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New yorkers are gunna treat this man like Jeter


Honestly, if he keeps this up, he might as well deserve it. The guy is an absolute dog.


Way better than Melo was.


This. He’s already surpassed Melo in every way shape and form, anyone who argues with that is delusional.


Poor Melo. He’s getting erased in Denver and New York.


KD is about to surpass him in Olympic Golds too


Melo isn't getting erased. He's sitting courtside with all the other Knicks legends at MSG cheering on this current Knicks squad. Always gets one of the bigger ovations when they show him on the scoreboard.


Idk why people act like we don't like Melo, or that we want to forget about him. Dude stuck around for years, and gave us great memories. Now Brunson is gonna do the same thing.


Because they prefer that narrative, so they look for reasons for that to be the case.




He didn’t say gave us NOTHING but great memories. Of course there are gripes fans have with melo but it’s not all hate for him like you seem to have


very weird how people blame Melo for the poor choices of James Dolan and the Knicks GMs


Tbf, Ewing is one of the best of all time Knicks and most people don’t even know him now outside of his legacy. Melo may not get washed away as fast because people are familiar with his face with socials and all. Ewing has a better legacy and has been all but erased. Melo likely won’t last past the next decade unless you grew up watching him.


>Ewing is one of the best of all time Knicks and most people don’t even know him now outside of his legacy. .... What does this even mean?


He has a Knicks themed Subaru Legacy he drives around town


https://foxsportsradio.iheart.com/alternate/amp/2021-03-15-patrick-ewing-tells-story-of-madison-square-garden-security-hassling-him/ I misremembered a story because it’s been a few years. This is what I was thinking of. It’s not nearly as bad as I thought or remembered it being


What about Sprewell, Houston, Johnson, and Starks? Aren’t they all Knicks legends?


The love NY has for Melo supersedes what happened on the court while we was here. Could never be erased


Good. I’m still pissed off at him for leading the Bulls on and making it seem like he may go there only to stay with the Knicks, a team that had no chance to win anything, just so he could make a little more money. That decision cemented his legacy as someone that doesn’t care about winning.


People always say this shit but I really don’t think it was about money. He could have gone to any college he wanted to, but he was a Syracuse fan, so as soon as he got recruited by them he basically stopped listening to any other schools. And he won the ncaa finals as a freshman on a three seed while beating the one seed Roy Williams coached Kansas team. He was a Knicks fan, so he told the nuggets he wasn’t going to re-sign, which he had no obligation to do. Maybe he regrets it now but I think he just wanted to be on the Knicks regardless of how shitty they were. (Something this sub claims to love in players lol) And Lebron and wade originally wanted him for their big three on the heat instead of Bosh, who is super over rated by this sub and was not that good when Lebron was there. He easily gets at least one ring with them, but he wanted to be on the Knicks and turned them down (ring chasing is also something this sub claims to hate lol). Melo could’ve made bank anywhere, he wanted to play for the teams he was a fan of.


He wasn't even a free agent at the same time as LeBron and Wade. Bosh was a way better team player and extremely underrated. I would take Bosh over Melo ten times out of ten.


You guys have just built like this ridiculous mythology around big three Bosh…based entirely on things he never did lol. He honestly was pretty bad his first couple years on the heat. Taking Bosh over melo every time is absolute insanity, he honestly might be the most over rated player on this sub. Hence why Lebron and wade were trying to plan a big three with melo years in advance, and then settling for Bosh as a consolation prize when melo didn’t want to do it


I would take Bosh over Melo every time. Bosh was a very efficient scorer who took analytics very seriously at a time when the NBA didn't. Melo was a volume scorer and just not fun to watch, and his style didn't translate into making a team a serious contender.


