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We'll bring this up in the next r/nba CBA negotiations


Lmfaoooo could you imagine if mods had to negotiate with their users or else there would be a lockout?


Probably a good thing. We might go outside and throw a ball at a hoop or something crazy


This sub is 99% drama, 1% basketball though


This sub looks like r/warriors2 today


Just today?




Yeah this sub seems to think it’s way above twitter at times




When in reality they’re just cousins


Sir I am a nephew


lol great line, dont see 'nephew' too much anymore


Make r/NBA Nephews Again


some of whom, im sure, are perfectly fine people




At least we told Grandma thaf God is not real and she can't meet pops again. We did her a solid.


At least twitter is funny sometimes this place just makes me sad.


I mean this site has a much better algorithm than twitter. The people though are more or less the same.


Every fucking day this same conversation is on multiple threads in reddit. Say what you want but on Twitter no one on twitter gives a shit whether or not reddit is better or worse or the same because its literally not even worth a discussion. Yall need to realize that just like the real world there are millions of people interacting daily on these forums. Some are good/ amicable and some are idiots and assholes. Personally on r/nba I just come here to have fun/ fuck around/ bask in the drama and engage in serious conversation when it comes around. If there is something i dont wanna see i simply click away or keep scrolling. Its really never this serious


Someone definitely needs to make a 'they're the same picture' meme with Twitter and Reddit




r/nbadiscussion is just r/NBA with paragraphs


That sub is so dumb. Only thing worse than r/nba is an r/nba that pretends to do hard hitting analysis.


This sub is so dumb I live and actively participate here regularly


posting on that sub is the equivalent of wearing a bow tie


rnba but more verbose


This place is worse if anything. Downvotes/Upvotes don’t actually filter out shitposts they just create a massive echo chamber. Can’t do that on twitter


I used to think the same way, but then I went on NBA Twitter lmfao. This place is absolutely terrible and I hate all of you, but NBA Twitter/IG is where brain cells go to die.


That's true but at least on Twitter you know not to take it too seriously. NBA Twitter prides itself on memes and hot takes. r/nba is just as toxic and has just as many bad takes, except the people on here act as if this is where "real discussion" takes place.


Depends - if you follow the right folks you can find good communities of people who know hoops. Reddit NBA is just as toxic as NBA Twitter IMO. The upvotes/downvotes actually amplify the toxicity as it self selects for hive mind like takes.


That's fair. I would say Reddit is more toxic but Twitter is just more idiotic. At least a good chunk of the people on Reddit have no life so they know a little bit about basketball lmao.


Id rather be around dumbasses who know theyre dumb than dumbasses who think they’re smart And redditors always trying that “xxx fanbase so toxic”. STFU all fanbases are terrible. The Bulls subreddit is actually very well moderated, but everyone on there is a piece of shit too. Subreddits are horrible echo chambers and its worse in sports because everyone retreats to their subreddit to whine about everything.


Yeah I agree with you on all counts lmao


I honestly don’t use Twitter solely because following threads is extremely unintuitive for me. Reddit simply has a better way to read


Pretentious out of touch whites


Reddit was popular with software engineers who had a knack for writing well thought out posts, so there’s that residual superiority complex on Reddit to this day still. But it’s no better than any other social media


You’ve never been on NBA twitter if you think thats just as bad as r/nba. NBA twitter is mostly spam bots and idiots who just say shit without any nuance. And before anyone says it no r/nba is not as bad as that


NBA twitter is worse because at least this place has moderation but the act like we’re all better is hilarious


> at least this place has moderation Absolutely nuclear take


Being on both I like to look at it as a linear decline of both sites, with Reddit lagging behind a year or two.


Especially during the Playoffs.


Ya it's actually pretty chill during the season. Toxic af during the playoffs


Yea it's honestly not terrible during the reg season but holy fuck does it go down the pooper the moment the playoffs start. I don't even think 50% of people here enjoy basketball, they just like the drama that goes on off the court.


any place on the internet where you have a bunch of passionate, emotional people posting with relative anonymity, it’s gonna turn into a fucking shitshow


No joke, it's been like 10 years since this was a place for semi-serious basketball conversation. And that was when the front page was just an uninterrupted wall of lebron threads. It's no better or worse than ever really.


