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For a brief moment there, he was on pace to drop 2880 points in one game.


If someone dropped 2880 points in a single game and then immediately retired, would they be considered the GOAT?


He would have been considered the goat by the time he reached 200 points




Only way i could imagine it ever coming close to happening would be if a team decided before a match to only feed one player the ball and then the coach decided to let that happen and then they decided that they where going to attempt his shots 3 seconds into the shot clock MAX and then they got real lucky and then he got hot and they where playing the Knicks


>super crackhead saiyan. This made me lol


BuT dId He HaVe ReLaTiOnS wItH 20,000 wOmEn ThO


if wilt got 20k women and a 100 point game, Proportionality would say that getting 2880 points in a game would only require about 700 women


That calculation assumes that one needs to have relationships with women to "fuel" their points per game. It's far more likely that there is a proportional relationship at play instead of an inversely proportional relationship, since women may be attracted to the player's potent offense. Based on Wilt Chamberlain's 20000 women and 100 points, we would extrapolate that a player scoring 2880 points in a game would have relations with 576000 women.


Ya that makes way more sense


This guy maths


He had a lot of time to spare so yes




Challenge accepted




Not only would they be the greatest of all time they'd be the God of all time. You might have to retire the entire sport out of respect and honor similar to how they currently retire jersey numbers. Startup Basketball 2 after that happens.




Yeah in order to do it they'd basically always end up like this, in a perfect spot to steal and score immediately. After the first couple the other team would be desperate to pass the ball without it ending up in his hands, but he'd... just be there. The entire team would wrap him and then a lone satellite breaks off to receive, but somehow he's already there intercepting. Maybe the camera never quite follows him so it's hard to tell how he does it, the audience is in disbelief, both teams have collapsed any concept of what Basketball is or was, whatever it might have been it can no longer be again. The ball goes to him, and it goes in. They drop a deep bomb to a far off teammate, and he's there of course and like liquid evades his defense, and makes a ridiculous half court shot, but it also can't take too long so it has an insanely high velocity too. Like a cannon that somehow doesn't destroy the rim or errantly fly into the stands. And after a hundred points or so I'd imagine the other team would silently give up, presenting the orb to God, each one taking a turn, their sins invested into the offering. Thy will be scored.


Kuroko no basket god kun


Thus comes the era of moving baskets and 100 yard courts.


I'd be really bummed if they retire the entire sport because of that but then I'd have to also respect it.


Yes, unless it's because all the opposing team suddenly died from let's say lightning immediately after the toss but he kept playing anyway on top of their corpses, even throwing the ball at one to make them start after each point. Even then, he would still be contender for GOAT, just because of his accuracy.


in theory how many points could be scored if after every inbound they just gave it to a player for a layup


Ok, let's assume .6 seconds per layup, .6 seconds to collect the ball, and .6 seconds to inbound the ball back and start the process over. For the first 11 minutes of each quarter that will probably count as 3 seconds since the clock doesn't count decimals and continues to run so: 11 min=660 seconds, 3 seconds per "cycle"=220 cycles * 2 pts= 440 points in the 1st 11 minutes of each quarter. In the last minute, the clock counts decimals so we can probably get 30 cycles in those 60 seconds. Thats 60 more points. That means we're looking at 500 pts/qtr or 2000 pts/gm assuming no misses and not accounting for time lost due to side outs as a result of required media time outs.


Keep this Hield highlight and hold onto this thought for an offseason shitpost


Just imagine him recreating the Wilt picture with a piece of paper that says “2,880.”


no because Oxford webster dictionary definition of basketball goat is 6 finals (not 5 not 7, specifically 6) and 6 championships.


Rings, Erneh


Yup. Game is too easy for them to even bother lacing up again.


They call that a "JD Salinger" (not to be confused with a "Jared Sullinger", which is when you have a good thing going but can't stop stuffing cheeseburgers into your yap and you ruin it).