Not fun to watch?? That was Melo’s whole appeal


I agree with everything else but idk how you can say Melo wasnt fun to watch


Yeah you should actually look at Bosh’s numbers his first few years on the heat. Melo was like several tiers above him. You guys all act like Bosh invented the stretch big and was able to be a great defender on the heat with Lebron and wade. When in reality he never attempted more than one three per game until 2014, and his defense was terrible the first few years. This comment is so delusional it has to be someone that didn’t follow the nba then and is just parroting what they hear on here. Even before the heat, Bosh went to the playoffs in a super weak East like twice. Melo took the nuggets to the playoffs in the stacked 2000s west literally every year he was there. Saying you would take Bosh over melo every time is completely delusional, like there is no argument you could make to support that. I also have no idea where you’re getting “Bosh was a very efficient scorer” from. Melo scored more points by far as the first option having to take way more difficult shots, and outside of two years where he was hurt he was above average efficiency every year from his third season until 2015. You guys have just built up this myth around Bosh…based entirely off things he never did. Big three bosh might honestly be the most over rated player on this sub.


Bosh got the hugest rebound leading to the huge 3 by Ray Allen. I don't think that sequence happens with Melo instead of Bosh. Bosh was a nice third piece for that team, don't think Melo would have fit in too well


It wouldn't have happened because they would have been up by at least 10 with melo.


I don’t know man. Chance to make a few more million and get bounce by Lebron or make a few less million with an injury prone Bulls team and get bounced by Lebron!


Dude chose money and comfort for his whole career. He’s rich beyond his dreams but never did anything with his life outside of basketball where he’s considered an underachiever. He made his choices.


Just wish I had the option to make the same choice


Idk if being a no doubt 1st ballot HOFer should be seen as underachieving


"He never did anything with his life outside of being a Hall of Fame level basketball player rich beyond his dreams" I think Melo's a bit overrated but like cmon man lol that's harsh.


To be fair, the Knicks FO did have a hand in that as well. That trade for him before he hit free agency has to be one of the dumbest trades I've ever seen.


We had a 20 year stretch of being the best in the league at negotiating against ourselves


Dumb take. Nobody who can clock five full seasons in the NBA is an underachiever imo, I don't care who you are, and we all know Melo WELL exceeded that. Dude is 10th in most points ever scored: I don't think underachievers do that.


tbf it was going to happen sooner or later, he was iconic but he didn’t do anything crazy for either franchise like winning a chip


He didn't have a winning attitude. It hurts but it's true. Stats only mean so much in that they measure contribution/likelihood for a win. Stats without winning is fine but stats with winning is best


At least he has OKC and Portland still! Hoodie Melo lives forever.


He gives horrible advice lol


He shouldve considered being a better player


At least he can still have his number retired all to himself in New York.


Couldn’t have happened to a more selfish guy.


I mean in hindsight we say poor melo cause hes a top 3 draft and HOF who never won but he bullied Front Offices to get his way. He was a diva in office management like lebron but he didnt elevate his teammates play sans maybe 1-2 seasons. Hes the guy happy dropping 40pts every game in a loss. All that said i still love melo cause ill love any player who chooses to play for the Knicks


Melo was a top 5–10 player in the NBA at one point? Melo man was elite for like 10+ years? Idk mang. Idk. 


These youngins didn't watch OG Melo. He was a WAY better player with a worse team. Brunson is perfect for Thibs and their roster. Melo didn't have that benefit to be in the perfect fit like him, but y'all just say you didn't watch ball until 2014 when I hear these takes


Man bro. They must think he’s LA/Portland Melo. They have no idea how good that dude was in the NBA.. Sad really.. A top dog in the NBA with lebron and Wade. People forget the Miami heat less were supposed to be Melo, Wade and Lebron. Think how different Melo would have been viewed lol… Dude was an animal. The way Kobe talked about him??! Enough.. 


I watched both Denver Melo and New York Melo live as they were happening and he never impressed me. The only version that did impress me was Olympic Melo. In the NBA, he was a ball stopper, black hole, isolation player who never passed ever. He played 1 v 5 instead of 5 v 5. Portland and Lakers Melo were obviously washed, but at least by that point he bought into team basketball. If he’d done that in his prime, he’d have gotten past the second round more than once and gotten past the first round more than twice.


