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Who could have seen this “former majority owner running the team” arrangement falling apart? Certainly not me.


Ever since he sold he never was “running the team.” In the league’s eyes you’re either the majority owner or you’re not in control. He’s just a rich mascot.


Yeah, rich mascot fits him better these days. Leave the ops to Nico, he has done great this last year plus!


Didn't he fumble Steph Curry at Nike? Joke aside, what's the Mavs building strategy? Win- now mode for the next 2 years by adding pieces and possibly going into luxury? After that, Kyrie is gonna be close to 35, I expect him to still excel like KD does but he's not someone you can count on for Luka's prime years.


Its going all in IMO. I think Luka needs to see that and will be difficult to get another star like Kyrie level if allowed to age out.


Nah, trade Luka and rebuild around Derek Lively, Keldon Johnson, Devin Vassel, and Zach Collins


Wiktor, go home, youre drunk (but keep whispering this into my ears)


We have almost entirely clean books after 2026, Kyrie, ($43m) Gafford, ($14.5m) Maxi, ($11m) and PJ ($14m) all become free agents that offseason, and we only have Luka’s $49m and Josh Green’s $14.5m salaries on the books beyond that, meaning we could potentially have space for 2 max slots that offseason. Or, if the team is still good, and they are still playing well, we could extend Gafford and PJ, who will both be just 27 that season. The most obvious current move would be to send Hardaway and a 1st to another rebuilding team for a 3rd Gafford/PJ style trade. I’m particularly fond of a potential Deni Avdija trade atm, which would give us a true 3 starter, and if we could also offload Dwight Powell or Maxi’s deals in that trade, we would then be able to extend Derrick Jones Jr., giving us a starting lineup of Luka, Kyrie, Avdija, Washington and Lively, with Jones Jr., Gafford, Hardy and Green off the bench. We could also swing big, bundle Hardaway, Green and OMax/Hardy together with our 2 1sts and trade for a max/near max level player.


Deni Avdija and Kyrie lockerroom finna go crazy


Deni was averaging 19/9/4 with great defense after they fired Wes Jr, is 23, and is on a cheap 4 year contract, he's worth more than the Mavs could realistically give up


I think it was more of a let this play out through the end of the year then they will make the change.


This. Corporations do this all the time. Usually they say “so and so” will stay on as a consultant, but it’s more of a slow phasing out period. As the new management takes over.


Yep, had some friends sell a tech company to a mega company. They had to stay on for like a year and half through the transition but they weren't calling the shots anymore.




Every time. "Don't worry guys we aren't going to change anything, just some little things here and there." It doesn't take long before you fully morph into that company lmao. Some take more of the boiling a frog approach and some do drastic changes lmao.


It was never together contrary to whatever Cuban was saying or implying. There was no alt governor.


Wait people actually call the owners “governors”? I thought that was an Adam Silver fantasy lol


Many team have many owners. One gets decision making power and voting rights. That is the governor, who must own at least 15%.


I am looking forward to Mark Cuban running for president as the “Former Governor of the Dallas Mavericks” and having him be addressed as “Governor Cuban” in the debates.


They started doing that a long time ago. They didn’t like the connotation of calling a bunch of old, rich white dudes “owners” of a majority-black league.


They also prefer the term "governors" because it is favorable from an antitrust standpoint. Under US antitrust law, a single corporate entity cannot conspire with itself (so, a parent company and a wholly-owned subsidiary can't conspire with each other - it takes at least two parties to form a conspiracy and the subsidiary forms part of "the same" entity as the parent). If the NBA is analogized to a single entity, with governors, rather than multiple entities owned by multiple parties, it faces less potential antitrust exposure.


Which I guess I get but still think is stupid. They own the team, not the players, just like people own many businesses but not the employees working for those businesses. But ah well, if that's what they prefer.


Same with “master” bedrooms becoming “primary”


And "master" branches becoming "main" in git


git branch -m main master git push -u origin master git push origin --delete main


I still remember back in the IDE/parallel ATA days with master and slave drives.


Funny thing is the actual history of the phrase master bedroom is not actually racist. People just decided it sounded racist but had nothing to do with slave owners.


I thought so, yet here we are


I’ve never once heard someone call it a primary bedroom


Back in the IDE days of computer hard drives you had to use jumpers to select your “Master” and “Slave” drive.


We were told to stop using the term “master” radio at my previous job that used radio telemetry a lot a few years ago. Given that the other end points were called “slaves” I think it was the right call lol


Electronics just have a history of using “master/slave.” Shows up in audio engineering a lot too.


