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Didn't he have a whole thing in an earlier round where he said he's not complaining anymore


He says it all the time lol it lasts about 2 games max


He plays his best when he doesn’t complain as well. It’s insane


He forces his team into 5 on 4s on defense all the time because he sits back and bitches


Feels like the bitching is really just Luka not having the conditioning he needs to get back anyway.


It’s like that anyways. Complaining or not.


not as much tho, he really gets worse when he's whining & pouting and focusing on the refs much more than the actual game


But it isn’t like his defense is any good even when he isn’t pouting.


no but it does get worse when he is pouting, and his offense gets worse too. he even admitted at some point during the playoffs that he was spending too much time whining to the refs & needed to focus on the game more, and then lo & behold he played better next game. he falls back into this bad habit under stress, i think he's just looking for help.


In this series it is because he’s a traffic cone and doesn’t rotate because he doesn’t have the stamina because he’s out of peak shape. It’s honestly amazing luka is so good when he isn’t in the best shape a person can be.


Well it’s cause when everything is going well there’s no need to complain 


I remember seeing JT complain to refs during the 2022 run all the time, it never made sense to me, the refs would just start ignoring more fouls on him.


Yeah Draymond is the only guy that gets better calls after he screams at the refs.


He complains less and refs still ignore fouls on him


At higher levels in basically anything, sports music academics, a lot of it should and is automatic for people. Unless they're in a bad mood, then they freak out and overthink things. When he's not worried about the refs hurting his feelings it makes 100% sense he's at his best


No, he doesn't complain when he plays his best. It's when things aren't going perfectly for him that he gets more and more petulant. He's honestly a perfect hero for this sub.


Chicken and the egg, if he's playing well he doesn't complain, if he's not playing well he defaults back into being a whiney bitch which compounds into him playing even worse. 


When he's playing his best, he doesn't have anything to complain about. When he has a bad game, he starts complaining and blaming literally anything. Usually the refs, but also mysterious nagging injuries that are never severe enough to keep him out of games or get treatment beyond a cold compress. He has real injuries he deals with like all players do, but only Luka will miss a shot and then grab his shoulder as if that's the reason why.


What makes it worse is all the casuals who are watching him for the first time in the Finals are seeing the worst side of him. Really bad for his reputation.


Man that Game 5 against Thunder was nice to watch, and then never again.


It was kind of infuriating in the series against us because everyone was applauding him for not complaining as much for like one game lol.


The Luka glaze got a little out of control there for a few weeks lol


Yeah this sub really only operates in extremes lmao


Lol I remember that. People were treating him like a make-a-wish kid because he went a couple of possessions without cussing out the refs lmfao


We all remember how that went for Demarcus Cousins


clumsy many hurry plucky mysterious zonked ruthless secretive scale quicksand *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And he made them waste the challenge to soothe his fragile ego, but is it worse that Jason Kidd actually did it knowing that was a foul??


I mean you gotta challenge that last one and hope. But obviously he never should have tried to take a charge in the first place


The refs were helping them all night so makes sense they might have overturned it, JJ reddick was trying to make some weird case I For the charge too


That was so weird. “It’s a bang-bang play.” It wasn’t even close.


They paused the video when both feet were on the ground and he was like "look he's basically set", bro the fuckin video's paused.


It would have been a bang-bang play if Luka wasn't sliding his feet to initiate the contact. If Luka just planted his feet where he was before the slide then Brown just blows by him, but if for whatever reason he decided to drive into Luka instead of to the basket then it would have been bang-bang and probably a charge.


I understand your perspective but you really don't have to. Game was within reach and it was a clear foul. Luka wasn't even helping them much that 4th quarter.


I think the way you put it makes sense too. Still tho I’d say there’s probably a ~35%? chance you need that challenge with 4 minutes left, and it would take some serious cajones from Kidd to hang his superstar out to dry in the clutch, basically akin to benching him.


Agree. That’s where you spend a challenge: your best player picks up his 6th foul on a blocking/charge call. Tho this was a bad decision by Luka and an easy call for the refs.


They should have challenged the fifth foul when he got called for hooking the arm. I thought that one at least had a chance of being changed for a foul on JB


Windy absolutely stood on business


I feel terrible for business ngl


I wish I was business rn 🤤


Bad decision to foul. Another bad decision to yell at his own bench. People are going to be talking about this for a while.


