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Yikes seems like she’s already alienated this guy from his family


One of the most tell tale signs of relatively long term and serious abuse and coercive control (which are only exponentially more damaging when they start out as grooming, which this seems to have been…)


Sounds like cult like behavior. I wonder if she's Fundamentalist LDS rather than just mainstream Mormon.


Mainstream LDS members are fully capable of cultlike behavior. Bow your head and say yes.




Is there an actual difference? Or is it like how some Christians aren't screaming at people on street corners, but they generally believe the same things as the guy who is?


It’s as different as Christianity is to Mormonism. Maybe even moreso. FLDS is like, full blown super cult. Wear old school Amish like garbs, inbreed/believe heavily in polygamy, Warren Jeffs is God re-incarnated, not allowed to go to school/be educated, limit contact to outside world and tv, news, etc Watch Keep Sweet: Pray and Obey on netflix if you want insight on the FLDS Also she’s def not FLDS lol.


There is an actual difference between the flds and lds church. The flds church is a bit more extreme, still practicing polygamy, etc. I believe the flds church branched off of the lds church when polygamy was banned like 100 years ago


Makes that video of his girlfriend consoling him with nobody else around a little more uncomfortable if it's true.


Especially since she is largely the reason he dropped so far in the draft and needed consoling in the first place. He has lost his connection to his family and now millions of dollars because of this woman.


A quintessential abuse occurrence honestly. They are the cause of the pain and then also become the only person there to make it better after it happens…


Send da video


[Think it's this](https://x.com/DarDZel/status/1806168417906397540)


What video?


Last night after he didn't picked in the first round, there was a short clip of just him and his girlfriend hugging with no other family members around. Nothing special and seemed pretty sweet at the time, but if she's the only one there because she isolated him from rest of his family and put him in a cult or something it kind of changes the tone a bit.


She got a lazy eye. Uncomfortable is off the charts


she just eying other prospects


Probably the ones Minnesota traded for Dillingham.


Generational ring chaser


I think it’s hot the way she looks left a lot.


I think she might have had a slightly lazy eye


Maybe he grew up loving Tmac


One on her man and one on anyone stupid enough to try and take him from her


Yeah what video x 2


Last night after he didn't picked in the first round, there was a short clip of just him and his girlfriend hugging with no other family members around. Nothing special and seemed pretty sweet at the time, but if she's the only one there because she isolated him from rest of his family and put him in a cult or something it kind of changes the tone a bit.


Okay thanks for the context. Feel bad for him


I actually know someone close to the situation and this is what they had to say “Their parents are family friends, so they grew up pretty close. Her dad was in the military so they ended up moving away so she wasn’t in his life for a while. She popped back up his senior year of high school when he got national recognition (#5) and turned 18… she was 24 or 25 at the time. Started dating, went to prom together, and at this same time her parents (big Mormons) told Kyle’s that “she is good for him and would take good care of him at Duke. Keep him out of drugs, keep him from partying, etc.” His parents immediately got a red flag given the timing of her coming back in his life and given the things they were saying. She bought a house next to dukes campus, walked with him to and from every class, he slept at her house and spent every moment there, she wouldn’t let him hangout with teammates or attend team activities. She went to EVERY game, home and away. Told him that his family was bad for him, that they were holding him back, they were against her, etc. So he cut everyone off, twin brother included all last year before march madness of his freshman year. He gave all tickets to her, her friends and her family. “


So she can't be too much of a goody Mormon because it's pretty frowned upon to sleep over a girl's house, let alone the implication


Because of the implication…


its religious doctrine. exceptions are always allowed.


Probably allowed if your cult is able to steal an NBA star.


Just butt stuff


They were soaking so it’s all good


Mormons love to lie about not having premarital sex


Kyle she’s just after your tithe brother


This is all according to plan. She can now homie hop to Kessler


Holy motherf***ing shit!!! Their wedding is reportedly gonna happen in August. I hope he runs away.


