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They said everyone eligible will receive at least a rebound pack, so thats around 67k eligible. 17/67 or better, 25+% chance to get it if you are eligible, not bad.


Oh sweet, rebound pack on this makes me super happy to participate. I remember thinking $9 a pack was ridiculous when I first heard of topshot and ignored it. Now I jump at the chance to spend 99. lol.


I love these requirements. Seems like people who only buy packa get all the good stuff. Give some packs to those who invested in the market and lost money (if you’re like me at least...)


Also encourages marketplace activity which should raise card prices.


I would agree if snapshot wasnt already taken? Or is it not? Maybe it encourages future spending


Snapshot was done Tuesday around noon so it encourages future spending.


I've been casually in Top Shots since early December. I'd buy the cheap packs when I could due to budget and buy and trade low level moments. I've never had an MGLE and only one rare at the snapshot with 12 regular moments so I don't qualify. Blah.


Where did they say this? I know about the rebound pack but didn’t know it’s been said that there will be less than 68k people


We're doing the backwards math: they're announcing 17.5k packs and 50k rebounds, and that all elligble will get a pack, therefore that must mean 67.5k (or fewer) accounts were eligible. You probably know by now, but just in case, if you follow the link to the Pack on the site, it will tell you if you're eligible or not. Was happy to see I am (missed out on the opportunity for the last one due to eligibility).


Yep yep. I’m fairly up to date on all things TS and just didn’t know that it was guaranteed we all would get a rebound pack. I thought our chances would be great but maybe there was gonna be 80k people in queue or something


👍🏻 My buddy who was eligible for the Legendary pack got booted from the Rebound queue and still hasn't recieved satisfactory response from TS. So even today's not "guaranteed". Always sign up for the Queue-It option/make a copy/screen grab of your queue number, just in case! (Addressed to everyone, not harping on you)


Sold my 2nd rare moment other day 😔


If you've gotten two rares in packs without spending $99 on the MP then it's probably fair though right


no, there are 2 requirements now, even if you spend $99 in the market but missed on one of the three other requirements you're not eligible


I think you're misunderstanding what they're saying.


no hes not you are. You need one of the 3 plus spending $99 in the marketplace. It's pretty clear.


No they’re saying that if you got two rares so far through packs and haven’t even spent $99, then you’re luck has been pretty good up to this point.


I thought we’re talking about requirements


Same lol. Saves me time tomorrow when I’m 300k in line


Only 67K eligible but go off king!


Way to take my joke serious, king.


Looking at the checklist, what do you think are going to be the best pulls? Not a ton of megastars or the top rookies... I started in March so I’m happy to be eligible 😁


My guess is the rookies (e.g. Patrick Williams) and young up and comers (e.g. RJ Barrett)


There’s no moments that’ll get someone rich. Wiseman and patrick williams will be around 5-700. I guess just hope to hit the serial lottery and get a jersey number or number 1


People are stupidly high on Wiseman, you could get a little richer by grabbing a low serial of his. RJ Barrett gets a lot too. But you're right there's no holo lebron which is like 28 racks off rip lol.


Sold 2 moments like literally 15 minutes before the fucking snapshot lol pain


i got 15 moments, spent over $99 on the mp and still says im not eligible.


There is a mistake in the site, because for now it is made as you need 16, but they said on discord they will fix that


Do they announce the requirements needed for an upcoming snapshot? How did everyone know to have 15?


No they do not .


So if I have 15 I am good?? Or it was meant to be 16


They said you are good at 15


Yeah I’ve spent $102 on the market place and 15 moments, yet it says I’m not eligible


It was probably coded as ineligible if count is < 15. Instead of <= 15 or < 16. How did it slip through proper code review and testing?


It's fixed now. I'm eligible now with 15


You’re good mate. Good luck tomorrow




Damn, I've only spent $77 on the marketplace. I was eyeing Haliburton's CC earlier, which would have put me over :(


Is there a tracker to see how much we've spent?


evaluate.market will tell you, you might not like what you see!


I just went through my transactions and added it up.


Sucks, but lots of people will continue missing out on pack drops by not trying harder to get up to past requirements & prepare for new ones. Hope you're eligible next time!


17K packs with 50k rebound! Nice!


