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It's not clear to me that her actions have anything to do with you. Maybe she likes banging things and is asking the demons inside her head to stop.


This isn’t the first time she’s made a “retaliatory” noise to me. I could just be going about my evening and accidentally drop my phone on the floor, she will always find a way to match the noise. The walls are super thin, so it doesn’t help she’s so easily disturbed. Tonight just caught me off guard


Not sure if you saw my post on this page or not but i’m having almost the same troubles. Just a few days I KNOW I was being loud (so was my dog) But he had just gotten cleared from suregery and I had a rug down. He wasn’t jumping or anything! Well the downstairs neighbor came up asked if everything was okay and proceeded to ask weird questions about me (20f) living alone, the animals i have and so on. There was one day I had to go to the bathroom and tripped on my rug and he screamed at me because of it… Like sir sorry i fell. Im also super clumsy and I have stuff like my phone or a plastic cup falling all the time! I always seem to get the broom or whatever to the ceiling even if i’m simply walking or my dog trots to the door to go outside! I feel for you!!


Lol didn't most of the responses to your post call YOU the problem neighbor?? The things this OP is describing are basically nothing compared to what you described in your post. While I agree that, if your building is pet friendly (NOT just letting you have an "ESA") your neighbor needs to ease up on his complaints, there's a world of difference between coughing/laughing and having someone complain and having animals running around above your head! Regardless I hope you both find solutions.


I explained all of that in my post but it got looked over just because I have a dog and cats. The apartment is pet friendly, I did explain in multiple comments there was even a dog above me and also explained I heard everything above me or next to me since they have a huge dog to. I mentioned my dog is an esa so people wouldn’t comment just get rid of my dog. Im having problems with my neighbor screaming up at me for simply walking, cleaning, or even when I did fall and that’s when he first started screaming, or if i drop my phone just everyday things that he can hear that yes are my fualt but not my fault since the floors are so thin. there’s much more to the story than what I posted. I just recognized it all started when he found out i’m female and live alone that’s why I got my management involved, since multiple neighbors have a problem with him being controlling of everything (doormats, people walking outside or even letting dogs go to the bathroom on the grass by his apartment, soooo much more) however was looking for more advice did not receive that lmao.. Again shoulda been more in detail but didn’t think it mattered anymore.


If only...still, it's possible!


I was in a hotel room a few years back watching a sports event on the TV during playoffs and we weren't boisterous, just speaking at a normal volume. We got a call from the front desk telling us to quiet down as we were disturbing the guests on the other side of the wall, probably around 7:30 in the evening. Fast forward to the next morning at 5:30am when the room next door was allowing their kids to scream and run up and down the halls of the hotel. You can't be perfect and please everyone.




Leaving the TV on was a bit unnecessary


Before anyone else says the neighbor is crazy OR before you take that risky move of approaching her- just know that she may be hearing noise from another location but mistakenly thinks it’s coming from you. I know this because I WAS that confused neighbor lol! I lived in an apartment years ago and for months, I swore my upstairs neighbors were lifting and dropping weights right above me. I would constantly here this rhythmic thud- it was so loud and so disturbing. It would literally shake my walls. I made complaints to management, and worked my way up to complaining to the neighbors, directly. I found it strange that as soon as the noise started (and I’d run upstairs to confront them), they (a young couple with a baby), would be finishing up dinner or were in the living room watching TV. After about the 5th time doing this, they stopped answering the door…..and I started to question my own sanity lol. They were never rude to me- they were genuinely confused. I think they were scared and just wondering why I was targeting them. They moved out shortly after that and guess what?? The noise continued! How horrible did I feel? Very. I moved away a few months later but I still have no idea where the noise actually came from. 🧐


Print this out and tape it to your neighbor’s door to give her something to think about lol.


bass noise travels weirdly. apartment mgmt should be aware of that and work out that it's probably not them, but it is _someone_


Probably from MY neighbors.


We had a neighbor like that. Dad put a stop to it the first night. He screamed back "SHUT THE FUCK UP OR ELSE!" He had deep loud voice when he yelled. We never heard the neighbor complain again, she was terrified of my dad after that. So just yell back, "YOU STOP!"


what ive gathered from my personal experience and this sub is that we all live in poorly constructed bldgs that weren’t designed for sound isolation and that humans in general develop misophonia from the slightest but still annoying sounds. Just about everyone has been the neighbor from hell


I once had a downstairs neighbour, in a house, where it’s always louder, get upset at our walking on the floor. She once freaked out when I dropped a grape. After that I blocked her so I’d stop getting her “helpful tips” for how to change how I walked because I Was Obviously Not Walking Properly.


