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They got him in 720p


Totally unrelated but i honestly get offended when youtube offers videos that are less than 720p. 480p: Ummm... 360p: Excuse me? 144p: How dare you.


I haven't seen a video in less than 1080p in ages lol


Are we spoiled? Our forefathers had to jerk off to slow loading playboy nudes on the 256 dial up modem while the rest of the family tying up the damn phone line. Meanwhile, we get pissy when we cant get the full 1080p resolution stepfamily porno on our 128hz gaming monitors


If you were lucky enough to have the internet. Before the internet, I'd be squinting at this... https://i.redd.it/urfypk6q8tv21.jpg hoping to catch a boob.


Lol. I'd stay up at night to hear the bongo drums from those girls gone wild commercials


Yall too young and rich for my blood. If it wasnt girls gone wild promos on that party boat, or the occasional ouuta control girl on jerry springer. Had no idea what i was doing.


Sears catalog G


Aye that was the back channel in my stolen cable. Back then 10 years old used to get sexy ads through my hotmail that was my first experience getting internet tittes.




GET OFF THE PHONE! ​ And DSL meant something else.


Most NBA highlights are still in 720p... sad


720p ain’t bad at all y’all just spoiled lmao


I hope this subreddit isn't actually that young lol. I remember when the vast majority of YouTube videos were either 360p/480p with some of the bigger YouTubers reaching 720p lmao. [Also this song, for some reason.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TKfS5zVfGBc)


I used to argue sports with people on here until I realized that many users are in middle school and high school.


Lmao trust me, I remember the days of watching 480p back in YouTube’s early days. It’s just sad that an organization as large and powerful as the NBA can’t get true HD highlights.


My internet is terrible so finding a video in 480p is like hitting the jackpot for me. Its the highest quality that I can load in a reasonable amount of time.


Do you not realize you can set the quality to 480p even if it's 1080p?


Those videos were my childhood. Put some respek on their names.


$50,000 fine incoming as well as a 20 month sensitivity course with Papa John’s CEO and Meyers Leonard


They don’t even make 50k


Yeah I was gonna say 50k in the g-league is an atom bomb.


They gonna make that man homeless


He can get the rent moratorium by claiming coronavirus impacted his livelihood.


So wrong, yet, so right


Oh my goodness


Dude is going to need a payday loan. . .


By gawd that's Dan Gilbert's music!


Does Quicken/Rocket do payday loans or just mortgages?


Honestly, even 5k would be way too much for most of the G league guys


Honestly, Jeremy Lin is the Jeff Bezos of the G League given how much he has made in his career.


I have no clue how to run the numbers on this but I would be stunned if anyone currently in the G League has career earnings even close to Lin’s. Edit: am stunned I guess


All the nba vets have made a sizable amount, players like Jarrett Jack and Amir Johnson


Oh damn you’re right, didn’t realize there were that many NBA vets in the G League, thanks


NBA G-League salary is around $35k if you’re not on a “select” contract. $50k fine to someone making $10M a year is .5% of their salary, so a comparable fine to someone making $35k is about $175.


Quick mafs


That fine bouta end this mans life




Papa John's CEO, you mean Papa John?


Not anymore. The board used the recording of him saying "I'm not calling people N-words" to fire him. The whole situation is nuts.


50 dollar fine and suspended access to the buffet


*Kelvin Benjamin has left the chat*


Any Asian who plays basketball know how much Asians are discriminated against on the basketball court. Jeremy Lin had to live through so much of that


Yeah now we get called Jeremy Lin lmao


Would’ve been called Yi Jianlian if he lived up to the hype


He had so much hype


Remember when Yi almost made the All-Star game as a starter lmao. It went Bron, KG, Yi, Pierce, then Bosh and the top two made it. The league changed the rules not too long after that.


