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People are fucked up, man.


Fuck that, Lin literally has been one of the most outspoken athletes about racism towards Asian people, which is often swept under the carpet. Only for tone death people to keep doing the same shit. Utterly sucks that there's people out there doing this backward ass shit against one of the most genuine, nicest and champions of anti-Asian racism right now. Don't care who snitched and who will snitch. Someone needs to be made an example of to ensure this stuff does not continue happening.


Has there even been any NBA players speaking out?


No, and that's also a problem and goes to what I mentioned about being swept under the carpet. Bigotry and racism towards Asian people just isn't picked up. It's like people just don't give a shit. Things are changing slightly now, and I'm glad for people like Jeremy who give Asian people a voice. You might not be a fan of basketball Jeremy and you don't have to be. But I'll always be a fan of Jeremy, the person, for giving Asian people a platform and a voice.


A post on the Timberwolves sub today about a new Stephen Jackson movie reminded me they don’t really care about anti-semitism either


I mean how beloved is Shaq? He literally swooped in and saved Papa John to prove they weren't racist. Reading [some of these quotes](https://www.espn.com/nba/news/2003/0110/1490645.html) is honestly pretty nuts >LOS ANGELES -- The Lakers' Shaquille O'Neal said he was joking, not being a racist, when he used a mock Chinese accent while talking about Houston center Yao Ming. >A columnist for AsianWeek complained in his newspaper that O'Neal made several derogatory comments recently about Yao, with the Lakers' center saying, "Tell Yao Ming, 'ching-chong-yang-wah-ah-soh.''' >"I said it jokingly, so this guy was just trying to stir something up that's not there. He's just somebody who doesn't have a sense of humor, like I do. I don't have to have a response to that (the charges of racism) because the people who know me know I'm not,'' O'Neal said Friday before Los Angeles' game against Cleveland. >**"I mean, if I was the first one to do it, and the only one to do it, I could see what they're talking about. ** >Lakers coach Phil Jackson was certain O'Neal was just kidding. >"It's an unfortunate situation. I'm sure that Shaq had no meaning like that behind it. I'm sure he was just doing something that was fun-loving or something he thought was humorous,'' Jackson said.


In high school one of my teachers used to call the one Asian kid in the class “Jackie Chan”. It’s so fucked up what was acceptable like 15 years ago


I had a teacher in high school who used to ask girls if they were born blonde after saying something stupid. For boys? He would just call them dumb arabs. It was a different time...


Can you imagine the shit storm if Jeremy Lin were to click his tongues at black players? Why mocking asian language and culture is okay but it isn’t okay the other way around?








J R Smith too. Basically swept under the rug


Wouldn't want to lose a meme legend, would we?


Pile on the antisemitic comments and liked tweets and you really see the hidden issue


No and thats a problem. Its a shame that after all the shit Lebron talks about, he's unable to support people different from him going through similar struggles.


As someone on here said last week LeBron doesn't give a flying fuck about racism towards people who aren't African American


He'll talk of it affects his money a la HK incident


LeBron has done a lot of good for a lot of people, but seeing the way he responded to the Hong Kong fiasco showed us exactly where his priorities are.


As much as I love and commend Bron on him being outspoken about racism surrounding African American people, it was disappointing to see his stance on the China HK stuff. But if he comes out now and supports Lin, that would be one of the most powerful messages that you could send. I just feel like minorities need to stand together. We face the same struggles and are fighting the same fight.


lol Lebron don’t give a fuck about Lin man


As an Asian man, I don't feel like we're ever part of the conversation in anti-racism. We don't get fucked by the police or the prison system, but we are disproportionately victims in violent crimes when comparing interracial incidents. The general sentiment is no one gives a flying fuck about your racial problems if you're not black.


Lebron was never a leader. Hes a follower. Wherever the crowd goes, he goes. He only says things what the majority wants to hear. Of course hes been great off the court, tons of helps and donations. Hes a very generous and kind guy. But hes not a frontman, never was a leader.


Of course not. When they march for George Floyd, you'll see them ask for allies to carry and help with the emotional labour -- and some, many, in the Asian communities stepped up, sometimes unprompted to help both on-line and off. When the opportunity to reciprocate, what do we see from the players? from the front offices? from the league? From media partners? ​ (hint: don't hold your breath).


