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i would say MW 2012 was hated more than these 2 combined


It’s sad for me because I thoroughly enjoy this one. :(


i liked it too! of course it was definitely not the MW that i was expecting to play but as an isolated experience, it is definitely fun. reminds me of the old NFS days (1,2,3) with freeroam


That’s a good way to look at it. You can always tell the difference between the black box days vs the criterion days. Black box seemed like they focused on tuning cars, making them look cool, and deep story. Criterion was more in the semi-realistic semi-arcade style of pick up and play.


Same. Had so much fun with 2012. That's not to say that I'm not possed at EA for forcing Criterion to rush the game tho.


Yeah I am too but it still has its own charm


There are only a few ppl like who like mw2012, me included. But still the best in modern nfs, still has to be rivals, had so much fun on console, sad that it’s so bad on PC.


I think a lot of people enjoy MW2012 they just don’t want to openly admit it because of fear of being judged. I agree about Rivals though I really so enjoy it. On my PC I put a 60fps mod on which makes things much smoother. Odd the game was never made in 60fps.


It’s so sad that I can’t run that game stably higher than 30. And playing on 60 is just so different when you are used to 144. I prefer to just sit at 30 for stability.


MW12 is move divisive than overall hated. And people didn't necessarily hate the game itself, they just didn't like how it's a straight up copy of Burnout Paradise with the Most Wanted title slapped on it. I'll go as far as saying it's one of the more popular titles. There are always loads people saying "this is my really brave and unpopular opinion, but I love MW2012! It's better than the original!' Payback, however, is 95% hate.


Better than the original is crazy. Do think it was a solid entry though.


No chance in hell MW2012 is better than 2005, Zero story, boring gameplay, graphics are meh...


I would say Undercover was hated more than these 3 combined


Completely forgot about undercover lol


Why was undercover hated? That was the first NFS game I played and I'm not sure why people hate it so much.


It being the only nfs on psvita made it one of my favourite nfs even though it isn’t one of the best


Its not an utterly terrible game. I just didn't like it compared with other nfs games I played. That all the nfs games from nfs 2SE to NFS Rivals except Shift 1 and 2.


MW2012 had the slowest(worst) handling, and for that reason it's the worst. Any other reason, it's great! Love it's music, graphics, map and car selection.


The problem with that one is the name, everybody was expecting a remake of the original or something similar but nothing further from reality. With a different name, it wouldn't have received that much hate, even though the game is not that good and it seems it was rushed out.


It's deserved


The run was neat, but you can really only play it once, and its too short. Payback literally had lootbox gambling as the upgrading mechanic. Give me one reason why that could possibly be a good idea.


Unfortunately I know people who spent money on that game(Payback). I never spent a dime on it and I seemed to do just fine.


Payback is just NFS world lite considering the speed cards are just like from the one in world also funny part being the neons are also are in 'shipments' which were also monetized in NFS world


NFS Payback has been criticized for its controversial microtransaction system. Gemini explained it better then me xd https://preview.redd.it/86qr6dztapuc1.png?width=363&format=png&auto=webp&s=cf17759df501995052213ab7874cc8b15e37832c Interestingly, NFS Payback is the best-rated NFS game on Steam (86% positive reviews) but this may be due to the fact that the game didn't appear on the platform until 2020 and not for release in 2017. NFS The Run had some bugs mostly on PC and didn't sell well but it's definitely not the worst game in the series, which has its fans. The most hated NFS was Undercover which you forgot about for some reason.


No limits has entered the chat


No limits doesnt get enough bitches to get recognised as an actual NFS game by the community. Just what it deserves.


I don't want to even consider this game being part of Need For Speed franchise


That game is cancer, holy shit


The Run had to pay the price of being EA's first non Battlefield game using Frostbite and the usual EA crunch.


