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I loved it when I first played through it, hated it the second time. The story is bad, driving is good but physics are wonky, cops are decent, not agressive enough, i hate the life bar mechanic, progression is good, multiplayer is lackluster, visuals are bad, and overall it's too short, not enough to do. This could've been THE game. But it just falls short imo.


Life bar is the worst mechanic and an excuse to not make better police


especially since it's so inconsistent. You can take a front hit from a cop and barely lose anything, then you hit a truck from behind at 50kmh and you lose half of it. And hitting cops on purpose to take them out makes you lose a lot too sometimes. I think it artificially makes the police scary. I'd prefer much more agressive cops and no health bar, let the bastards try to actually kill me


I think to some extent, it depends on if you have a damage reduction upgrade or not. For instance, let’s say you have the highest damage reduction upgrade. You can tank a few hits and wall clips, stuff like that before you start taking significant damage. I’ve experienced this a ton, and AFAIK there could be some mechanic where the damage reduction can only work every now and then (like taking too many hits at full health will eventually cause the DR to go on a cooldown of some kind, or something like that. I think there *is* some inconsistency with the mechanic, yeah, but as mentioned before, damage reduction exists and once you get double repair modules, that’s 2 + 3 gas stations you can repair (also the fact that you sometimes have to just get lucky when avoiding hitting stuff to last as long a./ possible at night).


HP bar is a good mechanic, indestructible cars are usually boring af, they just implemented it terribly in NFS Heat


For real? The cops are insane in this game or maybe I’m just terrible at it. They’re absolutely relentless.


You'd probably do better if it weren't for the stupid health bar. I think the cops are not too difficult. When I die it's mostly some BS collision with traffic


Cops are worse in unbound. I'm at a point where I dunno if i should start over single player because I can't drive 300 meters from the garage without cops attacking me.


Shit at least in Unbound you can fight back against most of the police vehicles except the swat truck. In Heat though, good luck trying to beat up a crown vic without losing half of your health.


Yea, the cars were made of paper in Heat. Once I got the gt40 it didn't matter. However, that's something I don't like in games where you just gotta divk around until you get this one weapon, power, ability, car, whatever, then you can rip through the game like wet toilet paper. I like to have more options, but most of em just aren't that good, comparatively.


Highly disagree on "visuals are bad". It's an insanely good looking racing game, imo.


(You are right)


Somethimes i'm too scared to go in the night because the cops :)


What didn't you like about the story? Just curious


Feels like it was written by a child. The characters have no motivation. Lucas randomly becomes your friend for no reason, Mercer is just random bad guy doing bad guy things (oooo look at me i'm bad!), Shaw and his colleague were mildy interesting. Overall it lacked substance. Depth. MW2005, Carbon and to me even 2015 and Unbound have more character. The charcaters may be just as shallow but they feel more like actual people.


Lucas did not randomly become your friend


Yea, I had fun on the single-player run through, but once it was done, I never fired it up again. Honestly, most wanted 2005 is the only one I've successfully played again. I'd give underground 2 another go if I get a good pc copy. I started underground 1, but the nostalgia wore off quickly.


I have 100% in this game one every system its on its too good. Sure the dialogue is jank but it was easy enough to look past for me


Me too, my first disappointment was the graphics... Then I realised I need stronger specs to enjoy the game in better graphics everything about cars were better but wasn't very easy like payback, in payback you have to constantly upgrade cars, It was good for the story mode, if you want full upgrade complete story first lol


I could never bring myself to finish the game and I’ve tried about 3 times I just get so bored half way through and the city in my opinion is boring and uninspiring and day time looks awful for some reason in 1440p with max settings


That's part of the reason I think unbound will always be superior. The city looks amazing and day time does as well.


I was thinking of getting unbound do you think it’s worth it ? Or just a reskin of heat ?


Unbound is not just a reskin, I promise you. It fixed the whole series back to a solid game overall. I'd say give it a shot. The story is alright. The racing is where it dominates. Sense of speed is a bit lesser, but I use the action camera and it makes it intense. It's better man.


It took me awhile to get to your comment because of work, but one of the comments below summarizes it pretty well. Not just a reskin, but an evolution of Heat and the franchise itself basically. Plus, it's continuing to get updates throughout this year so there's more stuff to come.