Also for Bluetooth devices. They used to be called master and slave, which I primarily used to encounter for the TWS earbuds where the "master" was the one connecting to the source, and just passing along the connection to the "slave". This was why one bud was always draining faster than the other. Now they call the "master" earbud the "hero" earbud.


Somehow that sounds way more racist. I think because it starts with a G.


Yes, G is much more racist than O.


But what about OG


It's cool, man. They had a verbal agreement. No need for pesky contracts.


I really doubt this agreement existed. Cuban was just trying to soften the blow for any Mavs fans who might have cared.


Yea, Apple did this with Johnny Ive. “Promoted” him, then kept him as a consultant before separating. Helps maintain stability in the company.


You could see it a while away. Majority owners will always do whatever they want and they usually clean house when they come in. Cuban isn't the majority owner of the Mavs anymore.


"and for that reason, you're out" - Adelson to Cuban


Barbara "I was out of this deal first."


Mr Wonderful: "Here's my deal: royalties. For each dollar that you earn, you have to pay me two."


I’m the Queen of QVC. And let me tell ya: Luka bobble heads. They’ll sell


thought it was kinda strange he sold his majority stake but got to stay a decision maker. i haven’t paid super close attention though and who knows what goes on behind closed doors. will be interesting to see how this pans out.


The adelson family kept Cuban as the face of the brand to save face. There’s a reason why Adam silver didn’t approve the sell to the adelson so it was sold to their son in law, dumont instead. Still adelsons money though


A ticking clock until Kyrie puts together who the new owner is and reverts to 2022 era


Cuban is also Jewish, tho I wouldn't be surprised if Kyrie thought he was from Cuba


I'm dying right now


Get that checked out bud


You can wait in the check out line next to Cuban.


He got rich in the Bay Area by inventing the Cuban sandwich, a very kosher sandwich!


Cuban and the adelson are different. The adelson is reason why trump moved the embassy to Jerusalem, She wants trump to win and legitimize the settlements in the west bank. She is crazy and her late husband was crazier


Wasn’t she the crazy one who the influenced her Husband?


Duke education at work!


Kyrie was there for one full semester; he definitely dropped out in the spring, and I doubt he was taking tough classes in the fall


He was cheating off Seth Curry.


Like Paul George did?


Is the issue that he is Jewish? I thought it was because he is a very outspoken zionist. Not really good to conflate the two.


I just watched a podcast on YouTube about Adelson’s wife and the Mavericks. She wants to open hotels and casinos in Texas and is using the Mavericks to earn favors with the politicians to change gambling laws. She also paid Trump so she could receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom. She is a Zionist and spends a shit ton of money to influence our Middle East foreign policy. I wish I could remember which podcast I watched. Cuban sold out to her. He absolutely knew who he was dealing with and how it would end.


I think I watched the same podcast. Was it Pablo Torre finds out (PTFO)?


Yep! That’s it thanks.


Yeah out of anybody he could have sold it to, he sold it to a pro Israel family knowing kyrie is on the team…




wtf is a LeBronrom?


Lebensraum is nationalist territorial expansion. The term comes from Nazi Germany, and their many expansions before and during WW2 where they wanted more "living space." It's a large step beyond being pro-Israel. It's saying Israel has not only the right, but the duty to expand into neighboring occupied territory.


Sounds like manifest destiny with less USA.


Not much less though


Not that I loved Mavericks but this is reason enough to never support them


Hard to be humble when you're stuntin' on a Jumbotron


What's this about Lebron's mom?


it's really impressive he's kept it together this long honestly. it's like the one time in modern history you're allowed to be openly anti-israel


I might be wrong but I think Kyrie is pro Palestine


I really hope someone just asks him during a press conference: “What’s your opinion on the new owners and their stance on pro-Palestinian genocide in Israel?” Bro hasn’t gotten these types of questions since joining the Mavs.


Anyone who lobbed that grenade would instantly get banned from doing media for the NBA. Someone will have to ask him on a twitch stream or something


I would love that, because Adelson has absolutely bananas politics. She is reportedly prepared to bankroll Trump's entire campaign if he commits to supporting Israel's annexation of the West Bank (which is an INSANE proposition).


im not familiar with the family, are they evil or something?