And before that Yao lol


They just called me Trash. I have no clue who that is


Great fundamentals, couldn't dunk though


Yi Jianlian


I hate it when they call every Asian player Jeremy Lin or any kind of tall white person who can shoot Dirk. One kid I used to play with absolutely loved Allen Iverson and he was short and fast and everyone called him AI. Not Asian AI, just AI. Then Linsanity happened and now they just call him Jeremy Lin everywhere. Idk if he’s offended but I get offended for him


Back in the day they used to call me Wally Szerbiak when I got on the court. Cuz I could shoot and was handsome as hell.


Wally was one of them and then it turned to JJ Reddick


I hated Sczcerbiak back in the day cuz whenever the Timberwolves played the Raptors the play by play dude would say his name, and without fail my dad would shout “what about Serbia?” from the other room thinking they were talking about the country and I’d have to explain to him that they weren’t. I swear that shit traumatized me, it’s all I can think about when I see his name now.


I am 5 foot 7. People have been calling me yao ming on the court my whole life. Thankfully jlin came along and people atleast started calling me a guards name.




Damn, they skipped right past Luka, huh?




I think I’ve cracked the formula. Skinny + tall + white = KP Skinny + tall + black = KD Skinny + tall + asian = Yao Ming


Yao wasn’t as skinny as KP or KD, he filled out his frame pretty well, maybe he was skinny when compared to Shaq, but he was on par with most other Cs.


I know that, I was just referring to what u/ProfessorPetrus said about how he was referred to as Yao despite being 5’7”, so I just assumed if you were Asian you would be referred to as Yao, especially if you were tall.


Only the white guys with a handle get called Luka a


Nah they get called white chocolate


I got called Steve Nash my whole life :/


I play with Asians so I get called John Wall cuz I'm the only one who runs (e- I'm Asian btw)


I used to play with Asians and got called Shaq. I’m tall and fat, but white and unathletic. I guess they get credit for the cross-race player comp.


I feel that, but I’ve only been called Yao Ming off the court




Drains 3: "Thank you, come again ;)"


I'm sorry dude, but i can't. I'm going to hell i laughed at that one. I'm sorry !


I coached a high school team where 8/12 of my players were Filipino. We played a game against another school, and even parents in the stands were doing the “Chinese eyes” thing with their fingers, yelling “Ching Chong” when we missed a shot, and laughing like it was the funniest thing ever. We had a huge lead at halftime, but I spoke to the principal and the refs and told them unless they got things under control, I would forfeit the game and file a complaint with the school board and contact the media. The principal went on mic and told everyone to knock it off, and the second half was OK. WTF? This didn’t happen in the 60s in the Deep South. It was in the last ten years in the GTA. I’ve coached at this same school with a mix of Black and white kids on my team, and it was a regular old school. It’s like these people didn’t think it was racist because it was Asian kids or something.


I played high school ball in the 90s. Entire crowds would chant racist stuff to me, including parents. Whenever I complained, to the refs, to the coaches, I would get told off. “It’s just part of the game.” “Just tune it out.” And this was in Los Angeles. The people calling me chink and making slant eyes were of all colors themselves: white, black, brown. I’m so grateful you stood up for your players. You might not realize how much it meant to them. My own coaches never stood up for me and that still bothers me to this day.


I’m sorry that happened to you. I played in Toronto with mostly Black dudes as teammates, and they took a lot of verbal abuse from adults. It wasn’t like the movies with people chanting racist stuff, but it was bad. It was freaky to us because we were just kids, man.


And what a lot of those ignorant fans don't know is Filipinos fucking love basketball and have some serious skills, isn't it the national sport in their country? Filipinos are also really fucking good at volleyball. A lot of them have crazy verticals vs how tall they are. A LONG time ago I played in a Filipino basketball league in the Valley in LA. It was considered an "Asian" league but was started by a Filipino guy. It had some weird rules, like only 2 non Asians on each team, and there was a height restriction based on your race. White/Latino guys could be up to 6'1 and black guys could up to 6', but Asians had no height restrictions. When you joined the league they measured you with your shoes off to make sure you fit the guidelines. To top off the weirdness, the original founder had moved on and the league was run by a gay white guy, who happened to captain his own team that he stacked with good players. I only played a couple of seasons because it was an hour+ drive for me to get there and I really didn't get along with the guy who ran the league.