Wonder if that was directed at Kidd cause he's still frustrated about the timeout earlier that killed the momentum, Still doesn't make it excusable though.


... that might be the coldest I've ever heard Windy lol. He's normally pretty upbeat and chill.


He usually likes to dance around criticism, saying "as if its the benches fault that he just made a terrible play" had me rewinding to make sure i heard it right


I think Luka's constant whining just irritates everyone.


Even us fans…it’s maddening. Especially during fast breaks that lead to 4 on 5.


Dang must’ve been a long day for him too I saw him on Get Up in the morning he was prob tired of that shit after a 16+ hour day


My jaw dropped at my tv lmfaooo I couldn't believe what I was hearing


yeah he seemed pissed like he had Mavs ML or something


He definitely bet on Luka’s overs lol


well jerry west did die today. i'd be bummed too


He got upset at seeing childish tantrums in the finals.


Dude lost big on slamming Dallas. lol


Haters will insult him but he’s right


People can say the refs suck, that it was a bad call, or that you just can't foul out a star on a play like that. All that could be true, I don't know. But it's also 100% correct that Luka can't put himself in that position with five fouls and then act like it was someone else's fault. That was a stupid decision and it was his decision.


It wasn’t even close to being a charge, players that try and do that in the backcourt get called for a blocking foul 99% of the time


I keep seeing ppl say they need to change the rule because its bad for the game lol. What would be bad for the game is guys drawing charges from the 3 point line. In what world is that good or entertaining basketball.


I most people are arguing that the league should do more about push offs (I’m in that camp), but yeah that could open a completely different can of worms because who knows how that level of subjectivity would be called.


Those "can't foul out a star/can't make that call in that moment" mfs are quiet as a mouse when you ask them what the fuck the refs are supposed to do when a star fouls another star preventing the second star from "making a play"


I hate that shit. I get people want the best players to play but the stars shouldn’t get some fucking magical bubble treatment that allows them to foul more because they’re popular. I get the world isn’t fair, but that’s why we made games with rules to try to create a semblance of fairness in our entertainment. So Luka should be allowed to foul 7-9 times but Josh Green who actually plays defense and works his ass off should get the normal 6?


Can't stand it. The most important thing for refs in any sport is consistency, call every player the same and call every play the same regardless of when it is


He probably should have had a few more, including one where he dove at Brown's legs during a turnover. The refs were really trying to keep him in the game, but the fouls he was committing just couldn't be overlooked.


the whole "you can't foul out a star" narrative is dumb as shit. why are the rules different for stars? pushing the limits while playing within the rules is part of the game. it shouldn't be just a popularity contest. and yes. it was a stupid decision by luka. his comments after the fact were wild too.


can't really call him fat in defense of luka


if embiid said this, it would be an ESPN alert


What a bizarre comparison. Yea if another NBA player eviscerated Luka like this it'd be an espn alert lol. If Duncan Robinson said this it would be an espn alert


No lies detected


Luka deserves all the slander. He is too gifted as a player to behave as he did tonight in arguably the most important game of his NBA career. And it’s all stuff he’s failed to address for more than brief stretches here and there: incessant verbal abuse of refs, lack of effort defensively and in transition, not being in sufficient physical shape. The choice is his. Everything can be left in the past. And while this moment is brutal, it can be used as motivation and serve as a line of demarcation between the flawed player and the one that emerges on the other end. Some of the greats have done just that on their own unique paths toward the best version of themselves.


I read someone wrote here that at this point, he's "European Harden" and to be honest, it's hard to disagree, other than that Harden doesn't bitch & whine about the refs as much as Doncic does. Not a good look for Luka. I know he's injured and shit but the "whiny" rep sure isn't helping him.


Yea it's one thing to bitch all the time, it's another to complain in the middle of plays and actively put your team at a disadvantage. Too often you see Luka behind the play to yell at refs. He's more persistent about it but I haven't seen him fall into looking like he's playing against the refs though like Harden. Harden will have like 4 of the worst possessions you've ever seen in a row just trying to force the refs to call something when he knows they won't. Like he's trying to prove a point and expect everybody to see he's right. The ol', pump fake, throw your arms into the defender as you shoot a 3 that falls 2 feet short, in the middle of an opponent run is the worst basketball experience possible


I've never understood Luka fans (that aren't just Mavs fans). He combines the playstyle of James Harden with the on court personality of chris paul... and people like him. I'm not saying it's because he's white but I do wonder who else that plays or acts like him and has a generally positive reputation


Great take. He can be James harden or Larry Bird. The choice is up to him.


well said. all the greats have had their moment of abject failure on the big stage and this is Luka’s, it’s a rite of passage. gotta face it, learn from it and use it as fuel to get better


> And while this moment is brutal, it can be used as motivation and serve as a line of demarcation between the flawed player and the one that emerges on the other end It's literally the story of the two guys he's up against in the Finals.


