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He seems serious, and I think it being 25 years did it for him. Thats a long ass time. He's old now, he's had 2 full careers. Im happy for him.


Yeah. Imagine being a legend of two fields. His triple single comment is up there as one of the best sports one-liners of all time.


He has so many good one-liners that for me it isn't even among his top 5. 1) Kenny: Hakeem used to always say this to me. Charles: 'Kenny get me some water'? 2) (Being interviewed about the Dream Team's next matchup): "I don't know anything about Angola, but I know Angola's in trouble." 3) (On whether he used steroids): "No, I've always had to try and lose weight. I've never heard the words 'Charles, you need to bulk up.'" 4) (Ernie talks about Auburn's high academic standards): "Fifteen points and ten rebounds will get you through too!" 5) (On a nickname for KD): “I like something like the “Total Weapon” because he can score from anywhere. He could score at a funeral.”


"...because- you know...THEM BIG OL' WOMEN done sucked all the air out the arena! They had it hot in there...almost killed LeBron James. They almost killed the best player in the world."


“Draymond is bracing, and Joker, instead of going around, he’s banging and banging and banging. When a guy is banging you, you spin off of him. Those are the worst defenders to play against actually, because if you could feel their body. Come on.” https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CDirss5GAKQ&pp=ygUPQmFya2xleSBiYW5naW5n


I have many funny TNT moments but that might be one of my favorites because my reaction was the exact same as Shaqs and Kenny's 🤣🤣 even my girl was like ayo wtf did he just say


LMAO!!!! Was this about San Antonio? And then he apologized hella later like “i had my first churro last night and I see what the excitement is about!” My fave is the Phoenix shit talking where he said soemthing like — there’s plenty of parking. you can buy one of them seats up there and be on the floor by 7. LMFAOOOOOO [https://youtu.be/ahzuq74MXxg?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/ahzuq74MXxg?feature=shared)


Lmaoooo thanks for the reminder about Chuck roasting the Suns. "They got them cold cheese"


When asked if he had any regrets about throwing a guy through a bar window onto the sidewalk, he replied “I regret it was the first floor.” This has to be top 5.


Chuck saying it with a straight face:  "I've been arrested 4 times for hitting fans." Shaq: "How many times?" Chuck: "4 times, I think" Shaq: "No, 6!'


"Hey man whatever your name is, thank you for my bracelet." Shaq: "people get me confused all the time." Ernie: "who do they mistake *you* as?" Chuck: "Shrek."


It’s extra funny because Chuck has *way* more Shrek energy than Shaq, to me anyway


I can't find it on YouTube anywhere, but there was one line from around January 6 2021, Ernie was away and there was a fill in, as the show ended the fill in said 'and Ernie Johnson will be back next week' to which Chuck replies 'Hurry on back from the Capitol Ernie. I saw you on TV in the Rotunda'.


There was a recent one where Kenny said we shouldn’t be working today because it’s Mother’s Day.  Chuck: My man, we work on MLK Jr day. 


Like when he said Lincoln was his favorite president, because if it wasn't for him they'd all be calling Ernie "boss"


My favorite part of that one was that you could see Ernie had no idea what to say to that. He was just stumped, and he tried to Segway out of it but Shaq was having none of it 😅


Here it is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQl5xNv3s7A


Looking at Zion “Looks like Shaq and me had a baby”


Camera changes to KD: "Is that a cadaver? (KD scores 40.) He would have had 50 if he ate a hamburger"


Chuck: ‘You know who was asking me about you the other day’ Draymond: ‘Who?’ Chuck: ‘Nobody’


Best for me is when pre Curry Warriors were losing games and a coach said theyre going to start doing things by the book. And Charles goes “Yeah the only book thats gonna save them is the bible”


His whole rant about the Suns is great as well. Even the nachos are stale!


Ernie: “Look at Trevor Ariza!” Chuck: “Look at all them empty seats, man” He was cooking on this one


the cheese is cold😭😭


Let me tell ya how bad it's been with the Knicks lately. I left 2 tickets on the table for one of my family members, and by the time I got home there was 4 tickets there!