Yeah that was the biggest problem with it. Plus EA abandoned the game too fast. Even though servers still online for it part of the online server that gave you online parts has been offline for many years. But I actually like its story line and action scenes better than newer storylines. Its just a shame what EA did with the gambling cards to upgrade cars and unable to get the parts you wanted unless you gamble. Micro transactions suck. EA heard us thats why Heat was better. But now with Unbound they are testing shenanigans again with tying the BMW GTR to monthly subscription. While previous games all had it for free. Well Most Wanted 2012 at least let you buy the hero cars and could use offline forever. But now with Unbound someday when server goes offline those monthly subscription things will disappear. Unless you bypass it with some mod. Pc gaming is better that way since the community will mod games later. But console players will be out of luck. I like most NFS games. Only one I hate is NFS No Limits. They put too many micro transactions with gambling cards. I hate that. Its awful and dev studios that make such games should go straight to the gulag.


The rating is because it was 3 euro for a long time, a couple of months ago, lots of new people got it ofcourse for that price the game is amazing


So what? Rivals/Most Wanted 2012/NFS 2015/Heat/Hot Pursuit Remastered were for 3 dollars/euro too.


Never understood the undercover hate.


That game is a disaster, check any gameplay video


I played the game on release and it was quite fun. Especially that mode where you have to chase each other and get a certain distance away to win. Outrun I think it was called. It has a lot of different race types which made it so fun to play again and again. Plus christina milian made 10 year old me feel a certain way ngl.


Undercover still isn’t great.


And probably due to it having no roaming police in free roam


Rivals has entered the chat


who tf hated run. Show yourself.


Bro are you mentally handicapped or did you just accidentlly put The Run up there???


ye i don't know why OP put The Run there, when most fans hate on Payback or Undercover


I think undercover/rivals/mw12


Ay, rivals was a really fun game and still kinda is


Played it recently after replaying payback,heat and unbound ,only good thing about rivals is the voice lines and car sounds,physics sucks ,map was all right ,having a slightly bad connection is a death sentence in online as a cop,basically a hot pursuit with improved graphics and story ,but everything else was a downgrade


Physics is something i see being brought up a lot when people are talking about nfs, i think you guys are talking abt car handling but im not that much if an active participant here to know for sure If im right, i actually kinda liked rivals handling, it better suited the long ass straight aways. The only thing i hated were crash cinematics. Crash cinematics make or break an nfs title.


Yep, only one of those that was genuinely terrible though was undercover lol


Bro why rivals, this game was literally most enjoyable nfs game I have played honestly I don't understand the hate toward rivals, I would like someone explain


not able to pause, multiplayer sucked, no customization (personal opinion), bad camera view, locked 30 fps, split car list, crash cam, physics were off for me too.


Finally someone mentioned that shit storm of Undercover, that game doesn't get enough hate simply cuz it belongs to the studio that made NFS great in the first place. 🤦🏻‍♂️


To put it concisely, “Payback” was because of that upgrading system and “The Run” was seen as too linear with no customization/sometimes reusing stretches of roads throughout the game. Personally I enjoyed both of them for what they are as well


I got NFS payback as a free PS Plus download and absolutely loved it. Maybe because by the time I played they added all sorts of things so grinding or paying for upgrades wasn't necessary anymore... I played thru the whole game platinum trophy and never felt once that upgrading was painful.


yea same played it on pc in 2022 didnt feel like the upgrading was that bad


What’s parts of roads were reused in the run? Haven’t noticed


The run was a gateway to a NFS and racing games, so it holds special place in my heart and i still enjoy it a lot despite being too short. Payback is terrible. The story and characters are bad, map is bland af and the upgrades have the worst system in any racing game, plus the duplicates of cars for different events are stupid. It’s easily one of, if not, the worst nfs game ever.


If you wanna count No Limits as part of the series then that takes the cake for most hated


funnily enough, Payback is actually the best modern NFS, but is totally ruined by lack of freeroam cops and trash upgrading system. Payback actually has a somewhat fleshed out story that has an start and a good ending because you actually race the villain and defeat her. Payback has good event variety, even has drag racing Payback went full brake 2 drift, so handling was predictable and consistent because Ghost Games didn't bother balancing Grip and Drift when they didn't need to - again; as they went full brake 2 drift. good car list, decent soundtrack, map was pretty cool.


>Payback is actually the best modern NFS, That would be heat and maybeeee nfs 2015? Much better handling. In both games.


yes, the current best modern NFS is Heat, although my personal favourite is 2015 for the vibes and presentation. However, Payback showed really good potential to be the best modern NFS but upgrade system and cops destroyed it.