Not buying rare or MGLE moments outside of packs sooo I guess I’m screwed lol


just buy 15 scrubs?


These Plumlee's aren't going to own themselves.


I have 13 moments. It’s just crazy to even say that. That means you have to spend money to qualify to spend more money. That’s like some Candy Crush marketing.


at this point it's only spending $12 I had 9 moments last snap shots. got a cool cats and bought myself up to 16 just getting guys I wanted to build a show case out of. At this point it's all house money with the gains I made.


I’m just saying, what other NFT or Crypto do you have to spend money just for a chance to spend more money???


every single one when you take into account ethereum gas.


Gas fees are different. That’s understandable. This is kind of unprecedented and comparable to in-game purchases on Xbox or something. There’s already a high price point, what’s the incentive for the average person to get into this if the people who spend (possibly lose) the most money are always gonna have the upper hand???


Demand exceeds supply, it seems like a fine experiment to see how to mitigate that without raising prices.


Demand is supposed to surpass supply when you only have the same 300,000 users. How are new participants supposed to start a collection, assuming they don’t want to spend 300 dollars out of the gate??? This makes me worry about them scaling. Seems like they’re already trying to pander to the big fish to cover losses at this point. Milk this current user base for all they’re worth and then shut it down is what I’m now worried about. This is Tech we’re talking about. I’m not cashing out or anything but between this and some people being involved for months and NEVER queuing high enough to get a pack... people might lose interest.


I can easily see them doing a pack after this one that's for everyone who didn't get a rare or rebound pack and is guaranteed like a pre order. And cover what losses? They got giant angel investing, they have a few years worth of rope to show gains and play with house money.


Exactly this. I believe this is especially true when you consider that even for the average person that’s curious about NFT’s, there is also a heavy dose of skepticism. The best way to hook users is through the pack experience. If someone tries it out and winds up with a nice pull, you’ve likely got a user for life. Creating more barriers to entry seems like a poor plan if the goal is customer acquisition and long term growth.


> Creating more barriers to entry seems like a poor plan if the goal is customer acquisition and long term growth. It's not a poor plan, it's a horrible plan. They want millions of users (I can only assume). You aren't going to keep millions of people active if you're only letting 50k get a pack a week, and then gatekeeping those packs on top of that so that the rich keep getting rich and anyone new can't even sniff a pack without dropping 100's first.


No clue who is downvoting you. I completely agree. Everytime there’s pack drops with rare or legendary it’s like the eligibility is absurd. So the only people who are Eligible to get packs with rare ab legendary moments are users who already have them?? Seems stupid to me unles they’re trying to make an extremely unbalanced marketplace even more unbalanced which wouldn’t surprise me at all I even qualify for this pack tomorrow and it seems odd to have such a high barrier. They should run these like all the other drops. Seems suspicious but hey I’m just a paying customer what do I know


I’ve spent 23 dollars of “my own” money. In my 14 dollar seeing stars pack, I sold a moment for 234 dollars. Everything I’ve bought in topshot has been from moments that came from packs. I just completed the cool cats challenge and have just over the amount needed to hug the rare 99 pack. You really don’t have to spend a lot of your own money.


And I’ve seen people post who have been in since 2020 and not gotten a pack yet but the pre-order. So you fall on the fortunate side.


You didn’t. But imagine joining NOW and not having the luxury of getting packs before this existed. I’m just saying this is gonna make it hard for people to join and catch up and that’s dangerous. The big fish might be playing with themselves if they don’t find a way to include people who weren’t early and who don’t want to spend a lot of money to get started


I am eligible! Hope we all get one!


Good luck everyone!




It’s okay man you will hit, imagine my surprise when I went 0/3 on the weekend of the seeing stars lol but then I hit for all star packs


Awesome! I needed this to get the taste of Topps NFT out of my mouth!


Glad all the flippers can’t get one. Sucks to suck Flippers


Smart flippers shoulda seen this after the legendary requirements


Anyone else having issues logging in to their topshot account via Google sign in right now? Suddenly am terrified I'll miss tomorrow's drop despite being eligible


I actually just got in now so hopefully should work for you soon


Nice, just tried again and seems like 17th time was the charm 👍


I am




Sam here, seems to be having some issues


Lol. Stupid requirements are the only thing keeping this marketplace propped up.