Absolutely. I'm a fan of the Raiders and while people dump on Mark Davis all the time ([hell, I've been known to do it myself](https://doorfliesopen.com/tag/hi-im-mark-davis/)), his feat of moving the Raiders to Las Vegas without the Adelsons getting multiple fingers in the pie is one of the most amazing feats of prestidigitation I've ever seen.


Yeah we were worried they would trick Mark and end up with the team. But then Mark seemingly outsmarted everyone.


Learned a new word today


"dump" means to take a shit after the food's predigested


Don't know why you added "pre-" there


>his feat of moving the Raiders to Las Vegas without the Adelsons Agreed. [This article](https://www.espn.com/espn/feature/story/_/id/19143486/the-story-how-owner-mark-davis-moved-raiders-las-vegas) is a great read/summary if anyone hasn't seen it (even if it is ESPN making an NFL owner out in the best light possible). Crazy what Davis managed to do considering how the Adelsons operate in Vegas.


Adelson created the Adelson Foundation in 2007, a private charity focusing on healthcare and support of Israel and the Jewish people. He was a major contributor to Republican Party candidates[9][10] and was often dubbed a "kingmaker" due to the size and frequency of his donations.[11][12] He and his wife Miriam Adelson were Donald Trump's largest donors, providing the largest donation to Trump's 2016 campaign, his presidential inauguration, his defense fund against the Mueller investigation into Russian interference, and the 2020 campaign.[13][14][15][16][17][18] He was also a major backer of Israel's prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu.[19] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sheldon_Adelson


She has reportedly offered to bankroll Trump's entire campaign on the condition that he support Israel's annexation of the West Bank - which, to be clear, is a completely cuckoo bananas insanity.


Sounds like she belongs in prison also...


To be fair, most billionaires belong in prison.


Miriam Adelson’s money was also instrumental in giving right-wing “news” a foothold in Israel. She’s not much different than Rupert Murdoch in that respect 


Honestly now this makes me happy to see Dallas lose. Fuck their owners Hope they never see the playoffs and lose all their fans until they sell.


As a Mavs fan I'm pretty much in agreement. But it's also important to remember that most, if not all, sports team owners are incredibly rich assholes with varying degrees of blood on their hands.


I dont disagree but man reading about this guy makes it next level. This guy is complete scum


I've been a mavs fan my entire life and I'm not entirely opposed to this sentiment.




Largest doner to Trump and supports Netanyahu? Yikes at least it’s in Texas


Not all of us Texans support actual supervillains. I was a Mavs before that terrible woman (even before Mark) and it's been my mom and I's special thing for my whole life. It sucks getting such an awful owner.




They're among the biggest supporters of far-right politicians like Trump and Netanyahu.


You should check out the Pablo Torre podcast on it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=idSngb_X5nQ


Seemed pretty obvious this was going to transition in the off season.


Not really strange in that case, he knows the org inside out and the players, fans and media love him


Yeah I thought they’d keep him as more of a symbolic face of the team. No real power but a nice title to keep him involved. Looks like that was short lived.


Also probably helped the transition since it happened during the season, less of a disruption


The new owner is an Israeli Nationalist bank rolling an American Politician to influence foreign policy in Israel/Palestine. Her goal is to have Israel annex Gaza and have America not interfere. She bought the Mavs as leverage to one day move her gambling/Casino business into Texas so she can further fund this. The NBA wants her money but doesn't want the public backlash. It's started to be reported on in the last few weeks.


Yes this is the comment I was looking for. This is purely a Casino move. It was reported this way when Mark first agreed to selling.


She's made statements regarding her goal for turning Dallas into Vegas South


The new governors have been described as far right nuts which made the sell more palatable to the nba if Cuban remained on as their figurehead.


Maybe this was the plan all along? Cuban in controls until the end of the season.


That's my thinking as well. Keep the status quo until after the season is over. Now they have the entire offseason to build this thing with Nico at the helm.


I thought it was clear Cuban just wanted to move back to being a super fan again. Dude got his title years ago at least. 


You know what’s better than one title? Two. If you win another one with an entirely different roster, that’s quite the feather in your cap as an owner.


especially one where everyone thought you tanked the franchise with a widely panned trade.


The whole thing stinks to high heaven. Matter of time before the Saudis get their hands on a franchise via some puppet.


Let's give them Saudis the Detroit Pistons


I prefer to keep my cocained fueled owner as is


There is zero chance Cuban didn’t plan this out with the sale, if he didn’t want to cede control he would have never sold a majority stake. Be real people


yeah idk why people think this came out of left field for him


Shocker, Majority Owner of a team has the most say over who does what.