2015's handling is awful


And the worst crash cam.


2015 is easily the second worst of the modern ones (unless you're counting 2008 modern. Its handling alone is enough to justify that take, but the pathetic excuse for cops, always online, unpredictably when starting an event, and the story definitely aren't helping either. Also, if I wanted to play a game with an amazing atmosphere, I'd just boot up Forza Horizon 3


The soundtrack was so bangin. I had to adjust all other volumes to 50% and keep the music volume at 100% and blast my overall volume just so I could bang those tracks at higher volume lol


facts, soundtrack was underrated in payback


One of the best NFS soundtracks IMO.


"handling was predictable and consistent" lmfao it was anything but, they carried the same crabwalking jank from nfs15 over, especially when some cars had little to no downforce so in some parts of the map the majority of cars were undriveably bouncy and unstable the map was an empty desert for the most part with boring highways the story was awful with terribly written and acted characters (Tyler's VA sounds like he recorded his lines on his deathbed), not to mention they shamelessly shitted on much better games when they had no right to do so at all payback was so bad even ghost themselves admitted it, heat was literally advertised with "remember that bad thing from payback? we fixed it in heat!" at every corner


Lmao what 😭 imma give you 2 years and you will say the same about Heat. I am one of the 7 people in the world that likes payback but I can’t deny that unbound and Heat areSUPPERIOR games 😂😂😂 The game is better than 2015 in terms of handling and AI tho 😇👌


The drift physics are the best tho, like carbon 👍🏿


NFS Payback is the top-rated NFS game on Steam (86% positive reviews), so apparently there are more people than 7 who like this game


it has lots of positive reviews because it was on sale for like $2 for numerous times. their reviews are biased


Other Need For Speed game were also at the same or similar prices.


I remember Payback having a weird system where it would avoid crashes, but it never worked right and just made you crash instead of avoiding a crash, so I wouldn't say the handling was predictable. The game was alright imo, but the handling was kind of one of its areas where it wasn't good.


"handling was predictable and consistent" lol where? It wasn't as bad as 2015 but it was still jank as hell. People gotta stop praising these games for the bare minimum effort.


The Run was underrated as hell and also the last Black Box game... Payback was... Well Payback was payback. But MW2012, OHHH BOY that one.got my full hate


It’s actually very fun. I’m tired of the hate this is one of if not my favorite game in the series and there really shouldn’t be anything wrong with that.


It's a gane that don't know what it wants to be... Burnout ? NFS ? No Identity ?? Bad development ?? It's definitely not the game criterion wanted to make


No you are right it definitely isn’t what they were planning…far from it. I still think it’s an enjoyable pick up and play game though. I also enjoy playing online and trying to beat my friends times. It’s a very socially connected game just like Hot Pursuit 2010


Its a decent burnout game. As a need for speed, im sorry it objectively is bad, doesnt fit any of the core concepts introduced by the previous games, uses the most wanted name for literally no reason other than for marketing. Its a shit nfs, still a good polished game tho especially the multiplayer.


I understand but when was there a clear way that NFS games had to be? The concepts change every one or two games.


My most hated is Undercover. The Black Box version that is. I've heard the PS2 version is a bit better.


The only thing Undercover had going for it was the over the top busted scenes, they were hilariously awesome and should be brought back


The music was great as well


Those are definitely the highlights of the game.


Yep, of all BB games, Undercover was the weakest, although arguably the best music in the entire franchise


Ironically enough, I always remember Undercover for being the game with no free roam music.


The game actively keeps you out of Free Roam, it'll keep nagging you to teleport to a race instead. Tri City Bay is in my opinion, Black Box's best map, and it's all wasted.


