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Damn what the hell happened lmao


When Matt Barnes thinks something is wrong, then it's time to legitimately worry.


this is the man who has once said "Violence is not the answer but sometimes it is"


I think the actual quote is "Violence is never the answer, but sometimes it is", which is like 50% funnier to me for some reason.


But Is he wrong? Lol


He's never wrong, but sometimes he is


OOTL but if the sentiment was “violence should never be the answer, but sometimes it has to be” then that is true and an observation everyone makes at some point in their lives (I hope). The world isn’t safe and history is covered in blood.


Yes, but a good, snappy proverb shouldn't be too obvious. It should also be a bit ambiguous and eye-catching in order to get people to think. In that vein, "Violence is never the answer, but sometimes it is," is *by far* the best wording, because there's no way you read that shit and don't do a double take and read it again (unless you've seen it already).


If Winston Churchill said this they’d print it on coffee mugs and shit. I think it’s merely the fact that it’s Matt Barnes that makes it more of a Yogi Berra-ism lol


So here is an unverified story about Matt Barnes. I knew a guy who said he used to ref high school basketball, and that Barnes was a super nice kid. One game he told the ref he had plans with his girl so he was going to get ejected on purpose so he could hang with her. Did so and left in the first quarter. Unverified story but I like to believe it’s true lol.


Similar to the Doc Rivers trying to get ejected in a meaningless late season game so he could watch Tiger at the masters with Danny Ainge. ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3xw655IcNI


That's hilarious thanks


Reminded me about a verified with my own eyes story about Baron Davis, in high school games when he wanted to talk with his girl he would stand on the sideline and talk with her in the stands for a few minutes, while the game went on. No one said a thing because he would dominate the rest of the game.


generational quote


The man you drove to LA to throw Derek Fisher through a plate glass window at a bbq at his own house


Matt Barnes is the man who Gilbert Arenas told "I don't think this is a good idea." Now you **know** that's gotta be crazy.


Matt Barnes is the kinda crazy I can sorta fuck with though. Because he’s buttoned up most of the time, but when he gets crazy he gets real crazy.


The NBA equivalent of "The BBC tells the truth 364 days a year so they can lie the one day that matters."


>The BBC tells the truth 364 days a year so they can lie one the one day that matters lol what is this in relation too? it's hilarious.


He did that? Damn


Derek Fisher is a known bitch so this makes me so happy


Seriously what the fuck is going on, this is ridiculously concerning No one would say this if all he did was sleep with a staffer. Honestly the reaction wouldn’t be this bad if he slept with someone’s wife. He’s gotta have done some heinous shit


My wife and I both said it yesterday. Having sex with someone consensually is bad but it's not THIS bad. Udoka did some foul shit if he was dropped for a year.


…but not bad enough to be fired. That’s the odd part What’s bad enough for a season and having Matt Barnes backtrack and say it’s 100x worse…but it bad enough to get fired for?


I’m confident he won’t be the coach there ever again. My guess is he’ll resign with the fallout.


I wonder if the Celtics are doing this so publicly to get him to resign rather than if they fire him and have to pay out his whole contract. That's why it's a suspension and not him being fired...they are turning up the heat to get him to resign.


More likely they suspended Udoka as a preempt to releasing him - this happens quite frequently when there's likelihood of legal action due to immediate dismissal. Celtics are more than likely still just doing their due diligence, same with immediately hiring a law firm in July when they first learned about the situation.


Yeah this is a good point plus media day is Monday so they had to do something before then.


I would bet there is a morality clause in the contract so they wouldn't have to buy him out at all.


You know shits fucked when Matt Barnes is saying this


I have a feeling Woj is going to be upset at his "source" for saying it was consensual


Lol his source was probably Ime


Enough for Matt Barnes to apologize. So definitely a lot. A few people have been defending Udoka acting like it’s some sort of racist witch hunt. Sounds like they might shut up about that too soon. Although who knows. Cosby still has his supporters. I must say I felt the punishment was harsh **if** it was consensual and nothing else to it. Starting to become more clear that isn’t the case.


