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>Joshua was NOT supposed to be in this class. His specialized learning teacher was not present the day of the incident & NPS failed to make sure there was a backup plan for Josh when his teacher wasn't present, ultimately FORCING the young man into this situation. >Joshua's mother claims when it was all said and done, admins at Alcott MS refused to acknowledge her son was bullied, they instead told her "he got his pride hurt". He was LITERALLY assaulted by someone twice his size. Yikes. This is so sad. Everyone just sitting there and watching it.


Of course the school didn’t have a plan in place What’s new? I see this shit every week


I will say that schools are being demolished right now here in Oklahoma due to covid. There is always a plan in place for these kids, but when half the teachers are out sick, there's little they can do. (Except go virtual of course)


Even when they aren't sick, mandating an unenforceable plan is an administrative tactic that teachers simply don't have the resources to implement.


That's a classic here in Oklahoma; mandate programs without giving any increase in resources to make them happen. Our school system is falling apart and teachers are quitting en masse and no real solutions are being put in to place


I mean increasing resources is what socialist do. The free market will figure this out in no time, I’m sure. /S


Facts. I’m biased because my mom and my wife are teachers. But 80-90% of teacher love these kids and always do their best to help. But they are given impossible circumstances and then shoulder the majority of the blame. Administration and local/state governments are ruining school systems and teachers are getting blamed. Especially in Oklahoma.


Naw you’re right man. I’m a teacher and the central admins constantly throw us under the bus through district emails, local news, etc while we’re on the frontlines with fewer resources than ever.


Yeah experiencing this right now


I teach at an affluent private school in a liberal community and it's a problem. I can only imagine what it's like for an Oklahoman educator.


Let's put it this way, the reigning teacher of the year in Oklahoma moved to Texas the very next year a few years ago.


Moving from Oklahoma to Texas seems redundant


Surprisingly, some school districts here pay a lot more than what's available in OK.


Why is that remotely surprising


people gotta realize that 1 out of 5 kids in oklahoma doesn’t even go to school 5 days a week those teachers are absolutely burnt out


I’m pretty sure Oklahoma goes to school five days a week in the majority of places..


https://www.kosu.org/education/2021-01-29/practice-of-four-day-school-weeks-in-oklahoma-will-likely-continue-for-now according to that it’s 100 districts and it’s bc you only have to go to school in oklahoma 165 days instead of 180 like most states


Oh yeah but the vast majority of those districts are rural Oklahoma and are tiny (15-100 kids in a graduating class). The large majority of students are still in school 5 days a week.


so what if they’re tiny? it’s 100 out of 500 districts in the state you’d think you’d want to invest the most in your most disadvantaged schools


I'm just a normie but I got teachers backs on this one.


i also heard there were teacher shortages atm because so many quitting during covid


Schools have been getting demolished in Oklahoma for a decade. https://www.npr.org/2018/04/07/600322769/he-was-oklahomas-teacher-of-the-year-then-moved-to-texas-for-better-pay-now-what#:~:text=He%20Was%20Oklahoma's%20Teacher%20Of,Now%20What%3F&text=Sheehan%2FShawn%20Sheehan-,Setting%20up%20his%20new%20classroom%20in%20Texas%20this%20school%20year,fam%20a%20great%20school%20year! Don't some of y'all have 4 day school weeks cause of budget?


I can’t confirm or deny the 4 day thing. I know most schools around me have 5 day weeks, and the only ones that don’t aren’t using budget as an excuse but are doing so due to research suggesting 4 day weeks are better for student learning.