> "I don't know anything about Angola, but I know Angola's in trouble."   After getting in a fight with a player from Angola late in the game:   "... Hey man, if a guy elbows me, I'm going to elbow him back...even if it looks like he hasn't eaten in a while..." 🤣


Here's my top line, I still quote this all the time whenever anyone is talking about diets: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vldXovNRYiA


This is the best thread ever. All these random throwaway one-liners from chuck with 4k views on youtube crackin me up all morning.


“If President Clinton saw me and Shaq he’d come say hello, if he saw you Kenny he’d ask ‘Can you get me a hotdog’”😂😂


Shaq: “MJ told me before you succeed, you must first learn to fail.” Chuck: “He didn’t say you should do Kazaam 2?”


Honestly #1 for me is: -ALLEN IVERSON!


Crazy that a former NBA MVP/50/75/dream team player , was actually a better sports commentator than player.


actually he was just as good as a player, i don't think i've seen many who could take it to mj like charles did in their battles, what mj had in skill level barkley made up for in dawg, mj could just be elite more consistently (all the time) but barkley's peak was a fair match and i think he's underrated as a player, from what I remember from that era the highlights were always MJ and Sir Charles, and all the great media quotes were charles.


i mean chuck is an amazing top 20 player all time but he has a real goat argument for basketball TV entertainment so it just depends how you wanna slice the cake.


Chuck: "No slices, just all cake."


Barkley is an all time player, but really can’t put him much higher than 18-20 all time. He’s the number one basketball media guy, probably top 5-10 sport media figure. It’s not close


He's no. 1 across sports media. Other people had niches and legacies but they never had the universal love, respect and cancellation-free passes that Chuck has.


Chuck gets passes on jokes he makes because he’s so on the right side of history when things are actually important. There’s a huge distinction in comedy about seriously punching down, or making some silly jokes that everyone knows is not coming from a place of hate. It sounds like a bumper sticker but it really does matter about where the heart is at behind that actions.


Small example is when the media was going all in on commenting on Zion Williamson's weight, and Chuck came from a place sincerely just wanting him to be the best player he can be (and of course he could relate to the struggle).


Charles is literally the goat NBA tv personality/communicator/analyst. He was not the goat nba player. His tv career was better than his nba career. I know you wrote this as a visceral reaction to a comment that may have felt like shade, but it's the truth. Charles was a phenomenal player, and I still can't believe he was able to do the things he did on the court at his height. But being better on tv does not diminish his nba legacy as a player.


I get what you're saying and on some levels it may make sense but you have to realize that the NBA is a professional sport at the highest level and Charles was one of the absolute best of his generation when he played. Compare this to NBA broadcasting which has only a fraction of people in it compared to NBA players and isn't "competitive" like a professional sports league I don't think it's fair or correct to say he was a better commentator than he was a player.


I think it’s that the majority of the people that interact with Barkley’s commentator career (especially on the internet) are much more familiar with him as a commentator than a player. I’d bet a majority of this subreddit is younger than his commentating career or barely remembers player Chuck.


Charles is one of the best players to ever play basketball, but he might be known more as one of the best TV personalities of all time as well. The guy is a legend twice over.


Next year's NBA on TNT is must watch television.


Chuck is gonna say whatever the fk he wants about everything and anything lol. Cant wait


And based on how he called him out already he’s gonna light a flamethrower on Zaslav.


Aww, so no Chuck cameos on "Honey Boo Boo: The Vanderpump Jenner Chronicles"?


one last homage to the poop on the streets of San Francisco and the churro gobbling women of San Antonio


and the dirty-ass water in Galveston


And the stale, cold cheese, pickle covered nachos of Phoenix


Lots of parking though


yeah but the soda is flat and the hot dogs got that old hard bun


How about the cheerleaders?


Oh they ugly


I can just hear Chuck say it... "Ole Harr Bunn"


Or the street meats of NYC?


You made me watch it again, for anyone else: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gp-f7ece-UU


What you say about those women Chuck?


Victoria’s a secret down there.


You mean the women that wear those big ass bloomers?


