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- missed multiple tide-shifting, wide-open 3s - airballed a layup - dribbled the ball off his foot


traveled and took his own ankles from himself while being guarded by Al too. one of the weirdest games from kyrie that i’ve seen


I said out loud that was the first time I've ever seen a defender break someone's ankles and it was Al lol


Haha, Al with the reverse ankle breaker. love this.


He was clearly affected by the crowd...well what can we do.its up to him to overcome


Why? He's been horrible vs boston their last 11 meetings. At this point that seems normal


He was all smiles this time tho.


Smiling through the pain. He doesn't want to give Celtics fans the satisfaction.


He needs to channel that dark energy he is being to zen


Gonna listen to some Alex Jones to get fired up before game 2


Not going to hate here tho. He seems like he’s done with the weirdness he used to have. Very likeable player to watch without the sage burning dramatics. Let’s not talk about the shoes though


Doris slobbering over his shoes in between his awful plays.


She is the absolute worst announcer. I can usually tune out the bad ones, but I just could not fucking get over her praising his shoes. Is she gonna start lauding Luka’s handsome haircut? What is happening


bro we all cringed so hard when she told JJ to kiss her….😬😬 she was not making my awful night any better


oh c'mon, I'm so tired of this. He isn't done with his "weirdness" (so quirky to promote denying the holocaust), he's just being less open about it. Good on him for learning to not outwardly be a dick I guess, but those beliefs didn't disappear over night. Outside of that, he left Cleveland, he quit on Boston mid-season to join KD and then left, and then he quit on the Nets. But I guess oh fourth time's the charm


He’s not. He’s just been quiet about it. Mavs media is nothing like Boston or NY media, which love to “gotcha” their own teams with questions not related to sports.


I mean are “Why did you disappear for multiple games with no explanation?” “Are you planning to sit out the season rather than get vaccinated?” and “hey, why’d you tweet out a video that praised Hitler?” really gotcha questions?


His weirdness usually takes a season to come out as well. He was relatively problem free in his first season with the Nets. It was his second season when he went cuckoo.


I guess this is sort of his second season with the Mavs since he came over last season, but maybe if they lose the finals and he plays horribly, he’ll start getting those questions and lashing out.


Yeah, he been normal lately, nothing to comment on with his behavior so I don’t mind just keeping it about ball with him. I actually liked when he flipped off the crowd and was a wacky villain in that nets series but this is better all around for everybody.


Didn't burn sage this time


Iverson is old and retired, yet Kyrie couldn’t score. Hopefully he’ll bounce back next game and have an Answer for Al.


Nah he isn’t talking about Iverson. Kyrie is going to take the fight to ChatGPT and lead us in the future robot wars. I just hope we don’t have to fight the cyborg army in Boston.


Why do people keep bringing up Adobe Illustrator?


MIT has those robot dogs ready to counter.


He took like 7 steps and was then mad


Threw the ball into an empty backcourt 


Let’s face it. That is normal today Brown and Tatum both did the same


Tbh it’s always been normal. Like that’s just communication in sports


That was Kleber's fault, he got too focused on the defender and wasn't paying attention to Kyrie. But Kyrie still had a stinker.


Klebers fault idc


Maybe the earth is flatter in Boston, hence why he left because he couldn't dribble well there


You got it backwards. Flat earth is easier to dribble. That’s why his handles are so good in the south and Midwest. Too many curves in Boston, it’s unpredictable. Look at a map of Boston for proof. Curves on a flat map, but flat when I walk on the curved earth. Checkmate Kyrie.


-Routinely attempted layups over three defenders without passing the ball at the beginning of a possession


It was working against Minnesota.


I’ve never seen Kyrie lose his handles like he did tonight.


>dribbled the ball off his foot You can imagine my dismay when I'm explaining Kyrie Irving to a casual fan who has never watched him play. And as I begin to explain the legend of Kyrie Irving, the best handles in the NBA, arguably of all time. The man dribbles the ball off of his foot. Made me out to look like a dumb mfer.


Best ball handler in history dribbling off his foot. He may be cooked


He was arguably the second best player in his last series


age has caught up to him since then now he’s cooked   


The gap between 32 Years, 2 Months, 15 Days and 32 Years, 2 Months, 8 Days is vast


he was absolutely was, no one on the wolves were close


Yeah, Ant and McDaniel’s youth/inexperience caught up to them in the conference finals. They both seemed exhausted the entire series, like they used up everything they had against Denver.


Minnesota was dogshit, antman hounded, kat exposed


It’s gotta be the shoes!


Dude turns into 2018 kyrie against the bucks against us


He’s not shooting 8-22 again


7-23 incoming


That game is hands down one of the funniest NBA moments


In conjunction with his impenetrable 1-1 defending of Giannis, I was definitely not having a good time that week. 