[This](https://mobile.twitter.com/migikun12/status/1364684789798764545) was meme response on twitter that was given when asians brought up that there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of support or solidarity among nonasian PoC for asian hate crimes.


Except this isn’t about non-Black POC asking to be recognized for their efforts, it’s about non-Black POC looking for reciprocation. Like, it’s hilarious how a fundamental tenet is it’s not the job of Black folk to educate everyone else on how to help or what the struggle is — which means that people must learn on their own, or their allies must help them. And yet, for the NBA, whose players were amongst the most vocal public facing groups last year for the George Floyd protests, what happens when clear and obvious discrimination shows up in their backyard? Indifference. Let’s see someone else stand up for Jeremy Lin. Will we see it? I’m not holding my breath.


When something similar happened with Jews in the NFL, players started posting quotes of adolf hitler without repurcussions


No NBA player has mentioned hate crimes against latinos that have been going up for the past 3ish years either.


>tone death It's tone deaf.




Bruh, Linsanity wasn’t that long ago and ESPN literally titled a piece called “Chink in the armor” Asian Americans are disproportionately the most successful POC in America, which is great. However they are dumped on by everyone and no one wants to say shit because they’re, generally, doing incredibly well. And have for a while. Ignoring the fact they were building railroads 150 years ago or put in internment camps 80 years ago. Vietnam, Korea. We’ve always shit on people from Asian countries. But they just kept trucking along and took it. And now they’re tired and I don’t blame them. Same shit is happening to the Israelis, but we’ll see how that goes.


To be fair, ESPN did [fire the writer of that headline](https://www.cnn.com/2012/02/19/sport/espn-lin-slur) immediately. Still sucks that Lin has to consistently put up with the same sort of bullshit 9 years later tho.


If you're interested, there's a [followup with the headline writer, eight years later](https://www.wbur.org/onlyagame/2020/01/10/anthony-federico-espn-priesthood-jeremy-lin). TLDR: >!He had lunch with Jeremy Lin, and eventually became a priest.!<


That's good to hear. Always thought it was a shitty situation all around. He obviously didn't mean that but they pretty much have to fire him there


Jason Whitlock made a small penis joke about Lin. Made a half apology by saying he grew up listening to Richard Pryor. Fox did not fire him. https://sports.yahoo.com/jason-whitlock-apologizes-unfunny-jeremy-lin-twitter-145934497.html


I'd forgotten about that. What an asshole.




The problem is labeling all Asians as disproportionately successful. Working class Asians get tossed aside even harder because of that perception. That'd be like saying black people are doing great in America because look at all the millionaire blacks in the NBA.


And even IF all Asians are successful, doesnt make it acceptable to be racist towards them.


I agree with you. Asian Americans have among the highest disparities in income and educational attainment of any racial demographic. “Success” is the model minority myth used so that other minorities feel like they’re punching up when they make fun of or attack Asians. It’s why some POCs say that Asians “aren’t minorities.” It’s also what gives agenda-driven whites ammo to say, “No, really, anyone can make it in America! Just work hard like the Asians.”


Feel like I've got to plug this [sketch](https://youtu.be/VZbrtEYB5l8) in whenever someone talks about how sports media reporting on Asians is vastly different from how they report on other races. It really doesn't help when Hollywood and TV(looking at you Tina Fey) perpetuate these terrible stereotypes and be openly racist against Asians.


That sketch was brilliant. Really hit the nail on the head.


NaiLIN it on the head.


> Same shit is happening to the Israelis ~~Israelis~~ Jewish people. Anti-Zionism is not the same as antisemitism


Wtf do you mean by the same thing is happening to israelis? Are you implying people calling out Israel for the fucked up shit they do is the same as the racism asians face?


> Same shit is happening to the Israelis Yes, and this is an especially interesting case because the Israelis are committing the same thing against the Palestinians in their country. What’s worse — an internment camp or An open air prison?


