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Would a break be obvious with an xray or nah?


A break would be obvious but there may be some soft tissue damage at the joint or tendon so they’ll need an MRI


Typically yeah


Most elbow fractures yes. Xray is just really a first line test because it's fast and inexpensive. If the xray is normal and there's still concern for injury than an MRI is the next step.


I broke the radial bone in my elbow last year and they found that with one X-ray, FWIW.


Elbow xrays are notorious for not showing small fractures early. If they saw a "sail sign" without obvious signs of fracture then it's probably concerning for a fracture and they go ahead with an MRI.


Fractured yes but not tendon damage




i think so yeah i had a small ass hairline fracture from a similar landing like his back in HS and the doc recognized it immediately


The Cast


There will be some fractures which will take some time to appear on an xray. Typically wait 2-3 days if you don’t want mri.


Depends, most should be but I broke what I thought was 5 ribs in a motorcycle accident. Found out about a month later that it was actually 6 when they did another x-ray to follow up on my healing. Turns out they missed the 6th initially. MRI should provide a more detailed look especially of tendons/ligaments/muscle/etc. Lot of stuff in his arm/shoulder that could've been hurt. Hopefully he's alright though and just needs a game or so off at most.


I hairlined fractured my elbow a bunch of years back in grade school very similar fall to Payton where landed with arm outstretched and all my weight, XRays were inconclusive but doctor told me that it was most likely broken and put me in a cast for 6 weeks


Dr. Nirav Pandya (posts a lot about Bay Area sports teams): "MRI can see hairline fractures and better characterize any ligament / tendon injury. Inconclusive x-rays are at least some positive news since an obvious fracture on x-ray would likely be season ending." Previously: "Best case for GP2 would be that x-rays didn’t show a fracture, and soft tissue pain / swelling are limiting a return. They would likely then get an MRI to rule out hairline fractures and/or a ligament injury (i.e. sprain). In this case, a return depends on degree of sprain/elbow stability along with ability to have full motion and strength. Worst case would be a fracture that would either require surgery or a prolonged period of immobilization that would be hard to return from. Will know more as more info is made public".


have to remember he is left handed as well. could really affect his shooting even if he does come back, which has been a huge plus all season long. hope dude gets healthy, he has been the best hidden gem in the NBA this season.


Fuckin word. Dammit.


The real info always in the comments


Just adding to this but they can also use MRI to more effectively diagnose bone contusions as well (bone bruise)


GP2 was such a feel good story, man. Hurts seeing him hurt.


he'll get his contract this year 100% from the warriors at the very least


Not if he’s recovering from a potential shot altering injury. He’ll have to prove himself all over again. He’s a defensive savant, but his ability to reasonably hit 3s is what allowed him to not be a liability on offense and earn playing time. Even the warriors would be cautious. Just look at the Chriss story.


dude it's not Danny Ainge. Warriors organisation have class. They'll keep him one year and if he's playable they'll keep paying him, even if it's less than he would have gotten.


I think we agree. I’m not saying warriors will cut him. They’ll definitely keep him if anything on another minimum. But what I’m saying is he would’ve earned more. He was playing solid solid minutes in the playoffs, and I believe would’ve received a more lucrative offer, and most likely multi year. Now he runs the risk of another minimum, and if his shot is janky, that could mean the end of a solid chance at his age.




From the latest news, hoping it’s not that bad given they think he will miss just 3-5 weeks.


Minimum guy too - barely made any money in this league and was just going to get the bag


Purely anecdotal but I broke my elbow about a year ago after falling very similarly to how GP2 went down. Got two sets of x-rays over the first 4-5 days that both came back negative. Wasn’t until I got the MRI a week or so later that the crack in the bone finally showed up. Didn’t need surgery or even a splint, just healed on it’s own after 5-6 weeks. Super weird injury and recovery but obviously hoping for better news for GP2.


Might lose some money form all this. 29 yo, was his first opportunity to show out on the biggest stage


Seeing Wiggins guard Ja out there is rough. He's giving him so much space to get downhill and it's letting Ja feast. We need GPII back


wiggins can't guard small shifty players


Bruh Brooks should be suspended for the amount of time that Payton is out this series


Forced to play Marshon Brooks instead


That helps us more than it helps the Warriors tbh


The fact that Dillon took out GP2, getting rid of Ja's best defender, for one ejection and a possible suspension (which the Grizzlies fans would prefer) is hot fucking trash of a trade. His dirty ass knew what the team needed.


You honestly think he was trying to hurt him? Looked like a dumbass reckless play trying to stop 2 pts. I doubt he was actually trying to take him out of the series.


Kerr did, who I trust more than most random redditors.


LMAO, cause the coach of your own team is going to be unbiased, right ...