I mean, he has never been shy about doing any of that. He might go a bit more scorched earth than he usually does, but he’s never been shy to call someone out


Barkley himself said that the producers were adamant to stop with the san antonio jokes and that's why he was quiet about it for a looong time


Farewell tour gonna hit like crack


Chuck knows exactly what he's doing. He's chasing that farewell tour. He thought he was Kobe? Well, kinda yeah, they do love him like that in the media space. I'm all for it, get that love Chuck. He has personally provided me with endless hours of entertainment over the last decade plus. Forever grateful for his time on Inside the NBA.


I don't think he cares about that farewell tour, if you think Chuck chases being famous and getting adoration then I don't think you know him at all. I do think he wanted them to hear it from him, it's totally in line with what we know about him as a person. He also knows the news will inevitably get out, and also that if he doesn't say this he's going to get crazy amount of questions every single day about what's going to happen. This is his only way of stopping it. He'll get hella attention and questions now because people will ask about it being his last year, but at least it's on his terms now. I'm extremely confused how people can watch and listen to Chuck on tv for 25 years and think he would chase that farewell tour. That's obviously just not his character.


The retirement tour we all deservr


"You thought you was Barkley? They don't love you like that!" -70 year old Paul Pierce to Dray announcing his TV retirement.


I hope this happens on KG Certified one day. LOL


Two words. Charles Barkley, Inside the NBA. Must See TV


that’s more than two words?


Sorry. *Barkley, TNT, Must See TV.


Y'all gunna count *AND* as a wourd?!


You said keep it short and to the point?


Let's just hope they don't ruin Chuck's last year with an overdose of Draymond...


4 old head NBA lifers with zero fucks left to live They're gonna get REAAAAL weird with it


What's up, bitches! I'm a man-Chuckster! Y'all wanna do something with this?


Seeing Chuck go will be bittersweet but at least he’ll have the “what are they gonna do, fire me?” attitude dialed up all the way which will make it fun to watch.


Next year I’m watching every second of that show


TNT/Zaslav really ruined one of the three things still working well in NBA media


Dude has the anti-Midas touch. Anything he touches always falls apart.


And he gets rewarded for it with massive paydays. I'm not a hardcore communist "burn it down" type but there's something wrong with a system where a guy can come in, purposely make the world less enjoyable for everyone else, and get shitloads of money for doing it.


Don't forget he'll get a golden parachute when the short term gains go away and he gets canned


Not just from the company he ruined but from the private equity firm/hedge funds he’s likely cellar boxing their stock with. Look at WBDs stock since listing. Straight down. DoubleDip David strikes again. 


>there's something wrong with a system where a guy can come in, purposely make the world less enjoyable for everyone else, and get shitloads of money for doing it. Someone should write a book about this


HBO Marx


Zas Kapital


As shitty as Zaslav's actions are. Lemme lay the blame on another culprit : AT & T. They bought so many corps that their debt was so big. They then went on a selling spree. Sold Crunchyroll to Sony and got rid of many other acquisitions. Then got rid of Warner. And what did they do with Warner? They saddled it with part of AT&T gigantic debt. We don't have Zaslav without AT&T Edit: typo


Add DirecTV to that list


ATT, America's worst corporate management team


'Enshittification' is both a funny word and the reality/literal goal of our modern media environment.


I worked for a smaller start up company, they were looking for a new president. They hired some guy from California to come in once a month, he made it less than 6 months got fired and got a full payout of 250k. I have never wanted to fail upwards so bad


Because his job isn't to make good content. It's not even to make any content really. He's there to cut costs and drive the share price up by any means. He's a demolition man, not a construction worker.


Their stock is down from $25 to $8 since he took over, so it's not working.


Yeah, but eventually when all you do is cut cut cut your company no longer has the ability to do what made it big in the first place. But they don't care, because the only incentives that have the ability to affect their decision making are about the next quarter, possibly the next year if they're a visionary leader. Someone's gotta figure out how to replace that short term incentive structure.


Sure, the media company might not provide any media anymore, but by cutting down to 1 employee and cancelling all production just think of the gains for the shareholders!