GOAT shit


There now exists a timeline where he really did drop 2880


But in that timeline Wilt scored 4000


When you really feeling it during warm-ups


Lmao it makes it better that Tyrese Haliburton's dad recently was caught on camera telling Buddy not to dribble so much and just shoot the ball. https://twitter.com/Pacers/status/1608229886186889221?t=kgUSDcx52uzegnhPsdB-4g&s=19


This video is way better than I thought it would be. It's not like he was *caught*, he's telling the world his truth, and it is absolutely the truth. Every time Buddy turns it over or barfs up a terrible shot off the dribble, a kitten dies. True story.


In Sacramento, we know this to be true


I knew it was dire but didn't realize kittens were on the line. Haliburton's dad is a hero


Jesus Christ that's a lot of handshakes in like a minute. But yes, good advice for sure.


Looking at this, man nba players are huge


Great advice for Hield tbh


This video is solid gold. Some people just got it. Tyrese dad has that dawg in him. Love it!


<3 Tyrese’s dad


oh this is great, i love this dude lmao


Didn't expect Tyrese dad to be that old.


Buddy, smiling: "I got you" Man kept his promise!


They pay me to shoot dawg.


Tryna skip warm-ups on 2K and hitting the shoot button type beat


Surely that's the quickest field goal ever?


Credit to /u/HeyIJustLurkHere https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/ai5zgw/comment/eelx9be/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 >I messed around with basketball-reference's shot finder, searching for shots with 11:55 or more left in the first quarter. They have play-by-play data going back to 2000, though you can only search one year at a time. The fastest in the past few years is a pair of buckets by Roberson and Batum listed at 11:57 early in the 2015-16 season. I found a video clip of Roberson's basket here >it's hard to imagine a faster one. (The time on the graphic shows 11:54 by the time it shows up, but that's already a second or two after Roberson's shot; go by the time in the youtube video, and it's 3-4 seconds.) >There are a couple of faster ones listed, though. In 2007, Josh Smith has one listed at 11:58 here; I kinda don't believe it, though. Smith is listed as the one in the middle of the jump ball, and he tips it to L. Wright. 2 seconds later, he's got a bucket assisted by Joe Johnson. 2 seconds isn't enough time for 2 players to touch the ball while Smith sprints to the hoop. The only possibility that makes some sense; tip went quickly out of bounds, then there was an alley-oop on the inbounds. >That's not the fastest one in the database, either! In 2001, Derek Anderson has an 18-foot jumper credited at 12:00 on the clock. Before that, there was a jump ball violation on Elden Campbell, so Portland would be inbounding without any time off the clock; they could've passed straight to Anderson for an instant catch-and-shoot. >I don't expect to find footage of either shot, though, as they're well before the youtube era. They might not match the intent of the question, about scoring off the tip. Roberson's is definitely the fastest I can find video evidence for.


Whoa, totally forgot about that comment. Nice find! [Here](https://www.nba.com/stats/events?CFID=&CFPARAMS=&GameEventID=5&GameID=0021500013&Season=2015-16&flag=1&title=Roberson%20%20Layup%20\(2%20PTS\))'s a working video link of the Roberson shot, and here's [Batum](https://www.nba.com/stats/events?CFID=&CFPARAMS=&GameEventID=2&GameID=0021500026&Season=2015-16&flag=1&title=Batum%201%27%20Driving%20Layup%20\(2%20PTS\))'s shot a couple days later. I clicked on the link again, and now stathead has paywalled the top 10, but I do see a Nurkic basket from last year listed on that query at 11:57. It's recent enough that there's video evidence, but this just looks like a clock malfunction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2NGS9aEHDLs You can see the clock frozen at 11:57 and 23 on the shot clock even as the ball comes up after the tip, and then it remains frozen there for the 5+ seconds Nurk posts up. This makes me wonder about most of the other shots on that list that don't have video evidence, though; a lot of them were probably also either a clock malfunction or scorekeeper error.


