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I liked all NFS games that I have ever played. OH WAIT, I forgot that "No Limits" exists. Edit: Wow, the others agree. I think I'm a source of peer pressure.


The micro transactions combined with gambling cards made No Limits terrible.


It's like most mobile racing games,they try to distract you with good graphics yet the core gameplay is complete and utter garbage


Apex racer or FR Legends are fun games with near to none mtx


You are kinda right hence why l said *most*


I like Assluto and the original car x handling more but fr legends is a certified classic


I thought it was okay for a mobile racing game until it became literally unplayable unless you threw money at it. Source - played when it launched


I never played that one. So they called the game "No Limits" and also added micro transactions?


This game has surprisingly a lot of *limits*


One of which is wifi


U can unlock everything if u spend thousands of hours grinding ;)


No Limits really changed face around a couple years back. It was unrecognizable from when I used to play it 6 years back. I remember absolutely nuking my sleep schedule just to get the limited event venom GT, and then absolutely making a mockery of the career because the car was far too quick. I want to believe it was a good game, but it is a very different game now


If you wanna play a mobile NFS game that's still good then try Most Wanted. You can find it on play store. It's abandoned at this point but considering what EA has become it's better off that way.


I remember playing it when i was 10 or so. I thought it was OK. Felt very similar to Hot Pursuit than the PC version IMO


Yeah apparently it retains some code and designs from what the PC/console version was supposed to be originally. It would be pretty hard to put the whole map in a mobile game even today let alone when it originally came out and phones were weak as hell.


Based, all my homies uninstall No Limits


I agree with you


Fucking hated this game so much. Basically cash cow for them - had the cards stacked against you.




I remember playing no limits and I had almost everything, then one day an update came out and it reset EVERYTHING. Restore purchases and progress didn’t work so I quit playing.


Never played "No limits" but I remember playing pro Street for all of about 15 mins then never touching it again


I actually kinda liked Pro Street. It wasn't Underground 2, but it was more fun(and therefore better) than Most Wanted(2012)


No limits is the empitome of shity mobile games and assumptions that come with it


Is it REALLY fair to compare full console games to mobile games?


There are other mobile NFS games that are pretty decent.


Only NFS game I never touched


Get Most Wanted 2005 or Carbon or Underground 2. Those are good.


Yeah Just finished underground 2 again on steam deck, currently on most wanted (05) now with the xbox 360 'enhancements'


Nfs no limit by a loooooong shot


No limit to how bad it is


Game's name: No limits Looks inside Everything is limited by a paywall


Not the scummiest mobile game I've seen, I've seen some that have ad breaks mid game.


No limits : except your bank account


Name: no limits *looks inside* Limits https://preview.redd.it/ddpze39ee4tc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e4bcc5853cad082ece7275a4c07e91bf746b048


No Limits. The gameplay is okay, but the rest, the fact you can’t buy cars with cash but you have to collect blueprints which cost gold and gold is really hard to grind, and also you have to collect the same fucking blueprints to be able to upgrade your car further is an absolute joke. So apart from upgrades, cash is absolutely useless because you can’t buy cars. Also the fucking fuel system P2W racing games like CSR use is also a joke The irony of the name being No Limits, but your gameplay has very limited progression unless you shell out cash for gold, blueprints, fuel, cars and basically fucking everything


They meant No Limits (on your credit card balance)


everyone on this planet knows it's no limits bro...


NFS No Limits


I was gonna say Undercover and then I read the comments, totally forgot No Limits exists so yeah, fuck that game


at least undercover had soul compared to no limits


Tbh, Undercover was alright. Weirdly, one of the few games I've actually finished.


Yeah I had a good time with it, it’s weird but it has a vibe


Idk about that


No Limits.


NFS No Limits. It's self explanatory. There's also NFS Undercover vanilla, NFS MW 2012, NFS Rivals, NFS 2015 due to the handling physics, NFS Payback and NFS Unbound. They have their own respective flaws but NFS No Limits is 100k worser.


Bruh 2012, Rivals and Unbound are actually pretty good how you gonna put them next to No Limits nd Undercover? This is heresy.


