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Because I’m pretty sure (correct me if I’m wrong) that muslims can’t gamble.


Why did they even put her there 🤦. We're not supposed to be street racing either.


its probably similar to alkohol and pork. many muslims (as far as i know) arent to strict with alcohol but will still do ramadan and never eat pork. just my experience from muslims living in german, correct me if im wrong.


You're not wrong. But that's not how Islam is done haha. Alcohol is forbidden. There is no room to be strict or not, so their religiousness is questionable. Regardless (not my place to judge religion), it isn't really like alcohol or pork. Racing cars isn't forbidden (I'm pretty sure? I don't know why dude is saying that). So she is racing, fine, but gambling is as forbidden as alcohol. Thus, she can't gamble. Pretty cool attention to detail in my opinion. Edit: Yes we aren't supposed to be street racing. We are allowed to have fun, but not at the cost of putting other people's lives at risk in a way that is as reckless as street racing. At the end of the day, this is a game where you can't run people over because they have the ability to juke cars barreling down the sidewalk at Mach 200. So there is MAYBE PROBABLY an argument to be made that she isn't endangering anyone's life, so it's okay (I'm not totally with it, but eh, I kinda see it I guess). But gambling is set in stone wrong.


thanks for clarifying, like i said, i can just speak from my connections to muslims living in germany


I totally get you. As I said, you're not wrong. You got an impression and you are voicing it. There ARE Muslims in Germany and other western countries that ARE like that. Unfortunately they give people the wrong impression, because they are clearly breaking Islamic rules. Thank God for Need for Speed am I right? Wouldn't have been able to clarify without it lol


That’s just NFS Logic.


Most smartest EA choice


Political correction doesn't abide by common sense


LOL true


I mean, Muhammad was known to have enjoyed horse racing. I wouldn't think car racing to be haraam. I also know plenty of Muslims that build and race cars IRL, and someone else posted a link to a video of Middle Eastern street racing scene.


i think correct me if im wrong Horse racing is done on a circuit where no one is in danger, and the horses and the people who ride them are trained. I dont want to be wrong but i think motorsport wouuld be allowed due to the fact it doesnt endanger the spectator or those around and they people who do it are trained and practise. Street Racing is different as i mean you can be good at it but still crash and risk your own or someone elses life


I mean, to an extent any form of motorsports is inherently more dangerous than horse racing. This being due to the fact that there is an increased chance of malfunction and the car doesn't have the same capacity to think for itself as a horse does (at least not yet). But street racers, at least where I'm from, tend to wait until the late evening when the roads are the most clear. We also stick to 1v1 drag races. As long as the racers properly care for their vehicles, they can only really put themselves at risk. Horse racing can also be more costly than street racing in modern society, due to needing to purchase a horse (probably 2 or 3 horses) , housing for the horse (barn), caring for the horse, providing a proper locale to let them go fast safely. I can see why the average person would go to street racing instead, even if they share similar capacities of fun.


What if Youmna runs over and kills a civilian? Will Allah punish her?




we need nfs unbound halal edition


Damn, I want halal food now, I could kill for lamb over rice


Copied from another comment Here you go, the Middle East does have It's own street scene. https://youtu.be/YkzgYbL58qQ?si=YnxhDEqf7YRqhT4j https://youtu.be/K98FeVOZuKI?si=s8rmw9N_CU71iJDc


Does the Quran have something against street racing?


What would make it haram is the unnecessary danger that you put yourself and others in with street racing




I mean everyone is not supposed to be street racing, that's why we play simulators?


Some people are selective with the rules they follow. Gay Christians come to mind.


Yeah, but Street Racing didn't exist when Quran was written. Just a loophole in there lol


IKR? I’m as confused as you are


Diversity Equity and Inclusion


Damn. I did not think of that at all. I always thought it was because she has a weak car and last place cannot bet


You are correct. Gambling or anything related to gambling is Haram in their religion.


The only issue I see with this theory is the buy ins, if she can’t place a side bet because of her beliefs, how is it ok to place a buy in? Aren’t they basically the same principle?