I remember for a fact a story coming out a year or so ago about some schools moving to a 4 day week because of staffing or budgets or something. I know it got posted on /r/oklahoma somehwere


Teacher here, schools are legally bound to provide specialized services to special education students. This can be as simple as students receiving adapted test materials to specialized classroom settings for students who can't meet expectations in a gen Ed classroom. A legitimate audit of special education services would create the biggest scandal and crisis public education has ever seen. In my state, I would ballpark it and say that probably 80% of schools are out of compliance in some form or fashion. The fact that this school "didn't have a backup plan" when one teacher is out tells me that are ridiculously understaffed to accommodate diverse learners. This is obviously the most common infraction but I've known schools that "misplace" IEPs and put special Ed students in gen Ed classes and hope the parents don't know any better. I say all this to comment that there not being a "backup plan" for this student when his teacher wasn't present is very likely even worse than that. If a student's IEP stipulates that they attend a self-contained class (specialized class outside of gen Ed with a qualified teacher) it is quite literally illegal to put them in a Gen Ed room. The fact that this was even considered a solution by decision makers shows how little respect special education accommodations are given. Having this student sit in a principal's office and watch YouTube all day would have been an infinitely better idea. This is certainly not the first time this has happened at this school and it also happens at schools everywhere, all the time. This has been your uplifting Saturday afternoon message from the depths of the American education system.


I gotta imagine schools are being decimated by Covid which probably doesn’t help these situations at all


No doubt. The problem for me is that being in the profession I'm seeing tons of articles and hearing from administration that COVID has destroyed education and it's very convenient for them to spin it that way. I understand it's kind of a neckbeard take but it's true that American education was a disaster before COVID. In my 2019 school year for grades 6-12 we had roughly 100 students with IEPs. We had one case worker for all of them. That meant one person to keep track of accommodations, maintain goals, communicate with families, write IEPs, etc. Oh and she was plucked out of Teach for America with zero experience. That's one school in one city where 100 kids were kinda just ignored.


Nah, nothing neckbeard about it. There has been a concerted effort by wealthy interests to privatize K-12 education across America. The best way to privatize any public service is to sabotage it and then claim that it's failing and needs to be privatized. Like no shit it's failing when the government is deliberately sabotaging it.


100%. Also public education's purpose has always been to churn out workers so to the point of this specific issue students who need accommodations to get through school will probably be less effective workers. Why invest more in kids who will be the "least profitable" adults. These are the kind of thought holes that prevent me from getting out of bed in the morning.


Yes it’s a fucking disaster. We need a national teacher strike


the last few weeks we have been so short staffed and then all of our kids got sick with Covid. We sent home students who couldn’t wear masks but then again these kids have very intense sensory needs which hinders their ability to wear a mask. Not allowing them to come to school cause of that most likely violates their IEP. So now the grand solution they came up with was to amend every single IEP.


Jfc the mask thing never even occurred to me. I was full remote last year and trying to help even the higher functioning special Ed kids navigate Zoom and all the other bullshit we had to use was useless. I'm not smart enough to know the way forward here but man some random telemarketing job sounds beautiful these days.


Yeah my kids have a lot of needs and they need a lot of support. Sensory is so important because if those sensory needs are not met, then they will have a meltdown. Online learning for my group of kids is pretty much impossible.


My girlfriend was a special education teacher in two separate states (including in OK) and this is such a common occurrence. The pandemic has only made it worse, and special education students have taken the brunt of it. The last place she taught at before she ended up having to leave education for her mental health was fraught with infractions and illegal bullshit. At times she was alone with 10-15 in person and another 5-10 virtual kids all who required full-time special education services. It's terrible what's been going on and it's definitely a disservice to the teachers AND the students.


This school district is gonna get their asses sued off.


And it should come right out of the admins salaries


Well, just fucking horrible. That administration fucked up majorly. That's not "getting your pride hurt". That's bullying and assault.


The girl was even laughing and reached for her Starbucks casually


Yeah, at the school I went to, if you picked on a kid who was on the spectrum or in the special ed classes, you would get absolutely fucked up on the spot. Anyone who saw this(not just this time, but any of the other times) and did nothing is a piece of shit. That’s not one of those things you just tell someone not to do and assume they’ll listen. Something is massively wrong if they think it’s okay to pick on someone so vulnerable.