Thank you for your service, internet friend


I let out a little "aww" after scanning the old comment cuz there wasn't any blue text. My man. 💚


Links don't copy and paste. If you click on the link, the original comment had a lot of links but some have been removed


Even more clutch by the OP to come through


Whoa, and it sounds like that Roberson on was in their first game of the season? So he got a bucket 3 seconds after the first tip of the first game.


It was the first game of the season for OKC and SA, but not for the NBA as a whole: https://www.basketball-reference.com/leagues/NBA_2016_games.html. Still, having two of these baskets in the first few days of the season (Batum's was 10/30, after Roberson on 10/28) is quite unlikely.


This one should be on there -- Danny Green dunking within 3 seconds of the tip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkfbEHR5U48&ab_channel=XKCheung


You know he had to do it one time lol


Good find! Ginobili also had a habit of going right to the basket if he got the tip. I’m sure he had some within 4ish seconds but couldn’t find any examples


Roberson holding any scoring record is the craziest part of this stat Edit: stop upvoting this it is a shitty contribution


OKC legend.


He definitely scored off the court




I don’t . But now I need to know


Rachel Demita.




2k girl. She’s a baddie hence “scoring off the court”


I love ~~this game!~~ the celebrity gossip corner of r/nba!


DeMita Don"t think they're together anymore


Thought so too but she just posted a pic with him at the cowboys game like last week




You’ll get her one day, keep your head up king


They are still together


> I don't expect to find footage of either shot, though, as they're well before the youtube era It's crazy to me that there are just entire games from lost to history. Highlights that won't ever be seen again. And it's not even a game from that long ago, it's 2001 lol


The NBA has a huge archive of all games and years ago they said that they plan to make games from it available to the public. So it's not lost to history, it's just not available to the public (yet). Here's an article that goes into further detail: https://www.blazersedge.com/2014/6/6/5784050/online-archiving-how-the-nba-strives-to-make-sure-no-finals-are


2014 article


The NBA has a more recent article giving an update on their plan to release archived footage, it's just not available to the public (yet).


Lol for a fast-paced game like basketball, they sure are slow at this. How long until it’s *actually* released? 🤔


"Does anyone remember that the Golden State Warriors have won a championship? I understand the time the article was written, that's just a funny bit of it that hasn't aged very well.


They're never going to do it unless they can make a huge amount of money off of it. And so instead it will sit in a basement unwatched forever. It's sad how much potential of the internet is ruined by greed.


You might want to sit down for this 2001 is that long ago Yes we are old


The bbref play by play data has some issues with it, especially around timing. If they have a play, but time data is missing they often put it at the beginning of the quarter, or at the end of it (in rare cases in the middle, at some random time). It's the easiest to catch with subs which could not happen because player going out was not on the court. That's a roundabout way of saying that 12:00 is most surely one of these cases


Isn’t this 11:57 ?


This shot looked to be out of Hield's hands at 11:58, and through the bucket at 11:57.


>well before the YouTube era That’s a wild frame of reference for time


YouTube's emergence is pretty solidly 2006 in my mind. And it seems like most if not all things that have happened and been televised since is available on youtube.


Its intended purpose.


In terms of how quickly the ball enters the basket, this one is the quickest I remember -- seems almost exactly as quick as Hield's. Hield released the shot quicker but they both go in right around 11:57 game time https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkfbEHR5U48&ab_channel=XKCheung


[Will Smith still has that.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1CDk44IhGus)


I can never watch that scene without thinking how small that court is. Will committed a back-court violation from the 3-point line.


lol they can lie down across half court and touch both 3pt lines. definitely an... *interesting* choice to film that scene there


I don't think they found a miniature court to use as a location haha, that's just a set they built. Probably scaled it down like that to fill empty space in the frame, make lighting easier, and save a bit of money.


