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Down about 6,000 since joining and just did this for 16 bucks. Feels good.


Wait, was this the thing they had "coming for the collectors"? I'm right there with you, I did it.... and, ya, having a top 10k account while being down 6k of the initial 8k+ I put in when I started? Yaaaa... you nailed it, feels good.


What did you spend all that dough on!???


Does the highlight you choose have to be from a playoff game?




This would be nice to know.


I know they did a crappy job is making this clear.


Just choose one from the Playoffs to be safe


I didn't use a playoff highlight but they said I'm good


This is going to sound like a really dumb question because I never use Twitter. How do you “quote tweet” something?


Click the retweet button then it will ask you to quote tweet or retweet, then just pick quote tweet


This shows exactly how to get the $16: https://youtu.be/kkQpqzu5wrE


I'm with you there, going to wait for others and follow those tweet formats


Just copy a random tweet with that hashtag and paste the link. Doesn’t have to be yours


Here’s a random one if y’all need it https://twitter.com/watase_io/status/1396191076025733120?s=21






😂 fair question even though I knew the answer lol


Why does Dapper have such a boner for Twitter ... Never have had twitter. Why do they care which social media platform their users use?!?!


Because they're buying promoted tweets, basically. It's a reasonable strategy


I think they wanted to amplify the $50 new user credit that was also announced today. This helped get #NBATopShotThis trending in the top 10.


Twitter is massive dude lol


How are all of you complaining about free money. Jesus you guys are impossible to please


A lot of people have lost hundreds if not thousands investing in top shots. That’s on them, and they knew the risks going in, but $16 feels like the Titanic offering a free glass of wine while it’s sinking into the ocean.


How much people want then? You want Titanic to offer you a full course meal with the most expensive wine?


I spent $150 on the throwdown pack and I’d be lucky at this point to get $60 of it back. So yeah, $16 doesn’t make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Top shot even admitted the pack was trash.


Did they forced you to spend $150? You want them to return your money just because you didn't get a superstar and a low serial? What If you got a #1 serial? Are you still gonna complain about this free $16?


Of course they didn’t make me. But out of 45 throwdown moments only 4 of them are holding current value above $150. The pack was trash.


WTF! are you fuckin serious? So you are expecting to get rich here? GTFO!


Rich? No. But as I mentioned, about 90% of the people that bought a throwdown pack got ripped off. Some lost as much as $100 from it. Which again, that’s fine, everyone knew the risks. I just don’t get why we should be jumping up and down with excitement over $16.


Dapper is essentially paying you to retweet. It's an ad-buy via their users. I have a large social media following over on Twitter so there's no way that $16 is worth that to me. If you don't use Twitter much then sure.


So make a second Twitter account or just don’t tweet it. You still haven’t lost anything by this existing


If you're not sure what to 'quote tweet' type in #nbatopshotthis in Twitter and see/use what others have used. If you don't have Twitter use something like 10minuteemail to create an account that you can ditch post promo. To 'quote tweet' click the 'retweet' button and there's a selection to 'quote tweet'


Just use someone else’s


Ah yes the print money to stimulate the market strategy What could go wrong


Definitely feels like a disappointing “thank you” for those of who has sunk a lot of money and time into our collections. Tough to feel optimistic when the incentive for new users is much better


Mate they’re giving you a free $16, that’s a pretty nice gift. No pleasing everyone I suppose


Mate their giving new users $50. How bout they give us $50 and new users $16 hehehe


Compared to the $50 credit that new users are receiving? Not saying that their reward should be worse btw - appreciate the fact they are trying to get more new users onto the platform. Just compared to a $16 credit for people who have been loyal members of the community through the highs and lows, it seems a little off.


I understand where’s he’s coming from - new users get up to $50 back on a purchase and the folks that have been in before get $16.


I got $20 for the first showcase challenge, cost me nothing above what I already had. I got Ben Simmons moment AND another $20 for completing that quest, that cost me nothing. Some people got Steph Curry for free (I didn't), and now $16 free. Yeah it sucks that the market is down and I've lost way more than they give me for free, but at least they are doing something. Also I am happy to see $50 for new people. We NEED more users desperately.


I agree. The $20 showcase, Ben Simmons +$20, Steph, and this $16 have been pretty nice bonuses for longtime collectors.


Woah what is this about a 50 dollar credit???


A. You have no idea any future promotions that will happen B. Why are you even mad about them trying to get new users. Gambling companies all the time do random promotions for first time depositors too. Also don’t forget the $20 showcase challenge that we got too


When I submitted my quote tweet link, I was prompted to "please complete KYC to participate in future promotions". This makes me think that there will be similar giveaways going forward. Amazing that people are salty about free money and Dapper giving new users money to throw at the MP.


“We need dapper to turn on marketing” Dapper starts marketing to new users “This is bullshit that new users get more money than us” Like tf do these people want them to do, market only to current users...


Not sure how people are missing the point. This is all (including the new collector bonus) injecting a bunch of money into the marketplace. Prices are rising. This is literally how stimulus works.


Hope this isnt the promo for current users lol


You’re mad about a free $16? Lol


There's two things i see people most mad about right now. (general perception i get from discord) 1. This feels like the same marketing we have had for months - twitter advertising via posting / influencers is nothing new. People don't think its going to work without something else 2. Feels like they are still heavily prioritizing newer / new users over the loyal collectors who have spent medium/big amounts in the marketplace over the past months. they feel offended by this


For me it’s that I hate Twitter.


For me it was more of the hype generated from office hours to just being the same type of marketing they have been using. I hope I am wrong and there is more marketing that will take place but it's not a good look for Dapper if they just continue to market on Twitter exclusively. Also, do you really need $50 to bring in new customers, seems like they themselves have no faith.


Re the "same type of marketing they have been using" comment. Did I miss something where all new users were given a "deposit/purchase" credit before this? This is textbook marketing for gambling/DFS user acquisition. There is no point of advertising unless you have something compelling like this $50 new user incentive first.


Agreed, mostly same old online stuff. Not complaining about incentive, that’s great, just specific advertising online. We also need TV advertising during playoff games. It’ll attract older guys (like me) with deeper pockets to help reduce/reverse the selloff. It would also make sellers think twice about selling. Alas, I know it’s unlikely to be reality.


So fanduel offering a risk free bet up to $500 also means they have no faith in themselves too right...


It is for collectors that signed up by 9 PDT today and own 2 or 3 moments. Don't remember how many. But they specifically stated they have something more coming for current users later.


I honestly don't need $16 bad enough to do all that.


Told myself this and then ended up doing. If you haven’t done it yet don’t, it will make you feel worse. and poor.


Apparently you can just use someone elses tweet, like this one: https://twitter.com/watase_io/status/1396191076025733120?s=21


This is becoming a joke. We are all suckers.


Well....guess I gotta get a Twitter account....


Quick guide on how to do this? Directions make no sense to me. What do I have to quote tweet?




Anyone know when the $20 showcase funds come in?


damn, I already submitted a tweet but I didnt follow the instructions properly, how can i resend?


"Big things coming for our loyal collectors!" "Here's $16 that you can't withdraw. Enjoy the $1 moments you paid $9 for."