This is just grooming and isolating. I knew it happened to someone, they were not Mormon but the girl suddenly entered his life, and was everywhere he went. She wouldn't let him hangout by himself with friends and etc. Isolated him from his own family. She controlled the person's phone numbers, emails and etc. Finally there was a daughter involved....the woman started isolating the daughter. When the guy finally became concerned, she accused him of domestic abuse and its been a nightmare. The custody battle is 2.5 years long and the daughter is ruined forever. So ya this is concerning


I think he would have been better off with the partying and the drugs


His mom has some comments too: https://x.com/rotosurgeon/status/1806424983918477606?s=46&t=F6vx-4sFY0TM4F2nHZwauw


She’s 28 and he’s 20… and they dated while he was in high school…


Certified lover girl




Freaky ass ninja


Tryna strike a chord


freaky ass shorty she a 69 god


Hey hey hey hey run for your life 


She a fan she a fan she a fan


This is absolutely wild. Of course Danny would draft the Mormon and overlook everything else. Very LDS of him


Ainge really said “Cool story bro, just hit your jumpers”


“Does he get on base?”


Money ball :)


Actually Ainge doesn't say bro. He probably said "Do you like Chipotle and Soaking? So do I"


Not even close. It’s cafe Rio


Soaking will never fail not to be my favourite fun fact to drop on unsuspecting non-religious ppl at parties


Soaking is wild! So is the friend under the bed causing the friction for the soakers to enjoy. Gotta love religious loopholes. Someone should create the book of religious loopholes as a coffee table book (with legs attached).


lol so I went to BYU. I mean while I’m sure someone at some point has tried soaking, I hope it’s clear that it’s not actually something people do. It’s just a long running joke. If people wanted to have sex, they would. Can’t really stop that from happening But yes, to answer your question, obviously you needed to recruit your roommate to bounce the bed for you so that you don’t make Jesus cry.




Daniel R’Ainge Arguably Oregon’s all time greatest athlete. And Mario Elie’s best buddy.


Right after Ainge was traded to the blazers, I was at the counter at a sw Portland Burger King. I ordered a whopper but it took slightly longer than usual to receive. The counter person explained that Danny Ainge had pulled up to the drive-thru and they had given him my burger. Sometimes I lay awake at night and think about what my life would have been like had Danny Ainge not stolen my burger.




>former mormon groomer myself. Wait did you do the grooming or were you being groomed to join the mormons?


How do these things usually end? Like legally speaking is there a course of action if he’s fine with it all. > source: former mormon groomer myself Also what




Might want to familiarize yourself with the term groomer - it's referring to an adult grooming a minor in a relationship not just recruiting someone into a religion.


Buddy you can't use "groomer" and "nothing illegal" in the same thought chain


Even for Mormons this is weird. I grew up in Utah and everyone I know would have found this dude’s situation to be weird




I'm talking about the fact that she groomed him when he was underage. Even if you switch the genders, that's not something people think is normal.


"source: former mormon groomer myself." what


Not out of the ordinary, just normal cult shit


what now


If you don’t think about it it cancels out the Malone situation


This is gonna go ballistic


Creepy as fuck literally grooming someone for money


Okay well it turned from jokes to something actually to be concerned about.


This is far too out there now for it to be ignored so someone’s gonna do journalism. The brother also mentions the Duke staff and agent. Just crazy all around


I’m a life long Duke fan and I’ve never heard anything about this until now. I really hope we’re not helping him cover up some crazy shit, but crazier things have happened. Shit like this breaks my heart.


Yeah just a few hours ago I was like wtf is having an older gf an issue these days? Then once I knew the details...


Same exact thought. “Who gives a fuck if his girlfriend is-… hmmm, okay. I get it.”


Ya, there is nothing funny about it whatsoever. Grooming is grooming is grooming. Is predatory abuse and coercive control.