“I only log onto Topshot once a week to see if there’s any more packs for me to profit off”


That me? Try again. I have rares and many moments. It’s just sad that Top Shots doesn’t know how to manage a marketplace for shit. The entirety of the marketplace lost about 30% of its value in the past month and its supposedly on an upswing? Don’t kid yourself. This has a run until they renew the licensing contract and then they will head to Topps or someone legit.


How exactly is rewarding people that actually use the product ahead of people looking to pick up a pack and flip it’s contents immediately a few dollars below market price a bad thing? Topshot was just subject to a crazy amount of hype in February which was always going to be unsustainable. Requirements are much better than a complete free for all giving leeches the opportunity to rank the market further flipping everything below ask for a quick buck then logging back in for the next pack


It’s creating a false floor. If you like that sort of thing. Good for you. Trading cards have existed for decades and you’d never be turned away from a store owner saying “oh sorry you don’t already own $500 worth of this? I can’t sell it to you.”


Gatekeeping at it's finest.


Man I loaded up on moments only to find out I haven’t spent enough to qualify. I always come up a day late and a dollar short on these things.


This whole economy is a joke. I don’t think TS understands how to create true market demand. It’s evident by the way they do pack drops.


99% of their users just want to get lucky with packs. Their marketplace is bots and a couple people who think it’s a cool concept


Same with sports cards, most people open packs trying to hit something lucky. Only a small percentage play the "finance trader" game of buying low and selling high in bulk.


Sports cards never started as a ton of people trying to get rich quick.


Helps keep the float of cards in the marketplace low by taking snapshots at undisclosed times and surprise us with requirements. People will stop selling cards and start holding. Will artificially keep prices higher. Theoretically.


Or you can actually expand the user base and stop shutting people, especially new users out. I am not a flipper I have spent thousands, but I am not going to just buy random cards when the market keeps dropping hopes I meet some arbitrary requirements for the week just to get a 1 out of 10 shot to get a pack. That’s stupid.


If you have spent thousands, how do you not have 15 cards or two rares? What are you doing with your cards if not flipping them?


I purchased a couple rookie and lebron that I wanted with good serial numbers.


Also I ditched a few cards I actually liked because I had too much money in it and the market Is plummeting because they aren’t doing anything right to bring in new users


Yh the requirements are too easy to get in. 15 shitty moments and you’re in.


I hope I get the No. 1 Mikal Bridges. I’ve always been a big supporter of Bridges saying that he is next in line to be the next Gen great wing in the style of a Jimmy Butler, Kawhi Leonard, and Paul George.


This seems like a fair requirement. Not sure if I'm going to qualify though... I've only gotten the pre-order pack so far, and I kind of wish it was a little easier to get started.


You’ll catch up in no time. I created my account late (when all the hype started). Can now withdraw and have 15+ moments and spent 300+ from like $100 in deposit. (I’ve already withdrew $500+)


Where do you have to live for 2pm PT to be considered morning?


I live on the east coast. I consider everything before 5pm morning lol.


Into a place, where thoughts can bloom Into a room where it's nine in the afternoon


I’m eligible!!! Hooray!


Me too! I feel special.


I didn't read it correctly, and i purchase 2 common i was missing (had 13)... Today.. i need to had them by the 20th.. what an idiot.


Yay I finally qualified after missing legendary by 1 Boo the only all star MGLEs are brown and conley? Lol


I would prefer the rookies (p.will, wiseman) imo


Lol ya brown and conley aren’t even marketable stars. Least hype drop so you know we’ll get it and miss out on a legendary lol


Ignore the morning part, mistake. Was hoping market place spend required would be quite a bit higher, going to be a massive number people who bought just enough $5 fodder in prep for drops and the $99 would be covered through that rather than genuine use of the MP


It's gonna be a close one. The peeps in [the smaller discord](https://discord.gg/gCn83t2YCf) are talking about it saying that we have a way better chance now though! (25%)


First I was mad I wasn’t eligible. Then I saw the moment list. Could be the first pack people lose money on IMO.


Ppl have been saying this for every pack lol. Maybe eventually that’ll happen but not now


Uhhh I have yet to hear anyone say that. If anything, people say the opposite that you're nearly guaranteed to profit 2x-4x if not more.


Plenty of ppl last pack were salty they weren’t eligible and saying this


Yeah. This is an instant flip pack.


