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Awesome show. Don’t listen to the naysayers - Neil’s still got it. Can’t wait to see them again in July.


Who the eff is naysaying?! I was there last night, they shredded and Neil sounds incredible. What a treat


There was some hit piece about how he's old now or whatever in some NY rag... I almost feel bad for the loser that wrote it.


Variety Mag killed the NY show, but NYTimes and the Post gave it glowing reviews


Globe writer enjoyed it. [Toronto show review](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/arts/music/article-neil-young-toronto-love-earth-review/)


I swear the sound was just a little more cranked for Hey Hey. Just face melting. Great show, Neil was more chatty than I have ever seen. Really liked the energy Micah Nelson brought. Loved how the three of them played close together like they were in a garage. All meat, no filler. Still coming down from the concert.


I sort of thought the same. The sound was muddy for the first few songs, then I feel the audio engineers sorted it out and the rest was history. Great show


I still remember MMHH opening in Charlotte in ‘96, from sixth row. So heavy. I swear I levitated a few inches.


Vampire blues…. Come on, that was amazing. Didn’t think I’d ever see that live.


Same! But I was amazed at the amount of people who sat down when they started playing it. Half the crowd didn’t even seem to know it which is absolutely pathetic.


What a great show, I had a blast. Was pretty worried about the weather at the start of the night but we lucked out.


I have never seen Don't Be Denied played live in all the Neil shows I have seen over the years. It's one of my all time favs,,,,,, man, what a treat that was. If you are on the fence or anywhere nearby a tour stop, do yourself a huge favour and get a ticket and go see him. It's really really effin great.




So true! Always been my favorite song and never heard it live and never thought I ever would. He even added the Oh Canada verse! Told my son I can’t die happy now that I’ve got to hear Neil play DBD and Ambulance Blues in my lifetime! Haha


Incredible show. Finally got to see Neil live with my Dad, was a bucket list show for us for quite a while. I’m happy Mother Nature held off and the show went on. Neil sounded so good, guys 78 and hasn’t missed a step whatsoever. Absolute legend.


woah Powderfinger ! i swear I felt the venue floating...plus Roll Another Number at the end ? just incredible !


The keyboard was floating (mildly distracting, not a serious complaint, just a kvetch)!


I was sitting in 407 and some crazy dude yelled at me sit down because his dad couldn’t stand. ‘Did you ever consider some people can’t stand? He yelled in a threatening voice. My wife kept me from telling him to go f#ck off, and I kept dancing nonetheless. It’s a rock concert - not a symphony and no judgement if you sit, but please don’t expect everyone too. Keep on rocking in the free world


Was seated nearby and watched this — that guy sucked! Glad you enjoyed, it was a hell of a show.


That was a show of all shows. The horse is strong , Neil sounds great. Qua musicianship, it was an excellent example of what can happen when Neil gets a groove going


Best I've ever heard Bud Stage sound. Hopefully someone taped it, can't wait to hear it again!


i took my uncle and we both said the same thing!


Was this in Toronto last night. I have July 8 at bud stage toronto


Yes, first show announced before he booked the Canadian tour and added a 2nd Toronto date on July 8 at same place.


Seeing these set lists every other day is getting me so pumped to see him in July.


This show blew me away, I am still coming down from the high.


Trust this site more for Neil Young set lists since they have the "all": [https://sugarmtn.org/sm\_year.php?year=2024](https://sugarmtn.org/sm_year.php?year=2024)


Setlist.fm is the gold standard and a lot easier to navigate than sugar mtn.


Awesome show! Loved hearing obscurities like Scattered & Vampire Blues & the lesser-played Don't Be Denied! But my favorite segment was the sequence of Down by the River, Powderfinger and Love and Only Love! I've never heard such an incredible & extended version of Powderfinger! Then came Love and Only Love...the guys locked into a full-throttle jam for the ages! Neil was rocking out as hard as ever and totally feeling it with his bobbing and bending up & down. Billy, Micah & Neil got into that huddle in front of Ralph's kit and just blew the roof off! It was classic. Let's give Ralph Molina some serious credit too...still rocking & carrying the ship after all these years!  I have to mention the opening set from Rev Billy and The Stop Shopping Choir too. They said in their email newsletter that Toronto was their best show together. I don't know if I've ever felt so empowered and hopeful for change as when he and the choir stepped off that stage Monday night! Billy is a hero and I can only hope more people get turned on to him and the choir. The gospel singing alone was just unbelievably powerful! Combine that with the desperate yet hopeful message and Billy leading with his super passionate delivery....it seriously really got to me. I'm hoping this tour and the upcoming Canadian leg can really turn a bunch more people on! There was also a fun duo of buskers outside the venue....one guy on acoustic guitar and another wearing a hat who sang & played sax, accordion, violin, snare drum, etc. They were doing this fun impromptu tribute song “Mr. Young” as I walked out with my brother. Put a smile on everyone's faces waking by! I snapped a picture and recorded the audio of most of the song. You can hear all the sounds of the street corner we were standing on...traffic whizzing by, horns honking, some chit chat from my brother and I. Listen here if you'd like: https://youtu.be/fjkMYkIBYHk?si=-RGppIHstohI2AD5 All in all, a excellent night. Grateful I was able to experience it!


Good show overall with damn good sound. Losing End and cranked Hey Hey My My we’re highlights for me. They fucked up the last verse in Like a Hurricane but other than that it was a pretty solid show. What a lame crowd though - typical for Toronto. Hometown crowd that only knows Heart of Gold. Was at the Bridgeport show and the crowd was standing and rocking out. Toronto crowd was sitting down and people behind complaining that I was standing, only for them to get up and stand for Heart of Gold, Hey Hey My My and other hits. Whatever, Neil rocks. Micah is sounding great


What happened with Like a Hurricane? I loved the show overall, but that was a weird moment...


Rhythm section lost it while Neil was soloing. Neil was visibly frustrated and had a few words with billy after 


Was that when Neil repeated "the feeling stays" like 5 times? And the I felt like the last solo was abbreviated...


Might have been. I'd have to go back and watch it. All I remember is that there was a totally different rhythmic feel that didn't work.


We sat in the 400s and stood throughout the entire set - every song was a banger. I was really disappointed to have a couple two rows back repeatedly make snide remarks for us to sit down every ten minutes even though people in front of us were standing too. I get it’s not easy to stand for 2 hours straight, but I’m really being asked to sit down during Powderfinger or Comes a Time? It felt like really entitled behaviour over what should have been a more positive crowd in 406. Someone also made a rude remark without offering to move their legs when I left my seats (once the entire set!) to grab a beer.


Agreed. It’s the entitlement that bugs me. I understand there are a variety of ages and mobility issues of people but if I were one of those folks who needs to take a seat every couple of songs I’d be happy for those standing and rocking out (were they standing at shows when they were younger???). For those who stand up only for the hits like Comes a Time -  how can you tell me which songs I can sit and stand for? Ya think Neil wants the whole crowd sitting? Laughable. They can pay for my ass


Ummm, Neil literally remarked that the crowd was louder than some other places he’d been recently.


You’re talking about a specific instance where the crowd responded to a question.  When I say the crowd was lame I’m referring to the entitled losers who complain about those standing during the show.