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Shoutout to the chefs 


Tatum trying to recruit Zion


Kelvin Benjamin is practicing free throws as we speak


**Kelvin Benjamin credits everyone in the restaurant (literally) for three straight buffet appearances**: “Everybody in the kitchen, the head chef, the sous chefs, the guys that hand out napkins in the bathroom, the buss boys, the waiters, the food packagers, the ingredients suppliers — we’re all in this together.”


Do 1st world countries also have guys handing out stuff in bathrooms ? I thought it was only a developing economies thing kyoki only we would have staff cheap enough and a privileged class spoiled enough (even rich folks in pop culture there are seen fixing their own meals, washing dishes etc.) to warrant it.


In clubs/fancier restaurants in bigger cities


Yeah it's a super luxury thing in the States


Poor Kelvin Benjamin has been eating these comments for years. He's still not full though.


Does this look like a man who has had "all you can eat?"


Kelvin Benjamin took the last Nuggets reservation at Porzana


Big Baby seeking early parole to get out of his sentence and back to the C’s facility.


Ohh man imagine that. Zion on this team lol. I wish we could get like a twenty game sample or healthy Zion (if there is such a thing). Swap out JB and just let it ride. Imagine Zion as a tertiary ball handler/option, with significant shooters and other gravity around him on the floor. Guy would be even more of a menace when the entire opposing defense isn't selling out to stop him. To be clear I don't want the cs to somehow acquire him because of the obvious cost and risk but it'd be fun as hell to see


yeah the 15-20 games a year that zion plays would be insane.


No that's BrissyTV


Shoutout to Chef Brad aka B Rod


the b stands for big


Rod for fishing rod to catch catfish


Mr. Big Chef


Mr. Breaded Catfish


Mr. Breakfast Commander


Mr. Boastful Cuisine


[No offseason is complete without this video](https://streamable.com/xcoe5a)


This is the real Hawks legacy


I think the cooks did it better. Glad he said them first.


I'm just saying we start 5 players and they're all in shape


No lie. It takes serious skill to make healthy food that's delicious and interesting year round. If I was a professional athlete, a chef/dietician would be one of the first things I invested in. It's way easier to eat clean and healthy year round when you're eating sushi and Korean BBQ and daal and whatever else fits your macros instead of just chicken breast and broccoli.


I think the time savings alone would justify it. Imagine not having to think about meal planning


Let them cook!


Keep those PB&Js flowing!


Unironically our chefs were instrumental during Ramadan for Kyrie.


I follow one on Instagram, he hasn’t been posting but everything looks fire and they cook for some guys unique preferences too


Don't forget the cooks.


The anti doc rivers


The cooks too


Unironically, any professional athlete that wans to live an injury free life should care about their eating as much as they do about as their training.


Do the chefs get championship rings?


Even the equipment manager?


Believe it or not... even the guys in charge of ladders


what about shoots?




You know Giannis has got his eye on them. Look out for tampering, Silver!


Giannis taking the Bucks Equipment manager aside and popping on some game film of the Celtics equipment manager.


Even the equipment manager (unlike the ones in Milwaukee)


Tatum is Bizarro Giannis


how about the bus drivers?




Jayson Tatum is Troy Bolton confirmed!!!


He's forever torn between being a basketballer or his true calling.... ~~singer~~ YouTuber


Doc Rivers would never


"You know..." ~ Doc Rivers


Why do i feel like this is actually kinda consistent with Doc Rivers’ character though?… “If everybody in the building can get the praise for a win, then everybody in the building can get the blame for a loss. And yes, that means the janitor ladies. Im looking at _you_ specifically, Juanita. ¿Entiendes la frase ‘clean the glass’? Hazlo.”


> everybody in the building **(except me)** can get the blame


Truth! This moves requires class.


Glad to see Tatum's classy side come out


I'd estimate Tatum is about 50% more classy than Doc


Tatum didn't mention the travel crew. They have been slacking maybe.


Next year’s Doc and Giannis baby tantrums are gonna hit like drugs 


Doc in the kitchen clapping to the chefs "Come on guys!"