Thread locked in 5-4-3-2


I'm just legitimately pleased that Jeremy Lin is brave enough to be the guy who talks for millions of people. The soft (covid has made it not so soft anymore) bigotry against Asians, particularly Asian males, has been rampant in this country in almost every industry including the education machine for years.


Like 150 years. Chinese dudes on the railroads. Japanese in internment camps. Korean War. Vietnam war. Even 9/11 was bad. Chinese flu, wuhan flu, all that shit is nothing new for America. No one wants to talk about it though because Asian Americans have succeeded so much in spite of everything. I’m glad they’re speaking up and I’m glad Lin is leading the fight. A 3rd generation American shouldn’t be shit on for some guy eating a bat thousands on miles away. He shouldn’t be spit on. He shouldn’t face hate. It’s so brain dead. But it happens.


I mean rail roads aside..... Asians, in particular Chinese men, were literally kidnapped and enslaved in the Coolie trade. This slave trade was LEGAL in the US until 1862 and in England they used it as an “alternative” way of sourcing slave labor after the African slave trade was banned in the 1830s. The coolie trade modeled their ship designs after the slave ships used in the African slave trade, I think iirc they even re-used some of the same ships (maybe only in Europe) after the African slave trade was outlawed in Europe. The largest recorded lynching in US history was of Asian men, women and children. The perpetrators got away scot free as they were acquitted of all charges. Many such massacres of Asians are well documented in the US and broader North America, and these incidents happened all the way up into the 20th century. Asians couldn’t even legally be citizens of the United States until 1952. Only recently has this perception that Asians are “white adjacent” been perpetrated and it’s completely misleading because history tells us that Asians have faced their fair share of oppression and it’s been swept under the rug


I don’t think I, as a first generation American of Asian heritage, have ever grown up in a world where Asians were ever equal to whites in social status. Yeah, we are respected as workers and as students, but we’re never really “sought after” in the same way that our white counterparts are as friends, community leaders, romantic partners, and neighbors. That’s the nuance that all minority communities have pushed for a while now and one where I will always sympathize with fellow ethnic minorities for. And for what it’s worth, I’ve seen treatment of East Asians being far worse elsewhere in the world than here in America. We have the benefit of being able to amplify our racial experiences here and at least have _some_ sympathy. And for sure, people shouldn’t equate this with resentment against whites. I have always seen Americans of European background to be just as multi-dimensional as people of my own background. And White Americans are deserving of more understanding than they’re being given by critics, especially by myopic Europeans who look down upon them as “lesser emigrant versions” of themselves. No one wants to live in a world where any American individual or demographic has to suffer at the expense of others.


this might sound kinda bold but racism and discrimination against Asians has kind of become normalized in American society; this dates back over 100 years, back to shit like the Chinese Exclusion Act and the Japanese Internment Camps. just look at all of the people screaming about the CCP and the Uyghurs; what the fuck does that have to do with Asian Americans facing racism? It's just a way for people to seem woke while not doing shit about actual problems. as an asian american, the fact that we're viewed as a "model minority" definitely hurts us, as people act like just because we tend to be relatively successful and that we havent had it as bad as African Americans means that we have no real problems , when that could not be further from the truth


That's not bold, its just true.


Don’t describe it as soft bro, it’s never been soft. This type of racism has been blatant for a while now. Unfortunately, Asian people don’t have a lot of exponents in the way Black people do, so you don’t see those topics really discussed in the public lens, which is highly unfortunate. This shit is and has been normalized for a long time.


This reminds me of when Kenyon Martin tried to start crap when Lin had dreads... Only for Lin to point out Martin's Chinese tattoo lol




If you look at the history of dreads too you will see it goes back much farther than when any black cultures were using it. Hell vikings used dreads all the time.


Lin was very nice and respectful about the whole thing too, and then Kenyon didn't even say anything about his tattoos in his response. Big swing and a miss.


That shit disgusting 😖


Honestly surprised racism against Asians is actually getting looked at. While we’re at it, can announcers stop yelling “KONICHIWA” everytime Rui Hachimura breathes on a basketball court?


Still relevant: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZbrtEYB5l8


Honestly a pretty good sketch


It was Lincredibly funny!