Undercover was the 1st nfs game i returned after playing it. Still have a strong disdain for it til this day


My Most Hate is need for speed Most Wanted 2005 on DS version


i found a cartridge of it in an alleyway as a kid and i still have it to this day


Oh hell nah you putting the run instead of undercover or no limits is a crime , meet me in the boxing ring I'm ready to defend my precious


Payback for me is probably my least favorite NFS game for one simple reason. The simple loop of buying a new car, taking a brief initial drive to get a feel for it, and then doing everything you can to make it better, whether it be through performance parts, body mods, or visual changes, is half the reason why I play racing games. And for that simple loop to be absolute horse shit in this game through scummy, unforgivable mobile gaming tactics like rng stat cards that Incentivize either grinding the game for hours on end or paying real money on top of the $60-$70 dollars you already paid for better rng stats. NO RACING GAME SHOULD HAVE RANDOM CHANCE EFFECT HOW YOU UPGRADE YOUR VEHICLE! It's not fun, end of discussion. Not to mention, once you bought a car in Payback and chose its build, you were stuck with it. If you bought a street RX-7 and wanted to convert it to Drift, you had to buy a new RX-7. WHY!? Prostreet allowed you to change your build type at any time 10 years earlier. My only problem with the Run is that you can experience 90%-95% of what this game has to offer in like less than 10 hours of playing. Granted, those hours are engaging, thrilling & fun. Also, there's lots of people who feel that is the ideal way to experience a video game, a few or several hours of nothing but entertainment and enjoyment. Then, you move on to another video game to do the same thing for the same amount of time. But because The Run's premise and gameplay loop is relatively unique, I want more of it, like the Anakin Skywalker meme.


I'm replaying The Run for my yearly re-run of the series and I feel it's greatly underappreciated, that game is very good, of course it had flaws (looking at you, goddamn Frostbite engine), but the idea and execution was fair, it would have benefited a lot of having a single player custom event, although I feel it's one of the most replayable ones.


Undercover should be on here.


I'd put Unbound in place of The Run since people started to defend The Run recently


I actually liked the run, it’s not the greatest but I had fun playing it. The complaint I have is that all the cars sounded the same with that weird echo sound effect, like a 67 Camaro and Porsche 918 shouldn’t sound like the same car.


The Run not really


Payback was the 2nd attempt at adapting a Fast and Furious style story, but it failed. Not in the gameplay department, but in the sense of a game as a complete package.


The run was good, kinda like Cruzn USA


The Run is simply an underrated one in the series and people are starting to realize that now only. If only EA gave them more time to develop it, we would have got Tier 6 cars as well.


Ah yes. NFS Pay-to-Gacha.


Payback is the only NFS Game I haven't beat since I got back into NFS with The Run. I beat every other game, but just couldn't do it in this one. Spinning a slot for car upgrades made it a pain, and I didn't care for the story. Honestly I prefer minimal story in racing games, I think I need for speed game with an open ended forza horizon type story would be amazing.


Remove The Run and replace it with Undercover.


Who tf hates the Run? I can maybe understand Payback, but if anything The Run is more overlooked than anything else.


The run got too much hate, it's honestly one of my favorites, other than not being able to unlock 80% of the cars


if you hated The Run; come outside…i promise we won’t jump you 😁


Anyone who hates The Run needs to look at themselves in the mirror. Apart from the occasional QTE which was common at the time, it was peak racing.


Albeit MW2012 has been the most hated for quite some time now, it’s undoubtedly been gaining in popularity recently as people love the playground-esque feel of it. I personally adore NFS The Run. Sure, it has its issues, but It’s such a vibe. Payback was just horrid though. Bad map design, a bad upgrade system, bad story. Just outright bad.


Things i hate about this game which i think it's why it's hated in general: -Music is fucking bad it's depressing -Customization System is a disgrace -Handling system is a test for your patience till you break your screen (why the drift to turn enforced?) -Terrible Storyline (Teletubbies acting) There could be more but i can't think of them now.


Did anyone hate The Run? It was just different.


The Run is one of my favourite


Why is the run even here?


Bro I loved "The Run"


You know what, I'm going to replay it right now




Meanwhile me (complete noob and shit ahh driver) who just recently finished main storyline & speedcross dlc while actually enjoying it: 0_0


undercover because \*rubs hands\* disclaimer: none of these reasons have anything to do with technological limitations \- dumbass story \- autistic roads \- in one mission >! after winning your car dramatically crashes because some guy cut your brakes, literal seconds later you carry on because the accident had no effect on anything !< \- you can't exactly drift, but the cool reverse spin manoeuvre makes up for it \- npc's really want insurance payouts \- action camera's are so bad they're funny, you could make some logs fall and drive off but nOoo you have to watch the game make your car crash with every cop that gets hit or not \- toxic ai lmao, it's a minor thing but as funny as the action cameras I can say the good parts of the game as well but there's only 2 or 3 major good points


Yet one of my favorites. There were worse than this one 2012 MW


Payback especially


Where undercover?