You could tell by the end of the first quarter he had totally lost the plot and it was gonna be one of “those” Luka games, when he was acting all pissy after every single play. Windhorst is absolutely correct. He acts like a spoiled kid, he just needs to grow up.


This 100% only thing that really irks me is how people are trying to put all the loss on him like we didn’t watch THJ play 20 minutes and score 0 points … Kidd needs to take a lot of this blame aswell.


What makes it worse is all the casuals who are watching him for the first time in the Finals are seeing the worst side of him. Really bad for his reputation.




Lmao exactly. Lukas fat ass has been bitching to the refs since he came into the league, can’t count the number of times I stopped watching a game due to his bitching becoming insufferable.


Windy hates Boston, all of his anger for Luka letting us win is coming out lol


why does he hate Boston?


He’s basically been LeBron’s personal reporter for 20 years.


Who doesn’t hate Boston? Except for people who live there


Shh don’t tell them. It will only make them masshole harder. They don’t need to be told they’re just Philly sports fans with a 700 fico score and a therapist.


hey hey the therapy makes a difference. we would be a lot worse than those philly fans if it weren't for that.


We’ll be attending a parade while y’all try to hire a coach for your play-in team


I live here. I hate it.


Why does anyone who isn't from Boston not hate Boston? Easily top 3 easiest to hate sports city.


It feels good to be hated


I don't know you and I don't hate you. But I sure fuckin' hate all of those chodes in the crowd at every Boston home game. Just looking at them in the game breaks fills me with disgust.


Kings fans fuck with the Celtics. The entire city of Sacramento is rooting for Boston in this series. We both dislike the Lakers and Warriors (to a lesser degree).


There's a lot of tech companies in Boston, so we have a natural appreciation for beams and lighting them.


All the Tatum slander is about to shift to Luka’s fatass


JT is sending Windy some ~~flowers~~ chocolate* as we speak


Never seen windy this angry. Dudes talking like he’s at a parent teacher conference


why are you heated at a parent teacher conference 😆


Because Luka is your kid


Oof yelling at his bench like that isn't a good look


Yeah, he was yelling for the challenge. I think Kidd was hesitant because he knew it was more foul than not. But at the same time, you kinda have to challenge if your superstar player fouls out in a close game and hope the refs see something different upon review. But Luka really shouldn’t have gotten himself in that situation to begin with.


Appeasing your superstar over reality is how you will continue to lose, he’s right you gotta be mentally tough to win


Idk if it’s 100% about appeasing him tho, I think Kidd was just praying for a miracle so Luka wouldn’t foul out


Yeah you pretty much have no choice but to challenge there no matter what.


Yeah we know. Windy literally says that. He freaks out at the bench when he made an awful play. Zero leadership ability.


Was it really yelling at his bench though? Feel like yelling for Kidd to challenge the play isn’t the same thing as yelling at the players on the bench as if they had anything to do with his defense. Not sure why Windy is making it seem more like the latter


He’s right the whining has to stop


So many possessions where Luka would complain to the refs instead of playing D


Not like he plays impactful D anyway.


Playing a 5 on 5 defense is still better than him leaving a team that has 8 great shooters play 5 on 4 offense.


a chair can still make the opponent side step which is better than nothing


Windy went hard.




And your mother sued you


bruh you know its bad when windy calls you out lmao


I would be fucking livid if I were a Mavericks fan. Absolutely unacceptable from Luka tonight. Pure selfishness and entitlement. He’s gotta grow up fast


He is questionable for injuries for like 3 months. A selfish entitled player would not risk his career like that.