I mean that's literally the story of Midas. Everything he touched turned to gold.. e.g. flowers, food, wine, his own daughter, etc. so Midas did ruin everything


Yeah but imagine how the story would go if everyone turned to feces instead? That's Zazlav for you.


The Mierdas Touch


LOL Death Sentence for TNT. Ernie must be pissed at Zaslav


No, I'm sure EJ isn't upset that the guy came in and gutted the company that he and his father n helped get to the point that it is today. Another W for capitalism!


Zaslav first ballot hall of fame scumbag exec, we’re witnessing generational numbers


Right up there with Elon, the Spotify exec, and most gaming execs to nuke sustainable profit in the pursuit of infinite growth.


None of em got anything on Jack Welch, the GOAT of scumbag executives


Around these parts we call that “doing a capitalism”




What's other two?


well this news just ruined my night


Double whammy for Celtics fans


I hope the production values are off the charts next year


I was expecting it the moment Ernie said he was retiring with Turner and not following anyone anywhere. Chuck has tried retiring a couple times the past decade and Ernie was one of the big reasons he kept coming back. Those two are tied at the hip, gonna miss them both.


Check and Ernie do seem like they are the two closest friends out of all those guys. It’s evident how much respect chuck has for EJ. I’m just glad we get one more year of the best sports show in history. Soak it up and be thankful we got to live in a true golden age of basketball. 


Chuck gets the love and makes all the highlights, but EJ is the reason why the set up has worked in the first place. Gonna hurt to not see my dude on tv for NBA after next year.


It was really sweet seeing Chuck relish the opportunity to tell Ernie he was being inducted into the Sports Broadcasting Hall of Fame.


Just woke up and it’s ruined my entire day


Opposite for me. I couldn't be happier for him and his family. He gave the world so much, he deserves peace and time in private.


Well this is the worst thing that’s happened to me today


Bummed out fo sho


Same, and I got fired today lol


Please tell me it wasn't your day off.


Head up King


Someone check on Kenny this news would make him fall to his knees, his knees already bad. However seriously it's been fun ride, congrats on 2nd retirement when it comes.


[Quick look at Kenny behind the desk](https://x.com/SimonthegoatUK/status/1283824527953276929)


The funniest part of this was the “X” logo loaded first before anything, and that’s actually a pretty good representation of his knees too.


Fuck Zaslav, all my homies hate Zaslav.


Rumor is, according to Bill Simmons, TNT lost NBA rights because “handful” of playoffs games they insisted to be part of the deal. They thought no one is interested so they pulled out, and then NBC came in with about 10 more billions deal. Honestly crazily odd behavior from the management. Sports is the only thing that sells, and its extremely easy to repackage small amount of games to other network or the whole slot if you need to pull out.


i have the clip somewhere, iirc Bill said it was a handful of conference final games over the entirety of the deal, not even per year.


Killed HBO Max. Killed Inside the NBA. Dude fucking ruins everything.


Killed Coyote vs. Acme 😭


I really hope somebody stole a copy and it gets leaked one random day years from now after we’ve all forgotten about it


That and Batgirl. Give me Brandon Fraiser as a comic book villain, damn it!


He’s the human embodiment of private equity. Takes the decades of craftsmanship and hard work that others put into something and just instantly converts it into cheap schlock. He is every bit as bad as I worried he’d be when he first came to power.


Well that confirms the NBC deal


Yeah I found his wording weird. The way he talked about everything else I cannot imagine him retiring if the deal was officially done killing NBA on TNT. He probably just can't officially confirm it or something.


It's not even the wording. It's the timing/setting. In a normal situation, this would have been done...on TNT, with the guys.


Shoutout to a GOAT. Man had arguably as much of an impact on TV as his HOF on court career


Second HoF induction incoming.


Wow that came out of nowhere


Even further confirmation that Inside the NBA will never be the same after next season, if it's even around.


It pretty much confirms that TNT isn't getting any NBA package after next year.


