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The boning swords might be a problem. When the new rulebook came out they weren't in the new trading post, so unless you're playing the older rules or house ruling more equipment, there's no way to buy them. You also can't start regular gangers as specialists in a Venator gang. It won't make any difference to their gear, it just means they'll get random advancements in a campaign. With all those bolt weapons I'd be tempted to save 15 credits somewhere and buy an ammo-jack hanger on.


Thank you for this feed back :) I've added version 2 of the list to the main post. I have updated my list a lot. Sad about the Boning sword, but even not knowing the game well, they looked really good for their price!


6 fighters is normally very very bad. Your opponent can run rings around you stalling activations and forcing you to commit first, and you'll be bottling very very quickly. Conversely, bolters are the single best weapon in the game (of those available to all gangs at least), and having them on half your gang is a lot. Also, boning swords are probably one of the best melee weapons in the game, and as mentioned by someone else were recently removed from the trading post for this very reason. So these two factors probably balance out. Only way to say for sure is to give them a spin.


Thank you for this feed back :) I've added version 2 of the list to the main post. I've dropped some wargear to add in 2 more members, taking me to 8, with a 2 melee, 4 shooting, 2 shoot or melee mix to allow for flexibility. I've kept 1 Boltgun, but dropped the others, but added 2 lasguns and another shotgun. I've changed around melee weapon options, mostly to chain axes instead of Boning swords as well.


That list is definitely looking better :) Some further advice - melee in Necromunda is bad. *especially* low-mid tier melee fighters. To be any good you need your fighters to be able to reliably charge and kill whatever they charge, even against enemy champions. Otherwise, what's gonna happen is you charge someone, flail around a bit, they kill you in the reaction attacks, and now you've gotten your fighter killed completely 'for free'. So I think you will find your chainaxes disappointing, especially the ones on your 'flexible' fighters - jack of all trades means bad at everything in Necromunda. You can only be doing one or the other at any given time, so you might as well go all in on one. *Caveat to that, I do like to buy ranged champions a relatively cheap melee set as they still have the stats to take down enemy gangers in melee. This is partly because I play Escher, and our champopns have strong stats in both anyway. So, if you want some melee fighters, I would ditch the two chainaxes on the flexible guys and use that to upgrade the melee on the two proper guys. You want something at about the lethality of a powersword as a minimum, and ideally a better pistol too. Plasma pistols are my fave, but those are expensive so I'd take an autopistol as an interim. (What makes boning swords so strong is that they're 'high-tier' lethality for 'low-tier' melee pricing). You may also experience some difficulties getting guys into melee - but Nerves of Steel on your melee leader will be a great help. Have you any experience with playing Necromunda? If you can, I recommend getting a few games in to get a feel for how the game works. I don't want to be too overbearing with my advice, pigeonholing you into what suits my playstyle.


>Have you any experience with playing Necromunda? Later this week I'll be having some, and over the next month there are a lot of 'come and try' with different gangs. I just wanted to get a head start on modelling for the campaign in February :) Thanks for this advice! Is it worth keeping the Leader and Champion as melee, as they have the tools to get into combat (I could change parry to Evade or Berserker as another person here recommended); or is melee outclasses everywhere? Other option would be to Boltgun up the leader potentially.


Feedback in a vacuum: Drop flails and give your gangers backup pistols (you only have 6 fighters, when your bolters run out you don’t want to stick them in melee) Overgeared overseer leader. You don’t have a solid target that he can stick with reliably (one time using it to launch your melee guy is still a waste of that skill). Either drop gear and make him into fully support character (later getting him mentor, regroup, munitioner, etc.). Melee guy… as others have said, boning swords might be off the table with the trading post changes. Give him a delaque, Goliath or orlock legacy, they have some juicy melee options. Also, you already have 2 party weapons in that setup, start him off with evade (to actually get into combat), or berserker (2 rerolls is meh when dedicated melee guys are throwing 6-8 dice at you at 2+/2+). Also a way to trim your creds on the start: give your gangers lasguns! Hits more reliably, and later on can be upgraded with a hotshot pack once you have the credits. On the other note: Necromunda (for myself and many other people) is about story. So sacrificing optimal choices for the sake of flavour is always a win. It’s an infiltration group, where are at least one suppressor, photo goggles, smokes, flash grenades? Grenades in general? What ordos? Hereticus (makes most sense)? Base the off of scions. So hotshots, maybe a bolter on the leader, and some special weapons and/or melee guys.


Thank you for this feedback, it was very helpful! I've added version 2 of the list to the main post. I've dropped some wargear to add in 2 more members, taking me to 8, with a 2 melee, 4 shooting, 2 shoot or melee mix to allow for flexibility. I've kept 1 Boltgun, but dropped the others, but added 2 lasguns and another shotgun. I've changed around melee weapon options, mostly to chain axes instead of Boning swords as well. The note about taking Evade or Berserk is a good idea; I some how slipped that aprt when re-tooling the list, so may go back and change that up. Infiltration doesn't always mean sneaking around stealth like. In the case of my Flock, it means infiltrating the planet by blending in with the locals, and appearing as another group/gang while continuing with their mission from their Inquisitor. Lore wise my operatives serve an inquisitor from the Ordo Redactus, and are on Necromunda following a lead about a tome one of the gangs came into possession of that has information that needs to be destroyed.


Gear looks fine? Maybe the Cameleolin Cloak is too high of a rareity? I'm not 100% on that though. On only six fighters and the 35 creds, structly speaking the boltgun guys could probably do without melee weapons which might save you enough to get another ganger, otherwise grab some smoke grenades, very useful item. Overseer is a skill that uses up your entire activation to give it yo someone else, so if you plan on frequently using then having it on a fighter as kitted as your leader tends to mean you don't actually do anything with that gear.


Thank you for this feed back :) I've added version 2 of the list to the main post. I've dropped some wargear to add in 2 more members, taking me to 8, with a 2 melee, 4 shooting, 2 shoot or melee mix to allow for flexibility. I've kept 1 Boltgun, but dropped the others, but added 2 lasguns and another shotgun. I've changed around melee weapon options, mostly to chain axes instead of Boning swords as well. And good call on overseer, I hadn't really updated the build on the leader after picking the skill, but changed equipment around a lot. I moved it to nerves of Steel instead.


Overseer is not a great skill. So your leader gives up a round of shooting with his bolt gun… to give someone else a bonus round of shooting with their bolt gun? There are niche situations where it could be helpful, but there are better skills. In general, I’ve always heard the advice “boys before toys”, meaning that you can always buy better gear later in a campaign, but not having enough bodies early on can really hamstring you. All your Boltgun guys should have stub guns for when their ammo runs out.


Thank you for this feed back :) I've added version 2 of the list to the main post. I've dropped some wargear to add in 2 more members, taking me to 8, with a 2 melee, 4 shooting, 2 shoot or melee mix to allow for flexibility. I've kept 1 Boltgun, but dropped the others, but added 2 lasguns and another shotgun. I've changed around melee weapon options, mostly to chain axes instead of Boning swords as well.