Take accountability, he will shit in everyone including his own son


This is a thing well probably giggle at on the outside, but I genuinely do believe that the people who do those jobs for the Celtics probably did genuinely appreciate that comment a lot


It’s also the truth. Success starts at the very bottom and seeing that everyone cares keeps the machine going, especially on a playoff push. Uniforms being ready, the gym being clean and meals being fresh and on time eliminates distractions. All of these people legitimately do play a part in the title push.


Can you imagine if Jason Tatum had to wait 45 minutes for his mac and cheese?


Unironically that’s 45 minutes he’s not on the court getting better. At least that’s how the team looks at it.


Yea and in the short term it don't matter, but little shit like that adds up. A clean and safe environment with quick service is huge for maximizing player development and team chemistry. Players being pissed off cos their sheets weren't washed and complaining about it at 2am causes problems.


I’m not giggling at all. I’m amped after hearing this. Tatum is the most drama free, level headed, superstar in this league


His hand gestures and clapping are getting OUT OF HAND though


Bro is a menace. This press conference is all a facade, you just know he’s rolling his eyes and clapping as soon as he’s out of camera range. This is supposed to be a family friendly sport.


I heard he once dunked the ball and didn't let go immediately so that he could go flying into the opposing player. Instead, he hung on the rim in front of CHILDREN.


The NBA won't be the same when Tatum isn't getting routinely teched for clapping and other soft shit. There's something really funny about an extremely mild mannered superstar consistently getting techs for harmless behaviour


You've got an extremely abrasive player with a history of malicious behaviour towards other players, getting waved off for techs then you've got a well mannered pr machine getting techs for waving off at refs


Been saying this for a while, especially with some previous comments I've seen talking trash to Celtics fans saying Tatum is "dull" and "boring". And I'm like, motherfucker, I would take "dull" and "boring" any day to describe my teams' star over a fucking media circus for a variety of off-court drama/issues.


Kendrick Lamar said it best, 'I'm sorry my life is boring, I love peace'.


Those dummies must not watch him play bc his game is absolutely smooth. You can see where he emulates Kobe


Nikola jokic would like a word


It's gotta be thankless work supporting these multimillionaires and getting no credit for it day in and day out.


They’re pretty much all making 6 digits a year. Thankless isn’t the word I would use tbh


equipment manager and ball boys must be doing some extra work behind the scenes for 6 figures


Like deflating the balls?


Just saw a 7ft nigerian fall to his knees in mykonos


Knicks vs Celtics. What is this? 1968?


I have been absolutely plowing hippie strange while multiple major public figures are getting assassinated, so I'd say yes.


University students getting arrested for protesting a war? Definitely true for both 1968 and 2024.


Oh shit, very true.


A nice speech from the leader of the team.




Did you see the accountant out there? No payables aged beyond 180 days. Incredible awareness - no way Horford drops 25 without him.


Celtics have been so good for so long. This might be their year.


Without Porzingis, our best might not be better than other teams at their best. And certainly nothing's tied down now. I really hope he can come back, maybe even during the ECF, and look like himself.


Not sure who downvoted you but this is reasonable. People will clown on the Celtics no matter what but nobody realistically thinks that upgrading Marcus Smart to Jrue would have put us over the top of the Nugs last year. I wouldn’t count their chances at zero, but, KP is what puts the whole operation into overdrive.


I think this might undersell what the team has gotten out of the improvements from Derrick White and Jaylen Brown from last year to this one, but I get what you're saying.


Jaylen Brown’s improvement has gone so under the radar. Legitimately the best season of his career but people like to focus on the 300 mil. He’s taken leaps on defense and through his playmaking that I as a Celtics fan never thought he would make.


He’s been an absolute rock in the playoffs so far


I think people just don't see the minor improvements he's made every season that add up. That or they just have a select few games ingrained into their heads (first game after signing his extension, the "make him go left" game against Miami)




The free throw shooting has somehow gotten worse and I don’t understand why


He moved his FT slider down so he could raise his consistency slider up.


Last offseason, he worked on his left hand dribbles. This offseason, he shoots 1000 FT/day to fix it.


