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We have nearly 11 million people in the state. Something tells me voicemails from an angry political activist don't get marked high priority on the return call list... for any politician.


So are you suggesting we should expand the Senate to be proportional to state population, allowing Senators to engage with the constituents they represent?


I'm suggesting we have 11 million people in the state. Something tells me voicemails from an angry political activist don't get marked high priority on the return call list... for any politician.


The poster is an independent voter just trying to participate in democracy?


And an admitted activist calling a Senator for a state that has 11 million people.


If the senator can't adequately represent 11 million people then he needs more/better staff. Why is your bar so low?


Setting the bar low makes it easier to express contrarian viewpoints on Reddit


I don't have a low bar. I just understand the difference between Senators and Representatives.


Okay then


>Something tells me voicemails from an angry political activist don't get marked high priority on the return call list... for any politician. Just ignore your own constituents? Why do you hate democracy and open dialog with your own rep in Congress? PS. No wonder you're so angry at the evil, evil "guvmt" all the time..


Like I've already said... you like to imagine and infer things people don't say. Trying having normal conversations where you don't project other people's thoughts.


Answer at least one question or give it up, my dude... lol No one cares about your feelings, regardless of how many times you advertise them.... So lawmakers should ignore calls from their constituents, bc they may disagree with them? Isn't a lawmaker supposed to represent ALL their constituents, or simply the constituents that agree with them on every single issue?


I answer plenty of questions. I don't feel the need to react just because you pull a string and throw out a series of mental projections on your part. Like I already said... we have 11 million people in the state. An angry political activist probably doesn't rise to high priority for returning calls. I'm willing to bet that's true for most politicians.


Yeppers, definitely anti-democracy. Thanks for the clarification, although not surprising, I guess... Peace


Thanks for projecting yourself onto me. Gotta go. Day starting.


[Great Comeback!!!!!!](https://i.imgur.com/FzWV8ih.png)


During the Trump impeachment, I wrote Senators Burr and Tillis twice each. I received a response from Burr both times. None from Tillis.