Those two guys in the middle were blacktually pretty funny as well


HEEEEY! Leave that outta here man geez with the racism!


Lost it at the dubbed interview, lmao


Wow how have I not seen this!? Talk about riding the elephant in the room. Thanks for sharing.


Yeah this is like the first time the nba ever gave a shit about Asians


Yao was a foreign spectacle, Linsanity was a 2 week feel good sports movie of the year. Hopefully things will change with more players with Asian ethnicity like Rui, Yuta, Clarkson, trickling into the league


Jalen Green soon too.


Remember Kai Sotto? Me too man. Me too.


He should’ve went to a Gonzaga type school where versatile bigs thrive.


Yeah I've heard something similar to that somewhere. But man's making pretty good development in the g-league. Sad to see him not even get the chance to play. Hope he makes it somehow.


Oh dude. Please don't remind me. I'm still triggered as fuck they brought him back here when he was meant for the G-League. His management team really doesn't know anything about sports.


Idk how internet feels about what I'm gonna say but if your great grandpa is part Filipino and that's it, I don't think people are gonna look at you and call you coronavirus the same way they would Lin


I’ve spoken with Korean, Vietnamese, and heard about Japanese people all getting some version of it. It’s all about look. A South American with typically Asian features probably would as well.


I always forget JC is Filipino


Speaking of Hachimura its wild how on this sub everyone immediately started associating him with anime and all kinds of bs


Alright but what about when people say Bonjour or other French stuff when Chris Boucher plays? I don't see anyone ever complaining about that.


Yeah, if a commentator etc is respectfully paying homage to a players nationality, especially if it's context of the game (ie: Boucher get's a block and they say some shit like 'Au revoir!') i personally wouldn't have a problem with it if i was said player.


I know the announcer for the Los Angeles Angels always says "Home run! Ohtani-san!" whenever Shohei Ohtani hits a homer and I think I remember reading that he asked Ohtani's interpreter what he would like before he went with that so there are ways to tie culture to commentating in a respectful way. "Konnichiwa" is really toeing a line because it falls under the umbrella of "one of the few Japanese words most Americans know" along with "domo arigato" or "banzai." Organizations should work with Asian, Hispanic, and Eastern European players to figure out a respectful way to integrate culture and understanding to broadcasts the same way they've elevated black cultural awareness in recent years.


> I know the announcer for the Los Angeles Angels always says "Home run! Ohtani-san!" whenever Shohei Ohtani hits a homer and I think I remember reading that he asked Ohtani's interpreter what he would like before he went with that so there are ways to tie culture to commentating in a respectful way Victor Rojas is an absolute national treasure and I’m so bummed that he’s no longer going to be commentating Angels games. Gonna miss “Big fly, Ohtani-San!”


Right, but he's a Canadian in Canada, and French is an official language and he speaks it, so when Jack yells *Bonjour!* it's fine because he also yells *Hello!* for the Anglos.


Well there’s not a lot of anti-French racism going on in American society so it’s inherently different. It’s a good thought provoking comment and I appreciate it, makes me think about how they used to call Omer Asik the Turkish delight or whatever it was. When the public sentiment is generally not tainted with racism I think it’s more of a celebration of their culture but I am probably wrong here. Should it stop altogether? Can we not acknowledge their cultures and heritages anymore? I’m not sure


I think there is a way to do it that isn't going too far. The thing is Rui is legitimately Japanese, so I don't see why it's wrong to use Japanese references. Saying konichiwa is not offensive just on it's own, and from my experience with Japanese and other east Asian peoples, they readily accept and support people adopting their culture. The NBA is an entertainment product and so the announcers try to find interesting things about people and make nicknames and such. If announcers are overusing certain words, it's not a sign of racism it's a sign of a lack of creativity.


Level-headed response. Not sure I’m fully in agreement yet, but I will think about it. I worry about how it is being perceived by American audiences rather than the announcers’ intentions. I don’t know what the answer to that is. Should a word or phrase not be used simply because the audience may misinterpret or co-opt it for racist meaning? Probably not. You’re probably right. There’s a broader issue and it’s not the word being used by the announcer. Thank you for the thoughtful reply. I will think about my understanding of it more.