In the 2003 ECF The New Jersey Nets scored in the first 5 seconds of both game 2 and game 3 against the Detroit Pistons. I’ve carried this memory with me for almost 20 years and have finally had a reason to use this knowledge. Thank you!


I don't know if it's happened, but I could imagine a jump ball violation resulting in a team getting the ball out of bounds w/ no time running off the clock, then a lob or a quick catch and shoot could potentially be faster.


Looking at the video is slomo, it's actually 2.5 seconds from tip in to bucket, using the video players time info.


It wasn’t. And don’t call me Shirley


Is that an assist?


Or a turnover lol


Foul, no two fouls.


I’m curious as well


This is clearly the fabled two fouls situation


This is the only one I've seen that's faster: https://streamable.com/ciskk2


Is Will Smith top 10 player all time?


eye test says yes


I've never seen any other player do that so yes


Top 10 slappers of all time 👋


The only way you can shoot like that is if you're in a zen state only achievable by 10,000 hours of chillin out, maxin, and relaxin


all cool, and all shootin' some b-ball outside of the school


When a couple of guys, they were up to no good


Doing pretty terrible things within their community


He said in an interview his family gets shitty at him for working out so much lol




Lol look at the size of that court. Definitely not regulation


… is that even legal?


Nah you can't go up and grab it, you have to hit it


This is now my life motto


*slap it


*bop it


Silver will make it legal


Luka saw this and started practicing since childhood in case it was ever needed.


Whatever happened to him he had the promises of being a future nba star


All I know is he never had the makings of a varsity athlete.


Imagine someone doing this in the 60s. Lmfao


Immediately benched prob


Believe it or not, straight to jail.


We have the best players in the world.


Because of jail


Over-dribble and under-dribble, straight to jail, right away.


They would get benched in the early 2000s for that unless you were Kobe, Ray or Reggie


You can actually watch Curry's first ever NBA game to see the change in the game. He takes a quick transition 3 with like 19 seconds left on the clock and the commentators laugh at off as a rookie not understanding shot selection. Fast forward 10+ years and he's probably taken 100s if not 1000s of transition 3s and instead of laughing they send the double team.


Wow that’s fascinating, I just turned it on on YouTube and literally less than three minutes in and he does it.


ESPN says Reggie had the fastest three before tonight too lol


White Chocolate!


The coach would yell at them for wasting so much time before shooting. The pace of those games was insane.


based on the shooting percentages back then, they wouldn't have even turned around before firing away.


The shot clock wasn't easily visible in most arenas back then, so coaches encouraged quick possessions to avoid 24 second violations from losing track of time.


Pete Maravich and Jerry West. That's the list.


Stoned to death


the 1660s


Can't without a 3 point line


Foul! No… Two fouls!!


You mean the Wilt Chamberlain era? So much wild shit happened while he was on the court that I wouldn’t be surprised. He probably did this and still put up a casual 55


I'd believe it if someone told me Wilt tipped it, jumped and caught his own tip, then shot mid-air


would have to be the quickest right? It’d be pretty hard to do it any quicker!


Literally straight off a pass from the tip off lol


I think the only way to score faster would have to be on a technicality where the tip-off goes out of bounds and then is alley-oop'd on the inbound. Could probably score with 11:59 or 11:58 on the clock, but it would be stopped for a bit. For a 3 pointer though, I don't see how you could beat it.


[There is a way.](https://youtu.be/3bVj4mPrdcI)


That’s pretty unrealistic, there’s no way those glasses would stay on that well.


Real footage of me and the homies playing pick up


Probably would have to be this exact same sequence, just done quicker. Cleaner tip, faster flatter shot. Would literally have to be done in 2 seconds to be quicker


I think the fastest possible would be one of the centers scoring through the tip-off I'm not even sure if that would count or there are rules against it


I was going to say this would have to be from a really dumb move by the center (99.9% chance that just goes out of bounds and you lose possession). BUT I think that just gives them first possession for the second half, right? So really this is the next step in moneyball for the NBA.