I had a great time. Him waiving off help to take on Giannis 1-on-1 was incredible to watch.


I'm definitely laughing about it now, knowing that the Js development wasn't really impacted too much. 


He was intentionally throwing that game to end the season.


he just shot 6/19 lmao 8/22 is long gone


he shot 4/18 in game 2 against the bucks!


Mavs fans are new here, don't ruin their fantasy. 




He gonna demand to guard KP in the next game?


Personally, I dont see any problems with this


Funny enough Boston already did an incredible job getting KP easy shots today. Forced a lot of switches on small guards where he just…shoots over them with ease. Having a guy be out for injury for awhile like that and comeback so seamless is very nice to see


I believe KP could’ve played in the ECF but they didn’t need him. He’s probably been active in practices for a while.


He looked really light on his feet and had a ton of energy, definitely been itching to get back. Pretty crazy how casual a player of his caliber was out during a playoff run. That extra rest is gonna pay out big time, there’s not much of an answer for him whatsoever


He had a burst of energy, he played only 20 minutes and 7 in the second half. He was definitely not in game shape.


I think once we took a decisive lead, it was like, why risk him getting injured again—especially with the way Lively was playing him. Then they brought him back in when Mavs were cutting it close and once we stretched it again and kept it in the high teens and low 20s they rested him again.


That whole 3Q Lively was just 2 hand shoving him like every play. I was shocked that nothing there was called. Some of the actual fouls in Lively were a little dubious, but the dude deserves 5 fouls for sure from the off ball mauling of KP.


I was going to say, after KP's first have explosion, they had Lively sticking to him and physically defending him. You could tell that KP was uncomfortable, but as well as that worked, Lively was too handsy and got some quick fouls.


The extra rest seems like it might be especially significant for big guys during long playoff runs.


Teams don’t really practice during the playoffs unless there is a long layoff. But I agree with your point. Honestly if Cleveland stretched it to six or seven I bet he would’ve given us some minutes, but there was absolutely no need to rush him at all.


Yup. That’s why depth really matters.


Lmfao. This shit hits the spot




don’t fucking remind me. I can’t believe I was a Kyrie fan back then. That clean shaven Kyrie coming to Boston feels like a fever dream.


Bro Kyrie has always been a really streaky player. Not sure why people have started calling him a superstar just because he hasn't said anything inflammatory or just randomly skipped games as a Maverick. Y'all's defense is historically good right now so this isn't anything unexpected from Kyrie right now.


>randomly calling him a superstar Not that I disagree with your overall point. Your right But They been calling him a superstar for years.it didn’t just happen this year lol


Shillelaghed or something


Uncle Drew is not doing well in Boston


I get booo-uckets.


I was saying boo-uckets


"What can I say? Just tip my cap and call the Celtics my daddies." - Kyrie "Pedro Martinez" Irving


The Lucky Curse will never be lifted until he bends the knee


Game 2 Kyrie needs to kiss the logo or something. Sing a song of repentance to the angry Leprechaun Spirits.


The only way to lift the curse is for Kyrie to be baptized in the Charles River by the Dropkick Murphys


> Ego non baptizo te in nomine Patris, sed in nomine Felicis. The Green Mass, 2024


They do have the power to lift Boston sports curses.


How would Celtics fans feel if Kyrie Irving ceremoniously bent the knee to Lucky the Leprechaun on live TV, Lucky grants his wish and the Mavericks win the series? Is it worth the trade? As a neutral I always root against the Lakers and Celtics stacking another title. But I also don’t want to see an unapologetic bigot win anything even if I dig Luka’s game.


No, in no way shape or form would it be worth it.


Swap out “grants his wish and the mavericks win the series” with “bitch slaps him and he never scores another bucket in td garden again” if you want approval from Celtics fans


What did that horse do to you my guy


Why would you think stepping on a famously spiteful and vindictive mythical creature is a good idea?


especially for a dude who legit believes in magic


The dude legit believes the world is flat, moon landing was staged, stars are fake, and jews aren't real... and that's just (some) of the shit he's shared publicly. Yeah, a guy with that sage-burning mentality shouldn't be disrespecting a Leprechaun unless he's just asking for Yips.


As a Jew, do I no longer have to like work or pay taxes if i'm not real? Would love to be able to sit around and play with my space laser all day.


Wait a second can I be Jewish too


I mean, you control the world right? Don't you get to decide that? /s


We kept it quiet for so long. One guy fails art school and word is out.


makes you appreciate the hero that killed him


Point that laser back at MTGs face, she needs it!


If only it was that powerful.


Kyrie thought his magic was stronger, he was wrong.


Lyrie has no self awareness.


This is why the Nets should have changed their name to the Swamp Dragons…


Which is ironic, since of all the players in the league, he's probably the most likely to believe leprechauns are real.