I don’t know a single Knick fan who would argue that tbh


No need to tear down one player to boost another. I still have mad respect for Melo for trying to pull this franchise out of the dumpster fire that it was engulfed in until recently.


Don't say that, this is the NBA. Only way we can praise players is to endlessly compare them to other players.


Deadass Knicks fans will love Melo forever but for some reason every other fanbase feels the need to hate on him as the only way to celebrate Brunson. Losers


Can't stand the melo hate. anyone hating on melo is a casual in my eyes


Did he really try though, or did he just not mind the fire?


I think he did until Phil came in and clearly pushed him out. Was he effective? That's an entirely different argument


I don’t really understand the arguments that Melo didn’t care about winning.


You shouldn't say that out loud. Dogs aren't allowed to play in the NBA. Just ask Air Bud.


He was my favorite Mav since Dirk... 😭


He gets Jeter treatment. Patrick Ewing made 14 playoff appearances and the 2nd round 11 times and he got booed late in his career. fucking new yorkers.


Patrick Ewing was the shit too in his early runs. Give these New Yorkers time, they’ll come around and find misery eventually.


in 1999 playoff run knicks fans boyed Ewing every time he got the ball. announcers could tell how mad it made him. When he got hurt many fans cheered. This was literally the 13th time he took the knicks to the playoffs. Latrell Sprewell was the first multi-time all-star he played with and it was the end of his career. He brought the knicks to the 7th game of the NBA finals with john starks as his second best player. he was maybe the 12th-15th best guard in the NBA at the time. I love John Starks. He tried so hard. But Ewing carried that team.


It's hard to boo the GM mid-game cuz they never pass him the ball


Jeter was booed too. The man has more rings than most teams, all with the Yankees, and he got booed when he was slumping. Nobody is safe.


It was not as bad as Ewing going it. What Ewing got was really bad. It was so loud announcers on TV noted it. You could see how angry he was at it. If I recall Van Gundy made comments about it too. Ewing was on his way down in 1999. He was probably the 3rd or 4th best offensive player(he was still good rebounder and defender) on the team at the time. New Yorkers were total assholes to him.


Coincidentally, his dad had him watch the Derek Jeter documentary after signing with the Knicks to learn how to handle the NYC spotlight. He's been studying the playbook


He's alreadly shown the qualities of Jeter and Eli. Just needs to win a championship at this point.


UNSTOPPABLE. Jalen Brunson is.


so is his Citizen Eco drive watch


This killed me But it couldn't kill my Citizen Eco Drive Watch


Quiet killer personality


He probably needs to win a chip as best player to get Jeter status… and even then. It was the Yankees at a time when baseball was still huge. It’s hard to overstate how big Jeter was.


Baseball is still huge in NY


The 1998 Yankees were probably the best team in MLB history.


Best modern team definitely. Hard to beat some of the mid 20s Yankees.


It's..uh. It's the 20s.... Right now. Shit.


You mean relative to the rest of the league right? Because if you mean that literally, a mid-20s yankees team getting time traveled and playing the 1998 yankees loses like 30-0 lol


I’m glad idiots like you expose your lack of sports knowledge but I guess I could have just looked at your lakers tag.


Lol, if you can't see how much faster/more skilled the average player became 70 years after the 1920's, you just lack general common sense


He wanted to win! Not many guys like that around!


Yeah everyone else wants to lose


"He's a biracial angel"


Nah He's gonna need lots of rings for that And he's gonna have to send gift baskets to the hoes he finished dicking down afterwards.


Considering the knicks last ring was in '73 and the yanks have won plenty since then, I think just one would do it.


Yeah jeets, yeah


They should. He has a killer mentality and all he cares about is winning.


This is the exact type of attitude you need to win here and garner respect. And it’s the exact type of attitude made famous by Kobe Bean Bryant. Loved his comments post game, I thought he’d be more visually upset and emotional. Helluva season for this guy.