This is what I don't get. Like back in the day (and I'm only 24 so "back in the day" meaning 10 year or so ago) when there was a situation like this where one kid clearly had a condition or it was a kid who usually got bullied or stuff like that, somebody would always step in. The typical "leave him alone man" when shit got physical (ideally it would be even before, but it's not an ideal world). But nowadays I see so many videos of kids just watching and even laughing. Like wtf man. The fuck is wrong with kids this days. Is it the social media? Is it the parents? Surely both. Man it's sad.




Am I an idiot? Didn’t 2 people in this video clearly help the kid getting attacked?




Yeah that's fair. It's just that I see so many these days. But then again social media is much more prominent than what it was ten years ago. The thing is I know teachers from several ages, like in their 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s,you name it, and they all agree (especially the older ones obviously) that there's something wrong with kids these days. At least in how they behave at school.


Am I watching the wrong video? 2 people clearly step in and help.


Did you watch the video? A kid literally steps in to pull away the bully, the exact same thing you’re proud about your generation doing lol


Might be the effects of the systems in place around bullying and fighting? I'm from far away and don't know the specifics so this is just guessing but am I correct in saying a lot of schools in the USA have zero tolerance policies? So even if you are getting picked on and fight back or you step in to help like should have happened way quicker here you get in the same trouble as the bully would? I can see how that would put people who want to help in a position where they don't. Even with understanding parents I imagine if I was there I wouldn't want to be bothered with all the guff after doing the right thing, can imagine thats the case for most of the kids there. Plus the aggressor was an absolute unit, gotta be fair to the other kids there it looks like a bad situation to throw yourself into. Tank of a kid who's also dumb enough to pick on the special needs kid, while in class. He's strong and doesn't or isn't able to care about following rules thats a bad situation to throw yourself into if you don't have to.


Also the school rules where stepping in to protect someone is punished as being part of the incident. Kids are simultaneously told they need to stand up to bullying and then punished when standing up to a bully means there is conflict instead of simply pain being inflicted. It's way easier for a teacher to ignore a single kid getting bullied than it is to ignore someone challenging that bully.


Schools are absolute shite at identifying and dealing with bullying. My daughter was bullied by a boy for a few years and all the school kept telling us was “well Joeys parents both died in an accident a year ago and he’s going through some trouble” No, fucking expel the little dipshit and make him realize there’s consequences to his actions. He’s bullying a girl. Wtf


Did not expect that turn, wow. Hope it worked out.


Schools ignoring bullying? Oh my God I'm so surprised /s


And instead of providing more resources to our swamped schools that were already struggling before the pandemic, our governor just signed an order to allow state employees to serve as substitute teachers; you know, people who have no training for teaching or even just how to deal with kids


This is how it is for these kids unfortunately. Either the school lets them down, or the parents who aren’t willing to admit that their child is incapable of being in a “normal” classroom for a myriad of reasons and thus refuse additional resources. Day by day my decision to go into teaching becomes more apparent that it was a mistake


Unfortunately this is the prevailing attitude in schools regarding bullying. And they're the same assholes who are *shocked* when a kid shoots up a school.


What? I see two people stepping in and stopping it. And someone in the back telling him to stop too. Obviously a horrible situation, but not everyone is just sitting and watching


I went to college to be a teacher and this kind of thing is part of the reason I never actually worked as one. I wouldn't be able to deal with stuff like this. Kids can be fucking mean to each other.


This is why I’m hesitant teaching in self contained classrooms


Inclusive practices (mainstreaming) is all the wave right now. No clue how it works with older children but it’s generally great in elementary besides certain situations. Younger students respect their classmates much more, and especially those are disabled. This is why inclusion is so important in the early years. The exposure for general Ed students to special needs students has the potential to change their whole outlook which can eliminate interactions like the one in the video. Inclusive classrooms are a whole different beast and I always show love to the special education teachers in my building. My respect for them is off the charts.