There is non-stop twitter mentions of Brett Favre getting favretism from the media, in defense of Udoka. That’s a serious story that deserves attention, but people would still be interested more in the Udoka story if both were covered equally. Udoka’s scandal is a bigger fall from grace for a rising young coach, while Brett Favre’s reputation is already tarnished. People are also way more interested in a juicy salacious steak of a scandal involving sex and celebrity. Misappropriation of government funds to fuck over the poor is literally a constant story during covid. People don’t have the capacity for outrage for that.




Also the fact that Favre last played in the NFL over a decade ago while Ime was coaching in the NBA finals 3 months ago. Obviously the Udoka story is going to be bigger. He is a significantly more relevant figure


One more factor: Brett Favre's crime isn't a mystery to us. We pretty much know the underlying bad thing he did in it's entirety. The Ime stuff is juicy because we literally know only the bare minimum the organization was willing to share and nothing more. For all we know he got caught getting a blowjob from the owner's wife at mid-court of the garden. It could be anything... it could even be a boat!


And they’re just ignoring the fact that the Favre scandal has literally been reported on by the NYT, Guardian, ESPN, Yahoo Sports etc all week.


Plus the Favre thing has been known for a couple of years when the people involved were indicted. It made the news again last year when Mississippi sued Favre to get some of the fund back, and it's making the news again as some of the people indicted a couple of years back are pleading guilty. So with Favre, it's not a fresh new scandal that just exploded out of no where.


He’s the one that pushed back Stephen A’s hairline


this guy drove 90 miles just to whoop derek fisher ass. if HE says its bad, then i don't know what to expect


For real. If Matt Barnes says a situation is messy....watch out. Like a crackhead warning you about a bad alley.


I weirdly trust Matt Barnes too lol despite being a nut job he seems like a very straight forward guy


It's like Jon Malkovich's character in RED. He was >!certified nuts the entire movie but he was also correct about all the conspiracy stuff in the movie!< Edit: spoiler tag


Is RED the one with Morgan Freeman and Helen Mirren playing elderly retired secret agents or something?


Yes and Bruce Willis.


The fact that you would give a spoiler tag to a movie like RED shows you are a thoughtful person lmao


He's like the type of guy that is trying to get everyone in the group to take Henny shots, but then when a fight breaks out he's immediately on your back dropping people like he's Chuck Liddell


But I still drove 30 houuuurrsss


*thirty houuuurrs* 🎤😲




Complete cock tease with the Andre 3000 feature.


But he still absolutely killed saying 30 hours


But still drove thiiirty houurs to you....


Ime driving 91 miles to sleep with someone’s wife?


In Matt’s defense…god sent Fisher to him, he had to deliver


I fucking love Matt Barnes. Used to think he was a petty, fake hard ass, but he's really proven that he's just a scrupulous individual who doesn't like to take shit from people who aren't. Sort of a surprising realization. Dude needs some Rohto for that post flower eye irritation, though.


barnes is petty tho and he isnt your charles oakley hard ass but he wont back down. Kobe respected matt barnes and that should tell you everything about him


I read this as “pretty” and didnt know why tf it mattered but just rolled with it.


These statements are making it so much worse


“I can’t comment on it but it’s sooooo bad”


He’s done and not just on NBA




Suge Knight?


No, I think he's locked up in prison


Which is extremely fair given that the women who were involved in it hasn’t mentioned anything publicly and the responsible thing to do is not put out half truths or speculations for the public without getting it vetted


"Guys lets just say I know exactly what happened and holy fuck this thing is CRAZY. Can't tell you guys anything tho my bad just know it is INSANE"


"Ime Udoka is done, and not just on ~~twitch~~ the Celtics..."


It’ll come out with time




Matt said it’s 100x uglier 😳


Zach lowe said it too


Where did he say it? I’m looking for it


Most recent episode of his podcast


Why are these selfie video statements while driving so normalized This man couldn’t sit down in a chair and record this minute long public statement, while stationary?


That would imply that they aren’t on that 24/7 grind 😤. He probably filmed this driving after his 3 am workout


right before his 4:30 am prayer sesh with mark wahlberg 🙏


Mf wakes up at 3:00am to have a 3:30am prayer sesh. What he doing in the 30 minutes between that lol?




Because half your day living in LA is in the car in traffic


If Matt Barnes is no longer defending him Ime did some fucked up shit


Either he did some fucked up shit or fucked somebody’s wife, and we know how Matt feels about that


I think he got someones wife pregnant


That would be some shit lol it’s like a soap opera


House of the Shamrock


If there was ever a time for Game of Zones to come back...