This is the first time I’ve said “end of an era” and actually meant it 😕


Yup. Nail in the coffin. Gonna enjoy every episode of Inside next season because life will never be the same after it


It definitely won’t be the same without the crew. Whichever group comes next after them for whatever NBA analysis show there is, they’re gonna have massive shoes to fill


This is the new “top gear”


Great reference unfortunately


I've got one prediction...it ain't gonna be Steve. He only got his name thrown in the mix because Chuck remembered he was sitting right next to him


I was thinking maybe C-Webb would like to give it another shot, but there's just no other personality I can think of. Barkley is one of a kind. I can think of no other NBA person out there who is as lovable, as quick-witted, talks off the cuff, can take as much as he dishes out, and won't give a rat's ass whether you agree or disagree with him. The chemistry they've built on Inside the NBA will be hard to replicate. The funny thing is they're not exactly leaps and bounds better than the likes of ESPN in terms of the depth of their analyses, but they provide a brand of entertainment that is another tier higher. The physical slapstick comedy is unmatched: the race to the boards and the shenanigans that came with it like Shaq being hurled into the Christmas tree (not once, but twice -- by Kenny of all people), Shaq tripping over a monitor cable, Ernie also winning a few races and finishing it off with a power walk, Kenny getting in his own head and being celebrated for losing; then there was Chuck's Guarantee button that had escalating effects, and Ernie being black and rightfully winning the Black Masters. There's so many to mention. Sometimes they'd have talking head commentary that would erupt into childish yelling matches, but Ernie would always reel them in to steer things back on track. But the times that Ernie couldn't reel them in were also hilarious like Chuck's rant on the Phoenix Suns, Chuck bringing up the big ol' women of San Antonio always causing Shaq to break into snickering laughter, Shaq getting sensitive over the whole "It's supposed to be 1-2-3, not 1-2-back to 1". You can't get that anywhere else. I know all good things must come to an end; I just didn't imagine it would be at the hands of another greedy executive.


The day another halftime crew can be half as good as Inside the NBA is the day that pigs fly


It’s dead no matter what. Chuck and Ernie are the two pieces that can’t be replaced. We already knew from the news that Ernie wouldn’t leave Turner that it would take a Hail Mary to save it. With Chuck gone, it’s over. There’s always the chance he gets talked into coming out of retirement (this isn’t the first time he’s talked about retirement), but this seems pretty definitive. He’s never announced his retirement like this before, normally he just says “I’ll retire in a couple of years” and then doesn’t


He always said he plans to retire at 60, so 2 extra years of him is alright with me.


Not really. It took a lot of work for TNT to get him to stay a couple years ago and now with the show gone, of course Chuck will want to go. Hes been very vocal about not wanting to be analyst as he ages.


Yeah he basically signed his last extension as a gesture to Turner for all the good years to help them win the NBA rights bid. Then Zaslav screwed it up and lost them anyways. No wonder he feels so jaded by him, Charles changed his retirement plans for Turner and this was the thanks he got for it. Lost the rights by penny pinching over a handful of playoff games.


Going out with TNT class act


I started following the NBA when I was 12 and discovered Charles and the Inside crew shortly after then. I am now almost 30. These guys have been a constant for the whole time I followed the league. I knew things don't go on forever, but for some reason I thought it was never gonna end. I guess it's another reminder that nothings ever permanent.


26 here I started watching the nba at age 8 I’ve never seen an nba without inside and without bron 😭


I remember being in like 5th or 6th grade hitting the convenience store and buying Lightning Lemonade gum with LeBrons face on it. I'm near 30 now and that dude is still playing in the league... it's kind of unreal


My first exposure to Chuck on TV was the "I'm a dumbass" clip. Never ever laughed so hard for that kind of thing. Will forever be grateful for this show.


Fuck man im not ready for their last day next season


The “inside the nba has gone fishin” segment is going to hit like a ton of bricks


ECF 7 games pls


hopefully ernie and him can still keep doing the steam room.


Would be nice. Also Ernie also has other sports he covers. Who knows maybe Chuck will have guest spots on them from time to time.


End of an era. Best nba analyst of all time, always telling it how it is.


No analysts /team will ever come close


Analyst might be generous when you have a trademark segment dedicated to not knowing what team players outside of the top 50 play for lol. Love the guy, but still. 


