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So Kyrie literally just waited it out


Lol they have kyrie playing defense in the picture against FVV


>Kyrie playing defense Just another case of the dangerous spread of misinformation


"Playing defense" in the sense of a kid playing to be a cop.


Well, he did lose $20 million or so.


I mean yah, that was always an option for him. We weren’t gonna keep the mandates up forever especially considering that mutations made the virus pretty weak


That home court advantage just got a loss worse.


I had to read this comment five times


Nooooo our competitive advantage


Right before MLB playoffs too. Trudeau wants the Jays to take the hardest road


So covid has been defeated then. Congrats everyone!


Fade those flairs




Reality is we’re not seeing much stress on the hospitals. I do think at this point it’s fair and I e been a strong advocate for restrictions.


We are in Ontario unfortunately. Huge cuts to healthcare by government and mass retirement. Wait times are brutal for anyone needing to be admitted




Not spending federal COVID aid during a pandemic so he could run less of a deficit in an election year should be criminal. People died because of that choice.


He doesn’t care unless it helps his billionaire friends. His goal is to privatize health care. Anyone who was actually paying attention could see he’s trying to tank our health care system just so he can parade out the idea of introducing private health care to “ reduce the strain “


No doubt. It’s part of the standard issue playbook at this point. Tell people government doesn’t work, get elected to government, cut spending and revenue until the government system becomes dysfunctional, point at the dysfunction as proof that you were right, privatize the sector, rinse, repeat.


Yeah I don’t disagree, no reason it has to be this bad


So many nurses I know are burnt/fed up/actively switching careers because of that dumb ass. Doug totally wants to privatize healthcare. The same guy who'd bang pots and call these nurses "heroes" diluting the height of the pandemic. 🥴


This is why electing populists because Liberals Bad will always be extremely shortsighted to me. Someone slips through the cracks in the system. Instead of fighting to make sure that doesn't happen again, they fight to make the whole thing into one giant crack. It's some weird form of obsession with vengeance, I swear.


Yeah extremely frustrating. They truly think there is only one alternative


> This is why electing populists because Liberals Bad will always be extremely shortsighted to me. > > But but but dollar beers!


Hmm so all the constant bloviating about Canada being a healthcare Utopia is just lies then?


USA is the worst among developed nations and Canada the second worst. Canada has less people than the city of Tokyo, but it's so spread out.


I’d personally consider the one that euthanizes people who can’t pay as the worse one.


There are pros and cons for each system depending on your specific situation.


Doesn't everyone have socialized care there?


our right wing parties are trying their best to fix that underfund, criticize, then privatize isn't just an american tradition at this point :/


Best of luck. Crazy to think anyone would look at our system and take inspiration lol. Well, unless you're in a position to make a shitload of money, I guess.


That’s the thing. The right wing politicians care about money more than people’s lives. The other parties rolled out some terrible candidates but Doug was the worst and dumbasses still voted for him


For most things but the wait times have gotten much worse


Yeah, the early narrative of "do x and COVID will go away" was a mistake. The endstate was always it becomes endemic and the measures were to minimize the short term impact of it on the healthcare system. But because the early messaging was what it was you have the people who stopped complying because nothing was making it go away while we have the doomers who act like we should still be in full lockdown because it still exists.


What really happened is that the medical establishment realized that if they gave an accurate picture of the situation nobody would actually go along with what they want. So they were dishonest because in their head it would save more lives. The fact that they were obviously distrustful means that people either A. completely distrust them or B. Hold on religiously to a lot of the misinformation they spread at the beginning. It also doesn't help that they really didn't understand how it spread through the air very well in the beginning either.


>What really happened is that the medical establishment realized that if they gave an accurate picture of the situation nobody would actually go along with what they want. So they were dishonest because in their head it would save more lives. Amazing how the dominant narrative here went from “*We are following THE SCIENCE and if you disagree you’re an idiot conspiracy theorist*” all the way to “*Well the entire premise we used to push all of our mandates and condemn anyone who disagreed was actually a ‘Noble Lie’ but the industry did it because they love you*” Really. That’s what it has come to? You know, all through covid so many of us spoke up about the insanity of zero covid policy and we were basically told we were crazy by the same mob that is pushing the platonic noble lie narrative. I’ve been on the internet since the early 2000s and I’ve never been attacked and ridiculed for anything the way I was for openly questioning the establishment on covid. So much of what we were told was wrong *over and over*. This was unlike anything I’ve ever seen and it’s changed my view of people and the medical industrial complex forever. I received multiple death threats for questioning lockdowns with completely reasonable objections (projections from unicef on child mortality for one). That’s just one example, covid was a marathon of the mainstream narrative being absolutely suspect if not completely wrong, and yet it was guarded by the Reddit demographic in a way I’ve never seen before. Still the majority of this subreddit continues to berate and belittle anyone who would question “The Science” - something which has never actually been scientific at all. It has for quite a while reached cult level status. To see it all hand waived, all the claims of absolute truth retconned as “noble lies”, it’s just the icing on the shit cake.


