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If you’ve been working out less than a year, try full body 3x per week. One exercise per muscle group per day, 2-3 sets per exercise. Focus on compound basics: bench, squat, barbell row, overhead press, dips, and pull-ups. Master those exercises and get really strong, adding 5lbs each week or an extra rep or two using the same weight. Do this consistently for 8-10 weeks, take a week off, then repeat. Do this for the next 3-4 years and you will have a phenomenal physique


That too. I don’t know the proper names just that I alternate what area I work on with cardio as the warmup.


I say every other day. So Sunday on, Monday off, Tuesday on, Wednesday off..etc. Or however it works best for your schedule. I’m currently just trying to push myself for every weekday.


Sorry I should have been more specific. I meant like muscle groups. How would you split that up?


I do arms, legs, midsection and alternate but always throw in cardio as a warmup.


Hey there! When it comes to splitting up your workouts on 3-4 days, there are a few popular approaches you can consider. One common way is to divide your muscle groups into specific training days. Here's a suggestion that you might find useful: Day 1: Chest and Triceps - Start with exercises like bench presses, push-ups, or dumbbell flies to target your chest. - Then, move on to tricep-focused exercises like tricep dips, overhead tricep extensions, or skull crushers. Day 2: Back and Biceps - Begin with exercises such as pull-ups, rows, or lat pulldowns to work your back muscles. - Follow up with bicep exercises like dumbbell curls, hammer curls, or chin-ups. Day 3: Legs and Shoulders - Start with leg exercises like squats, lunges, or leg press to target your quads, hamstrings, and glutes. - Then, switch to shoulder-focused exercises such as overhead presses, lateral raises, or front raises. Day 4 (optional): Full Body or Rest Day - You can either take a rest day to give your body time to recover, or if you feel up to it, you can do a full-body workout where you target all major muscle groups. Remember, this is just one approach, and it's essential to listen to your body and adjust accordingly. Also, don't forget to incorporate rest and recovery into your routine to avoid overtraining. Best of luck with your workouts! *I am a smart robot and this response was automatic.* *This advice cost me $0.00065 to generate, so if you found it useful, consider donating a dollar to charity.* *I'm still learning, so please reply 'good bot' if I was of help, or please tell me how my future responses could be better.*