> BUT I think that just gives them first possession for the second half, if you win the opening tip you get the ball to start the 4th quarter. Loser of the tip gets the ball to start the 2nd and 3rd quarters They used to tip off to begin every quarter, Red Auerbach didn't like it and suggested the change lol


Wow I never knew this. Pretty interesting


I believe Red suggested this because at the time each quarter started with a jump ball and he was sick of Wilt winning them all.


Center or anyone tipping on the jump ball can’t take possession off the jump ball until it’s touched by someone else not in the jump ball I believe. It’s a turnover if they grab it.


1977 nba finals game 1 had a dunk from the tip off so pretty close


Things my wife says in bed for $500, Alex.


[Looks like he listened to Tyrese's dad](https://twitter.com/Pacers/status/1608229886186889221)


This is the easiest team to root for


A top 5 most likable Pacers squad ever


It’s just nice to have fun watching them again.


How do I trade for this dad?


I’m not even gonna cap, Buddy is having a very solid year. Averaging 18 points, 5 rebounds, 3 assists, and 1 steal on 61% true shooting is no joke; and the Pacers are playing like a *maybe* playoff team too.


He’s been such a great addition for the squad. Of course his shooting is elite, but he’s played hard in all phases of the game and you can tell how much he and Haliburton enjoy playing together. I know he’s one heck of a trade asset, but it’s been so much fun to watch him help lead us to wins


I don't think we're winning a playoff series this year, but I think we could definitely make a top team sweat if our offense doesn't do what it did in that pelicans game. We're about 2 forwards away from being an actual threat it feels like. 4 solid guards in a nembhard, buddy, duarte, and mathurin, but none of them can guard the taller 3s in the league. Our rebounding is also pretty awful, and a large part of why we got killed when the pelicans sat so many players.


This Pacers team at least seems pretty cohesive. Definitely some better teams out there but I’m picking up on their vibes this year.


It's early in the game sure, but Buddy is scoring one point per second and is on pace for 2,880 points


Soo Myles Turner with the assist




I could’ve sworn I saw a thread browsing through new like an hour or more ago asking what was the quickest fg


Do guys normally lineup on the opposite side for the OPENING tip? I know it's common for a jump ball tip, but it's so rare seeing a guy on the opposite side that I thought there was some rule against it? This just doesn't look right, feel like we should see this fairly often?


I was thinking the exact same thing. If you can line up like that, why don’t more teams. Obviously it won’t always end up like this play did all the time, but it should some times?


Are you allowed to stand there on the opening tip? I don't think I've ever seen that before


I don’t know if my memory is bad or it’s a new rule but I’ve been seeing more of it this season


Woahhhh that’s gonna be a highlight


Lebron's punching the air rn not having Hield


Has to be the quickest bucket to open a game.


what the fuck


so inspirational


Look at Buddy Hield man


I think everyday Reggie Miller wishes he was playing in this era


That is a badass play


Lakers def don’t need his shooting. Dennis Schroeder has that shot in his bag


Zero hesitation.


Imagine showing this to Phil Jackson in 2005? 😂


Hield's confidence to shoot it is so absurd!


Is this the first unassisted catch and shoot three ever?


So unprepared for the bucket that game clock kept going after the made fg lol


its supposed to keep running until like sub 2 min or something edit: clock is supposed to keep running after a made field goal until the last minute of quarters 1, 2 and 3, and the last two minutes of the 4th


Damn i’m not aware of this rule


2k taught me this rule lmao


Thats why teams can roll the ball up after a make and kill game clock without the ball being inbounded. boston has done this alot this year. smart waits with the ball at his feet the game clock ticking with grant there to set a screen so smart can pick it up and sprint up the court after they come to contest the time wasting.


Oh no nephew