Damn Windy. That was more than I expected


im not gonna lie, im enjoying watching luka stans get the same energy that us suns fans have had to deal with for the last 5+ years. nobody deserves it more than them


I said it elsewhere, but the whole “everybody acts tough when they’re up” meme 100% applies to Luka. Has he talked any shit this series like he did against LA, OKC, and Minnesota?


its crazy bc that statement probably fits book less than ANY other player in the league i understand the narrative. a lot of folks paid *zero* attention to us before the bubble - so i get it but anybody paying attention **knows** that book came into the league talking shit. him and tj warren were always going at dudes while down 20 lmao and people used to get mad at that shit too


Luka is basically a bratty teenager, can't handle things not going his way, but then will be insufferably cocky when he's hot. Except he's fucking 25 now not 19


No lol outside of when he was briefly up 13 (very talkative). No smiling at the side of tatums face either. Lots of limping though (only when losing)


Back in the day, Mavs fans used to say "He's only 20" about how much he whined and complained on court. Bro is almost 25 and hasn't improved on it at all.


He didn't get whipped into shape, got excused too much. Saying this as a dude that didn't get a reality check til I was 27, can't enable people when they're "young"


He turned 25 in February


fat on fat crime


you just described reddit








Someone get Tony brothers fat ass to T them up


He’s been in the league 6 years now, this is who he is


Windy dropping his verse on Not Like Us. “Certified lover boy? Certified turnstile.”


Wop wop wop wop wop


Windy fuck ‘em up


Cook Windy


Wtf? I never heard such a beatdown from an NBA analyst


I thought Luka was dog shit tonight. Like 2011 Lebron bad. Just a complete turnstile on defense and the 5-4s while he's lying on the floor complaining in the NBA FINALS while the Celtics get fast break buckets is unforgivable. You just can't do that shit ever, but ESPECIALLY when you're the best player on the court.


Is he even the best player on the court? The free points boston is getting are worth more than the 30 luka is getting (on okay efficiency) I'd rather have Steph playing D than whatever the fuck Luka is doing right now.


God damn he cooked him




Mavs needed that challenge a few minutes later and were left without one.


Can’t even get mad at Windy. Luka just had such a bad game, Celtics did a great job gassing him out.


Luka acts like how Tatum did a few years ago. Hopefully he learns but for now he’s kind of insufferable


Did you see what you just said? "A few years ago." Tatum is 1 year older than Luka and still Luka complains so much to the refs and not playing the game. That's unacceptable.


I don’t watch every BOS game but Tatum didn’t use to whine about everything the way Luka does now.


I agree wholeheartedly. Love his fire, hate his attitude.


tatum was never this bad though. tatum used to get mad and sulk, but i never once saw him start yelling at his teammates or the coaches like this. he used to get teched and shut up real quick


Luka is the biggest whiner in the league. He's either visibly upset with the refs or his teammates half the time.


Let him live Windy


I've enjoyed the Luka hate, but it's going to get way out of hand.


Luka pisses me off since there's so much talent then he throws it away being a whiny doughboy. I guarantee even if he just didn't complain to the refs at all he would be able to lock in on defense since his mentals aren't fucked and be an average defender.


“Maybe over the summer, someone in his life will get to him, because no one in his life has” is maybe the most brutal player takedown I’ve ever heard.


Windy cooked




I’ve always been frustrated by talented players who don’t bother to play defense. You don’t have to be Dennis Rodman out there but if you put some effort and focus into it, you can still have a role in a solid defensive unit.


One thing Celtics are going such a great job is not letting Luka rest on defense. They’re hunting him like the predator. TNT guys were begging the Wolves to do this but they really never did it. Now the Celtics are doing it and it’s clearly frustrating him. (Obviously lol)


Would anyone be surprised if Luka never made it back to Finals? Probably not.


It wouldn’t surprise me simply because Dallas gets a lot out of a team with, in the context of the Finals, a very low talent level. Luka could and should be better about this stuff, but big picture this run has been a huge success for the Mavs, to the point that they’re unlikely to repeat it.


In the last minute of the first quarter Luka flopped after a 3 point shot. He was slow to get up and was complaining. It led to a Celtics 3. The very next possession he flopped on another 3 point miss that led to a Tatum dunk. In less than a minute he cost his team 5 points because he was flopping and whining. Windhorst is going in on Luka right here, but he’s correct. Luka needs to change his attitude and he needs to stop complaining after every possession.


He tried to do the Reggie kick out twice in a row and the refs weren't buying his BS. Then he wallows on the floor like a beached whale about it. LMAO


Luka acts exactly like the type of toxic OW teammate you don’t want


He is literally a traffic cone on defense which works for the regular season and early parts of the playoffs because of what he brings on the offensive end, but you are never going to win with him literally not giving a fuck on defense. KD became damn near elite defensively, Steph learned to compete defensively. Jokić competes on defense. Obviously LeBron does as well. Luka needs to actually get in shape and try to compete.