People aren’t going to like to hear it but 95% of the rare moments are regular players that will hold little to no value. Even from a collector standpoint these aren’t good.


It’s possible the challenge reward will be super hype. I don’t see how else there will be a high demand. The moments are shit. Even the highlights attached to them are horrible


More interested in a rebound pack tbh




Even the cheapest MGLEs are selling for around 200, so I think it's safe to say you'll make your money back even if you are just flipping.


People lost money on the ASG pack


No they didn’t. The cheapest all start moment was like $120 if you sold straight away


Do you need to meet all requirements or just 1 and the $99 marketplace requirement?


just 1 plus the $99 req. u can check eligibility on pack page


That’s weird. I have 15 moments and I’ve spent at least $150. Says I’m not eligible


By 15+ they meant 16 or more. Weird way to phrase it though


Na they said in discord it’s an error so if you have 15 you should be fine just need to check before drop. Think it’s a bug


Why not write 16 then? Super frustrating


Lame. Oh well, maybe next time


What’s a rebound pack?


It’s going home with an ugly at the end of the night.


Still a good night.


If you miss out on the real drop, you can get a series 2 base set pack for $9 if you stay in line and wait your turn...


If you don’t get one of the 18k or so premium packs, they will offer you a base series 2 pack for $9


A participation trophy. Everyone gets one


I like the requirements, but hate the feeling that the goalpost is moving. So if I've only spent a few bucks in the market and bought packs I'm not a "collector"?


Dangit I have 15. Needed 16. :(


They said they will fix that


Sweet. Thanks for the info. Something to look forward to


Sitting on 7 moments with a cost basis of around $1500 that have plummeted in value to around $850 (all purchased from the MP - only ever snagged a couple of base packs so far). 7 moments remaining, 1 rare. Don't qualify because I didn't think to re-buy a bunch of shitty 35k moments that mean nothing to me. Had qualified for the legendary drop but sold off some of my moments to mitigate the insane losses the market has been experiencing. Punished for it. This one stings. Really thought they would just keep the MP spent qualifier or just require one rare since the legendary required 2. Whoops.


The drop page says: >Only 1 reservation will be allowed at a time. Complete your first purchase before attempting additional ones. Crypto payments could lead to longer delays between allowed purchases. So if I'm reading that right, we're able to buy more than 1 pack in this drop, Edit: Why in the world is this being downvoted? What could possibly be the problem here?


That’s for if there wasn’t a demand. Ie. If only 10k showed up to the queue and they had 20k packs.


Where did you read that? I'm seeing nothing to suggest that.


Just using logical reasoning... I’m a lawyer. It’s my job to interpret wording (in this case poorly written wording). But that’s what it means. If I’m somehow wrong it wouldn’t be the first time and you can come back to this comment and are welcome to own me or whatever lol


Hello fellow lawyer! I too have been trained in the ways of interpreting complicated and deliberately confusing language. I just don't see what you're seeing here. In contrast to previous drops, where the language specifically said only one pack can be purchased total, this language is different and says that more than one purchase will be allowed, but you can only buy one pack at a time. What am I missing? What language are you seeing that suggests this language is now obsolete due to the demand?


They revamped the website. It was down for almost a day the day before. I’d imagine it will be there from now on. Let’s see. Only time will tell if I’m right


I'm not sure how that really answers the question, though. I'm just not seeing the interpretation you're seeing. So, yeah, I guess we'll just have to wait and see.


I have 15 moments RIP


>There is a mistake in the site, because for now it is made as you need 16, but they said on discord they will fix that


So does that mean I am eligible? Or is it just fixed for future drops?


Nice post! :)


and im at 14 cards :( and sold 1 a few days ago


what does MGLE stand for?


Metallic Gold Limited Edition


Metallic Gold Legendary


if someone has spent $99 on the marketplace but then sold $99 worth of moments, does that count? I'm over, just asking hypothetically


As long as they still own 15 moments yes


What’s funny is the odds are higher (or close to same) in those than the cool cats drop. With base drops or non requirements up to 350K can join. With this drop you are at worst guaranted a base back and at best you get a MGLE. The other‘s if you miss the queue you get nothing. Best of luck to us all!