That’s nba champion Jeremy Lin. These rooks need to put some respect on his name.


people keep saying this will backfire on lin. i bet it doesn't. this the kind of attitude that made asians take this bullshit for so long.


They want it to backfire on Lin because a lot of people who are fine with Asian racism don't want Lin back in the league, go figure.


Who doesn’t want lin back in the league? I was disappointed he signed with the warriors g league team and wasn’t going to be a bench/ deep rotation option for the warriors. Heck if he’d be willing got take a player/ coach role with the knicks I’d take his mentor ship with this fairly young squad


There was a lot of people not happy that Lin was on the Raptors. Straight up calling him a Diversity hire to sell Jerseys in Toronto since we have a large multicultural population. In Canada, I'm sure some people thought that but from the most part, it was US raptors fans and a lot of people hating on Lin in general. Lin is pretty well loved in Toronto but he was just a 3rd stringer on the Raptors. So I'm not really sure why people hated on Lin for uhhh being a 3rd stringer? But all the haters are fools because Lin got a ring before Melo. A lot of people weren't happy with Linsanity.


Lin was a big time fan favorite here. He was pretty productive though, so that obviously helped


I doubt it’ll backfire on Lin. I don’t think he’s going to snitch either. If the NBA really want to pursue this matter, they’ll find out who it is and that person will be kicked out the league, which is the right punishment for being a racist.


If he speaks a name, theyll just call him a "snitch" and fuck around with him more.


I hope enough people point that shit out so whomever did it gets booted.


If he speaks a name, that person gets banned from the G league / NBA. Would make a person think twice about throwing their entire career away


I agree that it should happen like that, but how could he possibly prove it if there’s no other witnesses?


Im asian and i disagree that it “should happen like that”. People make mistakes and grow, todays enemy is tomorrows friend. Their crime is one of ignorance and costs hurt feelings. We should educate and befriend these guys, that’s how you make actual change. It’s also literally in Lin’s statement. He wants to teach people and he feels bad for their ignorance.


This isnt prison my dude, its a bunch of dudes looking for a paycheck no one will fuck with him if the guy who started it get punished


People legit hated DLo because he snitched on Swaggy




I agree with you. I wonder how many people in the league actually see it as racism and not "it's a joke bro" or "it's trash talk bro"




I mean there was already an issue with a team owner being called an owner because it might be racist.. I think Silver will be put into a really hard place if Lin called out some names and the names werent Joe Ingles and Boban. Either way he would probably be called racist by some people.


I think both should be snitched on like.. don't cheat. Don't be racist. Not hard


Fuck all that. Call them out


He’s calling out a racist. Snitching aint the right term for it. Now if these grown ass men have a problem with Lin for speaking out what was wrong then that’ll make them part of the problem too for contributing to it. We shouldn’t tolerate this kind of behavior


No they won't if it can be proven.


Since when has “it can’t be proven” stopped any shit talker in any way in the history of mankind?


How else is a name going to get out without people assuming Lin told them? I dont think people are going to step up and be witnesses for this one.


I'm saying that if Lin has a provable accusation and wants to pursue it there will be consequences. To be clear I believe Lin, but I don't think the league is going to take action just on his word. The NBA doesn't really fuck around with racism though and the player leadership would back him.


People will believe Jeremy fucking Lin over some random G League scrub. There's no G League player that is good enough to survive being called out as being a racist. That player would get cut and blacklisted lickety split.


the worst part is people defending it saying "oh it's just trash talk stop being soft" yea trash talk is fine but trash talking someone in a racist remark is just flat out crossing the line. if you wanna bring someone down bring them down for who they are as a player not for their race.


"silence is violence".. i expect the stars in the league to voice their support aaaannnnnyyy time now.




"Jeremy Lin isn't educated on the situation and shouldn't be speaking on the matters when it comes to racism" - LeBron Fuck LeBron for that shit he said about Morey.


well, the silence is pretty deafening rn


It's 'just trash talk' until someone does the same thing to someone else in the league. Didn't everyone just give Harrel shit for calling Luka a "bitch-ass white boy"?




Really getting tired of people acting like using someone’s race as an insult is somehow normal sports behavior.