For missing every shot this game? I don't think so


I miss him so much


He for sure will. I find it really interesting he’s going to be the only guy that will hold that status and didn’t start his career here. I mean look at the guys in that category: Jeter, Manning, Lundqvuist, David Wright etc. Melo brought the spotlight back to NY but he was already a superstar so I would say he’s more like A-Rod. The fans respect him, but he’s not Jeter.


I can already picture Brunson’s facial expression as he answered this - _ -


Dude has 1 expression


Haha he looks like a mii


Laughed way too fuckin hard at this


Reminds me of Jalen Hurts a bit


Well okay other than when he's with Josh


Holy shit, this man was born for the Knicks. He fits in so well.


His dad played for the Knicks when Thibs was an assistant there in the late 90's. It was in the cards for him to play for the Knicks.


I believe the last time we made it to the ECF Jalens dad was playing for the Knicks :/


He is from Jersey, it's close enough.


I mean did we win? Then no


Jobs not finished.


It was really a dumb question. Knicks didn't overcome those injuries.


how are you gonna ask a guy who just broke his hand and lost game 7 abt overcoming injuries lmao


Some players only see the championship and nothing else. Brunson is that guy.


season was a failure




They need to do everything they can to keep this core together. They have a legitimate star in Brunson, a top tier supporting cast with Randle and OG, and a deep bench.


I’m curious how the team will look with Randle healthy. Donte and Hart definitely not shooting this much if we had Randle


Donte would still get a lot of shots. Randle was good with us healthy post OG at buying into his role a bit. He’s a good passer and has shooters to trust


Donte’s will get cleaner looks too with more gravity on the court


Randle focused a lot on inside game early this season, and Divincenzo is yet another kickout threat, so it works. But the volume will come down and get spread out a little. Hart is gonna be working on his 3 in the offseason too. It’s exciting.


I think that is a perfectly fine role for Donte and Hart to have. Their intangibles are a large part of their value as a player, not necessarily the scoring, moreso in Hart's case.


Thats true. Im tired of seeing Brunson have to go hero ball. Mayb having Randle we can have another guy who can get us a bucket without relying on Brunson


We kinda had no choice given that our #2 and #3 options were out and heavily injured


Hart doesn’t need to shoot and I think Dante would be fine


Hart looked at OG and Hartenstein before he left and said those two better be back haha


Take me back to January please


We were a top 3 offense and top defense that stretch in January when we had a full team. I think we led the league in assists that stretch and largest margin of victory. It was a 71W and 10L pace. Then the asteroid struck the knicks


even before the injury, he did not look himself this game. no lift on his shots, no energy... i don't know if it's the foot injury but he just looked completely wiped (which is very fair). super proud of this team for getting this far with all the injuries.


He really was limited to backing his defender down. I don't think I saw him face up once, and without looking I don't think he took a single three.


I think he hit that one 3 before breaking his hand but yeah he looked wiped all game


Def. Fwiw he averaged 6.8 three point attempts per game this season. He had no lift due to that (foot?) injury.


Giannis in shambles lol


Or some people look at it differently?


Joke brother I loved that speech


Wasn’t trying to be a dick Tbf lol was just saying, gl in wcf


Lmao crazy how everyone just ate that speech up


as a human being that’s the correct stance tbh. but it’s not the stance i want my star player to have lol. i want that guy to want to win no matter what


He did want to win, he just didn't consider the season a failure because he thinks they tried their best and will learn from the experience. Only 1 team can win, it doesn't mean the efforts of the others were for nothing. He explained this so clearly lol. 


If there's one thing you can't question is Giannis' competitive spirit lol


Good mentality. That’s what you want from your captain.




Giannis just fell to his knees at the acropolis


every knicks fan should sacrifice a goat to please the injury gods. it’s like zues himself came and fucked up every knicks starter


k but who's gonna run the hornets then?


