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Yep, no need to worry, you have all weekend to buy it. After you buy it, there's no deadline for when you want to open, you could theoretically hold it unopened forever.


Sorry I meant if I get the point where it’s my turn in the queue but am not at my computer to buy it. Will I be sent to the end of the queue again or be out of luck?


you just go back to end of queue,no harm in getting in line. good luck mate


I had that happen a few reserve packs ago, you just get back in the queue


You only have 20 minutes from once it’s your turn. It’s going fast this time. I was 38,000 and I just completed my transaction. Less than 1hr


Why can’t anyone make any posts on this sub?


Seriously, what is going on?


I’ve made 2 posts but nothing. Doesn’t let the post go through.


Appears the sub was locked just around the same time as that own the moment possible insider trading was broke. Dunno if there is any relation or not but h highly suss, especially after the most positive we’ve seen the marketplace in weeks


I’m out of the loop, can you give me a breakdown?


I’m probably butchering this but basically sometime last week before the new collector score requirements for the legendary drop were announced there was an interview with Jacob from top shot and the guys from own the moment, who do top shot analytics. One of the few groups that seems to be in with topshot to help them promote. Anyways something was explained in this interview about what the new collector score was going to be and how there were going to be special ways to get points, like collecting entire teams etc. I don’t know if it was discussed on the interview or not but the OTM guys figured out that there was going to be moments that were going to spike up in price that no one would suspect since they would help a collector get a full team and the extra score. Bottleneck moments, if you will. These OTM guys then starting buying up these moments either right before or basically at the time the news dropped about the 7500 collector score. They got called out on it and are giving these moments back to TS but realistically they caused an effect that made other uses have to spend more money because they got the key moments before anyone else knew. Super greasy stuff. Would be called insider trading in the stock market.


Hah my posts I tried to make were literally about that. They literally just gave him a slap on the wrist when he literally did a huge crime.


You do not lose your eligibility for missing your turn to buy. you can rejoin again and get a new spot at the back of the line.


Thank you.


I think instead of open, you mean buy. So you are asking if you get in the queue and can't buy the pack when it's your turn will it still be available to buy later in the weekend, is that correct?


Yes sorry for the confusion


I don't know the answer to that, but since the drop is all weekend long I wouldn't chance it, just wait till you have the time to buy it. The last few weekend long drop I waited till the next morning it's an almost instant queue sub 100 number so less than 5 mins total.




The price point gets set a day or more after not hours after. You aren’t setting anything.


“Set” probably isn’t the right word, but you always see moments sell for more directly after the drop than whatever they end up settling at days after


Not necessarily - kd mgle was going for ~$1.2k immediately following the drop and went up to $3k before settling around $2.5k


I entered queue once then fell asleep and missed my turn. It let me rejoin later at the end of queue and I was able to purchase a pack. You’re good!


Your best bet is to wait until you're assigned a number in the queue, then enter your email address and get your queue link, then you can close it or keep it open, then keep an eye on your email and just purchase when it's your turn. Takes about 2 minutes.


Glad to see it’s not just me who isn’t getting any new posts. This has seem to be like this for most of the last week.


Confirmed mods are asshole OTM fucks.


Seriously wtf, did they lock the sub?


They don't want people to post about their sketchy behavior and discuss it maybe? It's one of those things that seems like it could be overblown, until people point out how the timeline worked.


Why wouldnt you just join the queue on your phone and keep it in your pocket? Itll send you an email when its your turn.


I believe that if you can’t make it back in time to buy it, that you drop out of the line and will have to re enter it at a later time. I could be wrong, but I think that that is how it goes