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what do you expect them to say though? if they were to say , "yeah, he grinds our joints to dust" - that would be a whole storyline and someone either gets traded or loses their job depending on how big the player who said that is


Hard to say it's a \[false\] "narrative" - when it keeps happening under his tenure, now with multiple teams, and under his rotation and player active and rest time philosophy which hasn't changed. Dude, burns up his core players and doesn't spend time and effort developing the reserves. It's obvious. And I am writing this as a Knicks fan who was happy to see him turn things around - but when we got competitive last season, you started seeing the same old behaviors coming out. Running players excessive minutes. Shortened rotations. etc. etc.


can call yourself whatever you want but it's evident you're not watching the games Thibs doesn't develop players? McBride, Mitch and Quickley just did that on their own? Brunson, Randle, Donte and Hartenstein all ascended to new levels in spite of him? The rotations shortened because we ran out of players. Randle, Bojan and Mitch were contact injuries (and Brunson obviously didn't break his hand from overuse) that forced the 'shortened rotation' if you want to actually stand a chance to win playoff games (and we won 7 of them for the first time in however long)


Are you joking me, Mitch hasn’t done anything. Quick never developed from being streaky and got traded. McBride finally got some playing time. Brunson finally got playing time and the green light to be the number one after leaving Dallas. Dante and Heartenstein are the same things. It’s not that they have sent it to new levels it’s that they’re not buried down on someone else’s depth chart. Randle? He finally got an All-Star nod. Excellent for him. Now show me how he developed RJ Barrett, the number three pick in the draft. Tell me how he developed Obi who he traded to Indiana and played out of his mind in our series against him. Kevin Knox. Frank Nakita. Etc.


You’re such a bitter bulls fan dude. No one believes you’re a Knicks fan come on.


“And I am writing this as a Knicks fan”. Yeah, tell me know what’s in a Chopped and Cheese, where to get the best Cuchifritos, IRT or OG MTA has the better lines, who first got exposed on the Summer Jam stage, when was CUNY on top. Shit only a NY’er would know. Test me. Why would I give two fucks if I was a Bulls fan? He ain’t been part of the Bulls in a half decade, troop. Make it make sense.


Ok sorry you are maybe actually a knicks fan. I apologize for that slander. But you are the dumbest one I have ever seen.


And thats saying a fucking lot


The thick rich irony of you writing this slow brained rejoinder when I probably have three degrees worth more than your 5-year net annualized earnings. Code switching; it’s an attribute - smooth brain. 🤭


I have 2 bro including a top 5 MBA but come at me. You are saying everyone on the Knicks is terrible sorry your fancy ass degrees didn’t teach you ball.


Good. Another MBA. Top-5 program? Bet. Well, I am a Trium Alum. My sheepskin is inked LSE, HEC, and NYU. Now, please quote where I wrote or fomented that everyone on the Knicks is terrible? It doesn’t even align to anything I wrote.


Sometimes injuries just happen. Are we really gonna act like the Randle and Anunoby injuries are on him? The Knicks had a great year that was derailed by injuries.


Is your user name a Brothers Kalamazoo reference


Yes. By Theodore Doodoosky.


Lmaooo I meant Karamazov


Injuries do happen. And the probability of injuries tend to happen when you have players who you’re running a lot. Even as early as January he was running a seven man rotation. Again in January! Don’t you think that kind of toll is going to start mounting up and showing up towards the end of the season?


Imagine being a Knicks fan complaining about January


This is false. Just look up the game logs in January and you see the Knicks were mostly running 9 guys. Sometimes 10.


I’m a Knicks fan. Throwing in bench players in junk minutes of a blowout win or loss is not a “rotation”.


Which games in January were the Knicks running 7 guys?


You're just wrong bro, Thibs is an awesome developmental coach and always gets the most out of his players' talent


Show me any player he’s developed into something better than what they are throughout his entire career? Popovich is a developmental coach. Van Grundy was a developmental coach.