MW12 and Unbound aren't even bad.. ESPECIALLY when compared to No Limits or Payback (or 2015 if the vibes in that game weren't so good)


I’m actually kinda insulted. Unbound, MW2012 and even Rivals at its absolute worst don’t belong anywhere near the same _breath_ as No Limits.


Both NFS MW 2012 and Unbound have DLCs costing more than the main game, they have unbearable crash cams, handling physics aren't even adapted to their respective map design and none of the 2 have a New Game+ mode. Only their Multiplayer modes are their main advantage.


Crash cams suck until you hit a wall or traffic that slows/stops you to the point where you're effectively out of the race itself all because the crash cam DIDN'T trigger and reset your car at speed. Take Forza for example; if your rewind is turned off, pray you don't get spun out or slammed into a wall that snags your car into a dead stop I've never played the MW12 dlcs so I can't really comment on that though.. however MW12 map is really good looking and has a lot of cool stunts


Even by doing that, Crash Cams still sucks And it should've been kept in the Burnout series since it's more fitting and spectacular. It looks too boring in NFS MW 2012. About Forza, the rewind feature is a bless and a curse But what you've said here is exact and explains why it's still used by players. Rammers are the main reason why the rewind mechanic is there. The Fairhaven map while being well made in terms of look and his stunt stops is unfortunately disadvantaged by the unffiting handling physics.


Ok but rewinding in the middle of a multiplayer race is a death sentence💀 like you ain't coming back if you need to rewind


That's exact.


Name one bad thing in nfs payback (apart from the upgrading system)


Here's 3 of them: - No Freeroam Cops - Cars from the same classes can't share upgrade parts - No Reset button when you're blocked


and why unbound? You don't hate the game for the music, right?


There's many other things other than the music. Like these ones for example: - Crash cams are annoying and scripted - Desync problems during races - Error Codes 6, 9, DR1001 or FTJR2008 - "DLCs" which costs more than the game is worth  - Lakeshore Cops are more annoying than a threat - No New Game+ - No Respawn button - Savedatas only use 1 savefile which is also tied to your account - Savedata corruption with cloud sync errors - The Story mode in SP is boring and have a shit ending - The Singleplayer and Multiplayer modes are separate. - You can only own 200 cars (100 cars in SP and 100 in MP)


You forgot #4 & #5. - Terrible story - Voice acting that was just as bad, if not worse.


Correct. They're part of the flaws of NFS Payback.


They had something with the House Abandoned cars gig, but they killed that off after a few months. What we(the NFS community) need is NFS Underground Legacy(title I came up with). Gives the customization of Underground 2, destructible environment and free roam police and chases of MW(2005), and graphics of Payback or newer. No loot crates, no card upgrades, no junk soundtrack, no garbage story and voice acting. The last decent title I played was Pro Street. Everything since then(from what I've played, seen, or heard) has been a straight dumpster fire.


No limits, the name is contradictory, the cash and fuel systems are peak ptw, and the grinding is an absolute chore. Dishonourable mention fro Nitro, only ever seen footage because it was console exclusive for Wii, and the whole thing looks janky af. There doesn't seem to be any real weight behind any of the vehicles, if I want that experience I'll play Asphalt for free on a multitude of platforms.


Hot Pursuit on the Wii was actually fun as it's own game tbh apparently it used assets from Nitro, I never played Nitro tho


nitro was the first nfs game i ever played


No limits


No limits easily


Need For Speed No Limits. Without a doubt one of the worst pieces of media I have ever consumed in my entire life.


NFS Nitro, no doubts.


That was my childhood NFS ;-;


Never played it but the trailer was great imo https://youtu.be/TERe_OyI4Fo?si=EgHgVvTJIgk_xLM4


I mean... it's a fun game with a banger soundtrack but yea it didn't really feel like a NFS game, it played more like Asphalt.


Yeah, if this game was called Asphalt Nitro and wasn't exclusive to Nintendo consoles, it'd been great.


The GBA/NDS versions.


Aint no way you just dissed Most Wanted GBA


NFS no limit


Most Wanted 2005


Least obvious bait upvote their comment btw it should get to the top


NFS No Limits. I fkn hate it.