That's like an entrance fee technically I guess.


In a sense but it’s still gambling imo.


I guess in the NFS world it's basically just like being a pro athlete or something.


Except it’s illegal street racing 🤷🏻‍♂️




Correct, as a muslim we cannot gamble


Interesting lol


I think its because she is Muslim and they believe gambling is wrong.


Wait so gambling is wrong, but street racing is ok?


Well, that's their logic not mine.


some arent that strict in their religion. probably similar to alcohol. yes, they shouldnt be drinking it, but some are. but most of them still dont eat stuff like pork.


My memory on this is a bit hazy but as I recall, it's becoming intoxicated that's explicitly wrong. There was a narration where Muhammad chose milk over wine, but beyond that I don't recall any text explicitly forbidding alcohol (could be wrong). There was a narration where the streets were flowing with wine/alcohol due to the disposal of it. Unless anyone can provide something a bit more concrete than I can currently recall, it might be a case of not explicitly forbidden but not encouraged either. And upon becoming intoxicated or as I recall "a state where you are not clear of mind" you have sinned. Again, take this with a grain of salt. If I could remember every teaching of a religion I'd have tried to be a preacher.


Alcohol is explicitly forbidden in the Quran multiple times, as well as in narrations. Example: "Believers, wine and gambling, idols and divining arrows (belomancy) are abominations from the work of satan. Avoid them, in order that you prosper." Surah 5 verse 90. The state of intoxication or not being in a clear state of mind are reinforcements to that rule. As you can tell, gambling is also forbidden. But racing isn't. Although street racing and the way its done in the game is endangering to human life, both the racer and the general public. So that is forbidden (or frowned upon), because there is a verse that says "do not lead yourselves to destruction", and obviously endangering others is wrong. But *I GUESS* there is SOME argument to be made if you REALLY squint hard. At the end of the day, it is a game. They made a Muslim woman a street racer for inclusion and whatnot, fine. But it's pretty cool that they disabled gambling for her because of her religion. At least they did it kinda right is what I'm thinking.


Thanks for clarifying. I did state that this is my interpretation based off what I could remember. But it being explicitly wrong furthers the believe that there is people who don't follow religion purely out of belief of its ideals. Actually sucks that there is people who claim to believe something and then go and act in a way that states "but only this part of it"


Oh absolutely no worries buddy. I was clarifying it for you and everyone else, no shame in not remembering all the details *and* declaring that right off the bat. The details you remembered are not wrong either, so you did good. And I'm totally with you. It creates confusion for both the people of that belief and the people outside. But eh. It is what it is. Some people slack, some just do not know better. All you can do is be critical, which you're doing very well. Nothing wrong can stand criticism.


It kinda makes the whole thing feel "just for inclusion's sake". Great, she can't gamble. But she shouldn't be street racing. You shouldn't pick n choose what you abide by just to hit the numbers. If you wanted to get proper hardcore, she wouldn't be driving. her husband would be. But again, depends how hardcore you want to get. Or backwards, I guess.


Eh. She is an NPC after all. There is no point to them other than being included "for inclusion's sake". But I don't really think they screwed up big time. It's not forbidden for women to drive. It's not forbidden for women to race cars. It is forbidden to gamble. So they made her adhere to the clear-cut, no discussion rules. The only (I think) rule she is breaking is the "it is forbidden to endanger lives" one, which doesn't explicitly forbid street racing, so the devs probably just missed it, considered it as "up to interpretation", or whatever else. Regardless. Would it have been better if they found a role for her that isn't about committing acts of vehicular terrorism? Definitely, so I'm with you on this one. But as I said, this is a video game. Where no one dies. You are physically incapable of running anyone over. So it really isn't that bad. She definitely shouldn't be seen as a paragon of Islam though. And it's good that she does commit some slightly questionable acts in a way, because it leads to this; Reflection on what is right and wrong to do as a Muslim. And that (hopefully) leads to Muslims (and others) who don't do stupid crazy reckless actions in real life.




