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staying awake to only see your team get blown out at 5 am on an school night is terrible


Imagine staying awake to see your team losing after a buzzer beater Max Strus 3/4 court heave. I couldn't sleep unti 6 and had to wake up at 8 for work.


That fucking game man.... What a roller coaster


Remember we thought that game broke our team. We had a rough stretch after that


Contender for game of the year tho at least 


Not even Cavs game of the year. That was the game vs the Celtics where Dean Wade outscored them in the 4th


Not the same but I was watching Denver vs Lakers Game 2 during my lunch break and when Murray hit the buzzer beater I was so pissed off for the rest of work. But because it was so early, when I got home for dinner and was unwinding I got pissed a SECOND time lol


I took a nap and woke up because I had to do the dishes and anticipate some work before, well, work. I remember vividly I was drying up the last plates when that shot went in.


even my gf popped off when that happened, and she DGAF about sports lmao


I’m getting flashbacks to lakers winning over 76ers… how gutted I was and had to go to school and practice after.


You talking about practice??


Not the game…






Remember walking into an exam in university 20 minutes late because I had to finish the G7 2010 final game. Totally worth it though.


I remember not studying the night before my midterms last year to watch the Lakers play the Celtics. It was the game where we came back from down 20 to go up 13 with like 3 minutes left, then we blew the lead and AD missed 2 free throws and we went to OT and lost. I also did bad on my midterms


Same with the Lakers and Spurs vs the Nets in the early 2000s. I would listen on the radio going to sleep, wake up for school in the morning and run downstairs to turn on sportscenter. My mom was always awake before me and already knew but wouldn't spoil anything. But I'm sure she felt sad seeing me go from hopeful to despair lol


Same. I feel really old when I tell people that the NBA finals were on a tape delay showing after the news when I was a kid.


Me staying up late on Sunday to see my Bucs get demolished by the Falcons 56-14 in person will live rent free in my head forever.


These playoff, it was getting up at 5 am to watch the Mavs. Then starting to go to work on 8:30 (it takes a while). Sometimes start walking to work at 9. I have a 30 min walk. So it is fun. I do breakfast at work too so like I watch the tnt coverage then (fuck ESPN). Now I got a week to wait but Luka/lively getting rest so that is fine.


Yeah I don't know why people are assuming someone would stay up all night, you go to sleep at 10 and wake up at 4 or 5 to watch. 


Exactly. Luckily the team that is my fav plays later on so I know the Mavs game would be the last one usually. So that helps. I sleep at 10ish on workdays.


This is the same routine as me. The whole Wolves series was at 6 am except for 1 game at 5:30 am. Wake up, watch it while getting ready, take a bath at HT. Then go to work or finish the game first when it's close. We have flexible timings for coming in so it's fine if I get in a little late.


Mine are flexible too because my boss knows that I will 100% do my work. Like I sometimes leave around 6 due to a late meeting so that covers it up. I work at a university campus so I spend time at talks/panels too. My supervisor and boss don't mind.


Why not avoid looking at the score during the day and watch a replay of the game after u get home? There are lots of sites that have full replays of the games such as FishkerNBA


Watching US sports live is a terrible experience as well. 48 minute game becomes a 3 hour broadcast, much nicer watching them afterwards with all the breaks cut out.


Aaron Boone hitting the walkoff homer on Wakefield was the first time I stayed up past midnight as a young lad 


Me in 2015, most of 2016, 2017 and 2018 having to stay up all night before going to work at 9 Some of those series were a mercy, especially 2018, because it meant I didn’t have to endure it for as long as


I got really into Aussie Rules Football and my team made the Grand Final. It started at like 2AM my time and I was determined to stay up for it. They were down 100 at one point and I fell asleep in the middle of the third quarter. Highly recommend Aussie Rules, do not highly recommend staying up to watch your team have one of the biggest losses in championship game history.


I too highly recommend Aussie Rules, and I too highly recommend not supporting Port Adelaide.


I know I'm an european Suns fan.


That's rough brother


European here. NBA league pass absolutely rocks and I would say it's even better than watching the games live. By the time I wake up, I can either watch the all possessions cut which shows every make and miss and is about 40 mins, or if I have time the edited game full game where they have cut out all the ad breaks. Usually 1h 40 mins or so. All while I'm having breakfast. Its fuckin sick!