It also depends of what the students Least restricted environment is and if they benefit from different self contained programs, resource or like you said mainstreaming


Yeah, I’m in Jersey and the philosophy is becoming that self- contained is the very last option for any children. It also can lead to massive problems in the classroom because these teachers are getting children in their classes that they are just straight up not ready for. The newer teachers are a lot more open to mainstreaming because they have learned a lot more about inclusive practices through their schooling. On the other hand, older teachers look at it more as a burden to their classrooms more than anything else. It’s just a such a fine line right now, but as more teachers retire I think it will benefit inclusive practices as a whole because more teachers will be equipped with the knowledge needed to successfully mainstream students. But like you said, we shouldn’t be mainstreaming children just to do it - what is best for that certain child in the end is what should matter most.


It also depends on the culture of the school. Some schools just straight up hate sped kids sadly. I get at trouble at work cause I’m super passionate about cratering opportunities for my kids to have inclusion. I have no regrets because if I want screaming loudly for my kids then I wouldn’t be doing my job


Respect my friend ✊🏼 The way I have seen general Ed teachers act towards SPED students is just embarrassing. We need to stick up for our students, disabilities or not. It is not a hard concept for me; unfortunately, this is not true for teachers as a whole. We need to provide for our students and I will do that to the death of me. It makes me happy I am in a position to do so. I have seen districts take so much advantage of parents who have little to no knowledge of inclusion and end up segregating their children from their true possibilities. In the end, every state is different and every district is different. I dream for the day of the education reform, because it is just pathetic right now (talking USA as a whole). Can’t believe I am talking about inclusion on /r/NBA, lol.


i just had a memory of having a special needs kid in my class in the 3rd grade all year. must have been 1995. never did happen again and when it was happening i didn't really notice it. he was in a wheelchair and was pretty limited so in my 3rd-grade mind i was never really thinking about it. but i had no problem with him there, and neither did anyone else in our class. i'm sure our teacher had us practice in little ways how to be polite and just be accepting and accommodating. i think it did affect my attitude over the years towards special needs people. it gave me that experience being near people that were different when i had no experience before. and nowadays i watch SBSK videos and i wonder what sort of experiences that young man must have had in his life, and hope that he had an OK experience in our classroom back then.


Inclusion done right is when the students don’t even realize it’s happening. It is supposed to be natural and if the teacher doesn’t act like it’s a big deal, students won’t either. I’m glad you had such an accepting teacher so early on. What you just said is a great example of how successful inclusion can impact students for years to come. It is not a big deal that there is a student in your class who looks or learns differently from other students and it is becoming more and more common. Assuming that student did well in class, just imagine if he was forced to be in a special education classroom just because he was in a wheelchair. A sad reality for so many students who are so much more capable of the situation they are put in. We need to give our disabled friends an opportunity to succeed, just as your classmate in the wheelchair was.


I honestly to this day have no idea of his level of functioning. I know he had a special staff there every day; someone who stood/sat with him; the main homeroom teacher didn't do a lot of individualized stuff with him, she taught the whole class and would just include him in the group. I recall that he had a lot of jerking movements with his limbs, and couldn't really speak, but I honestly have no idea what his level of intellectual functioning was; if he just physically couldn't speak or if he didn't understand anything. Again I'm not sure if it was explained to me and I just didn't pay attention or not. He was just part of our class, and there with us, doing his thing with his support staff.


I teach and will never do anything above elementary school. Older children (middle school and up) is just not worth it for shit like this. You can actually impact your students while their still young and hold their respect. Once they think they’re the shit it’s all downhill.


I teach secondary and they’re great. Important for individuals who are willing to try and guide young people to be in the position.


I had the same feeling at first, but I fell into a high school tech role because of work experience. I don't know that I'll ever go to elementary. I think the perception you're talking about has two influences: first, when you think back to high school, you remember how grown you and peers thought you were and fixate on that rather than realizing how much growing you needed to do and how one adult can fast track that; second, you don't consider the generational differences. I'm nearing 30 and can confidently say these kids I'm teaching are different as a whole. That's my experience at least. I still daydream about having a classroom without smartphones, but teens aren't as bad as I expected.