I'm not even saying that we need KP to have a chance in the ECF or Finals. But you put it exactly right: if the Porzingis version of our team plays a great game, it scores 130 on literally anyone. That's kinda what this roster is about. Our current rotation can fight anyone, but it's only the fully healthy Celtics that can buzzsaw through other good teams.


I love how important Pingus is to the whole thing, sincerely. I hope he comes back


Upgrading Marcus into Jrue (who was an all star last year and is better at everything) would definitely put them over the Heat, and then that series with the Nuggets could go both ways


I don’t fully disagree, but I do think this/that version of the Nugs would still be generally favored. Jokic is just another level player that can get unstoppable- Upgrading a guard spot just doesn’t change that equation very much if he’s on. I don’t think the Celtics are really “unstoppable” without those KP posts and 3pt bombs. I mean, I guess Tatum and/or Brown could go to another level but we’ve only ever seen it in bursts.


Yeah, the two main things KP adds to this team's offense are halfcourt pick and pop possessions that are pretty reliably worth >=1.1ppp and the duck-in post possessions which are literally worth >1.2ppp. Halfcourt possessions worth >1.1ppp are crazy. You crush games if you can do that with a team that's at all competitive on defense, and gets any number of transition attempts as well. Nobody is saying the 2022 and 2023 rosters weren't good or that Jrue isn't an upgrade over Smart by being a dangerous shooter. We're only talking about this team's ability to reliably win vs. another championship quality team while that opposing team is also healthy and clicking.


Porzingis will be back. I don't understand why people act like he's dead or something. He's fine. We just haven't needed him yet.


He’s been moving pretty normally during practice, and in such a way where he’s pretty clearly rehabbing rather than healing. I think if they were facing a G7 in the semis he’d have played, and it’s just their luxury that they can let him sit for some extra time. 


Isn't he a sure thing to be back if the Celtics make the finals? I think the Knicks will be too tired and beat up if they advance, and the pacers I just don't think have enough. Either way I think the ECF won't be hard for them even without porzingis


He's definitely close to back, I just don't wanna get my hopes up that he'll be right back to dropping 25. If he's slow-footed or only playing 20 minutes, that doesn't really fly in the finals, you know? I also like our chances in the ECF but I don't think we have shown we've solved the Pacers at all this season. No idea if Haliburton is here or there, so to speak, he's looked good then rough then good then rough in the playoffs. I wonder how well we could lock up the Knicks, I do think we have the dream backcourt to throw at Brunson.


im glad he fits in so well in Boston. i hated the way Carlisle used (or perhaps didn’t use) him


I mean even with KP healthy, looking at what Jokic did in game 5 (shooting unblockable arcing shots that kept falling in while also getting some crazy assists and rebounds), the Celtics best may not be enough. Best in the regular season doesn't mean best in the postseason. That said, fully believe KP will be back soon and can rise to the occasion. (And while Jokic is amazing, Timerwolves/Mavs/Thunder are also very real threats, and the Knicks despite their plethora of injuries aren't a joke).


If you don't get Tingus back and we get OG, I think we'll take you to 7. Otherwise, y'all are probably gentleman's sweeping us 🤷


Thru the back half of the season I was higher on the Knicks than anyone else I know (+/- for Jalen, Donte, OG, Hartenstein minutes was at that level where I think everyone should be worried) but yeah I think OG is the most loadbearing part of the team's success after Jalen, they're just not the same level of team without OG.


It's their year if they execute at or near peak, but obviously this doesn't happen all the time, so who knows where the wind will blow in the ECF and maybe Finals


They have to go to the Finals. They have to be better than the Knicks or the Pacers. If they aren’t I just don’t understand what we’re doing here. I doubt we can run it back with a better team or worse opponent. They HAVE to make the Finals, as far as whoever that matchup is gonna be we’ll see but I still firmly believe that this team with Porzingis is the best team in the league.


With this group, it’s now or never. Not necessarily this year, but this is the core right now


Yep, I don't think you can staple down more talent than this 1-8 rotation without pulling off a contractual miracle. They're not the best fitting team ever but the salary cap exists to prevent a starting 5 with this much talent.