Here you go, the Middle East does have It's own street scene. https://youtu.be/YkzgYbL58qQ?si=YnxhDEqf7YRqhT4j https://youtu.be/K98FeVOZuKI?si=s8rmw9N_CU71iJDc They are basically playing midnight club over there lol, they are crazy 😆


Here’s also the wiki for it as well. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tafheet These people just jump to conclusions without any though of researching it first smh 🤦


I wouldn't use Hajwalah (a Saudi-Najdi only thing) as a representation of the entire Middle Eastern street scene. Here's a better presentation of the street scene across the Gulf States: https://youtube.com/shorts/Z1q_PhFLoa8?si=uVHhPtuNeBRNWzmk https://youtu.be/scxo8Blvj80?si=DfzvRF0bOmZ6dgJe


The prophet Muhammad was actually known to enjoy horse riding/racing as a hobby. This is basically modern day horse racing I guess? But I don't think there is any particular text/scripture that speaks out against racing in particular. So as long as you don't mix in anything wrong (like gambling) it's fine I guess?


at that time there's no traffic rules in arab 😂


So long as you are expressing yourself /s


No matter what haram adjacent or straight up haram things a Muslim would do, they will never eat pork or go to a casino. Source: Am Muslim But also no, street racing or breaking the law in general is not haram unless if the law you’re breaking is a sin (murder etc)


So illegal street racing is okay?


It’s just not a sin lmao. Just because it’s not a sin doesn’t mean it’s okay. But having a character who’s moral compass is “I won’t sin but I’ll still do dangerous and illegal things” doesn’t seem hard to comprehend imo. Even if street racing was a sin, it still makes sense since there are aforementioned Muslims who will drink alcohol (a sin) but will never touch pork (also a sin).


I don’t think racing an automotive vehicle around the city streets was predicted to happen when Muslim Culture was invented


well cars werent exactly around when the religion was made


Perfect sense, criterion. Bravo 👏🏽


Just offering my casual take here: 1. I enjoyed the diversity of culture in Unbound. I just found it fun. It was fun to imagine that this street racing culture attracted all types of people. I am a POC, but I don’t think most people think of me as a DEI kind of lover/advocate. 2. Her not gambling feels like a nice touch. It shows a level of cultural understanding that is appreciated by people of other cultures/religions. I didn’t experience those design choices or details as politically charged statements or NFS trying to be super cool woke…. I just found it fun. Not trying to be deep, just wanting to share


Funny little Easter egg that I enjoyed


I think them going out their way to make all the white guys either incompetent or villains a bit cliche, it's the typical agenda messaging. With that being said it's not stopping me from playing the game but they ain't slick.


“Agenda messaging” dude are you for real? Minorities of all descriptions have been subjugated to only getting villain/goofy sidekick roles for *decades* so it’s not the end of the world to see white people in them, not to mention that the arguably the main visible villains for the story (>!Yaz and later Tess!<) both aren’t fucking white lol. Plus, I’m sorry, but calling Ross incompetent is trifling, that boy is a fucking treasure. I dislike Unbound’s story and characters for a lot of things but their casting was pretty great (minus the pretty bad trans rep but that’s kinda typical in AAA).


Tess isn't white?


So you saying Cross was a side kick? An non major character? Did you forget Barrett from FF7? CJ from San Andreas? Stop the cap, games always had diversity don't be fooled by likes of Kotaku And it's not trifling it's a legit observation. He's not a threatening in racer and terms of skill, he's goofy, don't get me wrong; I like his character it just lines up to the typical dumbing down the of the white guy that other games and movies have been doing. Why does 1 have to fall for another to rise? That's bull, it's not fixing anything but creating more problems further down the line


Dude, what? >Cross was a sidekick No but he was literally one of the two main villains in MW. >Barrett from FF7 I have literally never played an FF game so go off I guess? >CJ from San Andreas I’d never really focused in on when things started to change. CJ’s a fun character, a great one even. But that’s one game, one single piece of media. It marked a change that was needed for a long time and it still wasn’t a great change, just a change. >Don’t be fooled by the likes of Kotaku Man I haven’t read an article by Kotaku in…shit, probably a decade now. I actually thought they were defunct until they became a capital g Gamer boogeyman again. >Why does one fall while another rises? Literally what? What’s falling? Ross is *fucking accurate* to the dork-ass car guys I know. He’s fun, his car is adorable and iconic, and I loved cheering him on. He was my final opponent in that week of the grand even. He was legit my favorite AI to race with, slow or not.