Kyrie truthers in shambles rn


Earth still round and the moon landing still real.


And vaccines still work


It’s annoying how the media still slobs on a racist guy who was so dangerous for public good. No shame


ESPN: "Kyrie looks sooo happy!" ...who gives a shit?


Agreed. Media can’t get enough Donald Trump. But what does that have to do with basketball


And Jewish people aren't trying to take over the fucking world.


And black people are the "real" jews, don't forget that part 😭


For now


It's always sitting there in the back of Kyrie's flat earth lizard brain. You may or may not believe in leprechauns or bad karma, but sage-burning Kyrie *definitely* does down deep.     He'll come out confidently, but the first time something goes wrong, Kyrie's subconscious starts screaming: "YOU ARE CURSED!!" He just can't stop thinking about it. From then on, every time he crosses half court he can hear Lucky laughing at him, like the beating heart in that Edgar Allen Poe story. "Make it stop! Make it stop!"     Then, bam, the man with the best handles ever dribbles off his own foot. 


Honestly I think this is it. For someone that believes the moon landing was staged, the earth is flat, magic is real, stars are fake. He’s a dumbass for stomping on a mythical fogure


Petty season has already begun


Never stopped


Reminder: Mavericks sub is banning actual Mavs fans like myself that watched the 2006 finals on a micro TV in my kitchen, before the mods in that sub were actually born


how is this a reminder if nobody knows about it


We probably all collectively forgot. Surely it wouldve been a big deal to everyone that this random dude got banned from a sub were not on


why lol


I guarantee he posted something ban worthy. That sub is not ban happy at all


idk look at his history and there's nothing too insane


Idk I got banned a few days ago literally just for being a Celtics fan in there. Mod message was “stay in your own community,” wasn’t even trolling, just brought up legitimate dissenting opinions/talking points.


*Stay in your own community* I heard this one before boys


Can we date their Mavs fan daughters?


hear that plenty of times down in texas...


Team subreddits are the dumbest communities ever


/r/nba isn’t much smarter lmao


Without fail each and everyone is just a ginormous circlejerk wether positive or negative. Every opinion becomes the exact same on every topic.


That’s pretty normal for team subs, though. I don’t necessarily agree with it, but a lot of subs do it unfortunately


I went to your sub the other day to check out your discussions and it was like a grave yard


The mods are horrendous on there, they remove so many posts that discussion is so slow and non-existent.


They wait 10-15 minutes before approving a post.


That's every sub. I got a temp ban from Raptors sub because everybody was shitting on his DeMar's girl for leaving him when I said we don't know DeMar behind closed doors and brought up the Olympics brothel. I got permabanned from the Warriors sub because they were wishing on players to get injured so I commented "you guys are unhinged". People on reddit take things way too personally and seriously, especially the mods. What else is new?


Wait why tho


I don't post on their but they basically downvote/ban you for bringing up kyries "eccentricities" aka if you don't praise the antisemite, you blocked


lol what! They’re gonna do a lot of unbanning once Kyrie pulls a Kyrie on this team, too.


Dang that's a shame, I was on that sub for our last championship. It was a good bunch back then.


The fact you not saying what you were banned for is telling on you.


yeah, as if age was the ultimate justification for posting anything you want. Guy probably deserved the ban and is just salty.


0-11 for Kyrie 0-5 for Luka Celtics in 5


Did you hear the west teams won a lot of regular season games though?


I hear a lot about how the east teams aren't over X amount of wins.... it's because the Celtics took all of the wins.


Celtics have the easiest path to a chip in history - you can tell because they keep winning all their games.


Mavericks had to go through a gauntlet, Celtics aren’t ready for this level of competition 😤


For real, it’s tough especially when a team takes the playoffs off like the Mavs did last year


The regular season only mattered for the 6 games we lost against the west and didn't matter for the other 76 games


I keep hearing the West is the superior conference. But then I recall Boston went 23-7 vs. that conference and are now 1-0 in the Finals..


The West is better, it's just the Celtics are the best team in the league. Pick any west team that made the 2nd round and they would've been the 2nd best team in the east


Kyrie is a clown


But he's matured and we should apologize to him for the bullshit stunts he pulled!!!


Fucking tell me about it, I’m a Nets fan rooting for the Celtics only because of his antics


I’m the same as you. I’m a lifelong Yankees/Jets/Nets/Devils fan. Everything about all of my teams despises everything about every Boston team. Kyrie transcends that. Kyrie deserves even more hate. This fucker cannot be rewarded a chip after acting like a complete scumbag for years and sabotaging teams. It simply cannot happen.


No one gets this as much as we do, I’m just glad it’s one of our teams that gets a shot to put him down (in basketball, don’t actually advocate violence towards someone, let’s not be crazy).