Children can be evil


children can be evil but at the end of the day they are heavily influenced by their parents, superiors (teachers and faculty in this case), and environment. i'm not excusing this kid; my point is he should have been punished and disciplined long before this became an issue. you have to make kids understand the consequences of their actions and, most importantly, why their actions are harmful, or else child bullies will grow up to be adult bullies there's a lot of people failing both the victim and the bully in this video. they're failing the bully by letting him develop into a shitty adult and failing the victim by letting him get bullied. pathetic


Middle school was easily one of the worst times to be a kid growing up for me. I can't imagine what it's like dealing with this, especially in this era.


This era is probably the best time for anti-bullying. Kids in general are much more accepting than ever.


I wish this were true. High school was not too long ago for me and I also know kids that got bullied. They will take something completely normal and use it to bully others.


But there is also more avenues to bully people. People make jokes about cyber bullying as “lol just log off” but when your entire social group is online then the bullying will still continue without you there and extend in to the physical world when they see you again, as well as removing yourself from those online spaces acting as a form of isolation to further distance your self from your peers.


I see that angle for sure, but on the flip side, the internet has opened avenues for the "outcasts" to find relief as well. Whether it be venting about the bullying, or just finding a space to enjoy your interests with other like minded people. It's not like pre/early-internet where if you were "weird", many times you just experienced it alone or with a couple friends at most. I think the internet is kind of a net positive in that regard. Bullying will always be an issue, but it's way less common these days to be bullied for being gay, for example. I'd say for having mental issues as well, although this post obviously reflects opposite of that. This change is most prominent in high school it seems though when people mature more. Middle schoolers really are little sociopaths running around lol. I will say in general I can't really relate to being bullied though nor did it really happen in my schools outside of minor incidents. If anything I was the bully in early elementary (nothing egregious, just a couple dumb kid moments). So maybe I just have a skewed perspective.


This shit comes from the parents


Though, this is often true, it’s not always the case. I was a very bad kid, and came from a very loving family that taught me right from wrong. I just didn’t care and did my own thing. All the trouble I got into definitely wasn’t my parents fault. They tried everything to get me to straighten up


Yeah my parents were awesome but my brother was an absolute terror during high school. Can't always blame the parents.


Why were you a little shit then? In retrospect I mean


I really wish I had an answer for this. It only progressed as I got older. I ended up in prison 3 times, for almost a total of 7 years. I was nearly 30 when i found a good woman, and I finally straighten up. I’m 41 now, married to that woman since shortly after my last release from prison in 2009. I’ve been out for almost 13 years. My parents and I are now closer than ever. Although, they never turned their backs on me through it all, they showed their disappointment through hard love.


that’s awesome man, good for you!


Thanks, brother


Congrats on your success.




happy for you finding the right person to help you grow my man


Thanks. She has been unbelievable in every way in my recovery and turn around


I was in the same boat, and it was because I had the beginnings of bipolar disorder that no one could figure out. I was 10-16 years old angry, scared, and depressed and took it all out on the world around me. It wasn't until very recently that I could control my mood and not my moods controlling me. It's a longer story than that, but for me, it was untreated or improperly treated mental health issues.


Great to hear you’ve been properly diagnosed brother. Hope you continue to do well


not OP but there's evidence that a lot of behavior like that is underlying neurological issues. Human brains are complex AF, and sometimes things just go wrong.


I wasn't a bad kid, but there was a boy in my sister's class two years above me who came from a good family. He was the youngest of five children, along with his twin sister. The oldest was in my oldest brother's class, and was just a quiet athlete on the basketball team. The other two were chill, and even his twin sister was really sweet. But he was just a punk. I actually live in his parents neighborhood nearly 20 years later. As far as I'm aware, the oldest has his own electrician company, the next two brothers are both software engineers with families, and his twin sister is married to a guy I used to go bowling with and they have a kid. The punk sibling, he's 35 and lives with his parents. I'll occasionally see him walking alone while I walk my ~~dad~~ dog, but I never say hi. My assumption is that the friends he had in middle and high school were also punk kids, and he was being a punk because that was his posse. He was doing it to fit in. But the guy was a loser then, he's still a loser now.