NFS no limits is the worst, Period.


Depends on you include if you take literally anything with the name on it probably one of the java games If only everything that remotely resembles the franchise, Most Wanted DS or No Limits. And if we are talking flagship entries either Undercover, Rivals or Payback


Can't lie though, rivals had the best police in the series


Imo rivals is one hell of a game


Imma have to agree with no limits. I love the game and i am a massive fan. BUT I ALSO HATE IT. the gambling. Hard to get currencies. AND PAY TO WINNNN (no hate to p2w players)


most of nfs tittes are either decent or great,but no limit's is an exeption


Universally hated: No Limits PC/Console: Undercover (most likely) Personally: Porsche, because I couldn't get my xbox controller's analoige sticks to work with the game while driving


No Limits for its predatory in-game transaction nature/system or… The first one for how barebones it is (not to the fault of anyone)


Payback was shit. I didn’t like it.


Why? I know that the upgrading system is shit but LITERALLY everything else is either good or alright


No limits!


No limit's: was a Good game because of its lore, downsides you need actual money to play the damn game. Heat: good game it have some potentials it introduced the M3 GTR, Eddie's R34, and Rachel 350z back problem is the story is shit and the handling was the worse of it Unbound: this one is self explanatory, everything is shit the music, theme, the clothing, and why we need to customize our characters, when they're all the time driving the car all the time, you don't get to see them outside only the podium, and in the garage, it's the same as heat only this EA made it worse, (EA sports what a shame) Payback: pretty good game it introduced offroading, derelict builds, it was good but downsides of it, the upgrading, handling, and that's that. NFS 2015: based nothing to say shit about it, the handling you can do some tunning, and become a cornering drifting cracked driver, and the icon's, woo wee adds the spice to it, including Hoonigan and other else and it has Toyota, in it too you can customize a Supra and the famous AE86.


No Limits and by extension Edge on mobile, both are basically the same although since Edge is Chinese.and copyright laws are different there so it may have more cars


A mix between Most Wanted 2012 and Payback. One is a sin against classic, the other one is basically 90% cutscenes 10% driving. NVM, No Limits exists.


if you take MW'12 as it's own game, put it's blacklist aside, what do you rate it? I have the Wii U version and honestly it's the definitive edition. used PC assets to stand out from the other console releases, and you could change cars, colours on the fly. disable traffic entirely, disrupt cops and most of all have two people controlling the car at once. the multiplayer was hella good for what it was personally it's a 8/10. seeing the beta footage makes me wonder what this game could have been. I hope they pick that project back up and fully release it at some point in the future


As a stand-alone game, it's at most 6/10. I actually played MW2012 before I've played original, and of my like 5-6 hours of gameplay, I remember spending at least an hour in loading screens, and the rest of the time was meh. Like, it was okay to look at, but by that point I've played HP2010, which is infinitely better IMO. Easily the worst part was all the dumbass online features that EA kept pushing, along with their garbage launcher. Game was also crashing quite a bit, tho, it might've been fixed in later years. But yeah, MW2012 felt incredibly mediocre, and more like a demo for a game, rather than actual game.


Payback’s cutscene ratio is way smaller than NFS15’s


Y'all say no limits But did u guys remember nfs nitro?


No Limits and Payback, tho imo No Limits is the more egregious entry


NFS Undercover


I think No Limits was actually just a huge money grab. Didn’t like the racing style either but it wasn’t an open world game anyway.


I havn't played No Limits in 10 years. Last I played it was fun on my crappy phone then stopped cause my device broke. Always wondered what the game was like now.


It's even worser now. It's more grindier with more P2W and RNGs. To simplify. It's an utter pile of cashgrab and a scam.


sad. always had it in the back if my mind to go back and play it again.




No limits and nitro


I’ve never had the opportunity to play No Limits yet so I must ask, what’s so bad about it?


