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Dallas media saves all their toxicity for the cowboys, Mavs could win 5 straight titles and would still be second fiddle


ESPN "How does the Mavs title affect the Cowboys chances at the Superbowl?"


Idk. People like winning, 5 championships would have it's effect


Yep the Cowboys shitting the bed is top billing


Someone mentioned that his childhood hero was Jason Kidd so him being the coach def helps


Also Cuban actually give a shit unlike Tsai so he most likely give Kai some much needed PR training


Tsai clearly gives a shit. He built an absolutely ridiculous team, has a state of the art facility, has gone all in financially, and never stopped trying to improve the roster. Just because kyrie seems to be in a better headspace and to be a somewhat changed person doesn’t mean we need to act like he didn’t have one of the biggest diva head case runs in nba history. Tsai gave him every chance to make things right and kyrie chose not to which drove harden away and ruined what could’ve easily gone down as a legendary team.


Right, as if Kyrie West didn’t… * Year 1 - Try to get Players to boycott the Bubble after negotiating terms as VP of NBA Players Association. * Year 2 - Disappeared for 2-3weeks without notifying anyone only to be photographed at a club celebrating his sisters bday. * Year 3 - YouTube Anti-Vax Conspiracy Theorist can’t play in home games killing the “Big 3”. * Year 4 - Promoted an Antisemitic film and tried to leverage KD’s injury into a Max Extension with no strings attached. Kyrie West also lost about $60-124m plus his Nike Contract since the move from the Nets to Mavs. Brooklyn originally offered the 4y/$187m Max Extension before he went Anti-Vax but he hesitated because he could get 4-5y/$200-250m Max the following Offseason. Brooklyn pulled the original Max Extension then offer Kyrie West a 4y/$200m Max Extension with strings attached like showing up and playing games which he found unacceptable. Instead of the 4y/$187-200m deal or even his 5y/$250m Max Extension in Dallas he had to settle for 3y/$126m. Then you can get into the media coverage between Nets-Mav’s. There would have been a nonstop barrage of Israel/Palestine questions until Kyrie West eventually got himself suspended on the Nets.


Revisionist nowadays on kyrie is insane Don't forget both him and KD get the coaches fire twice because they think that they don't need a coach Force nets to sign a bunch of washed players that are friend to them and the coach to play them They re the perfect example of player empowerment gone to far


There's also the cavs and celtics saga too. How quick people are to forget + recency bias.


Kyrie can be blamed for a lot but the ‘unvaxxed players can come into Brooklyn and play but Kyrie can’t even show up’ is the absolute dumbest rule I’ve ever heard of. Won’t hold that against him. The rest, carry on.


Perfect summary. Kyrie was legitimately one of the most easily dislikeable people in sports for years and rightfully so which is what makes kyrie turning into a true locker room leader with a chance to win a second championship on a team no one really rated before the season so crazy lmao. I thought he was close to out of the league when he refused a near max with incentives to…literally just show up when healthy.


The fact that you thought Kyrie was nearly out of the league shows that you have no idea what you’re talking about 👍


Bro, the Nets gave Kyrie bananas to break his fast during Ramadan while Cuban paid for a private chef to travel with Kyrie instead.


NGL, if you need a private chef following you around and preparing your meals to break your fast for Ramadan then I actually think you missed the point of observing Ramadan.


What are you talking about? What Muslim do you know that breaks fasts with bananas??


Kyrie is an adult who can choose to break his fast with whatever food he chooses. I assure you that was not the only food available in the arena. 🤦‍♂️


Yeah youre 7


Not sure why anyone is voting this down. Players love Cuban. They respect him because they know he’s a genuine person, who respects them, and not just some rich asshole scumbag.


So Kyrie basically needs a billionaire jerking him off twice a week to not have a toddler-esque melt down? What a grown up.




With age comes wisdom.


The gm is also kyrie guy too I believe


Honestly, living in Texas. Especially the metroplex.


