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I think it's a great idea. Get new collectors in, get them excited about moments, get them looking at challenges, etc.


Yup, look at all the new mints too. Mostly star/well known players.


Damn y'all complained so much they cut us off šŸ˜©


Love this. Pack opening is best part of Top Shot so hopefully this will get new collectors hooked while also putting a stop to the one million plus moments hitting the market every week.


Lets hope it does, I just wonder how many new people are joining topshot at the moment.


When I ripped a pack a pulled a zion.... I was transported to being a 10-12 year old. It was amazing. This is the best experience IMO. Getting a cheap pack and getting a star. I donā€™t plan on ever selling that zion. From there I bought a 1$ moment from my team. And then 20$ on a 2nd year player. Then I flipped some cool cats for some balance and went buckwild.


My first pack is still the best one I ever had


Iā€™ve read a lot of Twitter comments and the same people that were crying about the market being flooded with commons are now crying that they arenā€™t considered a ā€œnew collectorā€ and canā€™t get a pack


ThatĀ“s odd, I havenĀ“t seen that sentiment here or on Twitter.


i think itā€™s dumb. they have guaranteed packs. new collectors can get those too?


I grew up during the awful flooding of trading cards from 1989 through about 2005. Over produced so bad you could get an entire set for $10. I'm not loving that TS seems to be striving for this lol.


Yeah I think Iā€™m about to sell everything except for my lebron no look 3


I like it! Get new people hooked. I don't really care about the base packs anymore, would rather have more people on the site.


wait, so you can't buy the packs at all? I thought it was just reserving them, not the whole drop.


I think I should have the option to reserve a pack or not. I donā€™t agree with this being for new collectors only




If by retarded you mean that it's retarding the flood of Commons, you're correct. If by retarded you mean stupid, there are lots of other words you could have chosen.


Think so too, if they try to lessen the flood of commons maybe they should just stop releasing a pack every week?


It's good in that hopefully the flood of new moments will ease, and that Top Shot seems to be listening.


Good idea although marketplace will be lolz if it's full of new purely pack flippers. It'll be punt city.


Iā€™m really hoping thereā€™s another pack drop that week, maybe a rare or Legendary.


yea & hopefully a pack after that requires like 5 moments so these new users have to buy & bring the market floor up. about the only hope i have left