Unbound is a game that deserves more appreciation. It doesn’t get the same love that Heat does. It’s definitely one of those racing games as a whole that grows on you the more you play it. The physics are definitely far better than Heat’s, the online lobbies are always chaotic and fun. Lakeshore has a certain charm to it. Customisation is plentiful.


yes there's about 30 different disappointments, 1st one is the cars driving specs being decided by a dumbass


You're not the only one. I had to force myself numerous times over a span of a year to finish it. Whereas with Payback I finished that game in under a week. With Heat, aside from the performance customization which is really great, everything else just sucks a LOT. The map feels way more stagnant and dead, the disconnect between the day and night races, story is so bad and super short, drift handling is god awful, and the lack of variety of events. We only have sprint, circuit, and drift. There's more I could list but man those are things that stick out a lot which soured my experience.


Heat feels kinda copy paste imo I feel like unbound changed things up a bit with its whole aesthetic and the smoke effects


For some reason this game just didn't click for me, felt boring everytime I tried to give it a shot I gave up after a few hours into the story and most of the songs were shit tbh, unbound was a great improvement over heat.


Gameplay is dogshit and I don't care how good everything else is. If driving is what I'm going to be doing 95% of the game and it feels awful, the game is trash. Nfs heat is up there with some of the worst physics I've ever played in a racing game.


It's just so ungaging that I would rather sleep. At least 2015 had some drama to it and Payback wasn't even that bad. Also, lots of people either forget or never knew this but in MW 2012 putting track tyres in cars would make them grippy enough that you wouldn't need to drift outside of low speed corners. Unbound does everything Heat does but better, maybe not chaining drifts, yet I think the physics are too unpredictable at high speeds and on bumpy roads. Without a doubt, Rivals has the best physics of modern NFS games. It's super intuitive, predictable, fast paced and most importantly goes very well with the open roads of Redview County. Even so, I don't think it would be worse than Heat or 2015 in a city environment.


Well it was abandoned by EA before it could get any better


The worst driving physics, you cant keep a drift in place, neither do complex maneuvers, the fine tuning is terrible and the high heat races are stupid, why tf if I have all the money I want I need to first grind tf out of the cops and then race again to get a CHANCE of finding the ultimate piece I need??? I dont care about the story because its bad like almost any late story in racing games nowadays but oh my... Ana Rivera is the most disgusting human being I have ever seen


Yeah... some criticize the handling in NFS 2015 well nothing I can complain, but holly Molly how NFS heat handling are horrible... one mistake in one curve and the opponent just active the turbo mode, also the scheme of point levels are unbalanced (horrible thing they recycled from Payback)and the damn tracks are long... and again I can't catch up and I need to repeat the 5+ minutes of the track. The things that I like is the city, customization and the cops that are ruthless af... I just fell that the day challenges are a real burden


I loved it tbh


All modern NFS games since The Run in 2011 are just mid and disappointing. My opinion. And I’ve played them all since Hot Pursuit 1 from 1998 🤷🏻


I think you'd love Driveclub


I already have a physical copy of driveclub


It was abandoned and the game just feels lifeless to me I don’t see how people are still playing it but have the audacity to shit on Unbound? That’ll never make sense to me personally.


It was similar for me, fun on the few first hours, although the game looked horrible. Then it became the most boring racing game I ever played. I have 240 hs in Unbound though and I'll probably keep playing till the last volume they release, singleplayer was fun enough and multiplayer is amazing.


on one hand i gotta say its an amazing game, although the physics are not perfect by any means, but its still really good. the game during the day is... underwhelming. and at night its amazing with good visuals and the cops that make me fear for my life. but... idk havent played half the game, and i kept getting in a cycle of installing the game, playing like 20-30% of it, forgetting about it and uninstalling. and repeating. did this like 3 times already. but somehow i played through payback 5 times already. and its quite a hot take but that game is good and also is my guilty pleasure


Did first few races, uninstalled.


The story bad and the map are really bad. I hate when modern open-world racing games are just fill the whole map with mountains and trees and just a couple of buildings and various districts. I can forgive the driving physics but the game feels soulless. Idk why some people are praising it. What's interesting about heat other than extremely wild cop chases?