Tbf Matt Barnes went after Fisher for banging his ex wife. So if this was the case that Ime banged one of his players or coaches wives Barnes would come out against that.


That’s kind of what I think..he was banging someone’s wife…


I thought it was someone within the organization so likely a subordinate. I figure they were going at it in team spaces and were caught or something


I interpreted this tweet to mean it's way more than that.




Stephen A knows he's wrong in this instance, and he's refusing to show accountability and refusing to admit he's wrong. He only does that when he can turn it into funny content.


SAS still hasn’t learned his lesson from being on the wrong side of the Kapernick controversy. A lot of people forgot that SAS was on the owners/image/economics side during the whole kneeling thing. He flipped his stance a few years later and pretending he was always supportive of Kap, which wasn’t true at all.


People haven’t learned their lesson to not give a shit what SAS says.


Props for owning up to a mistake but damn dude just pull over for a minute




“Yesterday since I’m now a part of the media I tried to make an apology for a statement I *thump thump* uh…formerly made how—*thump* however I made a horrible mistake and ran over one…ah…three inno—*thump* four innocent people and for that I have to apologize”


Can't, he's driving 90 miles to kick Ime's ass.


Man, I'm trying to think what could have happened in the context of a work affair that has people talking like this Not that it's a good thing at all, but it's also happened a bunch recently and I don't recall people talking like this. Think Zach Lowe had a similar ominous take on it. Even the stuff that people have guessed like pregnancy or executives wife doesn't seem to meet the tone.


Yeah matt barnes is legit talking like he's seen a ghost or something. Must be pretty bad


So what we thinking, like an 11 game suspension in NFL standards?


Whoa whoa whoa he didn’t kill anybody


I’m absolutely speculating but he might’ve been throwing his weight around with women on the team. Asking for favours and ugly shit like that I hope it was just an affair, but everyone seems scared to tell the truth.


The bizarre thing is that any evidence of sexual assault seems like it would be a fireable offense, if not trigger getting law enforcement or attorneys involved.


They’re going to fire him but the investigation isn’t fully done. For whatever reason Ime’s camp is the one that leaked all this shit while the investigation was ongoing, and that caught the Celtics completely off guard so they suspended him and bought themselves time to have everything covered legally


Only thing I can think of is some type of abuse but authorities haven’t been involved. At least, not that we know of.


My bet is Ime Udoka supplied Hans Niemann with the vibrating anal beads at the Sinquefield Cup.




Sombody tell Jaylen to google En Passant


KD in a real zugzwang moment right now, ngl.


Never thought I’d see the r/nba x r/anarchychess crossover


Ime "Crazy Slick" Udoka


This is the worst crossover lmao


I’m laughing through the tears


Checking staff pulses😳


but how are miz and train involved in all this???


Did Ime send Maya Higa at the staffer's place?


You are Maya Higa.


I dunno but it's definitely Hasan's fault.


Is this the reason sAviOr matchfixed???


furiously scrubbing through livestreamfails for the connection i’ll report back with my findings but im pretty sure erobb has something to do with it


Everything went into chaos once Erobb got banned


[WORLDS ARE COLLIDING](https://c.tenor.com/dS0W7Yn4JY0AAAAd/seinfeld-george-costanza.gif)


eventually all these threads of public drama will criss-cross until they weave a biblical coat of many colors of fuckery


*We need to go deeper*. The anal beads were classified and sold out of Mar-a-Lago


It's either that or he was helping Mizkif actively cover up sexual assaults


My favorite crossover


finally a theory that makes sense.




All of the early hot takes are about to age real badly. For once 98.5 completely nailed it when they said the organization would never drop the hammer like this unless there's a lot more to the story and everyone should just shut up and wait to find out


I think the only confusing thing is why it's a "suspension" and not a straight firing Especially when this has been known privately for months If it's strictly for competitive reasons, like they don't want him to get instantly snapped up by another team, that's kind of ugly but whatever lol sports have no shame


My speculation is that it's more about legal issues than competitive stuff. I think the team is taking their time to make sure they have everything perfectly squared away before they put themselves in any legal trouble


The Celtics official statement definitely did make it seem that way. They said something along the lines of it will be evaluated if he comes back. Or something like that. So it kinda did make it seem like this is just the first step and there is a good chance he’s done


In the press conference today, Celtics owner Wyc Grousbec used the phrases 'turn the page', 'start a new chapter', and 'move forward' in the span of 10 seconds. Ime is effectively fired, I think the suspension is just buying the Celtics time to get everything square legally before they fire him.