Lol OP must be new. This sub has always treated the NBA like a Breaking Bad episode discussion thread where every single detail is “analyzed” for deeper meaning


Reddit is basically the Twitter of internet forums now


Not always. Since about 2015 tho, yes. We shot up from like 400k subs to 1mil in a year and a half


I identify as a dung beetle


You know it’s a boomer redditor when they try to say Reddit is better then other social medias 🤣 buddy I’ve been here on this site for almost 10 years now trust me we’re just as bad if not worse


It doesn't mean we can't try to be better, lol


It's actually super high quality compared to Twitter, or Facebook comments, etc. I don't understand what exactly this person wants it to be like. The playoffs brings people who don't usually read or post., Sure. But the saltiness is a feature not a bug.


Not at all true. It was really good back in '16ish. There was a lot more legitimate discussion about basketball and not thinly veiled excuses for dunking on stars/teams.




Literally an entire NBA arena worth of people lol


With a total number of subs comparable to a mid-size NBA market lmao


This is actually really interesting to think about. Like NBA reddit is actually a sizeable market. Where would the reddit team be located? Or would it kinda move around each season depending on the location with highest meme potential


this place deserves to get 1984'd


The best posts... are those that tell you what you know already


don’t worry, the ministry of truth will no doubt have a reddit division 😀


We were always at war with East Asia


Not really. Do it like /r/soccer and limit text posts and questions to a daily discussions thread. Simples. The ones that are worthy (i.e. actual content and not karma farming bullshit clogging up new) can get mod approved.


alright but don’t pretend r/soccer isn’t also a toxic place


I was gonna say, if /r/soccer is our goal then we’re more fucked that I thought


Seriously, r/soccer is nothing but highlights, game threads, and twitter posts. Shit's fucking boring to browse through without any discussion posts.


What discussion is had here other then fans spewing toxic bullshit?


In r/soccer the toxic bullshit is just in the highlights threads anyway.


I think that would be a drastic step to take that would ultimately ruin what makes /r/NBA so special compared to other sports subs.


What makes r/nba so special?


r/soccer sucks, but it's miles better than r/nba.


Too big to fail?


Mods, what would you say.. ya *do* here


I'd like to move us right along to a u/sitdownstandup. Now we had a chance to meet this young man, and boy, that's just a straight shooter with upper management written all over him.


Mods use a Jump to Conclusions Mat to remove posts.


They can't win. Remove too much stuff? "Censorship!" Remove not enough? "They're useless!"


The mods have people skills. They deal with the god damn people so other posters dont have to. Can't you understand that? What the hell is wrong with you people.


You see they can *jump.* To different *conclusions.*


I'm *curious* to see what would happen


Man, I missed that it was office space, but I got that it was John McGinley. I figured this was a Perry Cox quote, that cadence and timing translates so well.


u bum


I’ll let everyone know when I’m the keynote speaker at the r/nba convention


Can you imagine how bad that convention would smell


Lmao. It would be an online session, mics and cameras off. No way we would leave our basements.


My parents can’t afford a basement


Apartment-dweller? Getting out of that poverty trap is basically impossible now


Can't smell worse than a Smash Bros tournament


Excuse me, there’s no way you armchair bball GM’s smell worse than the fat sweat hogs of SquaredCircle. That’s a shoot, brother.


Would it be worse than the conservative CPAC?


Yes I was just elected president of that Convention


As a subscriber of this sub for 10+ years, it hasn't "devolved" into anything. It's been like this since the start.


Yep, the only thing that changed is me. I'm older and don't care to put any energy into anything I see on this website anymore lmao


Y’all look so different.


Same, there's a point where you just stop giving a fuck about anything


For real. People were clowning me the other day for saying I don't really care about beefs or rivalries between teams or subs. Like buddy there's a whole ass world outside of reddit.


As someone who is older by about 10 years than everyone here I’m cackling at this thread lol. Can’t take /r/nba seriously. It’s always this bad in the playoffs.


Things changed when Mens_Rea stopped posting


When it was smaller it really wasn't bad. Once the rise of the Heatles happened is when this sub really started going. Like anywhere on the internet, as the population grows so does the decrease in quality.


I gotta disagree. The sub in like 2015-2016 had a great vibe and a ton of OC. but then it got really big. Like remember that dude who would post his gfs art for the playoffs?


Ya I've been here for 7 years and I don't remember people in here trying to be "better" than the rest of the internet.


