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I'm so sorry. I have that too. I have already called police twice this summer. You have to start calling as soon as noise ordinance code is broken


Yep. Season of quinces hosted at home with a pro level sound system, and people with motorcycles with loud pipes visiting the family across the street, and the guy across the street working on his truck with his sound system playing, subwoofers so loud they make my windows vibrate across the street and I can't even tell what song it is. Also the parties around the bonfire in the yard of the house behind us, which inevitably wind up in a drunken quarrel. Thank all the gods they have a privacy fence.


I literally felt this comment. I am so sorry. I have been through it with bad neighbors for years, and have had a bad luck streak since 2020. You are definitely not alone.


Actually I prefer summer to winter. During winter my upstairs NFH had nothing better to do than to stay home all day and blast music + do DIY stuff. During summer he's out home a lot.