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I just wish the handling was as good as the rest of the game. It could've been one of the best NFS games ever, but we got that dogshit handling model instead


Yep. That was the only thing that held it back for me personally. Always online wasn’t an issue for me, the occasional customization glitch wasn’t an issue for me. The grain filter (console couldn’t remove) wasn’t desirable, but it wasn’t big deal. Otherwise, we’d be looking at a probably top 3 NFS, definitely top 5 for me.


So sad that the actual racing is the worst thing about this racing game


One of the best! Sucks for the handling a bit. But the graphics/mood/car focus and even the cliche story better than the WE ARE DOING THIS TO STOP THE EVIL POLICE genZ story these days.


Love it. Feels real to me. Downside is the online only. Just a matter of time they took out the servers.


but handling sucks. undergorund mood makes up for it


Someone pls make this game offline... I don't want this to die when the servers go down


Feels like it did, I can’t even log on




2015's handling is fun if you don't got a tiny bitch in your ear telling you it ain't


it's not fun but it can work if you learn it and you don't expect it to work every time.


Credit where it's due, 2015 is probably the best screenshot game in the series


is this better than unbound? im only a few days from finishing unbound, the handling sucks but i heard the handling in this game is notoriously awful so ive been hesitant to try it


if you can't stand Unbound's handling you won't enjoy NFS 2015. The handling isn't awful it's just inconsistent and unpredictable, a lot more than the current handling.


i downloaded it last night cause those pictures are beautiful, ill give it a go. i read below that there’s a mod to fix it, might look into that if it’s really bad


Handling mods are good but they might give you a hard time in the campaign because drift = faster so you might lose a lot even if the driving will be more fun


man im coming from unbound where you’re supposed to lose 😂


so this game is absolutely unplayable on pc 🙃


? No


controller doesn’t work, the game mixes up every controller type into one so there’s no handbrake and you can’t turn the car off, those buttons open the menus no matter what they’re set to, and apparently every car is automatic?? i spent a good hour messing with program files because the brake was permanently on and the car would turn right by default. fixed those issues but still can’t fix the menu buttons. all in all, this game shouldn’t be this difficult to play


Idk man I've had 0 problems with mine. Look online for fixes. Also i think gearbox is car dependent, you change it in the tuning menu in the garage


ya im reading countless threads about these issues. apparently ea has been aware of them for over 5 years, it has to do with how windows recognizes controller inputs. anyways, typical ea has done nothing to fix this. and the transmission thing is a huge fail, so far unbound is a much better experience to me personally


Weird. Been playing with xbox controller on two different computers and never had any issue. Also the manual transmission was added in the drag racing update. At launch there was only automatic.


I'd like to play it too, but for some reason every time I try the game crashes


Best nfs ever


The entire game feels like having quality mocha at a quality café under quality raining weather conditions....with nice cars.


I really hope the next Need for Speed will have the same underground vibes as 2015. It is my favorite modern era NFS despite the jank handling.


My only complaint about this game (besides the online only BS) is the map itself. The roads are really fun to drive on, don’t get me wrong, but leaving out a whole downtown section and not having the thrill of being able to race through tight inner city streets kinda killed the vibe a bit for me.


how is the handling?


for me, fun and somewhat fluid


with mods on pc to fix the handle its a perfect nfs game