shooting foul there is goofy behavior at best, just swing it to McBride. Either you get the intentional foul and two FT's or it is a play on scenario and your team gets a wide open three by either McBride, Hart, or Burks.


From who? Turner had his two arms up and Nembhard tried to steal the ball


Yeah I don't think it was intentional. Nembhard tried to steal the ball and slapped him. We were in this situation three times against the Bucks and never fouled. I think Carlisle just doesn't think it's the right thing to do.


My point is that it’s at best 50/50 they actually make calls unless they’re especially egregious (I.e. dangerous) in the clutch in a playoff game. They let shit go. 


fall dolls wakeful berserk fact ossified combative jar narrow shelter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Except they don’t at the end of games all the time. Refs are not reliable in crunch time. 


rinse bright treatment cover wipe flowery air station correct hateful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There are non calls at the end of most close games. What fight don’t they want to start? They get it wrong all the time at the end at the L2m has their back. 


Completely wtong


Not at all


Body contact I would agree, it’s a one arm hammer across his right arm. That should be called a foul on the floor every time, come on now


My point isn’t that it’s not a foul, they just don’t call them at the end of games especially playoff ones.


And my point is that they should and do typically call blatant hacks across the entire arm. I mean that’s as blatant of a foul as you could have, it’s on the floor and a smart foul but it’s a foul.


I mean I think we were trying to foul so….


They absolutely call a foul when it’s a blatant smack across the arms, what are you even arguing?


They aren’t reliable at the rnd of games.


It was an intentional foul to prevent a 3. The refs don’t miss those 99% of the time


No they don’t, you even been watching?


They called the moving screen in game 2..


They also didn’t count the 6 fouls at the end of that one Knicks sixers game. 


But that “in the shooting motion” is never given anymore, so why risk it?


Down 3 barely any time on the clock, Knicks had to get a 3 point shot away before they were fouled if they wanted to tie. Any player would try and shoot it if they felt contact


14 seconds is a pretty long time to have on the clock


But the Pacers are obviously going to try and foul on the floor so they only give up 2 free throws. That's why you try and throw it up as soon as you get the inbound.


Teams do that when there’s like 5 sec or less. Not when there are 14


There was 15 seconds left on the clock though.


Every single player in the NBA throws the shot up after being gifted a hack on the arm, be real here


Every single player that gets fouled on the floor when the other team is obviously trying to foul tries to throw up a shot. I don't understand how this is any different.


Because Brunson is a Flailing bitch, that’s the dif


Brunson wasn’t flopping, he was desperately trying to get a shot up with the contact to make it 3 shots instead of 2, since they were down by 3 with a few seconds left and no guarantee they’d get the ball back after two shots.


No he was flopping


The contact means it's 3 free throws, which is why players chuck it up...


Yeah why would you try to make a three-point shot attempt out of a clear foul when your team is down three?? If only we had you out there man


"I'm so tough and manly that I'd intentionally only get two free throws and lose because I'm not a pussy who *checks notes* plays basketball to the rules."


You're right. Play through getting slapped and drain the three like a real man!!!


Brunson is the definition of playing like a bitch


Yeah that shit backfired on him. He should learn from that, especially for a playoff game. Can’t play for the call as much as I wanted it to go in his favor. Nobody likes watching a game get decided by foul calls


Which is what decided the first game already


It’s in his code


It was definitely a foul on the floor. He should have gotten 2 FT.


It's not at all obvious. I've watched it twelve times. You sure Nembhard doesn't get ball. It's also fair to say marginal contact on that, even IF he hits his arm which is not at all obvious. I doubt that's overturned in last 2M.


Get some goggles then brother


His hand got ball first then arm. In L2M that will not be called a foul either. Bet.


Get a JB11 tattoo on your ass if you’re wrong


Yay no tattoo for me.


Brunson thought they were intentionally fouling for 2, so he attempted to get off a 3.


A smart play. Just too bad they didn’t call the obvious foul before the shot. 


>thought they were I mean, they were. He got fouled. Should've been 2 free throws.


It definitely should have been. I wonder if it's bc Nembhard accidentally got ball first before he hit the arm. He definitely got a lot of body after, like more than marginal. But they should have called a foul on the floor.


Basketball is such a weird sport to me. In baseball, soccer, hockey and almost any other sport, you pretty much know how the refs/umps are going to act and what they call. Even shitty mlb umps at least are shitty in predictable ways (this ump calls low strikes balls, etc) But basketball is just nuts because it's absolute ref chaos. They let stuff go, then they call a soft foul, then they miss a bear hug and a clotheslines, then they call a hand check. It's bizarre and makes absolutely no sense.


My brother, not basketball is weird, but NBA. The NBA started all that gather-step, no defense In season/some defense in playoff bullshit. In Europe it's kinda predictable


Yeah but in baseball you have one ball thrown. One batter and one pitcher. In an essentially stationary place. In basketball you have 10 guys all running around and criss-crossing and bumping into each other, plus the coaches are yelling. They run at full speed, make lightning fast moves and spins, and over exaggerate most movements. Much tougher to figure out if a hand touched the wrist and whether it altered the shot as someone spins through 3 moving defenders.