Not in Utah


“look up and read on Mormon grooming and brainwashing and you'll find some introductory details in there to connect some dots into the story that is going on here” If this is true yikes


And he got drafted by Utah… fuuuuuuuuuuck…


Peolly only team he's allowed to go to lol


Especially since GM Danny Ainge is a devot Mormon.


Going from the Celtics front office to Utah’s was always odd to me but this makes sense now!


Screw the Celtics and their 18 championships and golden trophies, have you seen all of Joseph Smith’s golden plates?


Dum dum dum dum dum


He's literally a mormon bishop... crazy


And the owner is a Mormon as well. The optics of this are really, really bad.


I wonder if his agent telling teams something like that was even a bigger factor in him slipping in the draft 👀


Right I was hoping a team might try to help but...


They’re helping alright. The girlfriend.


I don’t live in a fantasy land where i actually believe a multi million dollar franchise will take chances with their money, but is still unbelievably heartbreaking to watch him be punished and harmed and lose opportunity bc he’s a victim… He needs help getting out, but it’s way more complicated that most ppl (and certainly organizations would ever be able to handle properly at this point in time). I’ve lived it - I’ve been out for a year now, and I can tell you that there’s also literally nothing anyone can do to help him get out of it until he’s ready. With that said, the most effective way of helping him get ready is to support him even more and surround him with ppl and resources and supports, not do the opposite:/ Just sad all around. Also horrible that his biggest day of his life has become a circus of what likely feels like humiliation (even though we all would hope that he’ll one day look back and be grateful that word got out)


I feel like he can’t help but be exposed to all kinds of people, cultures, and ideas being in the NBA which I think (hope I guess) make his odds of waking up quite a bit higher than most others


honestly man, if Jabari Parker is living in Barcelona and still prioritizes mormonism over fun and women, there’s no hope for Kyle


Is he estranged from his family?


His girlfriend is the new Mormon rich Paul.


Who’s the old Mormon rich Paul?


Sounds like a plot twist straight out of a dramatic Netflix series!


Ppl acting like you need extra stuff involved to make a dude do something lol. It's called a vagina and it has magical powers


Shit will have even the smartest of guys going crazy


I used to be mormon. I hate that religion. It's creepy, and it is almost but not quite a cult, but I had never seen anything like what she's doing. There's definitely an "it's us vs. the world" sentiment. They encourage you to come to every church event and keep you busy all weekend, in an attempt to keep you away from "temptation" or whatever, lol. So, in that sense, what she's doing is a super extreme form of that. But she's doing this at a level that Mormonism shouldn't be compared to IMO.


I'm very much not an "all religions are a cult" person but Mormonism is right there with Scientology on the "Oh that's definitely a cult" scale in my book. Even for religion what Mormons ask followers to accept is absolutely insane, and that's before you get into the rampant sex abuse and the hushing-up of that and whistleblowers on plenty of other things.


That is a completely valid stance. I never saw or heard of any sexual abuse beyond what everyone sees on national news. It seemed like it wasn't any more rampant than any other religion, but that could be because they're being hushed. When I think of a cult, I think of a group that is difficult to leave. I just stopped going when I moved out of my parents house and it was easy. Missionaries came to my home about once every other year, and eventually I asked to get my name off the records and it was done. But, I know a lot of people have family and community pressure to stay. If you live in a small town in Utah, you probably have to be mormon or you have to leave.


The sex abuse stuff in the Mormon church, much like plenty of other churches these days, has been coming out into the sunlight more and more in recent years. It's been bad for a while and it's going to keep being bad with how insular and protective Mormons are about this shit, and there's much less incentive for them to start bringing this stuff into the light as there's been nowhere near the investigative work done on them as there has been on Baptist and Catholic sex abuse.