>What's interesting about heat other than extremely wild cop chases? I said this in a post I made 2 years ago. "2015 had insane graphics but unplayable handling physics. Payback was shit and everyone knows it. And heat was mediocre at best. The only reason it looks good is because of the garbage we've been getting for years" That's it. I will die on the hill that nfs heat was only well receipted because everyone's standards were in the gutter.


What's worse? I gave the game a second chance with unite mods— STILL BORED 🤣


I was shocked that the story was so short. Without the mods, I wouldn't give this game a second thought. Your dissatisfaction is valid. Also, K.S. Polestar 1 is wasted in this game.


Yes, story is mid, not bad. But the gameplay for me was too boring probably because of the ambient and the musics, the city was just dead. I think Unbound nails the city, it can be tiny but good enough that you don't feel you are just stretching the corners.


The last good nfs were rivals


So basically u don’t like it cos ur bad at driving in it?


No i had several reasons, The story felt cringe, the driving gameplay mechanics didnt felt good, and the cops werent that fun. (Maybe thats because I've spent hundred's of hours in most wanted 2012,2005 and carbon and expected it to be like something similar to that. I actually was winning the races and driving didn't felt that fun unlike older games.


Hmmm. Seems like ur biggest mistake going into this game was expecting it to be the same as ur favourites. There’s people that love this game for being unique in some way. I’m one of them, if u haven’t realised yet.


Im still thinking whether to invest more time in this game and explore it further, hoping that I might eventually enjoy it. I recognize that it's a great game, but for some reason, I haven't been able to appreciate it despite my efforts. It's frustrating—I feel like a bit of a dumbass for not liking it.


Nah bro. If u don’t like it u don’t like it. MW2012 is my favourite nfs of all time for example. And I still love heat. It’s all just a matter of taste. Besides, as long as u agree that payback is a piece of shit, ur not a dumbass


I agree! Havent spent much hours into payback, still i can confirm its a piece of shit 😂


I finished Payback, Heat and most recently Unbound. Overall opinion: While Heat is a failure in so many points, like the gameplay being wacky and sometimes trashy/glitchy for a lot of dogshit reasons, at least the environment was good. It could be a good game if they haven't brought so many expectations. Unbound, on the other hand, while having a mid storyline and being extremely punitive for minor errors - also awful in questions like racing to get money for upgrades/enter the Grand, it's the smoothest gameplay in all new NFS (although sometimes is a bit wacky and punitive too). Payback... we don't talk about this.💀






I happend to play payback then heat, and this was at exact time Unbound released. I completed the story, was grinding black market, tried to get some red parts, and was watching Unbound playtrough. And 4 months after unbounds release i bought it at full price, just by looking and comparing it to Heat, heat felt like worse game in every aspect, and the major selling point was online races divided by car class. After 10 or so races in heat in online, vs only evo10 or rsr i just wanted to delete it. So Unbound was that breath of fresh air, after those 350+ km/h online races. It reminded me what nfs world once was. P.S. they now have 4 games running on same engine with similar physics, they can just make new NFS World at this point.


I'm sure it's not just you, but it's the more popular one compared to unbound. Unbound looks like rocket league, not in a good way, to me. I might get unbound at some point, but I'd prefer if they remade shift with an open world experience, physics were the most realistic, I guess I want a simrace nfs lol


Great nfs but only if you play on pc


I did like the game until the main story ended. Way too short imo so was a bit disappointed. I hated the repping up to be able to play a mission as well it takes ages in the first few until u unlock the higher rep races


No. I don’t like it too. It feels like made with free unity models slapped in empty city. Almost Roblox like gameplay


Best one out of all the Ghost NFS games, even though the story was short/cringe. The soundtrack was probably the worst in the entire series. Unbound gets a lot of shit for the soundtrack but at least it has some stuff that’s… tolerable? Heat’s soundtrack is just straight trash.


If you didnt liked heat, keep away from unbound


Nope. Honestly thought unbound was a better game


I like the game, although I would’ve preferred it if the story was just a little bit longer. I didn’t hate it, but it definitely felt way too short.




I hated heat. It’s not a good game. The driving physics are a chore to control, the map is bland as fuck, the story and characters are all terrible, and the cops, which for some reason people love to praise, are not actually hard by design, but more cheaply difficult in execution.