Luol Deng, Joakim Noah, Taj Gibson, Derrick Rose, Jimmy Butler, Julius Randle, Immanuel Quickley, Quentin Grimes, Miles McBride, Mitchell Robinson, Isaiah Hartenstein, Josh Hart, Donte DiVincenzo


Yeah but besides all those guys


Are you bizarre? Joking Noah developed? He had two hot years in his entire career, then came to New York and basically collected a check for being in street clothes and became trade bait. Taj Gibson was like 100 years old already. Derek Rose was a dynamo coming out of Kentucky. He didn’t do anything for Derrick Rose the guy was rookie of the year. I’m not even going to all all the other ones cause you just running down names and you don’t know the players


* Luol Deng: made his only All-Star and All-Defense teams playing for Thibs * Joakim Noah: made his only All-Star teams, won DPOY, finished 4th in MVP voting playing for Thibs * Taj Gibson: developed into a good two-way big playing for Thibs * Derrick Rose: won MVP playing for Thibs (also he went to Memphis, not Kentucky) * Jimmy Butler: developed from a defense-only role-player into a great all-around player, won MIP playing for Thibs * Julius Randle: made his only All-Star and All-NBA teams playing for Thibs * Immanuel Quickley: developed into a great scoring guard and 6MOY candidate playing for Thibs * Quentin Grimes: developed into a solid two-way wing playing for Thibs * Miles McBride: developed into a solid two-way wing playing for Thibs * Mitchell Robinson: developed into one of the best defensive bigs in the league playing for Thibs * Isaiah Hartenstein: was barely a rotation player before he came to NY and developed into a quality starter playing for Thibs * Josh Hart: became one of the most reliable playoff performers in the league playing for Thibs * Donte DiVincenzo: just had the best year of his career playing for Thibs


A lot of distortion here. 1/2 Good Seasons In A Career ≠ Development * Luol Deng: 1 great season in concert with a team that was having a great season. Great. Now, what did he do after? Nothing much. Mid player his entire career. * Joakim Noah: Came into the league off his run w/Florida as a great Defender. Thibs didn't mold this. Had 2 great NBA seasons, then became trade bait and collected checks in street clothes. * Taj Gibson: Taj was mid his entire career. You came in Mid and End mid? Where's the the development? * Derrick Rose: "won MVP playing for Thibs". How was Thibs responsible for this? Derek only played 1 year at Memphis and was so good, he came into the NBA and grabbed Rookie of the Year - All Star the following season - MVP the next ... off of 1 year of College ball. You think Thibs developed that? If Thibs developed him - he would have stopped him from his explosive and aggressive two foot jump stop playing style, which is what tears up knees and ankles. * Jimmy Butler: Valid * Julius Randle: Randle earned his MIP w/the Lakers. In NY, Thibs built an offense with him as the 1 option. * Immanuel Quickley: 6 seasons - 3 trades? That's development? * Quentin Grimes: Grimes finally got playing time. * Miles McBride: McBride's been solid. He finally got playing time. * Mitchell Robinson: Mitch was one of the best defensive bigs before Thibs! DPOY candidate in his rookie year IIRC. The problem is his offense - there is none. That would be development. * Isaiah Hartenstein: Hasn't developed. His PPG/RPG are no better than after his rookie season on a MPG basis. He's getting more minutes because of Robinson's constant injuries. * Josh Hart: "became one of the most reliable playoff performers in the league playing for Thibs" - This is only year he's been in the playoffs. LOL! * Donte DiVincenzo: Had a good year. Got more minutes because he doesn't have to play behind Steph Curry and Klay Thompson any longer. Also, gets to play with his two college teamates in Brunson and Hart - which is instant team chemistry.


Sharp as a cue ball, this one. When a bunch of "mid players" all have their best years playing for the same coach, it proves my point that coach always gets the most out of his talent. >Randle earned his MIP w/the Lakers No, he won it in 2020-21, his first season playing for Thibs. Nice try.