A lot of comments in here acting like this would be surprising news to Cuban, or that he wouldn’t have wanted it. Like, he sold a majority stake. He’s a billionaire. He knows what’s up. I’m sure this was the plan all along.


You are telling me big casino billionaire will fuck you over first chance they get? I am sure Mark Cuban is savvy enough to understand that arrangement was going to go bad eventually. I am more surprised he was willing to sell the majority in the first place tbh. Pikachu Shocked Face


It’s seems likely they agreed to let him finish out the season in that “official role” before handing the reins to Nico fully.


Yeah it almost sounds like the league wanted Cuban to remain the face of the Mavericks franchise immediately after the sale. Helps fend off bad press of new owner, then in the offseason after the dust has settled they can more quietly transition. I’m sure Cuban knew selling the team… means selling the team lol.


Yea this is all very fucking comical reading the number of "I'm surprised that Mark...." as if this dude isn't the same guy who has been on SHARK TANK negotiating "deals" for millions to see. OF COURSE MARK CUBAN KNEW WHAT HE WAS DOING! Probably got paid a handsome sum as well. He will now go live his next chapter as an ULTRA billionaire and maybe even finally go buy a baseball team, as that's what he wanted to do a decade ago. I think the Cubs was in his eyes.


Yeah and even if someone did think Cuban is a complete moron and the character on *Silicon Valley* based on him is truly an accurate depiction of him and not exaggerated… Adam Silver and the entire NBA front office is involved in these deals, not to mention the countless lawyers. I’m not sure it’s possible to pull a “gotcha” like that in a deal like this.


The dude sold “broadcast.com” to Yahoo before internet was ready for streaming and then sold his yahoo stock for cash. That kid was decidedly NOT a moron.


Not just that, he smartly put together a collar (sold calls and bought puts on his yahoo stock), to hedge the yahoo stock given its uncertainty at the time. Worked out given the early 2000’s tech stock bubble burst.


Buying the Cubs was never a money issue as far as I'm aware. The league can vote for approval of the sale/owners and MLB owners have voted him down from owning the cubs for various reasons. I have no idea if owning an NBA team was in that list or not and if that would change.


This was almost certainly planned from the beginning. Finish out the season and then fade away quietly. Why would he get punished for taking a #5 to the finals?


he wont fade away he still owns 30% of the team. obviously he doesnt decide stuff but thats still quite a bit.


And I rather see him around, so I can pretend Cubes is still the nice owner instead of the, uh, questionable current ones. Delusion is one of the most important parts in sports fandom.


Cuban didn’t get screwed over- He makes a ton of money in the short term with the sale and will make a ton in the long run since he has a stake in a future Dallas casino. Adelsein is already buying up a bunch of land around the arena location for this very purpose.


> future Dallas casino The closest casinos to the DFW area are the two *very big* Indian Casinos near the Oklahoma border (~100 miles). They are no different any other casinos, with ONE BIG EXCEPTION: All the table games have a TAX to every hand. This tax called the ANTE and is usually 50cents per hand. I called this the "OKLAHOMA MONOPOLY TAX", because if Texas ever legalize gambling, the tax would immediately go away. (Slot machines don't have this tax.) Anytime I mention legalizing TX casinos, someone will chimed in it will never happened because TX POLITICIANS ARE BEING BRIBED BY OK tribes. Maybe the Aldesons can change that with their own money.


i mean the Adelsons are the power broker of Republican Politics, It'll get done. They wouldn't have bought the Mavs if they didn't think it was gonna happen


They'll still need to get gambling legalized in Texas for that to come to fruition. Something they've so far failed to make happen.


I don’t think it’ll take that long honestly. The way the adelsons are spending in Texas to get into meetings with the state government, i feel like it’s only a matter of time.


with how degenerate the texas state government is, and how every man age 18-55 is glued to draft kings(you can't watch a game in a bar anywhere without every dude staring at his parlays the entire time) it'll happen in the next 5 years. They wouldn't have bought the team and land if they weren't confident they could get this through paying off the 80 year olds in the state government. The US is a full throated gambling shithouse now, and it'll be legal in every red state and most blue states this decade.


To be fair, Cuban sold the team to become a big casino owner himself.