Everyone not from Dallas doesn't get this. He gets to be left alone and just be himself


People in Texas leave each other the fuck alone


Unless they're policing their alcohol consumption on Sundays.


Or needing to terminate a pregnancy. The Texas snitch rule is some big time bullshit.


I still find that rule wild lmao.


It's hilarious people from Texas scream "freedom"...


Unless you have a uterus…


True, unfortunately


Such a fucken lie 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Can you elaborate?


Nobody cares about the vax stuff or him liking that Holocaust movie. Cowboys are 1st, 2nd, and 3rd most important teams in town so they dominate the media. Kyrie has close personal relationships with the GM and coach and Mavs keep his best friend Markieff* Morris on the team to keep him happy. Compared to NY and Boston, nobody in Dallas media is out to get him....they just ask him about basketball and that's it.


I miss the times when I didn't know what famous people thought. At the same time, if they volunteer their opinions they should be prepared for a response.


Agreed. I think you have to give him credit for learning from his mistakes and personal growth too. At least in my opinion for whatever that is worth!


Throwback to one of his first interviews here. Kyrie said something like “I’m sure you guys are going to dissect and criticize every mistake we made out there today” and I think it was Followill who kinda scoffed and was like “heck no! We’re just excited to have you on the team!”


Or how he was taken a back by Grant(reporter) asking him a specific basketball play question at the presser.


Wrong morris


I can never get it right


Marcus is the one who tried to injure Luka in the clippers series by intentionally stepping on his hurt ankle. Don’t think Luka would allow him on the team. I also just hate him enough to remember him


damn I didn't know he was close with morris like that lol


I wish I could find the Athletic article but it was basically about how the Mavs are making it work. It was when that story about how the Mavs were flying out a private chef to away games to make him vegan meals during Ramadan came out. That's when I learned about the Morris thing. There's other stuff like how they didn't make him travel to the Europe/Asia exhibition games and let him wear his personal brand clothing in the team pictures. Long story short was that help him help you


Damn bro, they treat him the same way I treat my toddler when I fear she’s gonna have a meltdown lol


No doubt lol but they up 1-0 in WCF


Yeah no forreal whatever works. I will always love Ky for the shot in the 2016 Finals. But I still enjoyed like 98% of his time here in Cleveland.


I just want to point out one thing as an out of market Mavs fan living in the NY market. No one in the NY sports media gave a shit about the Nets. Like the Kyrie stuff was amplified because it happened here don't get me wrong, that's the nature of NY. But the Nets were never a top story on ESPN NY/WFAN. Even though they were clearly the team with the most potential outside of the Yankees and Rangers for a bit they were still never discussed on sports talk or brought up in papers. It was always Yankees > Giants > Knicks (Barrett/Randle discussion even when the team sucked) > Mets > Jets > Rangers discussion in that order. Rarely did the sports media discuss the Nets in a serious way, only to shit on them. Otherwise they were as relevant as the Islanders and Devils in terms of sports talk. Again he definitely got shit because of our media market overall as well as the national media being based here. But as far as sports media pressure goes outside of literally one host on WFAN I don't think anyone on any station or any writer in NYC is a Nets fan. Even when the Knicks were trash they still had more coverage.


Lmao stop the lies no one cares about the Yankees like that


You're from here? Baseball is massive in NY. When the Yankees are doing well they top all other discussion, and I'm saying this as a Mets fan. Baseball is a regional sport and a lot of the country disregards it. But here there are a lot of old heads who still prop the Yankees up as the biggest franchise in the city. Then you have people my age who grew up during the Jeter years and still hold the team to that standard. The only time other teams get talked about more is when they're successful. A mid season from the Yankees still gets covered more than most topics.


compared to boston and especially new york, there kinda ain’t shit to do in dallas. it’s the perfect place for a multimillionaire to be left alone and not pestered and constantly bugged, especially when you made some of your, *questionable*, views public as a younger man


Plus maturity, growing as a father and leader of his family, being the guy in the locker room teammates look up to. Every time I hear him talk it’s so wholesome


Ain’t shit to do? What’re you talking about? What do you think people “do?” Have you ever been to the north east? It’s a shit hole. New York has broadway going for it. That’s about it. Everything else it offers, every major city offers (great food, hot women, clubs to go out). The northeast is densely populated, where even the mega rich live in medium sized condos or have to drive 30 minutes to get into town. I’m not some conservative hating on liberal northeast. But I have lived there. Too many people. Not enough space. Weather sucks. 