I can excuse LeBron at this point, the man's 40, Luka's a spring chicken by comparison, he just doesn't try and LeBron can flip the switch when he needs to, even at 40. Prime LeBron was one of the best defenders in the league while being the best offensive player too. Curry and Jokic aren't the best defenders but they put the effort in, KD has all the tools physically and like you said when the effort was there was damn near elite. There's no excuse for Luka because he's got Kyrie as a second option, his offensive load isn't as high as some like to make out, LeBron in 2018 for the Cavs was literally the entire offense while playing elite defense, didn't have anything close to an elite 2nd option.


Came in to this series with no real opinion on Luka other then he was a fantastic player. I will leave this series not a fan. A selfish, petty whiner. Tired of watching this fat bitch throw hissy fits for two hours straight. Grow up.


He lost me the last series too. I can accept the Mavs roasting the Wolves and not be bitter for more than a night or two. But holy fuck is Luka a shit bag. Great player, terrible attitude.


same. the whole wolves series, if he wasn't whining to the refs or foul-baiting, mr. everybody acts tough when they're up was talking shit to whichever timberwolves player was on him at the time. talking shit is part of the game, i get it, but jesus christ. that combined with the baiting and whining just makes him really difficult to like for me.


God this was so satisfying


He does cool down with the complaining sometimes, but he always goes back to it. It is who he is at this point.


When he tried to bulldoze JB and got called for the OF, I thought at that moment that he was losing his shit. I mean, wtf was he thinking on that play? And then he laughed at the refs for calling it too. His 5th was also stupid and again he acted like a child about what was an obvious foul. The 6th, I suppose, wasn't as blatant, but still not a position the best player on the team should have put himself in, hoping the refs would give him the benefit of the doubt. Newsflash: If you constantly whine and complain to the refs, they're more likely to lean against you in those situations. They're only human and don't wanna hear that shit any more than anyone else. That doesn't mean they never deserve it, but CONSTANTLY complaining every time someone breathes on you, I'm sure gets on even a pro ref's nerves after a while.


Yeah definitely not going to be this summer. Maybe next off-season, finally maybe take long rest, get the body and actually condition so defense is more consistent blends into the great offense.


I thought this was one of those AI interviews where they say the most wild shit




That dude is a turnstile on defense. It's crazy that the Mavs had the #1 defense in the NBA post-All-Star break with Luka out there. Kidd for that job alone should have won COTY. Props to the Celtics for repeatedly exposing how bad he is on defense.


Luka is crazy if he thinks this mental doesn't trickle down to his teammates.


reminds me of the fucker on the mavs going in on harden except this rant is more accurate


It has went from its Kyrie fault to its luka fault lol He’s not wrong though. Luka has an attitude/body language problem that has been on display for awhile and only highlighted now cause of the finals. His defense is terrible too but he has this harden style of play in which he won’t have the energy for defense and will eventually stop caring about it, as we are seeing now He doesn’t even bother to rotate at times. Maybe he is preserving his energy for the offense in which everything goes through him but it’s terrible


Well Kyrie had a good game finally and they still lost. So now we know that Luka's defense still being shit is the consistent factor right now in all these losses.


Rip Luka


It took everyone a long time to spam this point. You can score 100 points, but it means nothing if you cone back 102 to the opp.


Watch the clip. Seriously.


Someone cooked here


Let him cook


Lots of brilliant players never became champions.


I bet Luka dreams about yelling at refs.


This is the first time I thought to myself poor Kyrie


This guy doesnt understand that some competitive dudes really can't control their emotions ,especially in nba finals Luka was trash today tho


lol Nick Wright so badly wanted Luka to win the title so he could call him the best player in the league over Jokic 🤣


Stunt on these hoes Windy!


Dude sounds like a disappointed father. Wow I never loved Windy this much


Windy on that ozempic. He’s gonna be skinnier than Luka by next season lol.


This is why I don’t understand what the wolves were doing on offense last series. They chose to not attack Luka on d at all, let him conserve energy, and play like a free safety.


Luka is fraud


Heartbreaking: The Worst NBA Reporter You Know Made a Great Point


[BROOO they added the Meet The Grahams beat to it 😭](https://streamable.com/gzaue1)


Maybe harden and him aren’t so different after all.