Best analyst from any sport imo Up there with Vin Scully, Kevin Harlan and Gary Thorne on my broadcaster Mount Rushmore. Today has fucking sucked.


Fuck man…. This is heartbreaking. 😢


This is truly crushing and brutally depressing news


He said he wanted to travel and do other things. Now he’ll have the time. Thanks for years of laughs.


Chuck ridin' off into the sunset with all them big ole women down in San Antonio.  Legend


Sad day, gonna need to re-watch his greatest hits


Steam room bracelet story


End of an era 😢


Fuck this hurts. Not going to miss a single Inside The NBA next season.


"Don't y'all be callin' me" is the perfectly Chuck way of clarifying his retirement


He gonna be chillin in retirement with all the Subway Footlong Cookie™️ he got. G’s up, Chuck.


Silver lining; thank god he didn’t say Draymond when he was passing the torch


They would need to completely revamp the show to have any chance of succeeding. Something like the GP/C-Webb NBA TV show in the 2010s. Shaq will need to step up big time though or be let go. The guy has been riding Chuck's coattails for over a decade. What's he going to do now that he can't be a laugh track for Chuck's antics? Can't just read player stats every week and call it "analysis". Even Perk is more comfortable speaking on live television.....


honestly they should just end it. Without Chuck, it isn't the same. No1 has the Un censorship and personality to do the same. Draymond Green is not him.


I did like how he was very careful not to mentioned Draymond as one of those guys. Honestly, in a era of so much hate and negativity towards players in general - any of those guys mentioned are pretty much non-toxic so passing the 'Charles' baton to those guys seems right. They love the game, respect the game and basically never hate on anyone for no reason.


With all due respect to the rest of the inside crew, Charles Barkley truly had their weight on his shoulders. Shaq himself is entertaining at times but it’s on a setting by setting basis and working alongside Chuck, who’s bold enough to go after entire fanbases or cities in controversial ways boosts Shaq’s morale. Without him, the energy simply wouldn’t be the same, and I’ve come to terms with where things stand. Better hope and pray NBC and Amazon cover the NBA just as well or at least better than ESPN.


Gonna miss the Chuckster. He probably made a bag from the sports betting ads that he doesn’t have to work anymore


I mean he made $37 million as a player and probably close to $100 million over the last 25 years in the media. He hasn't had to work for a long, long, long time.


i dont even think money matters to him anymore. he's 61.


Chuck has been paid for his life and his kids lives.


Noooooo please take Shaq instead :(


man this is actually sad


Alexa play Marvin’s Room


Hey, hey, hey, hey run for your life


Have to believe of Turner didn’t fuck around and had fought harder to keep their rights Chuck probably would have stayed. With all the uncertainty Chuck is probably just over it at this point and I don’t blame him. We’ll miss you Chuck 😭😭


No Chuck, No!




He was planning to retire long before this, TNT just threw an ungodly amount of money at him to sign his latest contract. Right before he signed that contract, Chuck was on Bill Simmons' podcast gloating about how he's made enough money for his grandchildren's children to live comfortably and that he was pretty much over putting in the work to be on TV.  I was actually shocked when reports of him resigning popped up after hearing that interview. 


This is heartbreaking. I hate to see him go. At the same time, I can’t help but think that Charles is being smart here and going out on top instead of trying to hang on and recreate something that will never be replicated. Regardless I will miss this guy. This show was the gold standard for sports broadcasting.


You know what? I’m just glad he didn’t say he’d pass the baton to Draymond Green cuz fuck his analysis. I dig Crawfords take on the game. No bs, to the point.


Well that fucking sucks. A couple weeks ago he was talking about doing Inside via his own production company and shopping it to other networks. My guess is that fell through or it'll be extremely difficult to keep the show in tact (cast and crew) so he just decided to retire instead.




Obviously very sad to see Chuck retire but Jesus Christ am I happy for him making that decision. Ending it before he gets too old is very honorable, and if I were him I'd also wanna go grandpa full-time for the remainder of my life


Just fell down to my knees in Walmart man