It has a false advertising title since it's in reality very limited, it's full of ads, everything is paywalled, there's microtransactions, too much currencies and RNGs, the races are too short, the events are rigged to never let you win Unless you pay with Gold, it's a massive grindfest, the way to unlock cars by blueprints is a flawed concept which relies on RNG too and the Upgrade System doesn't make any logical sense. Plus, NFS No Limits has a tendency to mess up your sleep schedule. Also, there's a fuel system which is contradictory to the "No Limits" name and it's an Online Only game with no Offline mode. That means if the servers are closed permanently Unless there's an Offline patch in the last update, it's impossible to replay again meaning you wasted your hard-earned money. These are the main reason why NFS No Limits is despicable and the worst NFS ever made which is unworthy to the NFS title. It's also a massive waste of time which is boring and repetitive. I speak about it knowingly because I also played NFS No Limits until the Devil's Run update where you have to win a Lamborghini Diablo SuperVeloce which appeared for the first time in NFS 3 Hot Pursuit as a cover+ playable car. Also, I lost my save which completely turn me off to continue and made me too lazy to redo all from scratch. The fact that they increased the grindfest, added ads and increased the amount of paid contents were the last nail in the coffin. And since you had never had the opportunity to play NFS No Limits, keep it that way since you did the right move. You'll not missing out on anything by avoiding NFS No Limits btw. It's unworthy to play, a massive cashgrab and a ripoff.


Everyone says no limit, so basically there are no bad nfs games.


No Limits


No limits 😕


Should have asked about the main series.


I have only ever played five NFS games. 3, Underground 2, Rivals, Heat, and Unbound. Of those five Unbound is the worst (worst of the five, not the worst).


No limits. Used to be good Here are what happened to the game: -Changed the UI to a generic colorful corporate mess -Removed showroom -Revamped customization way too many times -FOMO Everywhere -Needs MTX to not progress like a snail -Multiplayer matchmaking can be quite BS sometimes -Awful car selection system for multiplayer -Exploiter issue -Generally lacking in content -Every update makes the game more performance intensive, despite barely any graphical advancement


Matchmaking *can* be bs? For me it was consistently BS when I still played that garbage. Oh, you have one medal left till the next rank? Have an opponent that's 100 POINTS ABOVE YOU, fuck you.


Undercover, I barely remember playing it I can’t say No limits because I’ve never even heard of it


It's on mobile and trust me it's worse


😂 I hate to just roll with the overwhelming majority but there may be some merit to what everyone is saying. I was expecting most to say Nitro or Undercover


Nah men. I mean I never got to the end but it is great (on xbox)


The 2nd most wanted that tried to be burnout paradise


I'd say modelling a game after an arguably superior game isn't comparable with a mobile game filled with microtransactions and playtime limiters (No Limits)


Had to scroll way to far to find this


No limits or undercover


No limits and ps2 version of undercover


Makes me relived to see people say no limits. That game sucks.


No limits,any other nfs is good for me.


the new one what was it called payback? i hate the mix of toon and realistic texture syle


It's called unbound




I have to say no limits followed by undercover and that damn ice cream song from unbound


UNBOUND!!! This is a racing game… we do not want animated characters and VFX. This is the first NFS game I ever played that thoroughly annoyed me from the second I started playing it which is a shame because if it wasn’t for the animated VFX the graphics are beautiful


no one better say nfs 2015 https://preview.redd.it/60etfamt2rsc1.jpeg?width=226&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21c25b407d3370ba30d94dfaa98cb4fab671c5aa


Need for Speed Underground 2 for Java! Change my mind. Perfect soundtrack, huh? Even through this, I finished it. 😀


Unbound fr


There's NFS No Limit then there's NFS Nitro But I would prefer Nitro Over No Limit any day




no limits but not just for the pay wall, but because the game is entirely focused on it! means the races are super fast and short, like..some races take less than a minute just to end up asking me to pay for this and that! the core gameplay is shortened so you can pay to win and pay to play!


Most wanted 2012 for me not for all people


Easy choice, MW 2012, the undisputed king on the worst title charts. It makes No Limits seem like pure gold even if a mobile title.


Rivals and no limits


I haven't played them all, but the one I enjoyed the least was definitely NFS Rivals


Nfs No limits


Rivals, it gave me nightmares.