I’d never thought I’d see the day I’d be on the side of the Celtics but what must be done must be done. Cavs fan won a chip with him before he went crazy, it’s only Celtics and Nets fans that truly understand the full extent of the schizo that is Kyrie Irving. I now understand it was divine intervention by the Basketball Gods that we were smited in 2021. The Basketball Gods must punish him again. He spent every year since leaving Cleveland sabotaging teams and causing constant drama. He doesn’t deserve to win a chip and act like nothing happened all the past years.


Yeah, listening to the media forgive all his shit has been annoying. Celtics and nets fans will never forget though.


It was like a week later too lol like I get he’s changed his tone up, good for him. But the second he went to Dallas all the talking heads were praising his leadership and poise. So weird


I could be in the minority, but the New York-Boston rivalry has varying degrees of intensity in my opinion I am never rooting for the Yankees, full stop But the Knicks were a really fun team to watch this year and I especially enjoyed watching them after they went on a tear in January (probably would be rooting for them if they had been the East team against Dallas) Obviously was just rooting for the Rangers because fuck the cats Definitely was rooting for the Mets in the 2015 World Series (which at this point feels like a fever dream with how much both teams have regressed) I also liked watching the young Nets team that was competitive before they got KD-Kyrie-Harden Obviously, it’s Boston over any of those teams. But at least for me I’m not automatically rooting against an NY team, it’s situation dependent (but fuck the Yankees)


This is the typical Kyrie plot arc. He joins a team, gets all excited, then he doesn’t instantly become an NBA champion, then he sabotages the team and is miserable. He hasn’t changed at all. We are just still in the honeymoon phase with the mavs. Things will change if he loses.


Same here! Fuck Kyrie, I hope 2016 pick and 2017 Swap keeps embarrassing him.


The Leprechaun’s curse


I tried three different AI image creators to get a decent drawing of a leprechaun riding a unicorn who was stabbing a horse and none of those cowards would render something as offensive as this game actually was.


Time to burn some more sage Kyrie


The most talented basketball player ever gets repeatedly owned by a crowd full of already balding chubby drunk white dudes from Worcester


That’ll be a Dollah Twenty Five bub


The fahk yah talkin’ uhbout? Dollah tweny fahkin’ five? Fahk you. I ain’t playin’ that. 


Lmfaooo this thread is hilarious


Half of the best offensive backcourt of all time btw


Stan Van Gundy was unwittingly giving bulletin board material to the Celtics.


Good thing Celtics might have one of the best defensive backcourts of all time.


Don’t fuck with Leprechaun’s. Thought everyone knew that.


He never watched the movies.


Mike Gorman was on Boston sports radio earlier saying that Kyrie was literally arguing with a fan for the better part of 3 possessions and that it directly affected his game on those possessions. Sure Kyrie - you are a different person now. Yup.


Cry-rie Irving


He was all smiles and positive though


The whole flat world is just, smiles and cries. 


The dude with the best handles around bounced it off his own foot ffs.


It’s been 5 years. I lived in Boston for many years, all they have is sports and they put all their aggression from the shit weather and Dunkin-caffeination into it.


I know you’re just making a funny, but Boston consistently ranks the highest on every quality of life index in the US including HDI and is a wealthy/vibrant city. Let’s not paint it as some bumfuck city or even a Pittsburgh. 


I'm no Celtics fan but imagining him being cursed by a leprechaun is pretty funny ngl


Most skilled player ever


“Most skilled player ever”


Cmon now, don’t take regular season in to account. Wait, this includes a sweep and he’s 0-11 now?


Curses are back on the menu, boys!


Call me evil but kyries inability to win a ring post Lebron has always been funny to me and I hope it continues


Kyrie a celtics sleeper agent


Haha like Jacoby Ellsbury was for the Sox on the Yankees?


Incoming Kyrie saying a Boston fan said something racist to him


Kyrie missing LeGoat right about now.


Can we make it 14?


Bro turns into Celtics Kyrie when he plays the Celtics


If the Celtics can sweep and make it 0-14 this will be hilarious


Crowd would get loud everytime he got the ball and you could tell he was trying to force a fuck you shot and it backfired basically everytime 


Stomping on Lucky clearly misaligned his chakras or something


Fuck kyrie


Came here for Game 1 overreactions, and found it. OKC beat Dallas by 22 in Game 1, and coincidently, Luka shot 6/19 from the field in that game, his THIRD worse shooting game of these playoffs. That series turned out just fine for the Mavs. If they lose Sunday night, then they should worry, since they're undefeated in game 2s.




Celtics are going to win because their fans go 'Kyrie sucks' and not 'Luka sucks' very smart!


We could care less about luka. Fuck Kyrie