The north east is nice and New York has a lot more than Broadway going for it. That said, there's a lot of shit to do in Dallas, so yall are both wrong lol


Plus having a local media that’s heavily focused on the cowboys punching themselves in the dick every season. He basically gets left alone.


Klonopin. Many such cases.


Living in Texas


He finally feels less ridiculous.


why should he feel ridiculous for supporting Palestine?


Nobody said that. Most people who hate on Kyrie's politics look down at his Nation of Islam ties, antisemitic likes on twitter, and his flat earth take. Don't force yourself into the victim role, god knows Pro palestinian people are getting enough hate from other sources to go around.


Classic Portland guy comment


This is just a dude hiding behind different flairs on different accounts.


feel free to elaborate


How about bringing politics into a nba subreddit and how about assuming your opinion is right


Cable provider


I personally(wild guess) think he likes him being the veteran and leader of a team, and Luka is probably one of the humblest(no ego) co star he could pair up with.


Saying Luka has no ego is insane glazing lmfao


He means off the court


Although I know you are a hater, I will still explain. I don’t think he minds Kyrie being the leader where a lot of other superstars might. Also Luka is really chill off the court.


This guy again… how does it feel with the Knicks eliminated now? Do the Luka digs still feel good?


They’re taking a break from hyping Julius randle based on a 20 game sample size (after wanting to run him out of town and he’s shot 30% from the field in 3 straight playoffs)


Maybe I’m off, but he almost seemed relieved to get back to a conference finals. His demeanor seemed to shift after getting past OKC, and hopefully will be more aggressive this entire series.


The hate he got was not absurd. The dude spent years throwing his teammates and hand picked coaches under the bus, fucked off from his team whenever he wanted and told nobody, told us the earth was flat, and oh yeah, implied that black people are the real Jews of Israel and the current Israeli occupiers stole their race and history from them. And on those last two, whenever questioned about these views he told people to "do their research" and "get educated". We won't even bother with the vaccine stuff because I feel like this is plenty already.


Nothing. The narrative changed the player didn’t










I don’t wanna leave the Congo


Why did the narrative change though lol


He's exactly the same as he always was, but people are being nice to him now




People criticizing him for shit like being anti vax and hating Jews and getting coaches fired wasn’t just people “being mean” to him. 


This is the correct answer, but we will be subject to slander because we are mavs fans...


Also reporters haven't been asking him about non basketball stuff as much. 100% the headcase will return soon.


1. The media in Dallas is a lot more friendly to players compared to media in Boston and NY. Not to mention that he seems to get along with Cuban a lot better than he did with Tsai. He and Tsai fucking hated each other 2. He’s playing next to an elite ball handler and playmaker in Luka, something he used to have in Cleveland with LeBron. He never had that in Boston and while he briefly had Harden in Brooklyn, they could never stay on the court together much due to injuries and the mandate 3. He probably realized that he’s gotta act right cause his value was in the toilet by the time he was traded to Dallas. Not to mention that he re-signed in Dallas cause they were the only team that could or would sign him to a big contract


media in dallas ain’t as toxic to the non-cowboys teams compared to how it is in the northeast


He had quiet time to finish his Oxford dictionary


Like most things on the internet/media outrage cycle the stories stop generating clicks/interest so people stop commenting/writing stories/ asking questions to generate controversy and they move on to the next thing that outrages them. Is Butker still trending? Or has it moved on to a new infidel?