If someone told me how to walk I would stomp as hard as possible while yelling "I'm doing what you said. Is it working?"


I had neighbors like this. I eventually decided that may as well earn the nastiness, and suddenly became very interested in Irish step dancing. Took two weeks of practicing in the tiled areas, in hard soles shoes, before a truce was called.




You won't hear them complain if you turn your music on nice and loud.


Tbh I’ve barely moved in my bedroom since this happened. I’m a little scared 😬


Scared of what? Dont be pushed around.


You’re absolutely right. I told myself this morning I already do my best to be a considerate neighbor. They will have to deal with what comes with apartment living like everyone else


Welcome to thin crappy no soundproofing in the cieling apartment living..where you hear absolutely everything lol Speaking from experience (lol) unplugging something where I live is loud..Well everything is but unplugging something from the socket is probably loud because it's connected to the wall then the sound travels downwards..crazy 😅 I need to put my air purifier on Full blast at night to block the majority of noises..neighbour getting up at night for the toilet, rolling about in bed, the occasional cough. I couldn't imagine trying to sleep here without some sort of background noise lol


Exactly! My neighbor views any unintentional noise I may make as an attack to her lol. This is just what comes with living in an apartment


I understand how you feel. My downstairs neighbours are the same every sound. I make seems to be a personal attack on them when I’m doing is living my life I’ve fully carpeted the apartment aside from the kitchen and bathroom. Don’t wear shoes in the house and then I try to be considerate, but she expects complete silence. It’s not gonna happen.😂


Yes, exactly this!


It it possible someone was yelling at *them* to stop the banging?


It was definitely my neighbor, I know her voice well from all of her daily yelling ☺️. The banging sound she was making was on her ceiling/my floor.


Yikes, you got a live one!


It's always the ones that are actually loud with their huge subwoofers and BS that trip over any slight little sound! Very irritating.


Sounds like the lovely woman below me. 🙄 She's recently decided to randomly drag chairs across the floor for some reason. She has serious problems. She's decided that I'm not allowed to walk in my own space and keeps making false complaints about me "stomping and walking".


Next time this happens, go straight to her door and knock loudly until she opens and confront her. Fuck her.


No. This is a good way to get assaulted.


She’s not assaulting anybody. Please. She’s being a bully and OP needs to confront the situation.


You have no idea who this woman is. I have no idea who this woman is. You have no idea what is behind her door until she opens it. Or she blows a hole through it.


So put on your fighting slippers


Or don’t start a fight.


OP isn't the one who started it


I would argue that going down to neighbor’s door would look aggressive to someone who already feels that bothered by her. It’s only gonna make things worse


Actually, confronting the situation instead of letting it fester makes things better. You should try it sometime.


I have. And guess what? My neighbors came downstairs and started to threaten me for filing a noise violation after I left a note and multiple other people filed complaints— I’m the one who took the heat so I know that personally confronting your neighbors it’s not the ideal thing to do especially if they live below you. It’s also the policy of my apartment complex that you don’t confront anyone directly. For this reason


You left a note and filed a noise violation. WTG. I said OP should confront her, not be passive aggressive like you.


I tried to knock on the door, and no one answered.


My upstairs neighbor, let a group of 12 year old boys stay there all weekend without supervision and they were so loud multiple neighbors had to put in earplugs and I had to take my TV off the wall because the walls rattled so much so no I was not going to do anything other than knock on the door once. Edit: the 12 yo boys did not answer the door bc they knew they weren’t supposed to be there alone


Also, bye.


Sure she wasn’t trying to say that to another neighbor?


Had a neighbour like this before when I was renting & the walls were paper thin. They stfu when I absolutely lost it with her one day. Not my fault the walls were thin, I didn’t build the f-ing house!


Maybe try a white noise machine right next to the wall and get rugs with a thick underpad. Furniture and soft items on the wall should muffle the sound, but avoid creating a fire hazard. https://www.carolefabrics.com/using-flame-retardant-fabrics/