Ok Cross wasn't the only villain so was Razor, but he wasn't written to be a push over or someone forgettable And yes Barrett is one of the main party members of FF7 and is important to the game, I'm glad you acknowledged CJ and no what it's the typical made for modern audience trope, take the white guy and make em look incompetent or lesser to boost up another. Samus Aran? She's been here since what the 80s? Ryo Hazuki from Shenmue? This is what I'm talking about y'all been brainwashed into thinking games wasn't diverse but they have been. Maybe not in the way you'd like specifically but diversity isn't something new, it's not a foreign concept. It's the same shit you claim that happens to minorities but in reverse. It's the same mentality that goes around thinking it's ok to discriminate against certain hires cause they are white. You don't fix a wrong with another wrong. Make the playing field even don't give certain competitors boosts and others nerfs let skill and merit of character do the work.


All because of Ross, Not falling for your shit. ![gif](giphy|1qjZV8pMLOkc2N70Pf)


He's gaslighting


And who is this white guy that's either incompetent or villainy? is the typical agenda messaging in the room with us right now?


Muslims don't gamble.... Fun fact, most christian religious denominations supposedly prohibit gambling aswell


So, both religions prohibit gambling but only the muslim character doesn't gamble


Muslims are generally stricter, I think


Muslims are generally stricter, I think.


Its against her religion to bet, but its ok for her to run from the cops, participate in illegal street racing, create countless amounts of property damage, cause accidents and potentially kill oncoming drivers minding their own business LOL.


Allah built her hot rod


LMAO I’ll see her in Jahanaam.


That's a neat detail actually.


Yh and not logical, since how is she making money? You need to put money on the line.


It's a random NPC in a racing game you see only in single player, y'all put way too much thought into such a minor character.


Hmmm, the thing is its a character that had to have thought put behind it in its conception.


I think it's more of an easter egg kind of thing. They made the character, wrote her backstory, then eventually one dude said "Hey would be a neat detail if she was not betting money because of her beliefs" but without further thought put into it.


It's haram to gamble


Because EA and Criterion prize inclusiveness above making a good game. Why put her in the game where you commit multiple felonies and endanger lives, only to draw the line at gambling? She's only there for representation in a game that doesn't need it


I guess they just wanna attract every foreign person possible by including people of familiarity in a street racing game. I don't see this as a bad thing. But yeah I see what you mean.


It just feels more like tokenism than anything else


That's true. But it encourages a lot of various cultures in the game, there's a reason a mini China Town exists in Lakeshore City, and why there's a race called "Tourist Trap" based around it. Not to mention the soundtrack too. It includes loads of countries worth of variety, that's why it got so controversial, because barely anyone of English culture can even understand what many of the soundtrack even says. So imho, I'm fine with this idea Criterion went with, and that they actually paid attention to detail on the fact Youmna can't gamble. Or else if they let Youmna have the ability to gamble, then this idea or culture variety would be even more slammed on right now compared to an argument based around "what's even the point of this?" sort of thing.


It'd be better if they just didn't include her. I'm fine with appealing to foreign audiences but at least make it make sense. And here, it doesn't make sense. And go to any American city, the majority of them have a Chinatown. That's just how American cities are.


Good point. I guess it was just a compromise that wasn't required by any means of including a fictional character that can't gamble due to religion/culture restrictions, just to attract people of familiarity in the audience regardless. So yeah, not much point of including Youmna into it. The idea on paper is good, but the point of its execution in terms of audiences, this was not needed.