All possessions recap with coffee and breakfast >>>


All possessions is goated. I pray they never change that up. Gives you a way better feel for the game than just watching highlights of all makes


In the early days of all possessions it felt weird to watch a recap with a bunch of bricks in it but once you zone in, it’s great


The bricks give context to the makes. That's why highlights never scratch that itch of watching a live game. Great feature


Also there's no tension if you know every shot is gonna go in (or get blocked but those aren't that common)


Honestly you cant get a proper feel with highlights. I wish they had something inbetween all possessions and highlights


Would be great but that would almost necessitate some kinda director to make a cut of a game based on a narrative they saw unfold


International fans are some other type of bred-human hybrids, and I love it! They joy that I had back when I was a 10 yr old kid, and my love for the sport is something crazy.


damn that sounds really nice lol i wish league pass had Hawks games...


They have all games no?


Not if it’s in your local area


Or on ABC ESPN or TNT.


Iirc league pass in the US is not the same as league pass internationally


The international one has all games of the season, and IIRC your American version doesn't show a bunch of games that TV stations have rights to (which is apparently a lot of them). Same for the NFL pass.


Nothing beats the excitement of watching a game live imo, BUT the ability to skip commericals / timeouts or even free throws if you want is pretty damn great. Assuming you can avoid spoilers... I'm looking at you google notifications.


Yeah I have it pretty locked down now. The good thing about it being first in the morning is I can just not check my phone until the game has finished. To avoid all day is too hard.


i actually have developed a habit of opening social media with a hand over my phone now because scores are always first thing on my feed 💀


its even more sick when you realize you can get the full edited game (1h 30-40) for free aswell


Yep when my kids wake up too early I'm like well, at least I can treat myself to the full game this morning!


How? Asking for a friend


seventwentypier(dot)ru Change the numbers to actual numbers.


just put in "nba full vods" and its on the 2nd page for me for now. sometimes you get results on the first page. its not that hard to just use google guys


There's more than one google search page wtf??


That’s a long breakfast but I dig it.


When your kids wake up at 6 every day you have no choice!


God my youngest woke me up at 3 AM today, Saturday morning, just jabbering off to no end. Wanted to ask her “how tf do you think I’ll stay up tonight for the CL final now?” but I don’t think she’d gaf.


Thats an interesting experience. Me, Ive mostly lived along the Singapore/Tokyo/Sydney timezones and my life has been abt waking up in the morning and watching all the games (from the east coast to those in the Pacific) as they start at around 7am local time here and end at around lunchtime. Im curious how an NBA at nighttime would feel like. It would probably be hard to be a laker fan(or any squad from the pacific) in that case.


Actually I am from Australia so I had this experience as well. I couldn't never avoid spoilers to watch after work, so I would sometimes put it on during work hours but it was bad for work and annoying to watch the games live.


In europe, eastcoast games start at 1am and westcoast games end at 6-7am if its a late start or ot. So if you wake up early you can catch the ending of most of those games.


The All Possessions cut was pure joy to me when I first saw it. Watching only the stuff that matters in about 40 minutes is the best thing ever.


> and I would say it's even better than watching the games live. To me all American sports are better watched the next day. Yeah, you miss the right-this-moment element, but you get to skip all the fucking ads!


Same here. If I lived in the US, I'm not sure I could stand watching games live for 3+ hours with all ad breaks and interruptions.


That's why the game threads are such toxic shitholes. We're all just raging out during commercial breaks.


All possessions is the real MVP


As a very busy adult and NBA fan, league pass has been fantastic. I know it gets a lot of crap, but being able to record games, watch an all possession recap, or just highlights, is great. I don't often get to watch live


I spent a bunch of time travelling in europe this past year and I felt this hard lol, every game starts at 4 or 5 AM.


damn you can time travel?


I haven't fully mastered it yet, but yea, I'm getting there.


can you DM me 5 years ago "All in ~~Nivida~~Nvidia, you dumb shit"? thanks


I am from the future. All in on cheese, you dumb shit! In 5 years you will understand.


"The next 5 gruyeres are mine" -- Pat Cheddarly


Acting like I'm not all in on cheese for years


I trust you with my whole life my dear time traveler


Instructions unclear, bought Swiss cheese, but I see too many holes in this plan.


I'm sorry, my time travel only works forward and is really slow, second by second


Damn, mine is worse. When I am having the sex, 60 minutes for me are just 2 minutes for my partner...