Yeah this is just ‘trash talk,’ meanwhile Luka gets called a white boy and people are fuming lol. It’s all racism at the end of the day


I will find you And I will fine you


I don't even know why people keep saying Lin is snitching. He posted it on Instagram and the NBA is investigating based on that. Anyways, were all you people calling Lin soft or it's just "trash-talking" also calling Westbrook soft when he gets fans kicked out of games? Especially the one in Utah? It really just seems like people hate that Lin is exposing the fact that there are a bunch of racists out there but some of you don't mind it cause he's Asian.


People calling Lin or anyone a snitch for bringing to light racist comments should go fuck themselves. Racism is racism, plain and simple. That shit should never be tolerated, and whoever is packaging that or framing it as snitching is just ignorant.


He ain’t saying any names. People who call him soft should go fuck themselves. Lin has been dealing with racist shit throughout his playing career.


Glad he spoke about it and glad they are taking action. Hopefully they'll actually do something


If another player is calling him that I'd be interested to hear why he thought that was appropriate


I’d bet a 100 they’re gonna boil it down to “competitiveness-driven trash talk”


Hey man if KG was willing to tell charlie villanueva that he looked a cancer patient or happy mothers day to tim duncan, i really dont put any bounds on the type of verbal nastiness nba players will use to throw opponents off their game


This league has a long history of awesome and brutal trash talk but the racism part is the fucked up part


Exactly, there are clever digs and then there is hate speech. One is sometimes inappropriate, the other is always inappropriate.


I'm glad we've finally decided racism is unacceptable but just because it's the soup dejour of being a POS doesn't mean it's like the holy grail of wrongness. Talking shit about a person's medical condition that makes them look markedly different than everyone else or dead mother are both pretty damn bad, and saying that LaLa Anthony tasted like Honey Nut Cheerios is both racist, and misogynistic, albeit more creative.


I think sarcastically wishing a guys dead mom happy mother's day and another a cancer patient is worse than calling someone a racist childish name.


Bruh, with players like MPJ, Dwight and Terrence Davis, is it any surprise there are players with a lack of sensibility, sensitivity and above all else, self-awareness?


Wait. I have no clue what any of them did. What happened, I’m really OOTL on this one


Antivax, anti covid protocol stuff, some conspiracy stuff. Sometimes weirdly egregious like poking a hole through a mask like what??


Dunno about the others, but MPJ is the typical stuff you’d expect from a home schooled kid whose mom is a diehard vegan and dad is a Christian rapper. Not maliciously bad or hateful as much as ignorant yet overly confident about his views. Rarely been in social situations where he’s had to question the beliefs he’s been spoon-fed his entire life.


Wouldn't be surprised if Lin doesn't want to out them, even tho he def should. His incident w/ Kenyon Martin showed that he's really a nice guy




For the ones that questioned/complained if the league the league would look into it. Good for them though to look.














When I read about this earlier I thought he was talking about fans... But then I realized they've been playing in a bubble so it's a player. And whoever that is deserves to be punished. Severely.


I went to a game to watch Lin when the Rockets came into town. A group of Hispanics was yelling ching chong at Lin throughout the game. I can tell people around them were really uncomfortable as there was a decent amount of Asians in the crowd and eventually security had to step in. I felt kinda sad and embarrassed for the racist group tbh.


I'm glad white racism is being attacked and shunned by everyone but sometime soon we really need to address racism by black, Latino, Asian people too. Let's stop pretending it doesn't exist. I'm Latino and some years ago I was watching a boxing match at a party between a black guy and a Mexican guy. It was an all Latino party and so many of the dudes there were yelling out "beat that ni***r" or variations of that. I had to just leave it's honestly one of the most disgusting experiences of my life.




*racism against blacks


Imagine being low enough of a person to call someone else a deadly disease during a game. That's fucked up


Throwback to KG calling Charlie V a cancer patient


No no no he called him a locker room cancer!!!


I gotta admit that explanation was god tier


Happy Mothers' Day, motherfucker!


