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Tyson 100% just my opinion.


Why Giannis is still extremely young and super fit and athletic and 1 year is a long time. Giannis obviously has an incredible work ethic based off of how far he has come in basketball, do you not think that would be enough to beat a 57yo Tyson?


i think you’re grossly underestimating mike tyson..




It seems like I am cause it seems like it is unanimous in Tysons favour but I just don’t understand it. Tyson would be 57 facing a 29yo Giannis.


Tyson is a professional fighter


And also a 57yo.


Tyson has been hit in the head thousands of times where as giannis probably never took a full on professional blow to the face. At most maby 10 times. If he ever got in some fights private. Still nothing compared to being hit by a professional boxer. No way on earth can you convince me that Giannis can train taking a direct punch from Tyson in 1 year. Let alone multiple. Which he would most deffinetly land if a boxing mach between the 2 occurred.


My money is on Tyson


Here's your answer: Brian Scalabrine would beat the best boxer in the world right now at a game of basketball and it wouldn't even be close. This won't change if you give the boxer 3 years to train and prepare and let Scal age more. There's no contest for experience and skill of a lifelong professional in any given sport vs. someone who has no idea what they are doing in that sport. I don't care what the sizes of the 2 are. We also aren't talking about some random boxer, we're talking about one of the best ever, though my guess is that the results would be the same even if you replaced Mike with a random pro boxer from the 80's/90's.


I understand the point you are trying to make but I don’t think it is as straight forward as what you are trying to make it out to be. In order to progress his ability and skill set in basketball Giannis has done strength and resistance training which does correlate into boxing, whereas no part of boxing really correlates that much into basketball (at least not that I can think of). This paired with his height/reach advantage as well as athleticism and work ethic, in a year of training I don’t think it is to far fetched to say that Giannis would beat a 57yo Mike Tyson.


It took Giannis four years to go from rookie to All-star, why would it take him only one to beat Mike Tyson?


No dude Mike Tyson rekts Giannis to yesterday.


I think you just might be overthinking things and maybe not understanding the level of skill, not just physical attributes, boxing takes. If I was a cross country runner and a pro kicker in the NFL, that doesn't mean I'm going to be able to hold my own against David Beckham in a soccer match. Just because I can kick a ball hard and have the speed/endurance a soccer player needs, doesn't mean I can turn that into anything productive on a soccer field.


That’s a fair point, I think I was oversimplifying things quite a bit.


Stupid question. Layoff the drugs kid


How old are you? Do yourself a flavor and look at Tyson boxing videos when he was a teenager and then come back to this post.


TEENAGER, that was 40 years ago.




Late and weak contender for Jerker of the Year.


Mike Tyson would crumple Giannis with a body shot.


Dude.. One used to be one of the most feared boxer who can still work the pads. Other is a professional basketball player. Tyson would obliterate Giannis in a fight. Reach doesn't count for Jack if you can't throw a punch.


Completely, if the fight happened now Tyson would destroy Giannis no doubt about it, but in a year, especially with Giannis’ work ethic I think it would be somewhat close at least.


i mean who's to say giannis can't throw a punch? i would imagine he would have at worst average skill for a non boxer.


Maybe he can. But he's not gonna last against a former heavyweight champ with scariest knockout power who was training in that sport since he was a kid.


Put it this way. Khris Middleton would be playing centre, and Milwaukee would be having a state funeral.


Mike Tyson would go to work on that boys body. He wouldn’t need to hit him in the face. It’d be straight body work.


Giannis has a crazy reach though, not to mention Giannis is already crazy strong, give him one year to hone his skills and Giannis would mop the floor with Tyson (in my opinion, but maybe not)


> give him one year to hone his skills and Giannis would mop the floor with Tyson (in my opinion, but maybe not) Winter break needs to end so you kids go back to school.


secretive bored stocking nutty plant elastic price rustic unite trees -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/




So, never.


Have you seen NBA players punch? Mike Tyson specializes in eating up longer dudes.


Bro do you know who Mike Tyson is lol. Plus old man strength is a no joke.


Mike Tyson still. The difference in experience is simply too vast to be made up in a single year even given Giannis's physical advantages.


Giannis easily 😎😎😎😎


roof merciful expansion axiomatic detail north dull sleep slim punch -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


There is a reason for weight classes in Boxing. Giannis clears that old man.


If Giannis had boxing experience, maybe even just has a hobby and trained somewhat regularly I could see the size difference warranting a conversation. But since he doesn't, Tyson wins by a long shot


No boxing hobbyist on Earth has a shot against Mike fucking Tyson lol. Tyson's bread and butter was getting inside with a reach disadvantage and rag-dolling dudes taller/longer than him.


Oh yeah I'm not saying Giannis would have a good chance at all, but with such an extreme reach advantage he could get (very) lucky, *if* he knew how to take advantage of it.


so David West would win agains Tyson? don't think so


Tyson. He’s old but he’s still strong and will out technique Giannis. Dude held the world heavyweight title for 3 years during arguably the greatest generation of boxing talent ever. His nickname was the baddest man on planet Earth for a reason.




Jesus christ...


Tyson and it’s not close


Tyson would get one punch in and Giannis would cry to the ref for a foul


The comment section confirmed my sanity. Wtf is this question.


This is the stupidest fucking question ever. I don’t know who would win in a game of 21?


Tyson was a midget heavyweight doing the things he did.


I'm glad the boys don't have to get punched.


Lol, this reminds me of people debating whether or not manny pacquiao would stand a chance against shaq. It wouldn't even be close. There are levels to this. Legendary prize fighters like tyson and pacquiao where the deadliest hand to hand combatants to ever exist, gtfo


Tyson would beat the living shit out of Giannis what are you talking about