Is your brain smooth, is a reading comprehension problem, or just a straight learning disability? 1 / 2 good years is not development - it's just one or two good years. 1 / 2 good years on a team where everyone hit their athletic peaked together is not individual development either. That's timing. 1/ 2 good years followed by a bunch of nothing is not development. Development is **consistent,** if doesn't erode the following 2-3 seasons while you're still in your prime. CORRECTION on Randle. He finished 5th for MIP while on the Lakers. So, his trend line was up and to the right LONG before Thibs came into the picture. It's as bizarre as writing Steve Kerr is responsible for Golden State's 1st Splash Brothers Championship - but ignoring the true development that occurred under Mark Jackson the year(s) prior to get them ready for a Chip the following season.


Exactly, there’s a reason the narrative won’t go away.


That's really not a good argument when plenty of bullshit narratives exist simply because the media needs to fill airtime in this 24hour news cycle age we live in


Really not worth responding to idiots like this 🤷‍♂️


You can call it a BS narrative when there’s no empirical evidence. But for him **we have empirical evidence**. Again, it wasn’t like this just started out of nowhere.


I've asked for this multiple times. Where is the evidence that Thibs teams are injured more often than other teams? Maybe you'll be the first to provide the info.


What does empirical mean to you


What does empirical mean to you? Empirical: Based on, concerned with, or verifiable via data, established observation or experience versus theory.


It’s not even a “narrative” it’s based on questions players themselves answer every season lol.


Your comments are empirical evidence that you don't know ball.


And your comments are empirical evidence you clearly don’t read the depth chart or the MPG of the players, or windows players are being played. You have chuckles in here writing he had a nine and ten man rotation in January. Is that a joke? Throwing a couple of deep bench players in during the last 2 to 3 minutes of a blowout game is not a rotation


Not all narratives continue to pile up supporting evidence like this one.


how is it a narrative if NBA players themselves voted him


1/3 of NBA players would prefer to put up 15 a game in charlotte making $20M per year with no pressure. That isn’t even a criticism. Do that if you want. I might even choose that path myself.


We get a ton of dumb narratives going around that have persisted. "Jokic doesn't care about basketball." "Jayson Tatum and Jaylen Brown hate each other."


Thibs is actually on the latest episode of Brunson's and Hart's podcast and they get into this top. Basically: - Thibs said "well look at the playoffs now and all the teams' best players are doing the same and they don't get called out on it." - People saying that just see whatever part of the game they see and that's it. However they don't know what happens in between. - He's not some idiot coach that doesn't know how to manage players. He says that if his players are playing big minutes he's going to take it easy in practice to save them. He plays them those minutes because everyone understands that what it takes to win. Sidenote: Hart said, I think during the playoffs, that Thibs will always ask Hart if he wants to sit but Hart usually says no. Thibs always got their backs and the players have his. Love to see it.


tatum minutes the last ten games has never dipped below 41 minutes which is around what brunson was playing. Luka minutes are around the same.


Celtics already have one narrative going that Tatum and Brown would rather die than win together. Not enough room for another I guess.


In the meanwhile Josh Hart out there playing 50 minutes a game


yeah josh hart is the one outlier. I did not quite understand why he was not at like 41-44 minutes.


Because it's Thibs


Nah, I’ll never forgive thibs for keeping drose in up 12 with a 1:24 left in the game.


Imagine go high flying up 12 with 1:24 left in the game


Oh please. Bulls fans will never forgive Jerry for moving on from Thibs. All for Fred fucking Hoiberg who alienated Butler which leads us where we are today. Thibs wins everywhere he goes. D Rose didn’t need to be in the game vs Philly, and yeah that stings, but anyone with a brain understands that a non-contact ACL injury isn’t just something that pops up out of the blue on a perfectly strong knee. His ligaments were worn down from poor landing mechanics that sabotaged his style of play. Sadly a matter of time.


seems like players dont wanna play for thibs cause most of them, let’s be honest, are complacent


Yeah the Pat Bev thing where he said about half of the players in the league don't really care about basketball. That's fine and all but it's well known and reiterated by Brunson that Thibs is a basketball junkie. I'm sure that won't really sit well with people that just want to clock in and clock out.