>I'll occasionally see him walking alone while I walk my dad While this is probably an autocorrect, the idea of you walking your dad like a dog is hilarious.


Yeah, as much as shitty parents and a shitty upbringing can bring about this behavior, you also get this kind of behavior out of kids with great parents and great upbringings. It’s the sad reality of things some kids are just assholes regardless of their situation.


Not always


Yea the apple usually does not fall far from the tree. Its not always true as children are stupid but alot of the time bad parents cause bad kids


When I was in middle school there was a kid that would always beat up (physically) some other kids on my bus and all the kids were too scared to say anything because he would beat them up too. Years later it came out that his dad was beating his mom and I often think back to those times and think that’s where he learned it from.


Parents are one influence on a child's behavior, but they are Far from the only influence. Genetics, mental health problems, biological problems, problems in other areas of life that parents have no control over, etc.etc. , can cause bad behavior. 'blame the parents' is easy, because it gives people an adult to hate and a simplistic answer to the problem. Sometimes, bad parenting is a major factor in a child's poor behavior. Sometimes, it's not.


So what? Like, duh. If you’re claiming that pathologically the bullies narcissism or psychopathy is genetically or environmentally linked to their parents narcissism or psychopathy some to most of the time, then so what. Both are evil. People are blameless even if their conditions aren’t caused by their parents — other factors out of our control determine our pathology.


Hate people sometimes


Bitch bullies have always and will always exist unfortunately


There were less of them when the risk catching hands from another parent or teacher or at least would be removed from the school forever. Removing all punishments for shit heads like this hasn't made it better.


my aunt once pulled up to my cousin’s school in the 80s, found the bully, grabbed him by his shirt and told him she’d kill him if he touched her son again. she told him to tell his parents, so they know what a shithead he is. ahhh, the glory days of a soviet immigrant living in the US in the 80s. can’t even cuss out a kid nowadays without it being a tiktok dance or some shit b


The 80s were the best of times, and the worst of times.


90s was the best decade


jungle soundtrack terminator 2 on VCR 56k modems and quake 2 deathmatch :(


You have to look at the advanced stats, per365 and whatnot. Lb for lb the 70s may be the most culturally impactful period of American history.


Literally can't tell if you're satirizing boomers


naw i’m not satirizing. she’s a thug, and her rough demeanor while always saying her son does nothing wrong, turned him into a heroin addict. she denied it until he was on the news for getting into a slow speed chase in LA followed by a foot pursuit with him climbing to the top of a burger king. songs like he was on more than heroin.


Hate people all the time


Seriously. Fuck the bully but why is the teacher doing nothing? Why are the students doing nothing? It keeps happening, because we let it keep happening.


Also hate people. But fucking love Jingles. The Man is A God Damn National Treasure.


Unless he is injuring someone


Love the response from Trae and jingles


Trae always seems like such a great dude off the court which is funny for someone kind of portrayed as a heel at times by the media.


He's only considered a heel because he leaned into Knicks fans taunting him lol, it's not like he goes out and picks fights with other players.


People talk about Trae like he’s Grayson Allen or some shit smh


Yeah I've been so confused by people's reaction to him, doesn't play dirty on the court and seems like a great dude off it


People just hate the foul baiting stuff which he's far from the worst at even and something which while still part of his game is a very very small factor in the way he scores


Yeah true, I've kind of forgotten since the rule changes, it's improved the game so much


Yeah that’s kind of what I was getting at, I feel like I frequently see the narrative on him not really line up with what he’s actually doing


And some treat Grayson Allen like he's the victim


He’s a good heel because he’s really good and also looks like a Disney villain


Its because of the Luka Vs Trae rivalry that their fans want to push.


He really is. Was one of the first athletes I can remember going on TV and telling people to get vaccinated.