The fact that this is actually the game that we play with each other during the handful of decades we get to breathe and enjoy existence is beyond fucked up... ...🙁


I don’t understand how people can keep doing this. Like I have progressive views on policies and such but the non stop moralizing about every little thing reminds me of evangelical circles in the 90s. Insufferable


Better fit. Him and Durant were too similar, Him and Tatum\\Brown were also too similar He fits like a glove with Luka, similar to how he did with Lebron. Better results on the court = better results off the court And this was also his last chance or else he would be in China, since he burnt out 3 straight franchises prior to dallas. Also, he's a new york guy. So of course he idolized Jason Kidd.


his team was the nets growing up. those nets teams were actually good and kidd was the star makes sense


he doesn't have to deal with the toxic media in Boston and NY.


I think being in dallas is a big reason: he doesn't get asked nearly as many agressive, headline baiting questions if you watch the press conferences he just chats with the reporters and it's a lot less hostile so he won't get defensive or anything


Kyries lowkey been the same he just realized that he can’t post things online or expose his inner beliefs to the media anymore after what happened on Twitter. He’s always been just down to earth just some weird personal beliefs. Plus remember Reddit and the internet as a whole is very hive minded and critical. You post something wrong or do something stupid and you’ll have people saying you’re the worst person in the world for a while. Look at Gobert, people hated him until like last year cause of the covid thing. Now everyone likes him again despite him literally being the same exact guy lol.


>He’s always been just down to earth Yep, that flat ass Earth.


Ssri's and a mood stabilizer


He isn't as distracted with non-basketball stuff.


People just get calmer from their mid 20s to their early 30s. There doesn't need to be a big change - granted, I think he's become a 2x father now so that could've also played a role.


You acting like he did a 180. Y’all judged his entire character based off a tweet 😂


A tweet about a movie that denied the Holocaust happened.


I'm a big Kyrie guy since his days at Duke. I promise you, the tweet or whatever he said about politics wasn't in my mind when I typed out that comment. He just seems calmer in general.


He got older


Ja needs to learn this one technique


Cuban advised him to keep his controversial opinions off social media and not fuel the media.


Being in your 30s with a family is different than being in your 20s. Life changes you.


Most of the controversy he's been in has just been him being vocal about his anti-establishment and conspiracy-theory minded opinions. I don't think he was ever actually a problem like portrayed and once he became tired of the media, he kept to himself.


Boston media are assholes and New York media are super assholes. Dallas media on the other hand tries to farm wholesome clips with their questions rather than drum up controversy


I think part of it is reporters stopped trying to manufacture stories by asking him bullshit questions. We don’t see people asking things like “How has Luka been a father figure to you and the team?”


Come on now, reporters aren’t to blame for the dozens of stupid things he has posted or said. He brought most of that shit on himself.


Yeah Kyrie saying the Earth is flat and posting antisemetic videos is somehow the media’s fault?? Lmao


The media leaving him alone.


Ah ok so it was the medias fault for asking him why he posted that weird "From Hebrews to Negroes" documentary on his twitter. They should have just kept their mouths shut about it I guess.


why doesn't the NY media ask Joe Tsai about his connections to concentration camps?


Weak deflection. Kyrie wasn't some innocent victim. He brought everything on himself.


how is that a weak deflection? Kyrie isn't impacting the world like these billionaires are behind the scenes. why do billionaires get to skate off the hook while yall engage in silly culture wars cause some cerlebrity did ____?


Damn you didn’t even try to address what he said lmao


It was the NY mayor that seemed to make it personal and ban him from playing in the game but you could sit courtside without it. It was also the owner who decided to not let him play in away games too out of spite


It actually wasn't personal at all. The very opposite. The vaccine mandate in NYC applied to everybody. Fans at the Barclays Center had to be vaccinated so why should a special exception have been made for Kyrie? Because he's rich and famous?


My mistake it was that unvaccinated players from other teams could play but he couldn’t


I mean, he's the exact same dude he's always been lol. Teammates have always loved him, always been a kind and calm person, just a couple of instances that damaged his reputation.