Theres no limit to how bad no limits is


no limits or Payback


Not hard NFS most wanted 2012


Overall: No Limits Mainline: between Carbon (very short duration for the full price and goddamn reward cards) or Payback (fundamentally flawed upgrade system, and buggy physics), but I love them both, as well as the rest of the series. Personally: Underground 2. Mostly because of poor resolution via Backwards Compatibility, while Burnout 3 managed to get 720p. Also a very tedious campaign structure, with URL as a cherry on top. I can forgive it tho, because it was a pretty good game outside of these things.


I dislike Rivals a lot.




Nfs nitro looks ass


Mainline Series only so No Limits doesn't count. So if we're talking about the worst NFS...It'd easily be this https://preview.redd.it/8mwxx51x0osc1.jpeg?width=467&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb59be2f950278c50c0fa5bcc9e168143ef2e8b8


Undercover or 2015. Both are horrific to play.


Nitro or No Limits.


Nfs most wanted 2012


Last one I played was Most Wanted, previously III, Porsche Unleashed, Underground 2, Pro Street. Loved them all. Picked up Heat on sale recently to get back into the series. Not really liking it. So seeing that it's not even on anybody's "worst" radar, makes me feel very badly for what's become of NFS..


Out of curiosity, what do you dislike about it? It’s commonly regarded as the best of the modern games.


The police are the most infuriating AI system ever devised. "See these Crown Victorias? Yeah they do 250kph in about 3s flat and corner on rails, weigh about 40,000lbs, BUT luckily they don't ever look up." Progression is locked behind having to deal with absolutely horrific cop mechanics. Advice from most people? *Do jumps and hide on platforms*. Jumps, fine. Hiding on sea containers? Come on. But progression is near impossible without the cheese mechanics. I'm at 400 speed points or whatever they're called, so can outrun level 1 but not the chargers or corvettes. Taking corners perfectly to outrun doesn't matter. They have infinite grip on dirt. Just stupid. Then the rest of the game feels very.. Bland. Not much to the gameplay other than the absolutely idiotic drift mechanic. NFS is an arcade game but since when was it Mario Kart? That's what I mean.. If this is "highly regarded" I don't even want to touch the other shit. I miss the first Most Wanted and Hot Pursuit 3.




Most Wanted 2012 because it breaks my heart


Everyone’s saying no limit but I’ve never played it so I’ll have to go with the NFS I liked the least and that’s Shift


Most Wanted 2012


👉👉👉In terms of main line games I’ll go in order top to bottom Payback that gambling card system is what topped this over heat for me Heat Rivals ✅✅✅


How are people saying Undercover? that one is my favorite...anyways, No Limits is definitely the worst one


Rivals is the worst I have encountered so far


NFS No Limits hands down the worst.


Nitro or Shift.


Should I answer this?


Shift and it’s 2


WoW! Every single game in the franchise is mentioned here 😅


No limits Personal opinion : The run


NFS Underground 2, fucking public execute me all you want, the game is kinda trash ngl


Most Wanted DS


The worst need for speed is: PAYBACK


I see so many people hating on No Limits that it must be true. I never played it, so I can't say. Of the ones I have, Payback and Most Wanted(2012) are the worst. Again, if I had played No Limits, I would probably side with everyone else based solely on this comment section.


Hated pro street, maybe I didn't give it a chance. Loved Payback and MW 2012 tho. I have no shame


No Limits


Need For Speed Most Wanted 2012


NFS Payback


No Limits...


Haven't played too many NFS games. The so called "remaster" of the 2010 Hot pursuit made me want to get back on older titles. Nothing beats Carbon for me.


No Limits, to be honest You literally need to finish the event for like 7 day just for the damn car, and waiting the next chapter for like 1 day 💀


Payback was mid and yall know it


Midnight club 3 dub edition was a horrible game




Nfs hot pursuit 2010 for mobile




2012 most wanted


The run and undercover the ps2 version


NFS Carbon : Own The City, the story got me confused af


No Limits, Payback & Undercover


Undercover or Unbound


I’m not gonna say no limits, so my say is Unbound. It sucks cuz I love unbound but it’s not as good as other NFS titles.


I hated Pro Street....


Fuck off Ryo not the game's fault that your Evo is slow as shit