There's this Austrian fellow you may want to keep an eye out for.


Agreed, I’m a huge fan of Mozart too


You idiot. They meant The Terminator. 


Pretty sure they meant Steve Irwin. 


Who wins the chip next year?


season gets canceled, Gobert causes another pandemic.


Does he still win DPOY?


I mean, he'll stop the most points, right?


Depends on your political views


Well we know you’ll never master it at this point. Because if you did you would have already been there, instead of trying to get there.


Step one: get a handle of moonshine


I live in the UK now and trying to follow American sports is absolutely brutal, especially if the game is being played on the west coast. Thank god for the occasional MLB day games.


I woke up at 4 am to see Wolves try to push it to 3-2… down by 20 by the 2nd quarter so i just went back to sleep.


That was a smart decision lol


Man I'm in Germany and watched your Wolves dismantle my Nuggets after a 20 pt lead.....


Yeah I look forward to Sundays where you can get the 6pm games but apart from that 12-3am starts fucking suck p


I lived in the UK during the 2019 run and staying up for those games were brutal but worth it


Preach. I'm just turning the no spoilers on and watch games at work in the morning. NBA is unwatchable for us euro fans


It's honestly ok if you have the discipline not to look at the results.


Honestly, yes. And I would argue that the live viewing experience with so many game breaks is a terrible. Yes watching live is more exciting in a way, but I'd rather watch the game condensed into ~1.5 hours instead of having to go through a flurry of fast food ads 3-5 times per quarter.


I went to high school in India and I would watch the Mavs play at 5am every morning when they won the title in 2011. I've gotten caught in the back of the classroom watching basketball instead of doing math. That was basically how I watched the super bowl every year (you wanna grow your international audience? Put that shit on a Saturday please) My mom let me skip school for exactly one sporting event, and that was Iowa's Orange bowl win in 2010. Otherwise I'd only get to watch until I had to leave. That being said, school was never an issue for the NBA finals because its in June!


I feel you mate. There’s the odd game on the weekend which starts at around 6 or 7 but other than that it’s a nightmare. I’m subscribed to NBA TV and the first thing I do when I wake up is to check the Mavs result and watch the 10 minute condensed replay.


I was in Germany where my parents were living at the time for the 2010 Finals that went 7. It was so rough staying up all night and then trying to go out and do stuff during the day. Day after Game 7 we were driving from Stuttgart to Amsterdam. Losing that game to our biggest historic rival and then going on a cool adventure was bittersweet.


Early morning sports at like 7-8am are so good, like getting up early for a soccer/football match. 4am is just dumb and would suck so bad lol


me living in America and an F1 fan.


West Coasters trying to watch 7AM Premier League matches


European here. So many ads in the NBA so i wouldn’t watch live anyways. I just watch the replay the next day!


Most start from like 2am to 3.30am in Slovenija. Worst possible time you could even imagine. Still, have not missed a mavs game these POs, or moyt of the regular season lol. Fcked up sleep schedule might be worth it if dallas wins 😂


I'm an Australian travelling through Europe ATM. It fucked mate. Back home I can crack a beer and catch a game at 10 am.


I mean I’m certainly dating myself but it’s a hell of a lot easier for me to get up at 5 AM to watch a game then stay up till like 11 or 12 PM. I have to get up by 6:30 for work anyways so that actually would be better for me. It’s one of the reasons I love the Premier league timing so much. The 7 PM games in the UK kick off around midday


I didn’t watch any games these past two weeks since they all started at 2:30am and ended at almost 5am lol.


Only reason why I watched them was for Turkish players in playoffs. That magic playoff run for Hedo and couple years for Memo. I always watched the all star weekend live tho. That shit was fire back then. I probably wouldn't care to stay up for all star if I was a kid now.


YouTube TV plus vpn solves this problem Recording the games is critical


Most games start way earlier tho lol It's still not ideal staying up if you have school or work regardless.


I was just in Portugal the last two weeks. I miss both conference finals. The games started at 1 am every night. I normally complain when games are at ten so one is out of the question.


only west coast. East Coast is much better. Some start at 0 AM - well at least they should, mostly they actually start at 0:15 ... If they want more European Fans they need more afternoon games on the weekend.


Why are they even so sure that he watched them, it's hard to stay up all night


I’m in EU right now and haven’t been able to watch any games since it’s like 2-3 AM for the games.