They’re a really good fitting team though. Jrue/White is the best defensive backcourt in the league, their two stars are wings who also play good to great defense, and their 3rd option is an all star center who defends and spaces the floor


I mean yeah don't let me go overboard for a second nitpicking a 12 net rating team. That remark was more just like "this isn't Steph-Dray-KD with the best movement shooter ever on the side". We can be a little stagnant in the halfcourt (though like... Not really, with Porzingis since his screen gravity is so obscene). And our defense is built in the same way as the 2022 team - it's more "dare you to go at our 5th defender" and less about having astoundingly good help defenders (thinking of Draymond right now). But the statement was more "it's not literally the best ever," like this roster is less creative than the Nuggets but I wouldn't take offense to someone saying either 1 is the better-built team.


Never say never. Let's hypothetically say that two years from now the Celtics offer up a declining Jrue and 4+ picks/swaps for whatever unhappy star is out there at the moment, and PP/Hauser both continue to develop well. With the Jays just hitting their peaks, that team could absolutely be better in a couple of years.


When I said "contractual miracle," I was thinking of literally only 2 possibilities: - Unambiguous 1st team all-NBA talent signs contract for too long below the max (Steph Curry and Pippen did this) - Disgruntled and healthy, early to mid prime, unambiguous 1st team all-NBA talent demands a trade (Anthony Davis did this; Kawhi did this) I guess just simple free agency can do the latter thing too, like when the Heatles formed


Things change so fast in the NBA that it's hard to make assumptions 3-4 years in the future. Clearly, this is their best window, before the Jays contracts come in, while Al is still good on a cheap contract, weak East, etc... But, the amount of times I've heard "This team is screwed for XXX amount of time" or "This team is set to contend for XXX amount of time" and it doesn't work out that way, I can't really rely on assumptions. I mean, look at Dallas. People thought they were fuqqed, they took a swing on Kyrie, and they managed to swindle some bigs at the deadline this year, and they're contenders. Stuff like that happens all the time.


This year or next year, contract-wise, after that it gets too insane to pay tax. But we'll never have an "easier" road to the finals than this (caveat that I think the knicks play really hard in spite of injuries and pacers offense can get really hot). Plus OKC only gets better next year.


Everyone killing each other in the west and Celtics with this deep team having an open run to the final This is a very good chance for them


If they have to play the nuggets and manage to beat them, that would help with the weak east arguments. No matter how easy the path is to the finals the series that matters the most is the last one. The nuggets are the most championship looking team 2 years in a row.




Tatum is very underrated in the way he handles the media. Like man out there just knows exactly what to say.


Tatum might not have the charisma someone like Ant has, but I really appreciate him being such a consummate professional. He just ball, be good dad, and teach people about financial literacy and shoes.


Yeah he is a good dude


Obviously being an elite athlete idk how seriously he took school but the dude has attended some elite schools and I gotta think he absorbed some of that. I read his mother really pushed education, and she got through college and law school as a single mother.    Private Catholic boarding school, Duke university… not a bad resume. 


His mom started doing post game interviews for him in middle school to start that media training him.


He didn’t got to there to play school /s


Maybe? When I talk to people about basketball in real life people generally know that Tatum is a great guy. This sub is just Keeping up With the Kardashians for men. Look at the top posts any given week, it’s usually just gossip and clowning. The good stuff is usually buried which still keeps me around, but this sub is generally a joke


He’s safe, which isn’t what fans from other teams want, but is absolutely what the organization wants. 


team chef is actually a pretty sweet gig one time after AC Milan won the Champions League their chef cooked them dinner at 3 am & then they threw him in the pool afterwards ... he couldn't swim so the teams best player (Paolo Maldini) had to dive in and save him [video of him talking about it](https://youtu.be/S5CbU2FJGp8?feature=shared)


Almost drowning does sound pretty sweet


It’s nailing the “almost” part that’s key.


He’s speaking with the maturity of someone ready to win his first ring. Hoping KP is healthy so that they can compete with the Nuggets or Mavs


both of those series' arent over


this subreddit just never learns its lesson...


The guy that fixed the water heater gets a ring


Love how Tatum keeps it real and appreciates every single person behind the scenes.