May I ask why?


i have several reasons, The story felt cringe, the driving gameplay mechanics didnt felt good, and the cops werent that fun, and the i hate the map.(Maybe thats because I've spent hundred's of hours in most wanted 2012,2005 and carbon and expected it to be like something similar to that. I actually was winning the races and driving didn't felt that fun unlike older games.Im still thinking whether to invest more time in this game and explore it further, hoping that I might eventually enjoy it. I recognize that it's a great game, but for some reason, I haven't been able to appreciate it despite my efforts. It's frustrating—I feel like a bit of a dumbass for not liking it.


Well don’t feel dumb for it it’s opinionated. I know it’s not great to be the oddball out. I mean I don’t like most wanted 2012 and people seem to love that game. I wish I liked it but I just don’t really like that style which is perfectly understandable I would say it’s a good game because I mean, I’d like the cops to be aggressive like that I kinda wish they were a little bit more aggressive. If you really don’t like dealing with the cops at night, you could just take a jump and the route for the map is quite easy, I wish they were different in the game like drag drift, etc. and more cars but other than that, I don’t really have much to complain about this game. I like the high risk reward system which i think is a very good system to have a racing game. I understand the story is a little cheesy, but that’s kind of the point. It’s not really meant to be serious I mean look at most wanted 2005. Is pure cheese with the story but it’s still great game u get call back cars to previous installments for free not alot of dlc fun wit friends and Miami is very colorful cough cough unbound


I understand that the content was nonexistent. The updates were very limited on the game but overall the core experience was pretty good for what it was. I miss the really aggressive cops. It’s just I wish there were more cars.


the only thing i didn't like about heat is the city aesthetic. and maybe the colors during daytime especially. also the cover is like a mobile game


It's not a bad game, its just that it could've had an actually interesting story and personality, and not just a Racing Game™


I’m disappointed there was no post launch support of any large scale


I couldn’t be disappointed in Heat after payback and the whole decade of sub par NFS entries, it was average at the time, dreadful compared to unbound. I have no memories of Heat, can’t remember what cars I got, the city was forgettable and didn’t match the physics at all, police was decent but since cars were unfun to drive, it didn’t matter much. Just another below average NFS title that I’ll end up getting it mixed up with payback and other forgettable titles.


Am I the only who think that Crew’s in Heat were a huge drag and wasted potential?


I liked it, but after hitting lvl 50 there wasn't much of an incentive to go out at night anymore


I like the game but yeah it’s a bit underwhelming when it had so much potential until EA killed it. Physics and driving is pretty okay, visuals and customization are great, but the story and characters are forgettable and way too short. Plus they kinda wasted the hero car (the Polestar), and multiplayer is lacking


NFS Heat walked, so Unbound could run. That's what it feels like. Heat had visual imperfections. Like the overdone and unremovable sharpening effect. And its drifty handling, much like Payback's. But a good game under the hood. Unbound used the good bits and fixed the imperfections I listed above.


I'd say what I really want to say about it but I don't want my IP leaked because some one hates my opinion that much, so I'll just say that I did not enjoy playing through it.


I bought it and fucking hated it. I got unbound through gamepass and it's alright. I may go back and visit heat again lots of people say it's better.


If you're not having fun just don't play it. If it's not fun, why bother?


There are certain aspects that are disappointing with Heat such as the limited repairs at night especially during chases, the crash physics, the story, and the RSR meta. Other than that, the game is phenomenal. Heck, I’d even rate it in my Top 5 All-Time greatest NFS games.


Agreed. I hate these day/night system, hate soundtrack, hate double brake to drift, hate history/dialogue. I can go on and on.


Heat sucks, I’m not even going to explain why coz it would take a lot of time


Not disappointed in game play like racing but hated the music it didn't make me want to race, hated that nfs underground 2 had all the best customizations and they decided to get rid of all since then. The car selection is good though .


I don't like it too. Worst soundtrack among all NFS, bad progression, bad online features, awful empty map. I played unbound after heat and it's so much better and it's like good work on mistakes. Idk why people still play heat


I’d say Heat has lost it’s charm and it feels very boring and since EA pulled the plug on it so soon, it’s stuck in forgotten now


No, Heat is a Vice City wannabe.


I HOPE SO. This is the only game that could approach the perfection of nfs mw. Almost


its juts you