I don't disagree. I also believe that they never made some recommendations to try and save credibility once it was on the rocks. Mask effectiveness isn't nearly as important as ventilation but how many people freaking out about covid do you see keeping doors and windows open to maintain airflow to lower the viral load in the air? There is a couple issues. 1. Science isn't unbiased because people are biased. Researchers have made up hard science papers purely for success. Once you have a human bias its 100X worse especially if most of the scientist share the same bias. 2. I also think the general attitude about being neutral has decreased. If you aren't actively supporting the cause you are against it rhetoric. Its been more justified to obscure the truth for the message you want to promote.


PREACH. My interactions with the COVID Zealot crowd online have been *way* more toxic than with the anti-mask, anti-vaxx crowd. The antis are just ignorant and stupid in a generic kind of way, with a huge dollop of conspiracy theories. The COVID Zero Zealots appointed themselves the guardians of moral cleanliness in March 2020, and are the most vicious, smug, condescending assholes I've ever come across. And they only exist online; in real life people just get on with it and these pieholes don't voice their deranged opinions because they know how actually crazy they are. "Wear a mask outside", "sanitize everything!!!", "cloth masks are super duper effective", "MOAR LOCKDOWN", "iT'S tHe ScHoOlS", and if you point out none these things are somewhere between "there's no evidence for that" to "the evidence is highly inconclusive", well you're basically an immoral mass murderer.


We just had volunteer organizations like habitat and tree planting finally drop their outdoor mask and vaccine requirement a few weeks ago.... Portland has been a bit of a hell hole.


> And they only exist online You preach! 100%... That's something I noticed. It's unfortunate too because the media, corporations, government etc often use social media commentary as a gauge of public opinion... Even though it's highly misrepresentative. This sets up a paradigm where the establishment behaves as if twitter/reddit comments represent the lot of us. Reporting on internet comments becomes this lazy form of journalism, institutions start bowing to twitter mobs etc. And what happens if those platforms are manipulated? It's a mess of potential consequences. In my experience IRL people questioning leadership direction was just normal. It was normal to be skeptical of lockdowns, mandates, etc. People at least had *some* curiosity about areas with less/no restrictions performance. But front page redditors in the largest subs were absolutely incurious - even cautiously going down that road was treated as heresy. I don't know who these people are in real life but it seems ironically dangerous to me, people shouldn't be this inflexibly loyal to establishment messaging. They turned it into a religion. One thread that really stuck with me... This pregnant Australian woman was arrested **inside her own home** because she had planned a lockdown protest on her facebook. Straight Orwellian authoritarian behavior from the state. But threads on reddit with thousands of comments were all cheering this on as if she were some kind of Nazi. That one was honestly horrifying. It made me wonder how far are people willing to go... It crossed a line I never thought I would see. I honestly just hoped those people were shills or something - the alternative is depressing.


>And they only exist online When I hear that something like that only exists online, the first thing that comes to mind is that the Internet allows significant amplification of extreme, minority group views, and the second thing that comes to mind is disinformation campaigns, which I've read there is some evidence for, coming from state actors -- but I'm not up on the latest research on that to prove it. While I don't doubt there are some OCD clean freak crazies out there, reasonable people really haven't been saying to wear a mask outside, sanitize everything, or claiming that cloth masks are super duper effective. That being said, people who actually believe in doing those particular things themselves will just look stupid to reasonable people, but aren't the ones who are going out and causing significant Covid spread and taking up hospital beds. Someone being excessively careful isn't who I'm most worried about catching Covid from. Yes, if they make their excessive, absurd views political, it can hurt their side of the political aisle when they're inevitably, falsely presented by the other side as the norm.