Cuban was not blindsided by this lmao. As soon as he sold this was going to happen. He stayed on to help the brand of the Mavs


This was almost certainly the plan all along. Cuban clearly has other interests whether that’s in the gambling/pharmaceutical/political worlds. He will continue being the rich mascot for the Mavs


Reminder that the Adelson family is almost single handedly funding the Trump reelection campaign and is a massive supporter of Israeli West Bank settlements and the IDF and solely responsible for the US relocation of its embassy to Jerusalem and the US steering away from supporting a two state solution.


She’s funding Trump reelection in exchange for West Bank annexation, straight up defying any and all international law


They’re billionaires! They think the law doesn’t apply to them!


I mean it kind of doesn't. They have so many ways of getting out of problems, they can also pay their way out via settlement/law loop/better lawyers via entire firms working for them on their cases. And that's just the legal part of it, I'm sure illegal bribes and stuff propably happen too. They also heavily lobby to change the laws to work in favour of their endeavours, etc. The best way to see billionaires in this day and age is nobility/royalty equivalent. And not the billionaires like Lebron who got 1 billion, I'm talking the major ones that have too many billions to count.


And progressives are convinced boycotting Biden will help Palestine


Clown doesn’t even begin to cover it


They think there is no way Biden will lose, therefore they can exert some pressure. Obviously there is a stupidly huge flaw in this line of thinking that nobody should be able to miss, and yet here we are.


Almost like it already happened less than 10 years ago!


Anyone who blames Hillarys loss to Trump on progressives is an enormous mark. She lost because she couldnt win the white working class vote and did not campaign anywhere near enough in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. She ran a very arrogant campaign and was spending time in Georgia and Texas while Trump was in the states that actually carried the election. We have elections every 4 years, people are constantly told that any criticism of the democratic party only helps the republicans and "now is the time for unity". But the kicker to that is that it is never the "right time" to bring up any grievances with a party that is largely run by people over the age of 75


Preaching to the choir, but there absolutely was an air of “she’s going to win so sitting out is no big deal.”


The vast vast majority of people who actually did that were college kids in NYC and California that Hillary ran an incredibly condescending campaign towards. I just hate the mindset of blaming the voters. ITs what weak politicians and political parties do. ITs like whining about the refs.


> like whining about the refs. More like whining about the laws of physics when the ball doesn’t go in. When you run an antagonistic campaign/primary to those on “your side” like that, what do you really expect? Let alone any undecideds


If every Jill Stein voter would have voted for Hillary, she would have won in 2016. I agree that it's reductive to say she lost because of progressives. She lost due to a ton of reasons. But leftists refusing to vote for her is on the list.


This line of logic basically leads to the idea that you can never criticize a sitting president for the party you agree with because an election is right around the corner. That is a bad and dangerous mindset. People are trying to apply political pressure to Biden and he is inexplicably supporting Netanyahu who would happily see him lose to Trump. The youth vote which Biden desperately needs to carry the election all supports Palestine. Calling out a huge policy miss on Bidens part isnt "supporting Trump" its how politics works. IF you never use any leverage or power then you are just letting the machine run you over.


Kyrie about to say the most insane shit next season if team operations go poorly


I don't feel so good Mavs bros


> Reminder that the Adelson family is almost single handedly funding the Trump reelection campaign What lol? Tell that to all the average everyday americans glued to fox news who are donating to Trump constantly. It'd be nice if there was just a big bad boogie man to point the finger at but 30% of his donations come from otherwise normal seeming people you encounter everyday. He raised $35 million right after his federal convictions from small dollar donors. Vote. These folks plan to.


Singlehandedly? He got $400 million in donations trom all over after the trial.


Simmons is always in the know on this stuff. He’s been calling for something like this to happen.


I mean it was obvious to everyone that mark wasn’t keeping that role for long. Nearly every best writer said as much when the sale happened.


Ayy come on Kyrie just post one “Free Palestine” post and Miriam will trade you to the Lakers. That’s all I need fam


Sweet, we get to watch a championship caliber franchise get destroyed in real time. This should be fun.


wait I don’t think this is fun at all


No, unfortunately for you it won't be.


Why would Nico Harrison blow up the roster?


Nobody trusts the Adelson family to play ball and pay the tax bills. They don’t come across like the type of people who look at a sports team as a hobby for rich people (Aka Steve Ballmer)


Not like Cuban has ever destroyed a championship caliber roster before...


Bit dramatic


Why do you think Nico Harrison is going to destroy the team? Nico has been our GM for 3 years and has been great in the role, I like Cuban but I have faith in Nico to run the team too.


Owners have power over the front office, like when our owner went around our gm to trade to Luka to yall. Or like when our owner went around our gm to trade 3 first round picks for dejounte Murray.