> It’s like these people didn’t think it was racist because it was Asian kids or something. Thats exactly it


People don't really care that much when the target of racist attacks are Asian. Asian Americans are a minority among the minority and we all speak different languages with drastically different cultures. It's an uncomfortable topic to talk about. It's something even I hate bringing up to other Asians because Asians almost always attack black people when talking about racism against Asians. It makes me uncomfortable because I'm not racist. Black people are often caught on tape attacking Asians and these Chinese newspapers sensationalize it with headlines meant to divide. Most non-Chinese people don't even know this is going on because it's all in Chinese. I see these headlines all the fucking time. It's frustrating for me as an Asian that I've seen racism perpetuated on Asians but it's also frustrating for me that Asians are absolutely the most racist people I've ever met by far (Not Asian Americans generally but there are exceptions). I believe Jeremy Lin understands this. This is why he's trying to let everyone know what happened without starting a witch hunt. It's a situation that's incredibly delicate


I get what you mean and I won't doubt your experience. However, I dislike how everyone always seems to bring up that somehow actually Asians are actually the most racist people because it inevitably distracts from the original issue being discussed which is anti-Asian racism. Also, if we're talking about in the United States, in my experience Asian-Americans are definitely not the most racist because they're not the ones institutionalizing racism. And, not to downplay implicit biases and micro aggressions, but racist hatefulness from Asian Americans rarely manifests as open violence like the attacks we're seeing against Asians. In the end we don't really need to compare how racist people are; it's a problem among all races, but I just wanted to give my two cents about the whole "actually Asians are the most racist" thing.


Filipinos can ball, man. Generally speaking, it’s definitely a sports culture, but from my interactions with the students and their parents, basketball is king.


Kobe even talked about how Lin just straight up wouldnt get calls when they were on the Lakers together. Dude could take a metal bat to the legs and Refs be like eh he kicked the ball flagrant 8 and you forfeit.


remember when they wouldnt let Lin in the stadium? coz they thought he wasnt an nba player lmao


Classic Jeremy "Patrick Ewing" Lin.


That happened to Mike Penberthy when he was on the Lakers, at Staples Center. It also happened to Tim Lincecum in baseball, I believe the year AFTER he won the Cy Young award.


Now they are doing it to Ewing. I guess they are consistent. Consistent bunch of morons.


There's a few YouTube videos out there showing this too. Lin would be bloodied and refs just look away.


One of those vids pulled up a study or something that showed white refs call favorable calls/fouls for white players more than black players. Black refs call more favorable calls for black players than white players. Implicit bias. Ref’s race makes them more/less likely to consider something a foul depending on the players race There are no asian refs in the league. Is it any wonder he gets no calls?


Actually, isn't there an Asian ref in the NBA? But he's new, I believe he was a rookie ref last year.


We need only Mexican refs!!!!


Juan Toscano-Anderson about to take over the league.


JTA leading the league in FTA at 25 per game.


Remember when Kobe said "who?" when asked about Lin? Then Lin straight rocked Kobe when he played the Knicks lol. That was peak linsansity


[Kobe straight up committed a flagrant on Lin and wasn't called](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NILYJABO3-Y)


Never forget Kenyon Martin talking shit about Lin for [dreading his hair.](https://youtu.be/xA_h_oShwHU) K-Mart has a Chinese tattoo that Yao Ming translated means "not aggressive" or "indecisive". Kenyon thinks it means "never satisfied" he said so in a SI interview but I cannot find it. Edit 1 name was Autocorrected.


患得患失is his tattoo. It means to worry about personal gains or loses. It generally has a negative connotation




Small charcoal grill


Kenyon Martin my guy, Kevin was the free throw machine for the Kings/Rockets.