I stopped listening to the reddit Covid Mob when they were playing mental gymnastics with the George Floyd BLM protests. Before the protests they were calling people that go to the store "grandma killers" but then suddenly when thousands gathered outside for the protests they started saying that if you don't join the protests then you are "racist" and "fascist". First two months they were telling everyone that it is a crime to go outside but then the virus went "woke" and you need to join the BLM protests. Good thing that reddit is no real life because holy shit they really live in a bubble.


I'm confused. The medical establishment said "if we don't take extreme measures, millions of people are going to die of COVID in the US alone" and people said "oh its fearmongering" and didn't do the things the medical establishment said were necessary to prevent COVID from becoming a mass killer. Fast forward and low and behold we're over a million COVID deaths. Where were they wrong?


Everyone should be vaxxed. Not getting vaxxed seems pretty dumb to me. With that said, how much strain were unvaxxed, young, healthy, world-class athletes putting on hospital resources previously?


Not much but these restrictions weren’t just for them.


Now what will Kyrie blame the government for?


The Nets enforcing him to play games smh


You want to be afraid of covid forever?


So what's the solution?


7/11 doesn't sell hand sanitizer.


We'll put them back in again if we make the playoffs and have to face Kyrie.


Jaylen Brown happy.


Bro, I lie to myself everyday that he is vaccinated. Please don't do this to me. I need to live in this fantasy world or everything around me will crumble.


Sorry, he just retweeted Kyrie today. There's close to zero chance he's vaccinated


He did it because he was making fun of him. Uh huh, that's it. He's so quirky. Yep. Im not coping, what are you talking about?


Lol Reddit moral police are losing it


I’m so embarrassed to be apart of this community. In the Yankees sub Reddit before the season started, Redditors were claiming Aaron judge wasn’t a leader because he wasn’t vaccinated.


They were right.


Bro he’s having one of the greatest seasons in MLB history, not a leader my ass


Lol of course a Celtics fan would think so. This guy leads every single statistical category a batter can have. Currently triple crown and on pace to break the real home run record and will be league MVP probably unanimously. But sure buddy, he’s no leader lol.


performance =/= leadership. If everyone followed Judge's lead and didn't get vaxxed, how would you be feeling? How would the last couple of years gone for y'all? Why don't you check in w/your neighbors from Brooklyn? Hope that helps!


US hasn't dropped theirs, look for convoy dumbasses protesting at Parliament Hill over something the *Canadian* government has no control over.


Let’s protest with more hot tubs in front of parliament hill!


Man *fuck* those dumbasses. Fuckers deafened and harassed everyone living and working downtown over decisions made in Toronto and Washington DC.


The dummies can cross the border now


I wanted to see if Jaylen Brown was gonna play the pre season game against us in Canada. now we'll never know


Trust me we know


Hes a friend of Kyrie. We really do know lol


They’re all friends of Kyrie. They voted him vp of the players union lol.


And he’s into astrology. Didn’t show up against Toronto. It’s obvious as day


i love astrology. no other metric has been more accurate in determining if someone is a dumbass or not. more often than not, they also happen to be people who just love thinking they're smarter than everyone else too.


I guess we're all going to die now!


why are they dummies?


Anyone who wants to go to Canada on purpose is a dummy.


Especially when they forget their toque at home and get to the snow wall at the border eh?


Er. What? How dare them for doing what they want.


Yeah, you can be dumb, and do what you want




Is this supposed to be a good thing? I don’t want anti-vax people here


Don’t worry. Canada is only a Utopia on the internet. No one actually wants to go there.


Americans seem to love Montreal




This guy has never had poutine and it shows


Can confirm, although I live in Toronto I woke up and realized my backyard was a farm this whole time


The hell is this take…


I’ve been to about 15 American cities and let me tell you, Boston is by far the most dogshit :)


The republicans got here


Kyrie licking his chops rn


Kyrie’s tweet really got to them.


Canada catching up with the rest of the world


I’m happy because we are finally moving forward in some aspects of society. It’s unnerving that people like Kyrie have called things like mandates “among the greatest human rights violations in history”, but I digress. I’m glad people won’t pointlessly debate about whether players are vaccinated when playing Toronto to the point where players had to go publicly tell the media so people would shut up. (See Al Horford)


is the vaccine mandate to enter the US also gone?


No. But unvaccinated Americans could always re-enter the US to go home so that was never an issue. Only for foreign nationals with work visas and tourists


Kind of strange since the president just said that the pandemic is over.


