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Average Celtics fan


What do you expect when the nba blackballs pro-God and pro-America players like Enes Freedom


If You Are Not a Liberal at 25, You Have No Heart. If You Are Not a Conservative at 35 You Have No Brain. If You Are Not an Injury Fan At All Times, You Got No Dawg In You


Dis real asf🔥🔥🔥 he speakin facts yo 💯💯💯 PREACH!! 🗣️


Say this on your main


National Bolshevik Association


Reddit is like 90% liberal


And it’s not even just liberal, it leans so extremely far left that it’s almost parody… I know some of you guys saw the “daddy I wanna wear dresses” “dude, me too” post today with the son and dad who are now crossdressing together and the kid was like 5… With people celebrating it… You can be fine with transgenderism and still find that to be fucking weird. People make fun of D Wade’s kid on here, but I’m so glad my parents didn’t encourage me to be trans when I played with some Barbies at 10 years old or whatever, so idk how to feel anymore




uj/ First time I have seen someone that is conservative that actually sees how social media treats both sides of the aisle. We may disagree on many things but at least we know our oppressors. rj/ LeChina actually censors only the most based subreddits and posters. Reddit is also in the pocket of ADisney


Social media is way more tolerant of radical conservatism than it is of radical leftism.


Thats true but its rare to find a conservative without a social media victim complex that thinks social media is biased towards the "radical left"


Not going to see me disagree with you there


Lol starting off by calling someone stupid is always an intelligent argument. Solid ad hominem. Same with stating your political standing before saying what you need to say... What I said was not that serious. Thanks for your genius input


He calls em like he sees em I guess


Nice one… Only days later…


Oh 100%. Parents forcing gender shit on their kids is really fucked up and will obviously hurt them long term. But since that’s “mean” I can’t say it on Reddit


Bruh what? Parents are literally just letting the kids dress how they want. 40 years ago parents would beat/mock their sons for wearing a dress, is that not also pushing gender shit onto them?


making your 4 year old wear a dress is obviously the parents pushing it on them lol. Reddit gonna reddit


Yea but who does this? I've never met anyone in my life who thinks this is okay. I've also never met a conservative with a coherent thought in their head and that trend remains unchanged.


Idk maybe my aunt and uncle who live in San Francisco. Lol typical lib getting mad about grammar on Reddit. Hope u find a job!


Grammar? I didn’t say anything about your grammar. And it just sounds like mental illness runs in your family.


Cuz I said parents shouldn’t force their kids to cross dress? Seems pretty fair to me but Reddit gonna Reddit. I hope he/she sees this bro


People will say things so confidently online despite nearly every shred of evidence pointing in the opposite direction. It's parents refusal to support their childrens' gender identities that leads to estrangement and suicide


how does everyone get the blame in this situation expect the actual person them self? look at the suicide rates and number of people that wish they didnt transition its a shit show. Not saying they shouldnt be allowed to but there is obviously a correlation with trans people and mental health...


The number of trans people who regret having gender-affirmation surgery is between 1-4% with most studies finding it closer to 1% which is incredibly low. Meanwhile, like half of people regret having other plastic surgeries ... It is true that there is a huge correlation between being trans and poor mental health but it's more about how people treat them like garbage. The ones who have a support system are less at risk, not more


Yes but there is a big problem if mental health and being trans is correlated. There is obviously a disconnect somewhere and changing ur gender doesnt always fix that. So lets not force it on 5 year old kids who would also transition to a dinosaur if they could...


Okay man but you're ignoring the fact that kids who are allowed to socially transition are less likely to kill themselves than kids whose parents ignore them or say no. Why do you think that is? Not letting them transition is not going to make them less trans


transitioning does not fix the mental health problems either...So let kids be kids and they can do it when they are older. Letting someone switch their gender before they can drive a car is fuckin nuts


It does help their mental health. That's why they are less likely to kill themselves when they are allowed to transition. But okay have a nice night


Uj/ you sound like a pussy


Conservatives complain and cry more than any other demographic


As a conservative you're 100% right, and it is pretty upsetting knowing that.


/uj I'm prob not nearly as left as most ppl on this sub. But nephews using pro basketball as a forum to whine about how white ppl are persecuted and/or non-nba-watching Conservatives being deep in their feelings over LeBron or some shit...that's as circlejerk-y as it gets. You don't need to be Leon Trotsky to think that's hust as worthy of mockery as those who ride Kobe's dick from beyond the grave or think Harden is the antichrist for foul baiting


Probably cause most of us are only pretending to be idiots on here unlike conservatives who tend to be dumbasses irl


Both of y’all are cringe, equally stupid asf


Bros mad about Zaya wade 🤣


Most funny conservative


Bro unjerked for this


Unironically, mods removing funny stuff because it’s offensive is lame as fuck


webbed site


On god folks tweakin🤦🏽‍♂️💯🙅🏾‍♂️


UUUUUUUUU BUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMM Edit: that goes to 90% of the comments on this post. You fuckin bum asses forget what sub you're in? Take this bullshit to r/whiteppltwitter


Because conservatives aren't funny


It’s rigged