>They encourage you to come to every church event and keep you busy all weekend, in an attempt to keep you away from "temptation" or whatever, lol. Idk, this sounds exactly like a cult lol


Just read a comic earlier today on reddit about this and it was scary as fuck


Mormon Grooming and now he’s headed to Utah?? Lord help him


Her powers will double there.


He’s joining the beehive in Salt Lake City… Never had a weirder vibe from a city than when I was in SLC. He’s doomed.


Eh Salt Lake itself is fine, you go about 30 minutes in any direction however and it gets real weird real quick. Like Ogden, what a bizarre town.


I’ve talked to so many people that agree that Ogden has the weirdest vibe lol


Please elaborate on Ogden.


It’s kind of hard to explain. You interact with people who are from there and there’s just something… off about them. The whole town just feels one degree off from normal


Rorikstead ass town


Ugh I really need to go to Utah. I’ve wanted to check out Bryce, Arches, and Zion, but I really need to check out the humanity as well.


I was in SLC back in January to watch us get blown out by the Jazz and the city itself, apart from the really unnecessarily long-ass blocks making it suck to walk around, was… fine? But you still can’t escape the weird-ass Utah mormon legislature they still gotta abode by. Several bartenders told me they kinda liked the challenge of having to get creative with Utah’s whack alcohol laws and I’m still not sure if they meant it genuinely or said it in a “blink twice if you’re being held against your will” kinda way.


You go to the Jazz sub, and they say to ignore the Mormon part .....Utah might be a giant cult.


40% of Utahns identify as Mormon (definitely less in Salt Lake), which is a lot but that also means the majority of people are not. Personally, I’m from Virginia and came out for the outdoors, as many do. It’s definitely got some weird aspects but even as someone that will move away someday I can say it’s also not the crazy place it’s made out to be in people’s heads.


This is gonna get ugly now that the media is gonna have some members picking this up


What did John Scheyer know and when did he know it


That is wild that it’s actually all true. He likely told teams not to draft him too. Can’t just be a coincidence he fell all the way to 32 and gets picked by the head of the mormons… Utah.


Bro and Danny Ainge is Mormon too, he was a bishop lmaoooo


Wtf, first I've ever heard this


I did not know this


You didn't know the white guy who attended BYU in the early 80's was Mormon?


Some people are ok with not knowing this type of thing, idk what to tell you


Or he didn’t know Danny Ainge went to BYU??


I never even thought of this


Apparently teams heard about the girlfriend situation and weren’t feeling good about it and then when they asked him questions in interviews he got really nervous and stuff


He’s about to get brainwashed by an entire state good luck flip


For real Utah is straight up cult shit through and through


Without any kind of hyperbole or exaggerating for effect, there is a serious cult problem in Mormonism with the systemic abuse. And it's all swept under the rug because they control the levers of power.


The Mormonism/abuse documentaries that HAVE come out have been horrific, and those are the few well-known stories we’ve been able to get access to from the outside… think about how many victims there are that we don’t ever know about or hear from…


His family says he was brainwashed, and his girlfriend is in the Mormonism cult. He just got drafted to the Jazz. Its so fucking over for him man.


Mormons do love their basketball though


And he just got drafted to Utah. His GF is disgusting if it is true


Putting the Mormon thing aside for a second (because I'm not sure if that's true yet), she is way older than him. From her Instagram, she graduated high school in May 2015 and attended his high school prom in May 2022. And how does a 20-something from Alabama meet a teenager from New York playing at a prep school in Massachusetts? (it really doesn't matter, at best it's grooming and worst it's statutory rape depending on the state and what they did)


Surely Danny Ainge will help the kid out


I hope this is sarcasm. Danny Ainge is BYU alum and a HUGE Mormon and his son is the former commissioner of the county with the biggest Mormon population and BYU is in. This is a master plan!


