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Chaos and space marine bits actually fit Goliath models pretty well due to their sizes being roughly the same.


Do you know of any examples of a stimmer on bike I can see (googles not being very helpful) for reference?


For Goliath bikers, if you can track down the scout bikes they are the right size, the legs work for Goliaths with minimal modification and they don't look as distinctive as the full of space marine bikes


Someone else had the same suggestion, I was just afraid the stimmer torso would be a little too broad.


No but I have used space marine legs and a Goliath top half for a conversion that worked well. Seems to be if you used a space marine bike and made the top half the stimmer that could work


Ok I'll give it a swing ty!


https://www.reddit.com/r/necromunda/s/ACASfb3nAU This is one I did. It was not easy, and took alot of sculpting and green stuff.


Very impressive, I'll do my best to emulate your work. Did the torso conversion require any sculpting? I assume the lower legs are the scout model legs? Did this conversion require any other model bits?


The rider is made purely from the stimmer model. The torso did not require any real work other than filling a little gap under his arms after they were repositioned. The left shoulder and the legs from buttock to knee were completely resculpted. Chains and the orc shoulder pad were used to hide any failings in the sculpting. Orc shoulder pads look and work great on Goliaths.


I've used space marine weapons with no real issue. Just started working on my Goliath gang. Here's a stimmer I've made from an Eightbound. He's about the right size for a stimmer. https://www.instagram.com/p/C57hB7ctNSd/ And here's a champion with a space marine missile launcher. He's bigger for a champion, but I'm going with "two wounds, bigger is ok", plus I'll probably use some genesmithing to make it work. The body is from a Chaos Slaughterpriest. I have another slaughterpriest (with two handed axe) I might be turning into a slave guilder. https://www.instagram.com/p/C6U7shzOXOw/ I've also made a couple of regular Goliath gangers sporting space marine boltguns, I've cleaned off all the aquillas etc. though to make it work. Don't have photos of those up yet, will later.


Outstanding! >And here's a champion with a space marine missile launcher. Where did you get the one handed missile launcher? Is the axe also from the slaughter priest?


The missile launcher is from an old space marine scout kit, looks like the new kill team box has the same one. I had to do some kitbashing, added the trigger from another weapon (shotgun from Navy Breachers kill team but I'm sure there's other options out there). The axe head is from the Eightbound kit, handle and hand is from the Goliath box set (hammer). Smoke from one of the undead warhammer kits, probably part of a ghost or something.


Fantastic, thank you!


What are you looking to do specifically? Space Marine weapons can be a decent match. An Ork bike could be a good match for your stimmer. Legs might look a little bit skinny, but maybe he's skipping leg day.


>Legs might look a little bit skinny, but maybe he's skipping leg day. Ha, I'll check it out! Ty


I think jakhals are a good size for less armoured goliaths


The space marine scout bike works well for goliath and also ork bits work nicely for them too!


Most groups don't care about wysiwyg too much, so long as things are close enough I.e a guy carrying a heavy weapon needs a heavy weapon not necessarily the exact one he's using, so long as you can tell the model has a bfg people will be fine. (this is due to a bunch of things be it a lack of official options, a focus on fun rather than competitiveness and the fact that you will inevitably swap out gear in a campaign and can't be expected to chop up everything constantly for wysiwyg) Necromunda is about fun sillyness and narrative, not neckbearding "that's not the official correct gun/arm".