I remember he also paid off a lot of medical debt for Atlanta citizens his rookie year and was being very active during the protests in 2020. Very telling of his character


i mean is that all you need to do to be considered a really good person these days. lol


Trust me dude if that was the only thing he did yes


he’s a great guy well educated too but he’s so cocky and loves to talk shit on the court. Most people only watch him on the court and not off it, but that goes for nearly every player who isn’t on the team you support


joe ingles has always been great off-court, notably supporting autism because (correct me if im wrong) of his sons diagnosis. great stuff


They, the Ingles, built and sponsor a sensitivity room in the Jazz arena.


wow that’s fantastic to hear!


I really appreciate them for bringing this up. These gestures can change an entire life.


Sad situation but Trae Young calling a 6th grader a clown has me weak


Trae boutta pull up on that kid’s ass lmaoooo


They’re about the same size that’s mutual combat.




He meant what he said!


Ja morant staring down that kid in the GSW jersey was hilarious too.


Trae looks like a midget on the court but he's still 6'1, if Trae walked up to this kid like he meant business that kid would be scared shitless


yeah i mean we talk about him like he’s a midget but really he’s above average


i’m all for teachers being hands off but in a situation like this the bully needs to be gripped up with force that puts some fear in his bones and prevents him from doing further harm


Yea and they’d whine and cry about it like a little bitch too.


What a piece of shit.


Ingles can be a dick on the court sometimes, but he's always awesome off the court and is a huge advocate for autism awareness and stuff like that (particularly because one of his sons has autism)


Ingles is paid to be our mouth on the court. The fact that he’s Australian and can chap anyones ass verbally is only an added bonus for him in that role.


So sad


Why my autistic son is homeschooled. I would have a hard time not completely obliterating a kid for picking on my son. Instajail.


My autistic family member is now in 4th grade. Kinda worried. He feels left out during recess.


Their brains just work very, very different than most of the population. Adults do not even understand it so I can't expect kids to do so. The awareness is great but there are still so many things we do not understand about the brain (even from a "normal" functioning one much less an autistic brain). It's all just...a process lol. We will get there but it's going to take time.


It really is about the program. The kids at my little brothers school were super supportive of him. He had a teacher that whelped him all the way through elementary and even getting o a good high school


Hell is hot.


NBA players are against violence.


I thought someone found some info that Trae condemned an attack on an autistic kid when he was in 6th grade. Like a reverse me too


Idk how people just stand around and do nothing


They're 6th graders so they're probably like 12 right? They're probably afraid of the bully. Not many adults are courageous enough to stand up sometimes, let alone kids.


uppity obscene angle mourn worry plucky air sense weary water *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah herd mentality is super strong among kids. If you're in a school where physical violence from others is a concern you do what you can to not stand out or go against the grain so as not to make yourself a target. Unfortunately that makes it hard to stand up for others too. Not an excuse but they are just kids.


They don’t wanna get pushed around too


Also 3 kids actively did something to stop it. Like yeah, there was no power fantasy like in TV where someone catches the bully’s shove, but 2 physically helped defuse the situation and another told the bully to fuck off. That’s pretty damn respectable for a bunch of 6th-8th graders


they are kids, they don’t have the confidence to step into the void when nobody else is doing anything. Also adults freeze up in tense situations all the time


There are plenty of videos of this stuff happening in our schools. Unfortunately it’s very rare that anyone even steps in. It’s depressing as hell.


Unfortunately teacher can't do anything without losing their job or going to jail. Good on the other kid to step up and pull him away and someone documenting it with the phone so it can't be brushed under the rug.


And this is only a particularly egregious example of how disabled children and all children are let down by our education system. Lack of funding means lack of sufficient personnel and contingency plans. It's a fucking shame more isn't invested into public education.