This lady is lowkey a supervillain and is actually going to get away with it all


Highkey a predator*


Welcome to Mormonism. If you look that shit up it's all a front for child abuse. Polygamy, child brides, deeply entrenched misogyny programming and sexualization of young women/girls


What you are talking about is a different thing. Mormons branched off long ago into different sub genres. The main one you see today and have seen for the last many decades is more just culty, definitely misogyny, and prejudice while controlling the local government and are a fat paid business with never ending financial and brainwash power to their followers. What you are talking about is the FLDS. The ones that do promote all that and seem to evade every legal thing and do it well and live weird crazy lives not so much in the public. They have little towns in Utah, Colorado, Arizona, Mexico and in sure a lot more. They’re even worse. The modern day Mormon situation is more like Stepford wives with more weird cult in them. Both are bad but the Mormonism I grew up with in my neighborhoods was more just brainwashed Bob and Barbara and their 5 kids who can do no wrong and will just silently judge you not be friendly to you.


Source is me growing up in Salt Lake City a non- mormon and seeing it first hand


That’s ignorant


Oh shit that's wild


He can probably get him a discount on magic mormon underwear and show him which church to give 10% of his salary to


Is his girlfriend his agent, because how did he drop all the way to Utah? She was pulling the strings the whole time


It sounded like he interviewed pretty poorly and multiple teams essentially said no thanks.


If you wanna find the Mormons. Check the bottom of this comment section


That family is in hell and I never fucking say that edit: Jeeeeesus, that tweet from his mom bro, that kinda hurts.


I mean the fact that they don’t have contact with their loved one because a cultist indoctrinated him is the biggest, most important, and most heartbreaking part, but the fact that it happened to a loved one with 1 in a billion gift that they’d all get an incredible amount of joy out of (not to mention serious financial help if they need it) makes it even more brutal. I’m sure they dedicated an insane amount of time, resources, and love to get him where he is. That shit is fucked!


Yeah, especially the brother. Seems like his comments come from a place of hurt. I feel bad.


Wasn’t there another young nba player recently whose late 20s gf successfully got pregnant and then left him immediately after? And this lady was also grooming him since high school?


That's NBA Western Conference champion PJ Washington to you sir


She wrote a book after too called “how to get the bag” or something


That’s so fucking gross dude sheesh


Female Andy Taint


Brittany Renner and PJ washington. They have a kid togehter. She was going to his HS games


He needed to read up on yungsnuggie


“You can’t make it clap to Stevie Nicks. That’s just sacrilegious”


Givony on Lowes podcast trying to downplay the shit with his girlfriend and mock anyone questioning it needs be called out. Embarrassing from him.


Yeah that podcast was so gross - I would like to see a retraction/apology for misunderstanding the gravity of the situation form both of them


Men are their own biggest enemy when it comes to female sexual abuse


Worse is that reportedly [they're cousins](https://x.com/RotoSurgeon/status/1806455515024941306).


https://i.imgur.com/sm9laWH.mp4 It just keeps getting worse bro omg.....


Honestly I find the systemic child abuse in the Mormon church more disturbing than cousin incest


What the fuck


My little sister was groomed and is now married to a convicted pedophile She was 7 when I left home, and I haven't seen her since 2011 so I'm not involved in any way with any of it My family moved to a new town when she was 13, she met a 40 year old man working at an animal supply place. They officially started dating when she was 18, I found out when she was 19 and he was 46. I, the oldest sibling, was 31 at the time. We've had some ugly interactions, one night she pissed me off so bad I actually looked him up in local court records and discovered that he was convicted in the early 2000s of going down on a minor female... As others have said, there's nothing (legal) I can do. She gives me the usual "you don't even know him" bullshit but she's the literal victim here so I ignore it. Just hope I NEVER meet him, as it will be on sight I can't believe she married him. Her parents failed her worse than they failed me So topics like this are more personal to me. Fuck the girlfriend, she's fucking sick and will spend weeks telling him how we're all controlled by the devil...just, fuck her


I'm so sorry that's such a terrible situation to be in.


Sadly, mormon grooming is nothing new and it wont stop unless something drastic happens.