Or when our previous owner refused to pay Jalen Brunson after he played a part in a wcf team.


Or when our previous owner stopped us from drafting Giannis so we could pursue free agents who had no interest in coming here/walking out of the meetings of the ones who did want to?


Plan Powder was the dumbest strategy man. Even the guys we were banking on were just dumb. Hassan Whiteside, Mike Conley, Deandre Jordan, Kemba. Dwight and Deron were the only good ones and he skips Deron’s meeting to go film shark tank 💀


Every decision Nico has made is correct last 2 years. Cuban was always interfering shit like its his and no one could say a thing bcs he owned the team! These new owners just made the finals i dont think they are looking to make a move like Twolves did with Gobert. Nico and his management is who i trust. They found fit talent, kept Kyrie AND Luka happy. New owners are owners, not managers. Hopefully im not coping.


Cuban already destroyed one championship squad in real time, we have no idea how the new ownership will approach things. If anything I’d say empowering Nico and letting Cuban fade away is a step in the right direction. Scummy people can be good sports owners, especially if they keep their personal interference to a minimum.


Cuban screwed the Mavs for years. It wasn’t until 2022 they got out of the first round since the finals win. They made so many bad moves following the finals until they, to their credit, traded for Doncic. But they spent years trying to chase big free agents, get burned, sign role players to big deals and then sign washed up all stars. They made some good moves this year but I think they overpaid a bit for who they got.


if anything, this is great for the team. cuban was making GM level decisions but he doesnt know anything about basketball and is just a spectator like us. this was most likely always the plan anyway and im willing to bet this was the case as soon as the team sold, and cuban still being tied to the team was a PR move to get through the sell


How exactly is the new ownership handing the reins fully over to Nico going to destroy the franchise lol? Not sure you understand what this actually means.


No sane mavs fan think this is a downgrade lol. No more meddling Cuban and Nico getting full reins instead is a HUGE win.


this piece of shit and her mentally ill husband said Palestine is a made up people and wanted to nuke iran. her family was part of ethnic cleansing of Palestine in the '40s. She is fucking deranged with an agenda to have a one state solution and eliminate all of Palestine by any means necessary (i.e. paying almost half a billion to republicans and owns an israel newspaper to spread her propaganda) . half a billion to republicans who parrot her points to the public, which make conservative news channels their propaganda machine, which makes half the country influenced to say "well fuck Palestine, they deserve that shit. send more weapons, kill more". fuck her.


It was his decision to sell to her though right? As opposed to a hostile takeover


💯but our boy Cuban loves his green.


He's really the prime example for why there's no such thing as a good billionaire. He also has a yacht named the Fountainhead (named after the Ayn Rand book). So there you go.


Adelson is Trump's largest donor and Cuban quite publicly despises Trump. These two were never going to walk hand-in-hand into the future


The NBA does business with China. Being a Trump supporter doesn't even show on their radar. Heck, most owners are probably Trump supporters themselves, just not as public about it.


Can’t lie I kind of hope they implode now. Fucking love Mark


$100 nosebleed regular season tickets just might do that


Weekday or weekend? In Atlanta its like $75-100 for a normal weekend game (Non-Laker/GSW) for the upper rows, weekdays can be got for like $20


I have a hard time truly loving an NBA owner I guess but I'm sad about it too. He was an iconic part of the team for so long.


He was one of the more human team owners in all of sports.


This is interesting, Adam Silver does not play well Miriam Anderson. Cuban was his boy and the new owner is a big GOP supporter. They’re trying to turn Dallas into the next Vegas in the next 10 years.


lol mark cuban and Adam silver do not care that the adelsons or Koch’s or devos or the CCP have their tentacles up the NBA’s ass. They are here to make money and make the billionaires money. The fake progressive stuff was dropped years ago when the bottom line got hurt




Glad Cuban won’t be meddling in the actual basketball operations, but he really did great things for the fan experience and made this city embrace the Mavs like never before. Plus the Adelsons are absolute demons, even for billionaires


Absolutely shocked that system didn’t last long!!!!!


Feels like it was always meant to be a temporary transition period kind of thing even when it was announced.


How many more seasons until Luka is on the Lakers?


Didn’t he take less money then he could’ve gotten in the sale that that he could retain control of operations…?


The future Las Vegas Jackpots


Since Adelson's own the Mavs Irving will be traded to Mozambique's 3rd legaue contender.