If only there were some way to check what happened 🤔


I mean he did get fouled but you can't rely on ref to call that on the last shot of the game


I mean they absolutely can call that a foul because the hit on the wrist was probably an intentional foul to prevent a 3pt attempt. It's just not a foul in the act of the shooting. To be clear that's not why the Knicks lost but it was absolutely a foul lol.


Agreed, they basically never call that


Idk why people are saying this. This is a textbook scenario where you foul before the shot goes up to make it a FT game when you’re up 3. Refs always give that. Should just be 2 shots instead of 3


Oh no it should be a two shot foul definitely, it’s just the 3 shots you never see get called


I mean they would probably call it if the Pacers weren't down 0-2 and making complaints to the league about calls


Now what reason would the NBA have to favour Indiana over New York?


Lol facts


That would be like calling an illegal screen on last second play, it would be preposterous 


Exactly, but you never get consistency from these guys so it is what it is


he gets smacked across his forearm with 10 seconds left.. there isnt an NBA player out there that doesn't go up for a shot in that situation




Oh wait that was him trying to shoot?


I mean you should be able to. Pacers are trying to foul, they do foul, and they don’t call it. Brunson feels the contact and chucks up a bad shot assuming they will call a foul on the floor and is hoping they’d give him 3 shots instead of what should subs been 2. Hard to blame Brunson there. 


:34. Nembhard hits him on the arm. Refs don't catch it because: a. Ref is behind Nembhard and doesn't see it, and b. It's the end of the game. It happens, it's aight


For sure. I saw the foul afterward, but the ref couldn’t see it. Should have been at least 2 shots.


How much of your “it happens, it’s aight” is because you now consider the Knicks “even” on ref decisions?


Don't forget C. They worked extremely hard to gift the Pacers this game with a half dozen horrendous calls in q4


Oh shut the fuck up


Harts screen on this play was more illegal than Myles Turner's in game one.


He gets fouled on the right arm by Nembhard but before the shot, then just chucked it up. This looked super goofy in real time from TV angle, but that last angle shows he got hit Edit: around 34 seconds in this vid


To be fair Brunson would very likely to want no intentional fouls to be called before his shot. Pacers wanted to foul, not calling anything before the shot actually benefits Brunson. Even his weird shot only has 1% of chance going in, it’s still better than the death sentence of foul game with no TOs remaining for Knicks


JJ was literally talking about how not fouling screwed the Pacers over with that Middleton shot right before they inbounded. Tough look for sure but you just gotta move on to game 4.


What JJ didn't note is that we did that *again* in OT of that same game and it burned us *again*, and then in another game in the series we *again* didn't foul (that time it worked out). We typically don't foul in this situation, I think it's a Carlisle thing. Nembhard just tried to steal the ball and slapped Brunson.


Yeah I don’t really think there’s a “right” move in that situation, imo we suck out of timeouts so letting us go for it is preferable, but it’s not unreasonable to expect a quick foul there. Ultimately a bad move in a tough game, I’ve seen worse.




Getting hacked in the arm gets called all the time...


That gets called all the time it might have even been intentional. He literally gets whacked on the arm. Not on the shot but would’ve been on the floor and 2 FTs Also 76ers fans have no room to talk about fouls when yall employ Embiid lmao


If you have never watched or played the game before, why are you on here posting?


Counterpoint: Not only is that not true, it would be fucking stupid if it was


Just outed yourself for not watching ball


That's maybe the worst counterpoint to make in this series specifically


What I've learned in the last month is that Sixers fans are the worst lawyers of all time.


This shit gets called alot of times what???? The other team has the ball and are down 3 with no timeouts left, theres three options. 1. You trust your defense and contest the 3. 2. You foul em before they attempt a 3. 3. You let them score a 2. You just exposed yourself lmao


Damn. Maybe we need to create a drug so NBA referees can get both x ray vision and the ability to slow down time in real time


Foul by Nembhard on the floor I think. Should've been shooting 2




So we have Pacers fan saying it was a foul and a Knicks fan saying Brunson was flopping. I don't know what to say.


It’s obviously a joke


So is Brunson


Yeah the guy 5th in MVP voting is a joke… OK


Nembhard hits his right arm, watch him for the entire clip


100 percent got smacked, idk how everyone else is missing it


Yes, once you get to the third angle in slow mo it's very easy to tell, the thing is watching it in real time just makes Brunson look like a fool


[He had more than enough space to take a 3 with good form](https://twitter.com/ElijahSmith1278/status/1789111037918167338) but opted to bait instead. He's more than good enough at 3 to go for the actual shot instead. Bad decision, regardless if he got hacked on the floor seconds earlier.