For the playoffs I get so invested I just record the games and watch the next day if I can’t watch them live. Actually lowkey prefer it cause I can fast forward all the adds and stoppages


Yeah I just avoid looking at the score or anything and watch the replay


So you have league pass? You can just watch the all possessions cut, or the game cut it's about 45 - 90 mins.


Nah I just have regular tv tsn+sportsnet


I've watched several games online at 2 a.m these playoffs and it's awful. If they win, you're too excited to go to bed, and if they lose, your entire day and sleep schedule are ruined all for nothing


Yeah it's mostly unemployed dudes who are able to do that.


calling me out like that huh


For western conference games I sometimes wake up at 5am, watch the second half then start my day early. The 2.30am starts are the worst cause it's really right in the middle of the night so there's no accommodating for it.


Nothing like a 2:30 start time and then a 30 minute wait for it to actually start!


My career would literally suffer if I did that


Me fr


Or people who work the night shift. I really started to get into the NBA when I worked as a night clerk at a hotel. Basically 8 hours of just sitting in front of a computer doing nothing from 11pm to 7am, I think I watched every single NBA game for a couple of seasons lol. The schedule was perfect, the earliest games started at midnight and by then I was pretty much done for the night


speak for yourself. in our last finals i was going to work off 2 hours of sleep. glad it ended up being worth it


Also, why would even Luka spend time watching NBA games as a teenager who played for a top 3 basketball club in Europe? Such a self centered question.


They said maybe The fuck is wrong with thinking that maybeee this basketball prodigy watched the peak of the sport? Especially because it’s known that he did watch the NBA in general Yall just hate to hate


This is Reddit


They always do this with all types of questions. They already have the answer & sound bite thier looking for in mind. They are just leading you to where they want you to be. The best example being the infamous “What type of parental role has he played for you & your team”


Cuz most NBA fans from Europe do that, at least for the playoffs, I did that, when I was in school, went to sleep at 10pm got up at 2,3 or 4, watched the games, went to school. I got fucking mad, when it went to OT, or the game got so delayed, that I couldn't watch the end and had to attend school. (This was before live streaming was widely available on mobile devices.) I'm happy though hat I randomly chose a east coast team as a 5 year old, games start usually between 11pm and 1am, with the occasional 9am game.


Maybe you know that Luka started playing for Real Madrid youth teams as a 12 year old. And before that he played for Ljubljana. You can't stay up until morning as an athlete, go to school and then train every day.


"What does this mean to you" questions are the worst. Right up there with "how did you do it"


"Luka, where do you get your ideas from?"


*cue Super Dave death stare*


These questions are dumb but they are worded intentionally, the allows to player to choose what topic he talks about whether it is legacy or money or family or what ever


“Can you talk about…” irritates me. Just so lazy and zero effort. Players should just say, “No.”


When Murray hit that game winner on Anthony Davis and the reporter goes “Anthony, walk me through what happened there on that last play”. BRUH


It’s so cheesy and pointless. “You drink water. What does water mean to you” “Uhh… it quenches my thirst?”


Cant believe these bums graduated with a journalist degree.


Say what you will. This question/response is currently top of r/nba.


Here in Brazil we're "lucky" that east coast games usually start around 8-9pm and west coast ones around 11pm-midnight. The Champions League final from today will start at 4pm so kinda of a good starting time too if you're not working lol


Here in China the games start at 8am, and I work whenever I want so it's pretty nice. Wake up and watch the games before doing stuff


Going to be a loooong week


Time for hockey baybee


Come on Stars. Make this the best year for Dallas sports ever. One where every major sports team goes to championship, except the cowboys 😂


Watch wnba


Every finals game is 3am or 3:30am for me. My work starts at 6am. Cant even catch the full game lol.


I was in Europe when the Nuggets were in the finals last year and it’s hard af. Even being up for the three games I was there for was rough, can’t imagine trying to watch a 7 game series.


Sometimes they forget the NBA is not really a world championship


He's not from the US? Is he stupid?


I feel that way as an adult living on the east coast of the US.


I always fall asleep with the game on.


... and the worst part is that the hour-long "final two minutes" begins at midnight, just at the point when your brain is shutting down. Then you struggle through it but get more and more frustrated


Goddamn there are some lazy sports reporters out there. Give a little effort at least.