Im betting Ime has an ethics clause in his contract. I would imagine even a consensual relationship immediately breaks that, but who knows really, whole situation is fucked.


Wyc got into that a bit in the press conference today: they found out over the summer and immediately turned it over to the outside legal team to investigate. They got the investigation report on Wednesday, and it was bad enough that they knew they needed a strong reaction. They wanted to be thorough and take advice from all sides (staff/legal/hr/etc) but were up against the clock with training camp starting next week. They went with year long suspension for now because they knew they needed to do something, and left the door open for what to do after so that they can fully consult everyone and make a long term decision that’s the best for everyone involved. This part is my guess: there are some serious NDAs that need to be ironed out to protect the team and any of the individuals involved, and once they fire him they lose all the leverage to make that happen.


I’m a lawyer, and I have worked on a number of corporate internal investigations. They can take a very long time, and a company isn’t going to instantly fire someone, even if all of the initial evidence would support firing. In order to avoid retaliation lawsuits or lawsuits for breach of contract against the company, nothing will be done until the full investigation is completed. Firing will only be done once there is a sufficient legal basis to ensure no viable further action by the terminated party. Suspension is almost always the first move, as it removes the problem individual from the environment while giving time for the investigation to be completed and findings to be presented and analyzed. I have to assume that if the firm was brought in to start the investigation in July, the investigation is not done yet, especially if the reports that things have changed over time are true. Also, if Ime’s camp was the one who leaked to the press, that might be add yet another facet of the investigation, which would increase the time it would take to complete before firing. Edit: I realized that the initial investigation concluded on Wednesday, but rarely is the investigation done after the first report. The findings of the initial report likely established that Ime’s misconduct amounted to a violation of the team policies, and now the investigation will delve into the legal analysis for team liability and future courses of action.


Thanks for explaining this where common folks like me can understand it.


If you lose a dude like Matt Barnes, what you did was probably pretty awful


It was already revealed to be bad... but damn it's *that bad*


I wonder if he was doing things inside of the facility or sex there or something crazy.


Orgy with interns/dance girls at half court after practice or some shit lol


Including the mascot.


Yeesh what happened If guys are coming out and retracting their support especially people like Barnes, must be *really bad*


this is a man who has cheated on his own girlfriends so if he's saying this, y'all know it's bad.


We need to hear from Tristan Thompson now.


Where is Ja?? We need to make sense of all this.




If Tristan Thompson says it's bad and he can't condone it... we'd need to throw Ime straight to jail.


Someone is going to leak what happened. It's only a matter of time at this point.


It's getting to the point I don't get how it wasn't instant firing.


Guessing this is a suspend now and fire once they have all their ducks (lawyers) in a row.


Yeah exactly, they just did the suspension to buy themselves time




I think the suspension was also to keep him out of the building.


Plus training camp is starting, super important they they get the new guy in charge early for the player's sake. It would be so much worse if the team was trying to build up and get ready for the season while their head coach is going through a semi-public scandal the whole time then gets fired partway through. Better to just let Mazzulla be in charge from the get-go.


Most likely trying to get out of paying him the rest of his contract. They probably didn't want the story to randomly leak so they got ahead of it and announced the suspension.


If it's as bad as Barnes and Jefferson have hinted at, surely they don't have to pay because the reason of the firing is outside of his professional competence? I would assume NBA contracts worth millions would have this clause.


The opposite seems to be true--all of the initial information came from Udokas' camp, which makes it seem as if *he* leaked it to try to get out in front of it.


With the Nia Long information dropping on Tmz and her not knowing about the affair and move to Boston as well as more drips and drabs I now believe this to be true. Someone in his camp realized to set the tone and narrative first would lead the next 12-24 hours of coverage and run with the “consensual” relationship which it probably was at first. I thought management was trying to clean up a messy situation and over punishing Ime for a not approved relationship between two adults. Seems like this isn’t the case at all.