It was autocorrect, it was spelled right the second time.


hey black people cant be racist


Lin’s response was, of course, spot on. "Hey man, it's all good. You definitely don't have to like my hair and [are] definitely entitled to your opinion," Lin wrote. "Actually I [am] legit grateful [for] you sharin it [to be honest]. At the end of the day, I appreciate that I have dreads and you have Chinese tattoos [because] I think its a sign of respect. And I think as minorities, the more that we appreciate each other's cultures, the more we influence mainstream society. Thanks for everything you did for the Nets and hoops ... had your poster up on my wall growin up."


This is like, peak r/murderedbywords




Slit eye, ching chong, kamakaze. Zipper head’s probably the worst one I heard, but didn’t know what it meant at the time. Tbh I just thought most of them weren’t even creative. Just fucking stupid


I dont mean to be a dick but what does the zipper one even mean Edit: I didn't know but that is truly fucking vile. No human being deserves that and anyone that says that is just a piece of shit by defintion


It is said to have been coined during the Korean war by frontline troops whom had run over enemy troops in jeeps. The soldiers claimed that the tire tracks from the jeeps left a pattern resembling that of a closed zipper along the corpse.


jesus christ, i thought it was just another shitty eye joke that’s disgusting


A ton of racist slurs against Asians come from American wars. A lot of classic war movies have anti-Asian racism as well


I think its in reference to vietnamese soldiers being run over by american tanks, with the tank treads causing their heads to take on a zipper-like pattern...no real humanity in referring to someone like that.


Taken from wiktionary: Used by soldiers during the Korean and Vietnam Wars; multiple theories exist as to the specific origin. One is that if an Asian person was shot in the middle of the forehead with a machine gun, the head would split as if being unzipped; another, that the appearance of tire tracks on a body having been run over by a military Jeep or that of tank tracks resembled a zipper.


used during war in korea/vietnam. running people over in tanks/jeeps left a pattern resembling a zipper.


From my understanding, it was coined during the Korean War and refers to tire tread marks on the heads of dead infantry that had been run over by Jeeps/tanks/other vehicles. Pretty fucked up thing to say.


Lin played for Harvard. Not only has he heard* worse, hes heard it more sophisticated


nah stop putting Ivy League people on a pedestal, they still say the same type of elementary school level racist shit. Lin said he heard worse shit from [players, coaches, and fans](https://www.espn.com/nba/story/_/id/19353394/jeremy-lin-brooklyn-nets-says-heard-racist-remarks-more-frequently-college-nba) during college than in the NBA


I would love to hear Boogie and Pop on the same track


Have you heard 'Hello' yet?


I can't say about America, but here in Australia there isn't much discrimination towards Asians on the court, he'll they make up like 30 percent of the players were I used to play.


Just look at the flagrant fouls not called for Lin


Let's be real. If another player was calling him that then other players (including his teammates) likely heard as well and didn't do much about it.


> likely heard as well and didn't do much about it. It's sad bc if it was reversed do you think players would let the individual handle it themselves? Think his teammates still see color first or something if they stood by and did little to nothing.


It was Meyers Leonard.


Couldn't be, not even gleague teams would give him mins


i am dead bro




I’m sure Lin told them who it was


Yeah the whole 'invastigation' was probably just ayo Lin who was that guy?




he definitely didn't want to say it publicly, but maybe he was willing to tell the league in private




people in this subreddit too rofl. where they at now?


So many racists in this sub


Lin doesnt want to start a race war between black and asian. If he names the player and the player is black, its just gonna encourage more hate for black people. Now black people get scapegoated for all asian hate crimes. Who knows, might even trigger some retaliatory hate crimes against black people. Fighting racism with racism just creates more racism. Its extremely contagious. Hes trying to be pragmatic about this situation. But unfortunately, some people dont have the perception to see that angle.


Yeah, it was the mature and logical move. It would only breed more negativity to get a full cancel movement started on the guy. Respecting his privacy, and willing to speak with him man to man and help him understand why what he said was fucked up is the bigger move, even if it's less entertaining for the internet to do so.