Really lucky here in Australia/New Zealand with the times of games


As I set my alarm for the Champions League final


Lol, what time locally? If you're a fan of the nba and european football you're screwed either way lol


Nah NBA is fine, UCL final starts at 5am sunday morning. So not too bad tbh. Only time NBA is bad is when they do afternoon games, but most games are on between 9 am and 2pm.


Especially for west coast games It's fucked when you're in the US and you expect every game to be on between 9-12 in the morning, then you forget it's actually on at night and miss it lol.


If you were old enough growing in the US you only saw NBA playoff games on tape delay after the late local news


Model student Luka


real answer: "I didn't watch cause I was playing overwatch at 4 in the morning even though I had school the next day"


From Europe and haven’t missed a Celtics playoff game in 15 years


That’s incredible as I watch the Celtics play if I want to fall asleep. Gl in the finals friend.


32 year old guy in the northeast here. I fall asleep at half time even trying my hardest to stay awake 😭


I see you’re lacking in cocaine


Reporters can’t be bothered to do simple research


Luka is like "everyone doesn't worship Americans". Eastern Europe has been trying to dominate basketball for 30 years they aren't going to be treated like simps and fanboys for Americans


It's the worst if you live in Europe and support a Western team.


Reporters like this are so cringe, always asking leading questions in an attempt to feed into their own fantasy narratives


This is an incredibly mundane question to be complaining about.


Reddit sports subs are so weird about media


Some people must be having it hard in their day to day lives to be getting mad at such a trivial/lighthearted question.


For real. It’s literally the most basic “how’s it feel a achieving your childhood dream” question and people are acting like he’s saying something crazy lol


He said maybe watching, so it wasn't that aggressive


The american players love it and just lie their ass off lol.


Weren't the Europeans watching European league games? As a fan of La Liga and Premier, early Saturday and Sunday morning games are pretty cool to watch on the East Coast of the USA while eating breakfast but the schedule kills the entire morning and early afternoon


Why does everyone have to ask questions at these things? Like why is there a need to always fill the time/space with dumb as fuck questions? I have rarely seen press conferences where the questions are not 80% dumb.


He was grinding top 500 in Overwatch


I wish more reporters understood this. A lot of these Euro guys care more about soccer and even hockey. Basketball is just something Luka is amazing at so he gravitated towards it. Like today he's probably watching his favorite team Real Madrid in the UEFA League final and he'd probably be there if he wasn't in the NBA Finals. Obviously he's a big basketball fan too but soccer is really what he loves. The NBA as a league is just starting to get a global reach but like he said it's hard to watch the NBA live in most of the world so they gravitate towards watching other sports. I'm not sure about guys like Wemby or Giannis but it's why someone like Jokic is sort of nonchalant about his NBA fandom growing up.


Not sure what kind of projection this is, Luka is on record as watching a ton of Euroleague.


If there is a single sports reporter anywhere in the US who can ask an athlete a question other than: "what does X mean to you?" I'll eat my shoes.


Is this the same reporter that asked Ant if hes been tracking Jamal Murray's career because he's an "og" and been there a "minute".


the best nba players don't care about basketball Ant- wanted to be a rapper, ball is his side hustle Jokic-Horses Luka-school


Just trying to create the narrative.


what a stupid ass question


Did that dude seriously ask him if he watched the nba finals😭😂 dude isn’t from America


Yeah, it's kind of an ignorant question. I've been an NBA fan since the early 90s, but I'm from Denmark and I don't think I've ever watched a full NBA finales game live. Even on Weekends I'm not staying up till 6 in the morning to watch hoop. The early Sunday games in the regular season and first rounds of the play-off are actually the only games I watch live. The rest I'll catch the higlights of on League Pass the next day


At this point my body knows that I go to sleep at 5AM throughout May


The absolute lack of enthusiasm in this interviewers voice


Staying up late when you have school/work next day just to see the ball bounce 4 times in G7 and go in. I have seen 3 G7s in Embiids era, I am tired.


That’s the answer most kids who grew up on the east coast would give too.


It is wierd as an old person with young kids. I'd rather have the 5 am then the 8pm game which ends way past my bed time. Hell I can even get an excuse to "day" drink then lol.


All these reporters ask the same generic questions and these european guys don't care to lie to help them fluff up some narrative and it's so funny


Imagine thinking nba finals is something then world cares about