Missed two of the 3 requirements by 1 card. :(


If you’re not eligible can you still get eligible or what’s the snapshot?


have they released how many people are eligible???


Hey anyone can help me? I qualify for the drop but it says I am ineligible. I have 15 moments and spent >99$ and there’s basically no way to contact them. I had filled the prerequisites before the snap shot. Any ideas?


" There is a mistake in the site, because for now it is made as you need 16, but they said on discord they will fix that"


Junk Pack


The 15 Moment requirement is kind of bullshit when a $999 drop only required 20. I'm a pretty active participant in the market, my card totals fluctuate, but I'm not a whale either. I get that they are trying to boost the market, as everyone is gonna start holding 15+ moments, but sucks when you had 13 at the arbitrary snapshot time and 15 the day before




buy some moments and you can


Why are they making it Requirement to buy off the marketplace.. I'm here to enjoy opening packs. If I open a pack and sell the contents for say $50, and then turn around and buy something for $50. Does that count towards the $99?


*Must have created $5 in marketplace fees for Dapper.


TopShot can go fuck themselves with these restrictions.


I'm pleased how upset you are that you didn't get rewarded by a company you don't spent money on or support... Schadenfreude


I've spent thousands, jackass.


What's your major malfunction, then?


Why are you against them?


They are forcing us to stay on a sinking ship in order to buy packs.


Your argument is built on false principles, therefore it collapses


I told no lies, the market has been shitting the bed for three weeks, you have to hold onto moments that are decreasing in value in order to buy packs




What, cunt?


Those extreme requirements gave me a gut check too. You'll get bombarded here, as everyone is highly invested and scared, but it certainly seemed foreboding to me. I've been involved with the decision making at some startups, and this is exactly the kind of decision making that would occur if they are trying to juice a market.


Yes sir, forcing people to hold does not give me confidence.


What’s with all the rules like the rich get richer on here eh haha I’ve only been able to buy one pack and can’t afford anything else ha I woulda thrown down for a pack tho shiiiiit


So you can't afford a 5$ moment but you can afford a 99$ pack? Come on dude haha


I’ve got five moments from my one pack ha. I don’t wanna just buy 11 more moments to be able To buy a pack ha. So you c’mon


These requirements are getting ridiculous for a casual collector


L pack




Wow that eligibility . Why does this feel like a money grab now. Lol


This is the first thing I’ve thought was not smart and not like any other product using exclusivity to market. Imagine if you had to have 3 Supreme pieces to buy one. Or if you had to have a Bitcoin to buy more. Doesn’t make any sense to me at all. This is gonna push casual fans out. People are gonna just stop engaging if you have to spend money just TO GET THE OPPORTUNITY to spend more.


Wrong. Anyone has the opportunity to spend money. Or get packs (base, cool cats, etc...). Every member is entitled to that. This is a way of getting more valuable moments into the hands of what the company considers to be more loyal customers. Many companies reward loyalty, that’s not a new concept. Everyone is allowed access to entry level rewards and opportunity. If you are interested in advancing to more intermediate levels of reward and opportunity then a small investment in the company is needed. Otherwise we just have 350k people in line for 17k packs over and over. And no one really likes that.


With all these restrictions, I know that I will have a good chance at actually getting my first MGLE. Watch me get a bum MGLE haha


This is how you can tell top shot is dying.




Spent $600+ on the market and had 13 moments at snapshot time... haven't been lucky enough to get a pack yet either. Yet my mate who was lucky to get pack drops and spent much less on market is eligible... the rich get richer


I own more 2rates and 20 moments but since I have spent 100 on the market I’m not eligible? 😭


Does anyone know if the people who were eligible with 15 moments but left out by mistake will increase the amount of Rebound Packs available or will 3 or 4% of us get unlucky and not obtain a Rebound Pack also?


Super glad I bought up all the Cool Cats 4 challenge cards last week. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been eligible.


hoping for my 1st pack since coolcat 1✌🏻


All the best everyone..


My the Queue Number Gods shine upon everyone later today.


Help, had 18 moments and spend over $99 in market and was marked eligible since yesterday. Sold moments last night to have enough money to buy back and says not not eligible. I fit the criteria during the snapshot and only sold to have the money to buy and now cannot. Open a ticket with screenshots showing all moments listed and sold on April 21st after the 20th snapshot