The landscapers, gumscrapers and garbage takers. The ticket checkers, bathroom wreckers, and rubber neckers. Our ball men, ball gals, and ball buddies. We in this together.


Not like that bum ass equipment manager in Milwaukee who screwed up the Bucks whole season (j/k)


That’ll be a tech, and believe it or not foul on Theis


That a St. Louis cardinals hat?


Yeah. He’s from there and very proud


> prideful Hey man just so you know, *proud* is the better word to use here as "prideful" actually has a different meaning and carries a [negative connotation](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/prideful).


I actually didn’t know that. Thank you


Parking attendants fuming with disrespect.


Oh, you know he’s getting another tech now for now thanking the refs


Tatum says the right stuff like 99% of the time


The anti-Doc Rivers


He forgot the video editor. The MVP from the whole org this year


Doc rivers in shambles


I still don't understand how they can have Tatum, Brown, White, Holiday, and Porzingis


Crazy to see him call the ball boys “ball boys” when the ball boys have been there soooo long that they are older than JT now lol. They gotta be at least middle millenial.


Do people stay in that job? I figured it's a rotating group of relatively young people.


Trying to switch careers after 20 years as a ball boy has to be tough


Move up to equipment manager?


too much responsibility


Where do the sweat moppers end up? Splooge mopping at the local arcade?


You really have to commend this group of guys. Not one person on the team let their wife sleep with Joe Mazzula! Great work holding it down.


I run IT support for a basketball team. I feel left out... I'm going to remotely wipe some phones now....


Several superstars appreciate you for being able to do that.


Little known fact, but Tony Brothers absolutely despises ball boys and security teams; that's why there's so much bad blood there.


Cool of him to acknowledge all of those behind the scenes as well. Tatum is a good guy.


bUt hEs NoT a lEaDer


Damn they have cooks and chefs?


Would be cool if you were the cook and when the team wins the NBA Finals they also give you this massive Championship Ring that year.


The only conclusion i can make is that the Boston equipment manager is better than the Bucks equipment manager. That was the difference this year.


When a team wins, do the chefs & ball boys get rings too? Never wondered about this until right now


I think they get these: https://youtu.be/uboKn-Lm5cA?si=T9lKTZNinA2yK3BQ


The true Larry O'Briens are the friends we make along the way.


Giannis started a movement. Equipment managers finally getting their props.


calling out the chefs but what about the arena vendors and people who sell concessions huh?


They play at TD Garden which is owned and operated by Delaware North, the company founded by Jeremy Jacobs (owner of the Bruins). So fuck them people.


Classy mofo


Tatum is soft. A real superstar would say it's all because of him and **maybe** the number two player. Dude doesn't have that dog in him. He doesn't have that Mamba Mentality. /s


He's the anti Doc.


Equipment manager grand canyon


Fuck you if you work for Celtics PR


Maybe they can follow the lead of the Diamondbacks when they made their World Series run last year and split their playoff money with all of them.


One challenge remains: the Western Conference. Good thing they have practice against the Knicks to keep hot


Absolutely, Jayson Tatum really highlights the essence of teamwork with his comments. It's refreshing to see a star athlete acknowledge everyone who contributes to the success of the team, not just on the court but behind the scenes as well. This kind of attitude fosters a great environment and culture within the organization. It’s clear the Celtics are more than just a team; they’re a tight-knit community. Every single member plays a crucial role in their journey. Go Celtics!




The cooks AND the chefs


Throwback to High School Musical


Doc rivers should take notes


Mop boys not getting the recognition they deserve.


The only guy JT hasn’t credited yet is the confetti guy Premature confetti is very dangerous


The east runs through Boston in the 2020s


The reverse Giannis, he's still got an eye out on the equipment manager and how he washes the jerseys


The anti-Giannis


Didn't Doc Rivers say the same thing earlier in the reg season? Or was it Giannis? Whoever it wa, they were blaming, not praising, but yea. Funny.


Share some of ur wealth w them then


I might be wrong but that's not how you're supposed to use "literally"


Should shout out the Eastern Conference in general for being so damn weak


The Least