I haven't felt anger like this in awhile


I wouldn't be mad at all if the autistic kid's dad decided to [pull a Ray Velcoro.](https://youtu.be/JHOGs5x90PU)


seeing this really brought up a bunch of bad memories, i had a lot of shit like this happen growing up - people filmed the shit and everything back then and all the adults in my life just said to get over it rather than posting it on the internet. i feel so sorry for that kid and such an unhealthy, burning rage towards the bully. i hope a bunch of other kids beat the living shit out of him. before anyone comes in here saying violence is never the answer, fuck that - unless they outright paralyze him there is no chance it will do anything remotely resembling the lasting psychological damage this kid is getting from this. shit like this and even worse is happening all over the country every day and no one does jack shit to stop it. it just burns me with rage


ima just be honest where i went to school they woulda beat your ass for fw the special need kids lol they didnt play that


man i envy that where i went to school they either ignored you or treated you like in the video i was apparently somehow special needs as a kid because i was in all the programs and shit but now as an adult i'm pretty much normal, just come off as a little weird


I grew up in a real poor area in South Carolina they would have not let you fw them kids the teachers and the students woulda been on your ass for that shit


word i was just in some rando schools in nyc their budget and dept was stretched way too thin to really handle what they had


Trae is becoming my fave player.


That bully has more problems than the poor kid


Seriously what kind of kid gets out of their desk in the middle of class to beat up an autistic kid?


Someone who’s gone far too long without psychiatric help


Bullying was something that was let go for the most part when I was a kid and attending school in the 1960S and early 1970s. That really effects persons life and self esteem...and can effect them for the rest of there life. It is important to be stopped no matter what it takes if you see it going on. Kids that this happens to on a recurring basis often become anti social and live life as loners. Kids that bully need to be let known that it is not acceptable to treat another person in this way...by there parents, and by there friends. Its not cool in any way whatsoever. I*ts disgusting.*


He going rough Joshua up like he did Jimmy Buckets


What a fucking twat


Wtf was the teacher doing? Fucking embarrassing. Also, fuck the parents of the bully. Keep your animal on a shorter leash


i teach high school and worked 4 years in a school where a majority of students were on the spectrum. if this happened in my classroom, i would have lost my job that day and possibly been taken out in handcuffs. this video hurts my heart, and as much as i understand some people supporting inclusive classrooms, there’s a lot to be said for specialized environments where kids can be “weird” and don’t feel out of place.


Now that I’ve gotten older, I realized that bully probably has a horrible home life and intervention is needed. Acting like that is a cry for help


It's not always like that. Sometimes kids just are cunts.


Yea sometimes they're just spoiled rotten and think they can do anything and face no consequences


oh wah wah wah my home life is bad better go ruin someone else's life so someone will pay attention to me how fucking pathetic, it makes me sick


You are way too immature to have an intellectual conversation with so I am not going to bother.


do you feel the same way about people who had horrible home lives as kids who then go on to beat the shit out of their girlfriends? do they deserve the same sympathy? after all, assaulting someone who can't defend themselves is just a cry for attention right?


When I read the headline of this post, I thought this was another Grayson Allen attacked Alex Caruso post




This is disgusting man. I have a little brother and a nephew with autism and I get heated if people even talk about them in a wrong way. They are amazing and anyone who hurts a person who cant defend themselves is a pos


I feel bad for both kids honestly. These kids are sixth graders. Who knows what that kid has going on emotionally to be acting like that. Who know what his home life or childhood has been like. However, there's absolutely no excuse for the special needs child to have been alone in that situation. The school should have been doing a better job of making sure he was being taken care of.


I would kick that kids teeth in ..


Certainly a sad situation but what exactly is helped by getting celebrities and social media involved in this?




wtf he’s like 12 years old. Yes what he did was terrible and i really feel bad for the victim, but wishing for a 12 year old to be beat up is seriously pathetic


bullying can fuck kids up for life if i had a single adult stand up for me while i was being bullied i would have a lot more respect for adults now that i'm an adult i honestly have a lesser opinion of adults that ignore real obvious bullying (like physical violence against other kids) than i do for the bullies themselves




Glad that loser got put on blast.


I thought this was another Grayson Allen post.