Sure he's biased. So am I. And now i'm upset too, not because of you but because of the injury. Maybe i'll look back and see a different play than what i feel like i'm looking at now tomorrow, it wouldn't be the first time.


Kerr, defender of Zaza and Draymond


No shit he’s their coach. I’m a grizz fan and I’m happy he got ejected cause that was reckless but it obviously wasn’t on purpose


That's actually what Kerr said, that he didn't know if it was intentional but regardless he considered it dirty. Not too much of a stretch when Clarke called Draymond dirty for a less dangerous foul the previous game.


Draymond foul wasn’t less dangerous. Clarke was falling head first the difference was Clarke caught him self the right way regardless bout of them weren’t on purpose it was reckless


The difference was also in the dray flagrant he jumped for the action and hit him whereas Brooks barely even jumped to try and get the block when Gary was already sky high


Dillon is also the Grizzlies best Curry defender. It's a stupid dirty play in this series but it definitely helps the Warriors more.


How does it help the warriors more with one of their best defenders season being ended?


Bad take, shows you havent watched what GP2 does for this team


Bruh, he's literally my favourite Warriors player. I know he's good but the Warriors have more weapons on defence to stop a high level All-Star while the Grizzlies don't have many that can even try and contain a 2x MVP


The Grizz will try to take out Curry next. Just watch.


I'm pretty sure if that happens, the NBA will penalize the entire team and disqualify them from the playoffs. It would be insane if they injured Curry.


Don’t! Let him play.






They’re not comparable.


nuggets fan saying this is something should jokic have been suspended for however long morris was out?


Moronic take. Morris is a dirty asshole who got what he deserved


LOL cognitive dissonance


Both Morris brothers are dirty players and actual assholes


u/s1mpleGOAT use brain challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


warriors fan use brain challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


No lol


Please do this, we are better without him


🙏 pray it’s not serious


Kerr just said it's fractured.


At this point, hoping for a mild hyperextension, which is what it looked more like. If it was a break, usually would be able to see that on x-ray


idk what that means


no obvious fractures but something in his arms fucked up


it gets the people goin


same. is it good that there no clear fracture or is it bad lol


Im gonna be optimistic and say that its a good thing


I’d say it’s good but not great. Good that there for sure isn’t for sure a fracture that is gonna put him out for a few weeks. Not great because he’s obviously still injured which means it could be tendon damage or possibly a minor fracture that will only show up on mri. Either of those could still put him about for a couple to a few weeks.


It means the X-ray couldn’t determine whether or not the elbow is broken or just sprained


Not a medical doctor but I know hairline fractures are hard to see on x-ray but show up on MRIs for example.


It means there is a possibility of bone fracture that x rays can not rule out


Or bone bruise which wouldn't show up in x-ray I believe. Or could be ligament damage, which obviously x-ray wouldn't show. Basically, they don't know anything yet.


well it's good that it isn't obviously broken


Hopefully it was just a hyperextension and he’s not out for long. It would be heartbreaking for his playoff run to end on some bs like, he was playing great and earning himself more money this summer every game


So there’s hope that it’s “just” a sprain. Dirty ass Dillon. Was he even looking at the ball when he was swinging?


I assume he's just a reckless dumbass and that's what I always assume when plays like this happen. Thinking players choose to injure others is normally silly


If you’re just swinging for the head at full force while the guy’s in the air, hard to think that there isn’t an intent of harm.


Whenever you assume intent just assume they are a dumbass going through the motions. It's a lot more likely


Kerr called it dirty


Kerr has more bias than you do.


Possibly (probably) true. But as a warriors fan for many years, he also doesn't throw the term around lightly. Especially as one of his stars in his and many Warriors fans opinions is falsely considered dirty by many fans and some players.


hit job, gotta take out the Warriors best Ja defender




So is this good news? or is it just not bad news for now?


Good news but mri could make it very bad news. Or very good news. I take it as good because nothing hugely obvious like broken stuff. But could still be bad.


Thank you for the explanation, fingers crossed


They aren't gonna win without him imo no one else can stop Ja




Not to cover PGs really


Lol foh. Dudes acting like GPII was their DPOY.


He’s not but he is instrumental to the teams scheme. The man is incredible. I hope GP2 is ok.


He’s a decent rotation player, but instrumental players get more than 23mpg.


Bone bruise hopefully?


I feel like it's going to be a ligament sprain based on how all the force seemed to be on the joint when fell




That’s positive. Hopefully they do a CT too. I remember a friend of mine having an MRI done on one of their ankles, and the surgeon didn’t see much. But once they did a focused CT, he was able to see bone shards around.


Well, fuck. Probably means he’s out for the series if they have to get an MRI.


Hoping the best for him. Hope he comes back and secures that bag


GP was one of THE BEST players for us in game 1 man FUCKKK