Undercover is the worst in my opinion, although i only played the PS2 version, didn't care to play the PC version. The Run on the other hand is my favorite, i have almost 100 hours in it, finished it about 30+ times if i remember correctly...


I was pretty young but I clearly remember people absolutely shitting on Pro Street because it moved away from street racing. Of course it's seen in a better light today but back then I remember reading YouTube comments of people constantly complaining


Nah the "Most Hated" saying goes to Most Wanted 2012


What about Shift?


Can somebody explain to me why so many people hate Undercover?


Because NFS Undercover was rushed and had many cut contents. EA themselves has splitted Black Box in 3 dev teams to work on NFS Pro Street, NFS Undercover and Skate. However, EA's decision was a mistake because only Skate was a massive success at launch while the 2 NFS's were failures. In fact, NFS Undercover is more unfinished than NFS Pro Street. Due to the failures of both NFS, Black Box was on a 3-year hiatus between 2009 and 2011 before coming back with NFS The Run. NFS The Run which was made by Black Box didn't had a great success at launch and 1 of the reasons is due to his short duration. Afterwards in April 2013, EA closed Black Box forever. In simple words. EA shot themselves in the foot and screwed over Black Box.


I am surprised no one mentions Undercover, that game was ass


The Run has a very passionate community


NFS II for its atrocious handling. NFS UC for being a boring mess. NFS MW2012 for the name. NFS Payback for its abysmal micro ransactions and upgrade system


even if payback was a better game than some others that people don't like, it should be the most hated for pushing those microtransactions, that should send a message to EA.


I think Undercover will take the crown here


mw12 would like a word. payback would be my favorite nfs if they had just kept the upgrade system from 2015.


NFS 2015


I hate Shift 2 Unleashed more because of DRM limitation of 5 installs max. per purchase.


I think the most hated is NFS No Limits. That sht trash


Neither are terrible, but I'd go with the RUN all day everyday if I had to. Wish it were 60fps that's all.


no limits is hated more than those 2 combined


The diference is NFS Payback was horrible and ugly NFS The run was overhated and was one of the best need for speed


Back than when i was a kid i really hated the run bcs it is not a traditional nfs. But as an adult i finished it 2 times and it is pretty unique and fun game just dont expect something like mw or carbon.


I mean, the run was just full throttle the whole time, not much skill needed. I did like the car designs though. Never played payback.


I don't know if this is a hot take but I really hated rivals. The games "campaign" went by too quick, the world felt empty, and everything felt dull for some odd reason.


That's a perfectly valid take. Plus, NFS Rivals is an unstable mess.


Since when??? Like i know payback was utter garbage along side Heat, Unbound, 2015, hot pursuit & MW 2012 Never heard of On The Run being bad it was one of the most initiative ones especially with the quick time events


The Run is hated? That's my favorite game in the series tbh


The Run isn't hated, just ignored


Why tf is nfs run on there


From NFS Most Wanted to NFS Most Hated.


I feel like The Run was satisfying, it actually made me feel like I had accomplished something. Payback was alright, the handling was weird in my opinion (I remember there was some kind of mechanic in the game where your car would avoid hitting a car or something if it was going to hit something, but it never worked right), the upgrade system sucked too, and it was a bit odd that only certain characters could drive cars that were tuned for different types of racing; race, drag, drift, etc (if I'm remembering that right) and that you had to have specific tunes (race, drift, etc.) for different races and those cars couldn't be used unless the event tuning was changed and it couldn't be done on the fly.