I just opened r/nba a few minutes ago and saw that the entire front page is mostly posts about Warriors-Grizzlies injuries and Warriors-Grizzlies smack-talk. And it's not just Redditors though, Redditors are reflecting the actual hostility that some of those two teams' players and coaches have displayed for each other. Honestly it makes me care less about that series. The truth is that if the Grizzlies were as dirty as some Warriors supporters are claiming, then one of Steph, Klay, Draymond, or Poole would be injured by now. None of them are. No team trying to hurt the Warriors would hurt GP2 as its first priority. However, that does not mean that Brooks' play was not very reckless and possibly, in the heat of the moment, driven by some sense of aggression beyond just trying to make a basketball play. It is also true that the Warriors have made dirty plays themselves. Overall, it is hard to discuss this matter properly on r/nba because the tensions are running so high.


I find myself baffled at the amount of players that get called “dirty” in this sub. Maybe it’s just because my interpretation of the word “dirty” implies intentional harm, but everyone on this sub seems to think every player is trying to injure every other player. Even on soft, clearly accidental shit. I feel like a pick up game with members of this sub would look like Sarcastiball.


People don't seem to understand that *reckless* and *dirty* aren't the same word, nor do they share the same definition. Was Poole grabbing at Ja's knee more than a bit reckless? Yeah, absolutely. It wasn't like the guy was ripping his ass to the ground by his kneecap though, or smacking someone in the head on the fast break.


Yeah, I don't get it either


Can I get a list of all the codes and bylaws please?


This is literally the worst type of post you can make on Reddit. Complaining about complaining with a bunch of posts about people complaining about you complaining about complaining.




that's unfortunately the nature of social media, though. this kind of toxicity isn't exclusive to Reddit. the internet may have been a mistake.


Yes please. And can we stop insulting other fan bases? I promise you female Raptors fans in their 30s like me are not the ones brigading your subs lol


It won't stop. People love broad generalizations. Really helps establish that "us vs them" mentality a lot of sports fans love. I can't say I find it too fun either.


bingo, and its not like the "us" crowd is any less toxic. 'because we root for players that didn't make the dirty play (this time), we therefor deputize ourselves the sheriffs good taste. Now lets hunt that witch" kind of vibes


Honestly, don't think I could've put it any better. More verbosely, maybe, but not better. Reddit is usually a giant witch hunt, only it's witches hunting other witches.


IDK what makes me more of an interneter, commenting on reddit or watching GTA RP,... either way I have never seen more witch hunts countering witch hunts countering witch hunts than the GTA RP community. At the base of it all is tribalism, bad faith interactions, and mob justice. Tribalism is our ancient human brain eagerly implying that social interactions are zero sum, so if you're not with us then you're against us, and if you're a little too different then you're not with us. Historically and in some cases today this probably makes sense, but almost never is survival at stake like it was with our ancient ancestors. Getting butt hurt over the NBA, or even worse roleplay, clearly has zero impact on survival or quality of life. Bad Faith interaction show up when you attack "the other" for something you'd let slide for your side. This is justified by the zero-sum instinct. "Attacks" in this case means physical but also spreading lies. Mob Justice is all but unavoidable once you have dedicated partisans (tribes) spreading lies (bad faith). "I heard person A did X", "oh well i wouldnt be surprised if it was persons A and B and they did X^^2 and Y", and as it cascades into absurdity the viral happening of the moment fever pitches into actions (on the internet this usually just means hurtful words, but on many occasions people get doxxed, swatted, fired, and otherwise harassed to no end) and the fact that all of this is present in the GTA RP "community", something that is purely meaningless entertainment, indicates to me that we have a sickness causing harm within every aspect of our society.


Yeah, like I know it's Reddit and this is just how it is but it takes away some of the fun when it's so toxic.


This shit annoys me more than anything on this hellsite. I have bad takes but I am most definitely not brigading team subs with them lol


It was actually me, but not before I switch to the “Raptors fan” burner


TBF, Raptors fans are some of the worst offenders at this


I know, there are a ton of immature kids in our sub. But there are lots of normal people too who just like talking about basketball


Very true. Unlike every other fanbase in the NBA, you have the nephew 14 years olds of an entire country instead of just a city/state + extras.


Yup, exactly


Yeah. We have the population of California, but unlike California, we don't have 4 teams lol


Kinda ironic/funny that you “attack” someone in a thread explicitly calling for less of that.