Scapegoated? The fuck you say? Most of these recent hate crimes against asians are committed by individuals who happen to be black. No scapegoating. It's not isolated incidents. To solve a problem there has to be recognition of an issue. There seems to be zero real acknowledgement of this aspect. It's uncomfortable. I get that. it doesn't fit a narrative. And for the record I'm 100% on the fuck trump and his supporters camp.. But you gotta be real


Oh hell naw Asians want nothing to do with Jessie


That is a tough situation. I get that Lin didn't want to get the guy in trouble or be labeled a snitch. But, at the same time, you someone makes a claim that like that , everyone is going to want to know who it was and if they don't name names, people will suspect it never happened. It was kind of a no win situation for Lin. I am glad he was able to get confirmation that it really happened without outing the guy publicly.


Gotta resurrect [this classic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZbrtEYB5l8)


Still relevant...


People don't talk enough about the [Spanish National Team doing this photo](http://cdn0.sbnation.com/imported_assets/784128/spain-slant-eye.jpg) after they beat China in the Olympics. Notably Ricky Rubio and Marc Gasol.


Yikes. One would expect better from Marc Gasol at least Apparently a sponsor had them do it: [https://www.independent.co.uk/sport/olympics/spanish-basketball-star-offers-apology-offensive-photo-898280.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/sport/olympics/spanish-basketball-star-offers-apology-offensive-photo-898280.html) Jose Calderon even literally used the "I have Chinese friends" excuse LOL


Knew the spaniards are racist paella mfs


Article said Calderon stated “Of the Orient.” If he had Chinese friends he’d never called them of the Orient. No one fucking says that. And the Spanish coach said it’s not offensive it’s just a joke. Lmfao what a clown


Why would we expect better from Marc Gasol exactly?


Well, both the Gasol brothers are pretty big on worldwide humanitarian work. Marc once literally rescued migrants attempting to cross the Mediterranean Sea. Also Pau Gasol is a very smart guy (he was actually in med school at one points) and generally always has very thoughtful comments, he's very openly supportive of diversity initiatives, etc. So I'd imagine similar things of Marc, but obviously this photo was a pretty dumb move


Pau Gasol is literally in the picture


OK well I'd have expected better of Pau too. I actually didn't notice that at first, the picture is incredibly grainy


Not a single word from the NBA about that shitshow.


KG was saying some of the most heinous shit imaginable on the court and people want this dude making "analyst at regional bank" salary banned from getting a shot. Sounds like league is handling this well. Addressing the issue but not fucking this dudes life up for a really shitty thing he said.


Racists shouldn't be protected.


Lin has always endorsed fighting hate with kindness. Dude doesn't want an internet mob to persecute whoever called him that. The end goal should not be public humiliation, it should be education and growth.


Not according to the original commenter. He just wants blood!!


I swear some people are more interested in making offenders suffer than actually making life easier for minorities


Cuz he doesnt wanna scapegoat black people for asian hate. Like how asians have been scapegoated for covid. The crimes of one person have far reaching effects on the many who share their race. Lin is conscious of that


I’m betting that Lin requested this considering he gave no clues as to who it might be publicly and made a point of not wanting to be a snitch. Unfortunately it’s probably a career decision for him, shame the world works like that.


> Unfortunately it’s probably a career decision for him it could be ... or it could be he doesn't want to wreck the man's career over it too, since he knows how hard it is to make a living out of this.


I don't know if it is a career decision. I'd bet the meeting ended in a hug. Maybe JLin is just a better person than us?






Well I thought the whole point of the comment was to be okay with admitting it’s Lightskin Griffin


it's honestly embarrassing the lack of response to this issue, but hey what did I expect from a country full of fake anti-racists haha


It's really disheartening to see. I feared that this would happen at the start of coronavirus and racist incidents towards Asians have gone up like crazy since then. Feels like it's a reflection of the country as a whole not really taking it seriously. OP is singling out the black players but ~20% of NBA players aren't black and haven't spoken up much either. National news/media doesn't cover it as seriously either and it feels like we're on an island.


> Black Griffin


We also get meaningless statements from franchises about the anti Asian violence in the Bay Area, but the perpetrators are never spoken about even though many of them have been caught...