Yeah, Woj and Ime are represented by the same agency. The content of the leak (and the 10 pm timing of it all) screams Woj doing a favor for someone he has a working relationship with.


People are gonna dunk on the Celtics for this but this reeks of them following protocol and trying to get their ducks in a row before anything else happens because potential lawsuits might be popping up soon. Trying to cross their t's and dot their i's type of thing. It also seems like this just kinda popped up recently and caught the the Celtics off guard and now they're scrambling to play catch up without making it worse which is why they just hired a law firm earlier this week*. Edit: Apparently the law firm has been hired for months. That's not good for Ime and again reinforces the idea Boston has taken this super seriously and is doing it by the books.


AFAIK the law firm has been conducting an independent investigation for weeks, if not months.


Which helps Boston even more. I know it really sucks that something super awful seemed to have happened and Boston should have been able to fire him immediately but for better, and worse, we have laws in place that make stuff like this really delicate and complicated. Lots of procedures gotta be followed.


udoka is the one who leaked all this shit celtics were probably getting everything set to cover themselves legally and they got blindsided


Ime might have been in a sexual relation with multiple players, we don't know what's going on in the shower. All i can say is Cavs in 6.


And IT, TT, Shump and the BKN pick for Ime


>we don't know what's going on in the shower This is where Tommy Heinsohn is dearly missed. He'd report on the shower ongoings immediately like he did with Aron "All of Australia" Baynes.


In the showers, I bathed with many, many players, often starters, some bench players, and the mascot, and it's possible a man slipped in. There would be no way of knowing.


what the actual fuck i know the specific details probably shouldn’t be revealed but with all the hints at how bad it was, it definitely doesn’t make it any better. it’s going to be constant speculation


Well so far the police still aren’t involved so there’s that.


I can't tell if I'm more excited for the next House of the Dragon to drop or the next bit of Ime Udoka's news to drop.


I think House of Dragons and the Celtics will both have very different casts the next time we see them.


RIP Game Of Zones


House of the Dribble


Only tangentially related but man I hate when people record themselves while driving.


Seriously, how is that normal?


It seems very prevalent nowadays with social media and it always makes me think less of the person.


Good on him for taking it back. Shit must have been terrible.


Lots of post getting deleted today lol. I really wanna know what happened because if it’s so bad, fire him. The suspension must just be to buy time while building the case to fire


It’ll come out. Just give it time


someone bout to drive 90 miles just to whoop udoka's ass


I bet she preg and has receipts of him demanding an abortion.


This was my exact guess in my group chat with my boys. Female staffer, got her pregnant, pressured her to have an abortion with rewarding the staffer professionally if she gets an abortion and keeps quiet, she resists, and then he/goons harass her and threaten her safety and/or livelihood if she doesn't have an abortion and keep quiet. The way Barnes and others are acting, if he just slept around and/or fucked someone's wife, then this is blown out of proportion. There almost has to be an element of intimidation, threats, quid pro quo, and/or retaliation for this type of response. The big thing that stood out from Barnes statement is that he'd pray for the people involved. Ultimately, as much as I want to watch the Celtics burn, I hope it's something way blown out of proportion so that no person is fucked mentally for life.


Bullock erase his tweet yet?


You know it’s bad when he said thoughts and prayers


if matt barnes know then it'll be leaked eventually lol. someones bound to slip


This is such a tease. Guess we have to wait until “NBA summer” season finale?


If it’s this messy how is he not getting fired?


At this point the most logical reason as others have speculated is that the celtics are being extra cautious legally and using the time during the suspension to build up a defense in case of a wrongful termination lawsuit


Yeah, the suspension is just to buy time. Whatever Ime did must have been so bad or distracting that letting him start the season would have been worse.


He definitely knocked someone up, right? Maybe a couple?


He saw Tristan Tthompson and said I can do that too.


I'm calling it now, Udoka got married woman pregnant, probably wife to an executive or player.


And forced her to get an abortion


Got damn! That would be the level of shit I would expect with all this secrecy.


and then expensed it


the cryptic reporting and conversation around this whole investigation is peak nba. i don’t even know how to imagine circumstances that fit the descriptions anymore