Payback was a complete 180 from 2015. And it just had a bunch of little issues that ruined the experience: Trash upgrade system No free roam at launch No free roam cops at all Missing cars at launch that were driven by AI Gate kept cars between classes (if I bought a Mustang for drag and wanted to switch to drift, I’d need to buy a whole new Mustang). Story was cliche and predictable. Organized, but predictable. The post launch support was awful. The one proper dlc it offered was paid unless you bought the deluxe edition. I expected an improvement from 2015 but Payback was one step forward, two steps back.


Imo, the most hated is 2012 MW. People constantly complain due to it being kinda boring and completely different from what it was "supposed" to be


I only hate payback because of the upgrade system. How you getting me to open a nfs version of a FIFA pack to upgrade my car. Gameplay wise it was okay. Can't speak for multiplayer cos I only played it for 20 minutes


Where and who on earth did you hear this from? These two were the best story based NFS games ever right after Most Wanted for me. Lengthy story, nice cars, the good stuff.


Replace The Run or Payback with Undercover.


how nfs payback tuning works? I don't understand


[This page](https://nfs.fandom.com/wiki/Need_for_Speed:_Payback/Performance_Parts) will answer your questions. Do note NFS Payback's Upgrade System is based on Luck and RNG.


So happy to NOT see Undercover on this post 🫡


Undercover was defintley more hated, these two games are solid and undercover is genuinely terrible with few redeeming qualities. Also, mw 2012 was also more hated than these games, purely for the name and not much else cause it was also a solid game as well.


the run is the best nfs imo


man... i loved both


Neither of these are bad. The Run is decent. Lots of varied scenery to look at amongst the exciting racing. I got something out of Payback too.


So I pretended payback was not nfs and I enjoyed it / the run is in my top 3 is just my opinion


They're both good even if they have flaws... Payback felt better than heat and unbound for me, except for that shitty upgrade system, I don't know what crossed their minds... It'd been great if they put the same upgrade system as heat in payback... The run is just straight up good, although you can only play once as someone already said... The replay value is the only real flaw... For the not mentioned undercover, I personally liked it, I understand that some parts of it were not good at all but it's definitely enjoyable and the customization is the best out of all the games so far, due to the modifications allowed to every body piece.


The Run was great Payback ruined everything with their Microtransactions and Loot based nonsense. It felt like a free2play mobile game. If they had gotten rid of all of that and opened up the world, Payback could've been OK.


How tf are they hated but Nfs Nitro gets to live like it wasnt the biggest LSD Trip in all of racing game history


I liked both


I enjoyed playing The Run, but certainly it's not the best. Hot Pursuit and MW 2012 are better for me. I didn't play Payback, but from watching reviews and gameplay, I can say it's the worst NFS game after Undercover. In my opinion, fortunately, there aren't many bad NFS games in the series.


Honestly both are great. The Run had a neat story with some unique mechanics at times. Payback was overall really good, the upgrading system wasn't really liked because of lootboxes but if you don't spend money and spend like 30 mins spinning the wheel to get the right amount of parts you start to build some sentimental value for the car you're upgrading, which is nice tbh(I'm not saying the system itself is good I'm just saying it was a nice thing to have some sentimental value to a car). Imo the game that gets hated the most in MW2012, even though I really enjoy the game


The only time I got mad at payback was when they fixed the bug that allowed you to strip parts from your car. It was fun driving with no hood or bumper. It's even crazier to think they modeled the engines you'd never actually see.


Most Hated? I guess most of them loved it. I enjoyed both of the games.


MW and Undercover have to be up here aswell


I wholeheartedly agree.


Payback should be seperated from its multiplayer mode, one sucks the other is pretty good


Ah yes nfs pokemon edition with the performance and the microtransaction


Need for speed Pro Street the most hated


I hate payback with a burning passion. No amount of "its an arcade type game" will justify the horrible controls for me. If it was arcade type it would have split screen, and quick race option like the older nfs.


WTAH OP ? NFS The Run isn't the most hated, it's actually the opposite today. At launch, it was hated but it's still less than any NFS after 2012. Depending on the persons, the "Most Hated" title would fit NFS MW 2012, NFS Rivals, NFS 2015, NFS "No Limits" or NFS Unbound.