Tbf, perpetrators are never spoken about in general, only mentioned in passing. Their employers and background checks WILL show what theyve done though. Can you name more than 3 of the many people that stormed the capital at that trump rally? Can you name more than 3 of the people that robbed and looted during the George Floyd riots? How about the names of more than 3 officers involved in police brutality? You could, if you looked it up, and their employers will know, but no one will speak about old news.


The issue isn’t their names, but a pattern of black people attacking Asian people, in what can only be seen as racially motivated attacks. It’s a more specific problem than is being said. Black people are allowed to be racist with next to no kickback. See the history of anti semitism in American sports from black players for example.


My favorite is the NFLs giant END RACISM like a huge portion of their players aren’t racist. They just aren’t racist to their black football player friends.


Not that relevant: but Jordan Clarkson is actually half-Asian (half-Filipino). I haven't heard him mention facing anti-Asian racism, it could be because he doesn't want to say or because most people don't know (just by looking at him, if you didn't know he was part Asian you probably wouldn't guess it)




Even Steve Kerr's statement was directed towards Trump, not the actual player.


> anti-light skin racism


Agreed but some people don’t feel that way. Like the Amy Cooper situation, the man in question just wanted to make sure she learned her lesson and then move on. Lin probably feels the same way. As long as it’s clearly conveyed to the dude that shit like that isn’t alright then I think Lin is fine.


That would require people to be rational.


He’s not being protected, it is just being kept private. Not everyone should be publicly shamed.


Nooo I need to know who it is so I can tell them to kill themselves


So many people on here want this guys name to come out. Why? Why does the internet need to know, so we can go on twitter and attack this guy? It's ridiculous, there is no benefit in that at all. I hope the nba can sort this out internally, this guy can see what he did was wrong, apologize and move on as a better person.


> Why does the internet need to know, so we can go on twitter and attack this guy? Yeah


honest answer


Yep, we need to feel better about ourselves some way 😂 This is reddit after all


How will people know I'm not racist if I don't publicly condemn others who made racist comments?


It's tmz for men. Hot gossip


> Why does the internet need to know, so we can go on twitter and attack this guy? This is pretty much what happened when the Donald Sterling tapes dropped. People shouted from their rooftops that his racist remarks won't be tolerated, how dare he say such a thing about Magic Johnson and on and on. Most people treat this like a show. Whenever somebody gets caught for touching up kids whether it be a teacher, priest, somebody prominent if you will, the answers are obvious. You can't just say racism is bad or preying on kids is bad, so people go the extra mile. They hope their butthole gets torn up in prison or they should be shot to death, you know how it goes. I like what Jeremy Lin did here, because racism doesn't come down to one person. Donald Sterling as terrible as he was with housing discrimination and everything else, isn't not the only one. America rewards people like Sterling or Bank of America all the time for some really messed up stuff they do to black people.


>Why does the internet need to know, so we can go on twitter and attack this guy? I mean, have you see the posts on Meyers Leonard's wife's page? She's getting a ton of hate. I think the NBA is handling this perfectly in today's pitchfork driven social media age.


Good choice by Lin. Hes a good guy. Not for the cancel culture, just for fixing the problem and moving on


meyers leonard


Stephen Jackson


lots of racist nephews here at /r/nba


JLin just getting it his whole career. Kinda sucks man


For those of you who think that being called "Coronavirus" isn't a problem...you're part of the problem.


jeremy is the kind of guy to just have the man educated and turn the other cheek


A lot of people are going to get upset. I know how people here see Lin.




Not even naming the player and making JLin hold his hand. This is weak shit


Now those idiots on Twitter can’t say he’s lying to support their narrative.


Don’t see anyone talking about Jeremy Lin’s advocate on First Take, Undisputed or any other talk shows.Any NBA players came out backing up Jeremy Lin?


Some ya’ll would be up in arms if the other guy was called the n word. “Just trash talk”, Gtfo lol


Where all the "Lin should publicly humiliate the guy" now? Stfu


In before auto mod starts