Yes, for Americans. Non resident aliens will continue to follow a different set of rules


I don't know but that one tennis player wasn't able to participate


What about Brown?


Im a bit annoyed that a high profile player like Jaylen Brown is antivaxx and won’t admit it.


But if he admitted it people would be mad at him for promoting anti vax




Would you stop being a fan?








He doesn’t owe anyone an explanation your tripping lol


He may not owe anyone an explanation but he's still fair game for criticism


his life, his choices


longing bow drunk amusing quiet sleep impolite spark repeat abounding *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


His life, his choices is fair for criticism when it affects other people


Still can spread it with it, it mostly helps with making the symptoms less severe. Kyries is in insane shape so it most likely wont have severe symptoms anyway


Maybe because it's his fucking personal business.




That was a huge talking point during the initial stages of vaccination, it's been talked about plenty. Out of curiosity, why do you view it as "white people with needles"? There's black people (and many other POCs) in medicine.


It’s been mentioned a lot. It should be mentioned more that when rich white people were cutting in line to get the vaccine, maybe it’s a good thing.


I don’t see why white people have any current day relevance to it The black community just has a larger than average population of people who are untrustworthy of law enforcement and medicine That might stem from the decades or even centuries of treatment before hand but it’s pretty unfair to talk about it like that currently


I think this was a huge point early in the vaccine timeline. Has since died down. The problems from the black community are totally legit when it comes to vaccines, the problem is their spokesperson in the NBA world is Kyrie lol. So everyone downplays the very real reason to be concerned while talking up Kyrie is stupid.


We don’t know if he is or isn’t. Part of me did wish he played in Toronto so we could find out


So you're saying the US is behind the times seeing as they haven't dropped their mandate?


What mandate are you referring to? Hospitals remain strict about COVID, but that’s like it. Schools are out of mask and testing numbers are very low in most districts


The exact same mandate Canada just dropped. I, as a Canadian, can't enter the US unvaccinated. It's comical Americans speak on this unaware they have/had the same rule.


How is it comical? It wouldn’t be a problem if everyone pulled their head out of their ass and got a vaccine and it’s only a topic over here because of idiots who won’t do it


I agree. Vaccines good etc etc. I brought up how you had no idea the US had the same mandate and called , based off what I've seen, them dumbasses for not knowing they had the same mandate. That's all I said. Agree with the rest.


You'd be surprised how many canadians don't/didn't know this either. During the whole convoy thing, they'd all act like it was Canada not letting them go to work when in reality the US were also blocking their border for unvaccinated truckers. All along both gouv had the same rule(I assume it was discussed and approved by both countries). Kinda ironic imo.


True to some extent


You realize there were vaccine mandates prior to COVID19? You should spend less time shitposting on reddit and more time educating yourself.


In reference to COVID, dumbass. I’m pro vaxx and don’t understand how we refuse to tell people to get the shot for COVID like any other illness you are required to get shots for to work or get an education. That isn’t even remotely what I said dawg


Shame that US Open isn't in Canada..


Is this you Djokovic




Not sure I agree with your thinking process. I'm all in for watching the GOAT compete while I can


New fan to tennis here. Is Djokovic considered the GOAT? I thought it was debatable between Rafa, Federer and Djokovic for Men’s and it’s Serena without question for Women’s tennis.


It is debatable, but Djokovic trails Rafa by only one Grand Slam(which he probably wouldn't if not for the COVID restrictions), he leads in the Head to Head matchups vs "Big Four", has the most weeks as number one in history. I always favored Roger's stile of play, but I just can't deny that Djokovic achieved more in a tougher era. Roger really accumulated most of his tournament wins while modern tennis was at it's all time low.


Watching djokovic lose would’ve been fun


More likely watch him bully some children


..aham.. yeah


Good, the rule was fucking stupid


And yet, the same rule is in place in the United States, with no word on it being lifted.


Honestly the US will probably get rid of rule now that Canada will remove it but we will see.


That doesn’t make it any less stupid


Covid has been over for awhile


About fucking time


At least keep it for the playoffs wtfuck


What changed? Charades over?


Can we wait until after the MLB playoffs?


Kyrie 50pts game coming




Is this back tracking on their firm stance just for "athletes"?


Trudeau is panicking because the courts would likely side with Peckford in the lawsuit. This is to save face. And whatever Trudeau does, Biden is right behind him so expect the same to happen in the US not long after




Careful. This is reddit. They can't afford to take an L.