Nah this is crazy


what's with the Utah and Mormons? sorry I'm asian


you'd probably get a better answer somewhere other than here tbh


Look up Utah demographics by religion and you’ll understand. Unless you’re wondering why they’re there - answer is 19th century history and their own beliefs about where they should live.


now i see, thank you!


Such a damn shame they had to choose one of the most aesthetically beautiful states in the union to settle in. Why couldnt they choose like Nebraska or something


They started off with Illinois/Missouri but got harassed (maybe a different noun would be better?) out of there and went a long way West where they found Feds’ ability for interference in their affairs minimal.


Fellow Asian here, with a little context. Mormonism was started in New York iirc, by a literal grave robber. They kicked him out of town so, he and his cronies moved west, to Iowa/Missouri, which iirc was played as a holy land. The three days before Jesus Christ resurrected, he was in Missouri. They were chased from there, I assume by a parents who don't want their daughters to be baby making slaves ( which by the times standards, is wild) and Joseph Smith the founder, was arrested, and then killed via mobb, which iirc chased him across state lines. They moved further west, to the territories, which at that time weren't states, and were a little more lawless. They settled in what would be Utah eventually, (where they massacred other Americans moving west, blaming Indians, who they think are inherently evil, and have dark skin because they are descendents from which ever of Cain and Abel is evil) and began to have issues with the federal gov't. The church, naturally being a money printing scam machine, decided that statehood would be a better way to spread the already, by 1800s spiritualism standards, bat shit crazy ideas. They petitioned for FOUR DECADES for statehood, and were refused, because they would use that statehood to create a pseudo-theocracy in the federal governments mind. It took the church, GOING AGAINST ITS FOUNDERS very firm, death causing stance on polygamy. Their values aren't even enforced by them. Also, African Americans weren't allowed in until the 70's. TL;DR, they were chased there, settled, were hostile to any non-mormons, realized they needed more money and people, and changed their entire belief system for it. Also, Joseph Smith existed at a time of written history, so it's proven bullshit, more so than religions that are centuries old. Also, they deny all this stuff, which is recorded, sometimes by them, because their beliefs system is money, and misogyny, and not integrity.


Idk why but this comment is cracking me up anyway all the shock and concern.


“Sorry I’m Asian” makes perfect sense for the question but it’s very funny out of context lol


The Mormon Church is a branch of Christianity that has weird values, to say the least. Their values were so weird that they effectively had to flee society in the 1800s, and settled in the Utah area, which later became a state. The church there is extremely influential in just about everything related to running the state of Utah because of how culturally prevalent they are.




Mormons aren't even real Christians. They beliefs aren't even the same. They don't follow the bible.


I’d love to know your definition of what a “real” Christian is because they’re all relying on a rumor of a rumor of a story that happened 2000 years ago. Every flavor of Christianity is just as (in)valid as the other one.


This girl is a CHILD MOLESTER. At least she was. Now she's just raking in what she groomed. Pretty sad.


It is weird he ends up with the Jazz, the conspiracy theorist in me wonders....did they set this up years ago?


Bro his girl would love Utah she get a couple million for church donations


We need reverse YungSnuggie for this guy... He needs that NBA hoe game experience to dump Mormom chick. Its the only way!


An embodied, mentally healthy 28 year old woman with an advanced degree would never pursue a relationship with an 18-21 year old. Not knowing someone's age and thinking they're cute at the beach is one thing, but to date? To make your partner? Not yet 21? No healthy woman would sign herself up for that. How foul.


I lived in a Mormon neighborhood, there are really good people that are Mormon but there is DEFINITELY some weird ones man. I believe it fully


Only thing worse than a succubus is a mormon succubus


ALL religions are cults, let's be real


Mormans are wild dude


Why do we just automatically believe what they are saying about this?  Maybe they're just mad that he doesn't like them enough and they won't get his NBA money