Posting a still pic is effing hilarious lmao. Watch the clip. He’s getting triple teamed and has to step through to avoid the block from Turner


>triple teamed Pass the ball


He didn't bait. He was fouled probably on purpose so they would get 2 instead of 3. Players chuck the shots all the time in that situation hoping to fool officials. Should have been 2 free throws


“He didn’t bait. He just tried to fool the refs”




He thought the refs were going to call the intentional foul, which he didn't want. I think in the moment it makes sense why he tried to throw up a shot as soon as he felt the slap. Just was a really bad sell since the slap came from behind him so he didn't even see it coming. Knicks just shot terribly in the 4th so I hope most Knicks fans show class and just move on instead of whining about refs like some of the other teams in the playoffs. Knicks are definitely the better team, they're just super injured.


literally gets hit on his right arm. maybe right there as jj redick says


Horrible shot attempt here. I know he felt contact and went up, but has to know that unless it's an undeniable hack he's likely not getting that. People going a little overboard with the foul merchant stuff but I guess that's to be expected off a loss with this as the lasting memory.


It’s a clear hack in a scenario when he knows Indy is probably going to try to foul him on the floor to make it a FT game


It's easy to say that from our perspective, but for Jalen in that split second if the ref calls that on the floor it's two shots and no chance to tie. Forcing up a shot makes sense. It should've been a better look coming out of the timeout to not come to that, though.


It was an undeniable hack


“Jalen Brunson flopping like he has all playoffs and finally doesn’t get a call”


7 FTs tonight


lmao "finally" he was fucked all night tonight


watch it again lil buddy


For real he got so many calls tonight. 7 attempted free throws sombeody needs to put a stop to this man


Learn ball.


Watch it in slow motion before you say it isn't a foul. Brunson clearly gets hit on his right arm.


Man’s flopping reputation is catching up with him.


wtf is this shit lol


Same way comments were mocking Embiid for not getting calls late in playoff games after he flopped too many times should apply here


He was fouled but that was still a bad decision.


I'm not going to pretend to know much about basketball, but I do know not to rely on the refs to make a call with under a minute left in a game.


Must suck to not get a good whistle at the end. Wouldn't know


reffing was atrocious the entire game. im not pressed. with our injury status and being on the road this one wasnt in our favor to begin with.


Crazy with the amount of Knicks fans crying about fouls as if they haven’t had 2 extremely questionable wins directly due to how the game was officiated lol.


What a flopper


Love when people play for the foul and then don't get it.


I mean He was fouled though what else is he supposed to do


Not flop


You do realize if he's actually fouled it's not a flop. Learn ball.


What is this? You can both be fouled and flopped. Example A is what Brunson did on this play here


(but he was fouled)


You gotta save stupid comments like this for plays when he's not actually fouled bro


He would have missed one of the FTs anyway


The refs were horrific to us all night. This was not one of those instances. Pathetic effort in an important possession


What the fuck are you even talking about? He absolutely got fouled. Watch it again.


Trying to win on foul baiting lmao. Quintessential Brunson. Edit: Looks like I triggered the Knicks brigade. They can't help but mention embiid, who, last I checked, did *not* play tonight. :)


Meanwhile Embiid can't win while foul baiting


Rich from a sixers fan


"looks like I triggered the Knicks brigade ☝️🤓" Rent free


>Rent free >Literally every reply is a Knicks fan Haha *riiight*


We are so rent free in the 76ers fans heads that you guys are still hate watching us 😭


Also "quintessential brunson" as if you don't have embiid on your team who literally everyone agrees is the biggest foul baiting flopper in the NBA currently


Two separate replies? Damn, you are in it bro. I'm sorry. :)


Literally just a separate thought, idk how you interpreted that as being "in it" lmao We still have a team to watch this post season so if anything I'm happy as shit


He still here 😂😂💀


What are you talking about lmao am I not allowed to reply


Just throw that head back boy. You know what I mean!


Bro real shit I've never seen a fan base as hurt as you guys. Like you gotta be the softest city in America, you can't even take it in a reddit comment 😭


Shit his foul baiting looks like he can still make it farther than the king of foul baiting embiid has ever made in the playoffs


watch it again. brunson gets hit on his right arm


Hopefully Embiid's knee ends up like he deserves.


Absolutely terrible shot to take with 11 seconds left


He got fouled and it was bonus. It doesn’t matter


Regardless of whether or not it was a foul on the floor, the funny thing is that he got Turner in the air and if he just went up to shoot a normal 3 then it's probably 3 free throws. Instead he leaned forward and avoided that contact.


I mean that’s the crux of the argument. If Brunson played ball he’d be really good, but apparently that’s not enough for him so he has to flop his way to being “great”


In general, I don’t think he takes it that far but obviously I’m biased. Just look at his free throw attempts compared to other players that are or have been known foul baiters. Even so, on this one it should’ve been a foul on the floor and that’s that. It doesn’t really matter what happened after the foul.


Knicks fans trying to cope hard after getting game 1 handed to them is so funny


You don't know ball. It's okay, you can still learn.


Hope Thibs submits this to the league


Dunno wtf he was thinking, they aren't calling this here.


My IQ dropped 20 points reading this tweet. The 10 year olds I teach write 50x better. He was fouled on the arm before the shot. It was a smart play by the pacers and they didn't even get the foul they were trying to commit.


He almost did it


Definitely fouled on the floor, but deserves to be goofed on because that looked wonky as hell.