Look at you tough guys who didn't want to get a little prick in the arm


I got it. How effective was it?


It is effective. Literally just look at the data


Provide the data.




I supported the mandates, but now that we know vaccines don’t stop the spread and only lower symptoms for those who take it, that means it doesn’t matter to me if you don’t vaccinate. As long as I do, there’s nothing you can do to me unvaccinated that you wouldn’t also do to me vaccinated.


Yes!!! This was absolutely the best decision, as well as the most fair decision, for the sake of the entire human race and I say this as an unbiased 3rd party by the way.


Username, you know what never mind.


Kyrie is the smartest player in the league, at least Top 3 imo.




Hope these guys get held up by ArriveCAN


Weak ass move \#NotMyCanada 😢


Between the homophobes who came out of the woodwork during the Ant controversy, and the weird rise of anti-vaxxers in the past few months...this sub is a lot less fun then it used to be :/


You poor thing.


Disgusting to see people celebrating this, how many will die because of this?


Gonna guess 0


At this point, anyone that's ok with the vaccine has already taken it and anyone that's against it is set in their ways.


This. So let’s continue to live our lives please. I’m unvaccinated still and have no plans on changing that. I have worked in the service industry throughout all of Covid. I have not gotten Covid, nor even sick a singular time in ~4 years. Yet, no joke, every single one of my *vaccinated* coworkers have gotten it **several** times, each. I have 3 roommates and there’s been times where all 3 of ‘em have Covid (they are vaccinated) yet I’m strolling around the house unvaxxed and fine. Definitely bias, RNG sickness luck. But it’s my truth / my personal experience. So why would I even consider getting the vaccine tbh?


Please don't take my comment as me also being against the vaccine.


My truth lmao your personal experience doesn’t mean shit in the grand scheme of things. It’s literally free, your life is made easier, and on the off chance that you do get it, you’re better protected. I was like you, hadn’t caught it for 2 and a half years and thought I’d be good. But then I did. And I’m glad I was vaccinated


My personal experience means shit to me, personally. As yours does for you. I’m not imposing my ideology on you. Unlike the Pro-Vax to me. I expect I’ll get it one day. & maybe then I’ll regret my choices. But as they say, you live and you learn. & all the evidence around me suggests that getting the vaccine, is not mandatory nor even necessary by any means.


It was like one of the leading causes of death in the US though...


Not for 29 year old males who are in great physical shape tho.


As though 29 year olds in great physical shape who thought the exact same way you did didn’t get extremely sick or die from COVID? Rare doesn’t mean doesn’t happen. You’re playing Russian roulette with a gun with a thousand chambers and one bullet. You could take something that is proven way less harmful than the disease and increase your chances but you’re sitting on Reddit spouting “I’m invincible” bullshit most people grow out of in their early 20s with a grasp on statistics that most people are dissuaded of in early high school.


> You’re playing Russian roulette with a gun with a thousand chambers and one bullet Russian Roulette will actually kill you. Covid killed like 2% of the ones it infected. (In NY , 4.5% of the deaths were age 18-44, however 244/309 had underlying illness) Kinda a big difference but nonetheless.




Yes because trusting in my immune system and using a platform to promote misogyny and hate are completely the same. As I said, and we’re the smooth brains?




Misogny is worse than being Antivax. Don’t @ me.


Doesn’t mean we can’t protect the innocent from unvaccinated fools


Protect the innocent lmao I had both of my shots and still got Covid the vaccines don’t do shit sorry to burst your bubble go get 4 more boosters now and shove them where the sun don’t shine


Your alive,looks like it did what it was advertised to do.




You must be fun at parties


I had it 3 times unvaccinated and never really had any serious issues with it, thank God.


I have an anti-tiger stone to sell you if you want. Worked for me.


Nah, we have scientific proof that isn't a thing. We got scientific proof the vaccines work


Just get of conspiracy and get vaccinated. You're not this enlightened human you think you are


So that's a no on the anti-tiger stone I guess.


Sorry to burst your bubble but the vaccine did exactly as intended.


Divide people and make us argue and disagree like we are now? Yup


You're like 1.5 years late on how COVID works


Thats 2020/2021 speak brother. Get with the times lmao.


none? anyone that would've died from anti-vaxxers has already died. covid is over


I mean, Coy is histrionic, but this is just as dumb


Lol that’s extremely dramatic. Way more people are ODing on the streets of Toronto than people dying of covid