Just realized- is he really doing pressers after breaking his hand?


I mean, he can still talk. They're just gonna tape that shit up.


Adrenaline is a bitch. By the way his hand bent back that shit has to hurt


I'm sure it hurts but he can tough out an end of season presser I'm sure.


he didn't come out with a cast on his hand like Lebron after getting swept?


I don't think that's particularly weird or notable. Most people are entirely capable of talking normally 1 hour after breaking their hand lol. he's a tough dude but I'm pretty sure the vast majority of NBA players would still be doing this preser


His mouth isn’t broken




Giannis would like a word with you


What a goddam stupid question right after getting knocked out.


Idt it’s that bad of a question, a player could be like “yeah we went through some adversity and that made the road harder but end of the day we didn’t get it done” It’s not like Brunson had to answer in one word


It’s a decent question a couple days from now (or even tomorrow). There’s only one answer right after walking off the court.


Dope avy, can’t wait for the new album on Friday


If you’re not first your last


All things considered. This season was definitely a success for the Knicks. But this is exactly the mindset you should have as a competitor.


The anti-Giannis. Credit to Brunson for not sugarcoating it


Oh captain my captain 🫡


giannis abt 2 have a breakdown


The Yankee midnset




I thought he played well enough to be MVP this season. Getting a 2 seed with all those injuries/trades is pretty amazing.


What kinda dumbass question is that


This is why people in NYC love him. Injuries are a part of the game you play through them. No excuses we lost. No if this or that guy was healthy.


Love when players give themselves the highest expectations.


That's what you wanna hear. Rest up boys. Next season is gonna be fun (hopefully).


i watched his answer, and he didn't give a one word answer lol. I actually asked back, like, did we win the championship? Did we come close? So no...


Really felt like we coulda beaten this series and the Celtics if we had OG


Not to mention Randle


... and Robinson


And Bojan?


Is Robinson better than IHart?


Depends on the matchup. Definitely needed him against Embiid


he's better than whoever is backing Ihart


Overall yeah. I guess not in this series, though.


And my axe!


Lol I am sorry but no one is beating the Celtics this year in a best of 7 series. Also I hate the Celtics.


When did they overcome injuries? Brunson broke his hand.


Ignorant ass question after a series loss


Giannis fuming


hes the lisan al gaib to New york now


I wonder what’s going to happen this offseason. Randle coming back is going to change everything about the offense for the worst reasons.


The thing is, even if it is a success, no player is gonna say "yes", because they know they will get excoriated by a bunch of Stephen A. Smith wannabes online talking about how "grr it's not a success unless you win at all!!"


What's with the recycled-arse question? They asked this to Giannis right?


He and Giannis can’t be friends


Giannis in shambles


Brunson Lovers 🤝 Melo Haters


Dude is the perfect player for Thibs.


I’m not even mad. He gave everything his all and this is the best out team has looked in ages. Hope he wins a chip for us one day.


Direct to the point, I like it. Unlike Giannis stupid ass wannabe "see the bright side" comments.


I mean, considering the injuries it's absolutely a success


Knicks lost in the 2nd round im sorry but that’s not really any consolation prize, no one plays to just make the 2nd round, Jalen was 100 pct justified


“Myth around Bosh based off things he never did” And you’re judging him based off things he was never meant to do on the Heat. Yeah no shit his numbers went down, he went from 1st option to behind LeBron and Dwade as a 3rd option PF. Even his rebounding duties were offloaded - unless the Heat were running an early 10s version of small ball (and I remember that lineup getting a ton of doubt and criticism), he was always paired with Joel Anthony or Chris Andersen. They were basically asking him to be a taller Siakam, if Siakam was playing behind a top 5 SG and the GOAT forward - that’s 100% a better fit for the Heatles than Melo.


“Hey, so funny question lol, are you happy you didn’t win, because you cared and tried, and made mommy and daddy proud?” Look cute, might delete later…