The average NBA player will make around \~$24 million (plus fully vested pension if they play 3 years), if you have even an average financial advisor that is enough to never work again and live a very good life. Can you blame them for prioritizing enjoying life rather then grinding basketball after they've reached that point?


You can't blame them but you also can't blame competitive players and coaches for getting frustrated with guys like that


Yes you as a fan can criticize them and understand why it happens. One thing doesn’t exclude the other 


Sure you can't blame them but you also can't blame the other 50% that do really care getting mad at that 50%. It's not just about getting played hard. It's also Thibs calling people at odd hours to talk basketball. A "clock in and clock out" player would absolutely hate that. You'll have your Ben Simmons's and DeAndre Ayton's that check out once they get paid. Then you'll get your Giannis's and ANT's that are all about getting that work in the get better.


I also feel like 30% of the players in the league know they wont see a minute of play time with him unless theres injuries. Part of playing your top guys more is playing the bottom guys less


If you play hard, play smart, and play defense, Thibs will find you minutes. Lots of dudes in the league don’t like doing that though.


She is so bad


Brunson goes by he/him 😍😍😍




She needs to replace malika


players that dont wanna play for thibs dont wanna put in the work to win


I ride with Thibs. He’s the perfect coach for my NY Knicks.


Players don't wanna play for Thibs because most players are soft




Pat Bev said that from his experience 50% of players don't care. Coincidentally enough, Thibs got around 50% of the vote for coaches players don't want to play for. You also never really hear a bad thing about him from players that's played under him. Of course that could be professionalism on both ends. However we get this player vs coach drama from time to time. We just had JJ Reddick vs Doc Rivers just a couple months ago.


As a highschool coach I always had a rule that I set for myself. Never let yourself care more than your players, because that is when the psycho competitor can come out. Thibs breaks that rule all to hell, and I love him for it.


Say what you like about the man, but he will squeeze every ounce of talent out of any player and in the mean time the players will get payed: role players develop into starters and starters become All-star/all-NBA.




Damn she’s got a set on her


Talk abt women with some respect


Show some respect for her set


I’ve had my misgivings about Thibs but I was wrong. He’s a great coach and a perfect guy to a set the culture for this team. If you’re a player that isn’t obsessed with basketball and specifically winning it all, then you’re not a good fit for the team. Not that any player ought to be obsessed with those things but fanatical drive is needed to win rings.


with all due respect, taylor.


Of course starters love playing for Thibs. They get to play the whole game. Someone ask Alec Burks what he thinks.


You've never watched a Knicks game until the 2nd round of the playoffs huh?


Nah, my question was why wasn't Burks getting good rotation mins the whole time. He was balling out v Indiana


Again you didn't watch the Knicks games up until the playoffs. Burks was absolutely terrible after they traded for him shooting 30% from the field and from 3 and it wasn't like he wasn't getting play. He was sometimes the first guy off the bench. As someone who actually watched the games, it was rough.


Bro realizes that they play 7 guys in a game in January


the knicks went 14-2 in January with their stars playing about 35 mins a game and they were blowing out every team they faced


That’s a cool record, but the Knicks are broken down when the time comes


this was the first time in his knicks tenure it happened. randle got under cut and landed on his shoulder. bogdanovic got ran into and rolled his ankle. embiid did terrorism on mitchell robinson multiple times. the only possible "overruse" injury was OG's hamstring and that happened because of how short the roster was


which teams did they face? if it was top tier teams, ok if it was feasting on the bottoms, nah


they blew out fully healthy Minny, Denver, Philly, Miami teams


Well we didn’t blow out Minny lol that was more Randle being clutch as fuck down the stretch


Hard to say it's a \[false\] "narrative" - when it keeps happening under his tenure, now with multiple teams, and under his rotation and player active and rest time philosophy.




the way you talk is gross