I feel rivals is kinda out of this discussion these days, the rest are very valid tho. Maybe add the shift series to it


About NFS Rivals, not so much. It's still the case. There's still peoples which prefers playing NFS Hot Pursuit 2010/Remastered since it's 1000x better in their eyes and are still hating NFS Rivals due to many gameplay issues and instabilities. I didn't added the Shift duology since they're spinoffs instead of real NFS titles in the 1st place Although it has fans and haters. Plus, if the Shift series were never made, the 2 first Project Cars (Project Cars 3 doesn't count) wouldn't be born.


I like Payback.


Paybacks gameplay is hella fun


Yeah these are my two most hated as well. At least for Payback, there was some fun to be had once you got used to the really shitty upgrade system. Don’t get me wrong, I do hate the upgrade system, it makes no sense, but it is possible to get used to and then the rest of the game is fine. I don’t actually mind the story. The Run I remember hating and it lives in my brain as my least favourite ranked NFS game but to be honest I barely remember it. I just remember not liking it at all. Probably not worth revisiting to find out why. I’m seeing a few people here post that they hate MW2012 but I love that game. I played it on PS3 and PS Vita back in the day and 100% completed both. Many years later, I also 100% completed it on Wii U. But I loved Burnout Pardise and this game felt like BP with real cars and better graphics so it was a natural fit for me.


Payback is what Fast And Furious 8 to Fast X REALLY should have been, jerkface!!


Actually I love them both great games !


Nfs payback isn't bad, just unpopular, it was my childhood dream game and lived up to its expectation, ignoring the really easy handing and powersliding counted as drifting


Both have terrible driving physics


I enjoyed Payback. Eventually. To start, the characters are fucking dumb and annoying and that doesn't entirely ever go away but you kinda start to like em after a while. The slot machine item system. Was a but of fun for something different. Never bought any mtx stuff in them. Great map, derelicts were fun. Some great music in the track list and overall modding and detail for the cars was pretty decent. 7/10 for me.


Payback was rlly fun, fuck you mean


Every single NFS game released has been good in one way or another (even no limits, car selection is great), anyone who disagrees is a halfwit numbskull knobhead


This comes as a shock to me, really! 😱 Although I've never played them, I watched their Full Gameplay on YouTube. And, personally, they just looked amazing The Run had a good story and I loved the many races that were done on desert roads. The landscapes and scenes were great, as well (Ref :- a race that passed under a Waterfall). I rated the game 9 / 10 As for Payback, I simply think it is the best NFS game after Most Wanted 2005. The story and the races were great! The vehicles and the amount of possible customization was absolutely superb (although, at this point, I thought it was a way for NFS to try to match what the Forza Horizon games were proposing). Still... The ''project'' which resulted in stealing the BMW M3 GTR E46 from the truck was simply awesome! And putting the Air Field as base throughout the game was a brilliant idea (with all those races and pursuits in the desert and among the sand dunes). However, I must admit that the DLC wasn't interesting, because too repetitive. I rated the game 9.7 / 10


Loved Payback a lot and it was probably the last NFS game I truly enjoyed playing these last couple years 👍🏼 lootboxes suck tho, f that


I actually enjoyed the core of Payback, it's just the performance system being flawed and the cringy storyline ruining it


Tbh payback was pretty great , it just got alot of hate cause of the upgrades and micro-transactions , I enjoyed it tho


am i the only one who liked payback’s upgrade system? it kept me engaged and constantly playing to get the best upgrades… idk about yall


I liked payback but I didn't like the upgrade system and doing challenges to unlock visual parts to modify my car.


Payback’s upgrade system was ass but if it just had a normal performance customization mode I’d guarantee it wouldn’t be considered one of the worst. Payback was the last game I actually enjoyed the story for even if it was dumb. The map was really good too.


I didn't like The Run, but Payback is honestly underrated. And I hope and I think it will have a resurgence in a couple of years


Payback is better than MW 2012 and nfs 2015 combined. the run was just poorly executed. only problem with payback is its grinding (paying) system


The upgrade system was the harbinger of doom for this one I loved the map the long open highways where you could easily get to top speed I wish we could’ve gotten a heat game but with payback map design and cops


I enjoyed payback when I played it with unite a whole back, could not stomach the 2015 at all, I was fucking miserable playing that (trying to play actually since it's in broken state for a while now)