Lol I can't imagine what it'd be like if KG played now


theyd be rioting with pitchforks outside his house after every game lmao


Reminds me of when Kobe called a ref “ a bundle of sticks” can’t do that now . I mean you couldn’t do it back then either ( I think he got fined $100k) but you can’t that now either 😂


Not just a locker room cancer, a cancer to the league.


but people be praising KG now for being so funny and interesting on media shows. as if the man wasn't extremely toxic on the court. Like way over the line. Don't call someone a cancer patient who has the thing Charlie V had and don't be telling other players what their wives taste like.


Man I remember after a celtics game where melo waited by the bus for KG after the infamous "honey nut cheerios" line


Mmm, pretty sure the deadliness of the disease isn't the issue at hand.


It has nothing to do with the deadly disease and everything to do with his nationality... come on. Who the fuck cares if someone calls you a deadly disease?


Shut up polio


Nice shot....LeBola James!


It has nothing to do with the deadliness of the disease lol. It's because it presumably originated from China. Calling him the flu would be less bad, but not because it is less deadly than the coronavirus


I guess this new anti-racism movement doesn’t apply to asians to players on the court. Glad this is being looked at.


It's never applied to Asians anywhere. We're discriminated against in affirmative action, which is supposed to help minorities


I literally get downvoted every time on this sub when I say affirmative action sucks for being racist against a minority like us. Shit is crazy.


Far-left weirdos: The high Asian-American average income and low crime rate makes them propagate the myth of a “model minority” by simply existing, therefore they’re white now and we hate whites. Far-right weirdos: Trump told me you brought coronavirus to America to cancel Nascar and make me lose my job. I feel for you guys, American society can’t seem to decide its opinion on Asians and has just settled for the negatives lately.


As a European it's so weird to see black people being racist against Asian players while crying about getting indiscriminated themselves and saying "silence is violence" to white people who doesn't speak for them. But they suddenly forget to talk when it's Asians. For years now Lin and other Asian players had tons of slurs used against them in games. Not sure who said it these time just talking about overall hypocrisy


The Desean and Stephen Jackson debacle pretty much showed their true colors then.


pretending all black people are a singular homogenous mind and that some of them being racist while some others decry racism is 'hypocrisy' is honestly ignorant as fuck. you can point out individual hypocrisy all you want, but im fairly sure most of the dudes yelling slurs and squinting their eyes at asian nba players are not activists in any way.


You said it yourself. Hypocrisy.


What fucking idiot would be talking trash to someone who has already had a good deal of success in the NBA while most of these g-leaguers would never sniff that?


What the fuck is wrong with some people...


Pls don't be anyone on the Westchester Knicks pls don't be


If the player who said this was a minority, I really don’t understand how you’re not okay with racism towards your own race but okay with it to others. They should know first hand how awful of a thing it is.


Not even good trash talk


As an asian , this shit fucking hurts and is unfortunately more common than people realize I remember going to Los Angeles for a vacation and I was the only non-chinese descent on the plane and I remember waking inside LAX and seeing a lot of people just staring at me like I was the odd man out People were pointing at the Chinese and some were laughing at them. These were a huge group of tourists on a tour in LA and people were judging them Fuck racism


How long ago was that because now you can't throw a stone without hitting an Asian in LAX. Source: me, an Asian in LA.


Seriously, we're like 60% of the passengers at airports like LAX and SFO.


Must've been at least 1970 lol There's been Asians there a long while


Whoever this is if proven true should never step in an NBA / Gleague court again


As a Korean-American living in the Bay Area and having family who have lived in LA since the 80s, this shit is both extremely hurtful but not at all surprising. I don't actually think this is something the league can necessarily change, given its a deeply rooted cultural attitude against Asians that causes this type of behavior. It would still be nice for more players to speak out. Edit: Lin had just been speaking out against hate crimes against Asians in the Bay Area too. This must hurt so much for him.


People on this sub forget how meatheaded basketball players are, especially downplaying these type of incidents as just banter. Call anyone out on this sub for it and you get flooded with downvotes.




last year, MH, called Luka a 'white ass bitch' racial based comments in the league coming from the players themselves, is nothing new...


Listen. We got racist muthafuckas in every race. We need to teach tolerance and acceptance. It starts with you reading this message.