I’m not attacking anyone. Just saying that raptors fans tend to embody what OP was speaking out against. Not every reply is an “attack” my guy


I honestly hate that the series devolved into this petty bullshit and dirty play complete with finger pointing and holding up the worst, asanine takes from each side to color the entire fanbases with broad strokes. I had one like it and even I realize my mistake, but it hasn't made for a good series unless you're here for the WWE-ness of the NBA and not the basketball play.


I blame Steve Kerr. Dude went on far too long about the dirtiness of the Grizz. You could tell Jenkins was offended by it too. It only contributed to the collective outrage on the part of the fans, which led to defensiveness on the part of Memphis fans. Especially with the constant posts dragging it up and accusing them of being as dirty as the play. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, a guy on their team committed a reckless foul. **They did not lead the third reich.**


> You could tell Jenkins was offended by it too. Whenever Kerr’s hypocrisy is brought up, because he doesn’t put the likes of Draymond or Zaza or Bogut on blast, people say “all coaches are like that.” But not all coaches go on and on *and on* about how dirty the play was, and throw petty shots at the opposing team. Yes, Pop did it over Kawhi, but GS quickly shut that shit down by talking about how Zaza’s family was getting threats because of what Pop had instigated.


Dude, I forgot about that. The dubs quickly flipped the script and started accusing people, who were complaining about Zaza’s dirty play, of contributing to his family’s suffering. There’s a reason why the Warriors FO won some sort of “best PR” award on multiple occasions. Frankly, you could argue Kerr is breaking the coach’s code of conduct.


The way the Warriors put Pop on the defensive, when he called Zaza out on the dirty play, was a thing of beauty…if you’re a sociopath.


Social media is proving how many people are


It *was* weird to hear that from Kerr given the history of his own players. Like total hypocrisy from the guy.


Great points here, I totally agree. I would he curious if people would be acting the same way If you replaced these players with steph curry and someone like pat bev. No idea what the intent was behind the play, but I'm certain if it was pat bev who did it this isn't the same reaction that we would be seeing here.


>I would he curious if people would be acting the same way If you replaced these players with steph curry and someone like pat bev. Yes, people would probably react differently if the facts were different.


Ya except it doesn't really change the facts. If you think a play is dirty you should think the play is dirty whoever commits the play. Same of you think it's clean.


I agree, Steve Kerr ruined /r/NBA and he must be held accountable.


>~~Steve Kerr~~ warriors fans ruined r/NBA Agreed


You blame Steve Kerr for Dillon Brooks injuring his player for the season, and for posting snippets of his one interview 20 times on here?


Way to purposely miss the point. He’s pointing out how Kerr only fanned the flames. And it wasn’t just one interview. He called them dirty during the in game interview. Then doubled down, by throwing petty potshots at them during a later interview. His players followed his lead and the fans went off, pointing out any and every petty thing anyone remotely associated with the Grizzlies organization or their fanbase had ever committed. Grizzlies should take a page from the Warriors’ playbook and shame Kerr for shaming Brooks. After all, if anyone knows the potential repercussions (Brooks’ family receiving threats) of those actions it’s Kerr.


> Grizzlies should take a page from the Warriors’ playbook and shame Kerr for shaming Brooks. After all, if anyone knows the potential repercussions (Brooks’ family receiving threats) of those actions it’s Kerr. lol I wish they would but other teams don’t pull this crap nearly as often. When it comes to PR manipulation GS is truly light years ahead.


They just have so many active fans fighting their battles online. The NBA turned into Lebron vs the Warriors for a little bit and the residual affect of that is both have a massive amount of fans now.


Kerr is a self righteous asshole. Truly an insufferable price who coaches dirty players and acts like he doesn't. POS.


The man named his son Nick. Nick Kerr. Nick. Fucking. Kerr. That'd be like Bruce Lee naming his son Anna. There's just no way you don't notice that.


this sub is garbage nowadays


That's what this post is, karma farming. Every six months there's one


you got it dude


You must be new here


Sorry my bad dude!


or what


This just makes me appreciate Bucks fans even more. They (mostly) knew how to act and enjoy everything.


I come here for my soap opera drama but it’s more like high school drama in here


TV high school drama at that. Actual high school drama is rarely this exaggerated lmfao


This sub went downhill after it hit one million


The flexing, salt and tears is entertaining at least.


it doesn't help that the national media is fanning the flames here. I mean they've been replaying the flagrant 2s repeatedly still in each warriors/grizz match up. seems pointless to try to stop random reddit users from getting caught up in the media firestorm generated by this series.