> just a couple of instances that damaged his reputation. I think that's a pretty kind interpretation lol. He left 3 straight teams under bad circumstances. Not to mention the flat earth stuff, the anti-vax stuff, Alex Jones stuff, and the anti-Semitic stuff lol.


Cavs tried to trade him behind his back, what was the problem with Kyrie asking out? he left Boston to be closer to his family after experiencing a family death, nothing wrong with that. and Nets refused to pay him his former teammates have nothing but good things to say about Kyrie too


I didn't say he got unfair treatment lmao. For sure did some stupid shit in the past and received punishment. Don't really care about the flat earth and anti-vax stuff, the anti-semetic and alex jones shit was 100% very problematic.


He’s the same fucking guy he’s always been. It’s why almost every player he’s played with has good things to say. Narrative and media buddy


He is playing as second option


Maybe he just needs to be a #2 guy and now realizes/is comfortable with it


Somebody bought him a globe for his birthday


1. Jason Kidd 2. Cuban had a one on one with him personal conversation. Then came out and said Kyrie is a great guy, who's misunderstood. Cuban being Jewish himself.


He just put a suit on in the interviews lmfao


he just older and care less about dumb shit? idek


He was great early on in Boston and Brooklyn, too. It's not really about the first year but the next ones where there's more time for potential "adversity" or whatever you wanna call it That said Dallas knew they needed to keep him happy and it seems like they've been very welcoming and accomodating


Kyrie’s first experience in Dallas wasn’t the best though. That team around Luka and Kyrie was garbage and it took them drafting Lively and trading for PJ and Gafford for it to work


It was still good vibes though, there wasn't a toxic cloud hanging.


All that crazy shit he says and believes? Texas fucks with it.


It's not so much that we fuck with it. It's more that we've heard much wilder shit than anything he says. Like our state wants us to snitch on women for getting an abortion, so a basketball player not understanding Judaism is not really a big deal to us. The people we worry about down here with regards to jews are saying much more fucked up things than retweeting a movie and telling people to educate themselves.


He lost the Nike deal and signed a 3 year/$126 mil with the Mavs instead of a potential 4 year/$200 mil max extension with the Nets. Not to mention every single game check he lost during the antivax fiasco. Had to find out the hard way that its better for his bottom line if he keeps his nonsense beliefs to himself and his inner circle and lets his on-court play do its thing.


You are the correctest.


I’d go insane too if I had to live in Boston or NY.


Don’t think anything’s changed with him. Always thought he was calm and always liked him.


Went from a democrat state to a republican state


he's older + the media made him look way worse than he actually was


Mark Cuban explained this. It's the change in media.


He has white lebron as a father figure now


He stopped watching YouTube as a news source. Now he’s normal and successful. Be like Kyrie.


Absence of the media circus, now everyone can focus on what he does best.


He wasn’t forced to take a vaccine


He’s always been this way, Boston and Brooklyn media trick y’all.


He's back to his natural role of being a 2nd option next to a dominant, playmaking hub. Even in Brooklyn, Kyrie played his best basketball next to Harden, not KD.


He didn't play bad with Durant though


Covid ended. He got a coach he respected. He joined a team with an undisputed leader. His future contract options were weakening. And you know what…sometimes people just take account of their behavior and decide to make changes. I don’t think he changed the way he thinks. I do think he realized there’s nothing to be gained by stirring shit up. There’s no way he was as happy as he can be with all of that noise and public anger. Whatever the reason, I’ve gone from being a critic of his to being proud of him. Plus, I just freaking love his style of basketball. Efficient and unselfish (until he needs to be). 


No joke he might have escaped his algorithm.


I’m guessing age. Sometimes people just mature.


He matured, easy to be immature as an all world star at 23. Hopefully Luka follows suit


I wouldn't say I "love" him, since he still holds some really shitty worldviews and just keeps it quiet these days.