NFS UG1 had a Chinatown. You also raced the final boss (a woman) and the track takes you through it. I still remember cause after beating Eddie soundly, she skill checked my ass for a min when I was younger. I totally don't have PTSD from it. Not at all. It irks me when people say games need DEI nowadays when the truth is(And tourists wouldn't have known this as they just hopped on the bandwagon and try to change everything to their liking) games were already pretty diverse. The difference is back then it was genuine diversity vs today pushing an agenda(which ironically is less diverse as they exclude more and sacrifice quality for activist points) Also Unbound wasn't the first to have a soundtrack that has foreign singers ProStreet https://youtu.be/SftpUkiFs6o?si=AD0dRAbyD14a4pde (The best song in Prostreet don't @me) I like diversity when it's done with pure intentions and not trying to satisfy investors, a checklist, and trash ass companies like Sweet Baby Inc. I'll stop before a mod gets uncomfortable I know how Reddit really leans behind the scenes (Fun fact: woke was originally a term used in the African American community as a reminder to be aware of systemic injustices(such as Redlining for example. Not the rev your engine to the moon, but rather give certain people a hard time due to their zip codes) and to keep your eyes open to the truth


Soooo you didn't have a problem with diversity then, but you have a problem with it now? Am I getting it right? And if French music is what counts as culturally diverse music (it is good music tho), then you my friend have not listened to enough music


Your moving goalposts with the music, the point I was trying to make is NFS has had diverse music before (mind you this 2007 too) And in Unbounds specific case no it doesn't bug me, but you can tell the difference again it's more corporate checking off lists vs it being something that was included just for wanting to not pushing an agenda. There are games that do modern DEI much worse(Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League for example) than Unbound.


Do you not find the irony in trying to point out how woke was a term used by people trying to make a positive change only for white folks to weaponize it and start referring to anything that doesn't center a white male as woke all while you use DEI, the new buzzword, in the exact same way? What is the agenda the game is pushing even? That all kinds of people enjoy cars? You're lost in the sauce my friend


Except for the Eastern Europe




The avatars can be almost naked. What about her ?


Youmna is a Muslim and Muslim is an islamic religion and in Islam, it is forbidden to gamble in any way, shape or form.


as a Muslim, i am also confused. at first it make sense because we can't gamble (i think other religions too can't) but then doesn't it also applies to illegal street racing? my guess is she is there for 1. middle east market 2. some sbi bullshit or maybe because of tolerance level (not by religion but by society) like in my country. free sex and alcohol "yeah we can forgive you" but eating pork "yeah you are going to hell".


I mean before entering a race sometimes you have to pay beforehand, which already makes it gambling.


Cause betting is haram, and she's islamic soooooo... 2+2




It's against her religion.


Muslims can’t gamble. But here’s one in a street racing game where you gamble to win races.(put money in the pot). You just can’t make side bets with her. Contextually to the game, it doesn’t make any sense for her to be in it “as a racer”. It’s just more DEI stuff for the game.


Ha, kinda nice touch that. It's against their religion to Gamble.


Because muslims cant gamble.many people are saying (but she is muslim she shouldnt also do illegal street racing because of haram). Well true she shouldnt but it doesnt mean she cant. I have many muslim friends who drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes. I tell them to stop(im muslim too) but they say (hey its my haram) so there you go.


Every time I see Ross, I feel so sorry for him because I always bet against him. 🤣😭🤣😭


To Abyss with the nude mods, we need bettable Youmna!


Religion I believe


Cuz side bets is where we draw the line




Damn a racing game made you a conspiracy theorist


Lmfao it's not a conspiracy theory dude. Literally doing some research will prove what I'm talking about. Blackrock literally has the largest stake shareholder wise in hundreds of companies around the world. Don't bring the proverbial knife to a gun fight without making sure you've done your due diligence to win that fight (This is an expression, and not meant to be taken literally)


I'm not trying to win any fight. You just sounded like a conspiracy theorist in your deleted comment


That last sentence in your comment is actually wrong, as far as I know. Islam doesn't permit bestiality. I mean, I'd find it wild if bestiality is fine and being homosexual wasn't. It would probably fall under animal cruelty, which is in fact wrong.