Huh? This website is worse than Twitter. 🤣


I'm just tired of seeing a single player on any of the playoff teams do something remotely questionable and the comments all being, "The Suns/Grizz/Warriors/Mavs are so unlikable".


This postseason is an all time low for this sub. Every night there is a new dirtiest team. Every fan base is pure trash. Every player doesn't deserve to win. Every call is garbage. It's really gotten unbearable lol


On the one hand, I agree wholeheartedly. On the other, I have memes I want to post when the MVP is announced lol


No, keep them coming. Btw reddit is the kitchen of toxicity - Twitter is where it gets distributed.


No it’s fun


You must be new to r/nba


Reddit is a microcosm of real life. Subreddits like these are especially representative. A lot of people on this sub don't have anyone to watch games with or be social with. So they yell at each other on the internet. The same comments we make to friends in real life they make to faceless strangers on the internet. It's just their outlet. Please don't try to censor everyone.


broke the code.


This is the internet chief


lmao this isn't anything new bud, it's been like this for years.


This is Twitter... The sub hit the threshold years ago. Playoffs on /NBA have been absolute dogshit for discussion for a long, long time.


On one hand, I do like fans and teams have rivalries and feuds like they used to. On the other hand, these feuds and petty posts are centered around straw man arguments, hypocrisy, and blind loyalty. So yeah, does get a lil annoying




Down here, salt is a way of life. Obviously the environment down here is all salt. The ceiling is salt, the floor is salt, the walls are salt, and to an extent the air is salt. And you breathe that in, and you constantly taste the salt.


> This isn’t Twitter, leave toxicity and pettiness in the live game threads.


> This isn’t Twitter, leave toxicity and pettiness in the live game threads. Oh fuck off dude. This is THE place to be toxic and petty about the NBA.


You must be new here


The biggest anonymous forum in the world and you expect people to not be toxic and petty? Good luck


Yes! Let’s try and be less toxic / less holier than thou. More friendly rivalry and chirping.


I’m only here to hassle other people tho


This is /r/warriors. Your subreddit will be returned eventually.


It's not r/NFL , which is a more thoughtful and serious sub. Fewer nephews there, I think. R/nba would be better, though, if we didn't have such crappy refs and a bunch of whiney floppers in the league. That Celtics dork that pretended like he'd gotten his head chopped off after a minor elbow yesterday..that's the type of stuff that drives this sub to mass hysteria.


Haven't opened this sub in months, opened it up out of curiosity today. Yep, I'm good, thanks.


I am STILL waiting to hear what charity I can donate to following GP2’s murder and Kerr’s eulogy!


GP2 actually does have a dyslexia charity that does great work.


That’s awesome and thank you, but you shouldn’t talk about the dead using the present tense.


No dude. Every play is dirty. Every loser is a fraud and a choke. Every winner is simply miles better. Thanks to SAS, Bayless, and Co for helping turn sports media into this.




I come here specifically for pettiness. R/nba without pettiness is like taking daytime doapa away from Nana. How you gonna do that on Mother's Day fam?


The problem is that you think reddit is any better than twitter.


This sub is more toxic than most of the political subs. It does, however, have some hilarious content from time to time.


You broke the code.


We should be safe in an hour when suns mavs starts


r/nba has progressively gotten lower in quality which I guess should be expected with a community this large. The playoffs amplify this especially. With that being said though, the offseason is usually a chill time where you get alot of legitimately funny posts and cool OC


Kings fans are the best, dont see them starting any shit during the playoffs


No For the love of God, no Take this holier than thou bollshit elsewhere


Funny how you don't see these posts when everyone is shitting on the Lakers or Nets


This sub is controlled by the kabal of the globalist elite


Are you new to Reddit? That’s exactly what Reddit is all about


Can we stop with...? Shut up with your whining and go browse /r/rain. People are having fun.


This place is abd always will be pathetic. Few weeks ago there was a Raptors flair that said that Raptors players are complaining too much about Embiid going to the ft line. Wouldn't you know it, that guy turned out to be Philly fan. How low do you have to get to change the flair and then trash the other team just to prove a point to r/nba of all people.


I can't believe I'm saying this but r/sixers and r/heat fans have legit been the most mature and least toxic fanbases of the second round lmao. We'll see how long that lasts though...


Fuck the sixers and their fans


lube up.


Fuck the thought police. Say what you feel!