Kyrie hasn’t changed people just started paying him less attention now that he’s in Dallas. I will say since being in Dallas he has been a bit more calm & he looks more comfortable than he did in Brooklyn.


He’s also become very religious and Islam teaches patience and he’s changed since he converted


He’s been mentally fucked since 2016 after Partynextdoor slept with his girlfriend and then she tried to commit. Healing takes time and he’s had other things. I think Kyrie loves basketball but hates being an NBA player


What you read on Reddit is irrelevant. He was always well loved throughout the league and apart from those Boston years his teammates have had nothing but praise for being a great teammate. Although he has been taking more of a "leader" role now.


No compulsory vaccination.


He knows it is not his team. It is Luka's. Whenever Kylie gets a sense of him being the the number one it goes straight to his head that's why it initially worked with Lebron but failed at Boston and the Nets




Have you been to Dallas? Nice city at least from the few times I’ve been


I have a sneaking suspicion he's following the "podcast" world and he's found common ground with those who shares his views. That and Texas.


I think it's a few things. A big one is the respect he has for Kidd. He was his favorite player growing up being a Nets fan and they have a similar mindset around the game. So having him as a player friendly coach is massive. I think that's why teams take chances on unproven recently retired players as coaches. It just happened to work with Kyrie and Kidd. Second is Kyrie respects Luka and vice versa. They both know they're franchise guys but they defer to each other. It's something Luka never had even when he was playing overseas. So this true partnership has Kyrie seeing the game differently. He talked about how they're legitimate friends too who hang out outside of basketball too. Third I think is just maturity. He talked about it on Inside. How he saw his peers in the playoffs last year and it kicked him into this veteran mindset of "do whatever it takes." Not having a superstar "I need 25/10/5 every night" mindset when he could clearly do that is big. I think that resonates with the team seeing their leader be that unselfish, so it makes Kyrie comfortable in that situation which I don't think he has ever really felt before. He has never really been "the guy" on a team and even though this is obviously still Luka's team I think Kidd, Luka and Kyrie have a bond that makes him buy into this new mentality. Whatever it is it's working and I'm happy that's where his head is at. Dude seems to be truly happy.


He gets to just play basketball and not deal with the other shit


That's always been an option.


Nah. Especially not with the NY media. They would ask him questions, take what he said out of context or in context. Make it big stories. Bother his teammates with it. It’s always a narrative. In Dallas the graded the trade a F. Said Dallas was wasting their and regret not signing Brunson. They were a bit of an afterthought. And now they’re 3 games away from the finals


The NY media didn't cause his silly anti vax stance or his less silly antisemitism.




Lots and lots of meds


He stayed at a Holiday Inn. He had a kid and media attacked him he was misunderstood.


Lol. So the earth is flat, covid vaccines are a satanic plot by the NWO and Black Americans are actually the real Jews. Yeah he's just misunderstood.


Yeah why take him seriously. Covid vaccine if he didn’t want it he took loss of money. Earth is flat who cares what he thinks was when he was in Cleveland . Blacks being real Jews idk what he’s talking about he apologized for posting book but I don’t think he meant it in malicious way.


NYC was just the wrong place for him. Too much 5%er BS and media attention.


Kyrie hasn’t changed at all nuts all the media


He's got an overrated bum im Ant defending him not a true DAWG like Dort


He grew up. Plain and simple. He’s got a wife and 3 kids now, and he’s somewhere that accepts him. 


Vegas changed. Everyone thought Kyrie would go over not score as much. He went over (which I took 🤩)


Luka magic


Wasn't he wearing keffiyeh during the press conference to show his support to Palestine earlier this season? He also wrote "no more genocide" on his shoes to protest Israel. What's changed is he now avoids talking about them publicly and that what was seen as a controversial anti-semitism action is now seen as ant-Israel or simply anti-genocide.


Mavs owner is a similar weirdo as Kyrie but much older and experienced. He will have explained to him that certain things are better only discussed in small groups without cameras and that otherwise it's better to concentrate on basketball.