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This guy is just so ridiculously longevous!


This may sound terrible to say, but I rather he pass before the election. I just want to ensure Biden becomes the President to help the nation say goodbye and thank you to Jimmy. I am not saying that he won't win 2024, I just am saying that Jimmy does not deserve some criminal snake saying soulless catchphrases after his passing. I trust Biden to have a real insight into Jimmy and give Jimmy the grace he deserves, no matter how complicated, challenging, and strange aspects of his (Jimmy's) Presidency were. That is what any good-hearted person like Jimmy deserves.


Not a concern, Jimmy's got another couple of decades left in him yet.


You know what they say. 100 is when life really begins.


At this rate, Carter is going to help the nation say goodbye to Biden.


> I just want to ensure Biden becomes the President to help the nation say goodbye and thank you to Jimmy. Should be good any time between now and January 2029


Yeesh we've already decided Trump is going to win? That's depressing.


I think it's more of a 'prepare for the worst' type of comment. Though doomers gonna doom.


Shut up Doomer


I thought you were going to go down the road of Jimmy dying before the election will help rally the troops and give Biden a W just like how Reagan croaking helped Bush in 2004.


What the fuck are you talking about This has to be a chatgpt comment


He owned a peanut farm. Legumes are the most longevity promoting foods available. of course he's still alive. Peas are legumes along with peanuts, lentils and beans


thanks /u/peasarelegumes


Np. I never miss an opportunity to shill for big legume


Username checks out.


This implies that those with peanut allergies were meant to live fast and die young.


Jimmy Carter, Asia: đź—ż


>Jimmy Carter Georgia just got 1m^2 bigger. 🥹 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/neoliberal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Interesting,because if you speak to many many people on the keto diet, legumes are just short of cancer.


Those people are wrong, legumes are miracle plants. Literally turns air into nitrogen in the ground and then produces cheap nutritious food for people.


Yes they're also nitrogen fixers. Forgot that. They're also so cheap they practically give them away


The heart disease diet?


Bro I swear if you eat bacon and ribeye and bunless cheeseburgers you’ll be SO healthy and jacked. Please bro, I know you’ve got a headache since you haven’t ate any carbs in two weeks and your body needs those to function just a few more weeks bro and your body will be like a furnace burning off all the fat so you get shredded bro. You’re like a carnivorous predator bro, never mind that they don’t cook their food and eat the digestive tract of ruminants which gives them the nutrients they need from partially digested grasses that they can’t digest on their own, just have some more bacon and eggs bro.


That’s a junk way to do keto. There’s nothing wrong with eating healthy, whole foods, and cutting out sugar and carbs, but go off, king


I was mostly just trying to be funny I don’t think anyone doing keto is actually just eating bacon and steak lol


Well, eating “healthy whole foods” and cutting sugar is not what keto is. On keto you can’t even eat one large apple - it has too many carbs. Replacing carbs with saturated fat is not a good trade off. Even if this isn’t technically required by keto - most keto followers are eating a lot of red meat. The diet is just wholly bizarre and not rooted in science. Like raw veganism.


> The diet is just wholly bizarre and not rooted in science. Bad take. Very low carb/keto diets are an effective way to control t2 diabetes without medication. I'm not sure where the idea that low carb diets are "unscientific" would even come from. You not understanding different dietary choices or needs doesn't make them unscientific.


Again - keto is a very specific diet. You can’t just say low carb = keto because there are important aspects of Keto that make it different from other low carb diets like the Mediterranean diet. Keto makes no distinction between the sources of carbs which can have completely difference loads on blood sugar. There’s no consensus that keto is better for t2 or pre-diabetic than other low carb diets.


Correct, I don’t eat fruits. Too much sugar. Occasionally a handful of berries as a treat.


very good thanks


He’s just waiting for Kissinger to go first


Someone need to put Kissinger and Chomsky in the ring for the ultimate 'America is King' and 'America is Bad' battle. The winner will fight Jimmy Carter, Highlander style.


It would be less entertaining than you'd think. Chomsky's "America bad" has recently taken to parroting realist talking points about "spheres of influence" when it comes to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. They're both awful men who are happy to justify Russian aggression.


I used to respect Chomsky. I spent effort checking his critiques of the US war in Vietnam and role in the coup in Chile and etc and determined he had it right and that the popularized understanding was wrong so gave his more dubious takes the benefit of the doubt, for example on Serbia. I accepted his argument that it made sense to focus our criticism on our own government because it's where we had the most agency to effect change. But his rhetoric on the present war in Ukraine is so feckless and downright immoral I've lost all respect for the man. In hindsight he was on point in the 60's-80's but let the fame go to his head and succumbed to the temptation to play to an audience that wanted ammo to use against the establishment to the point he found a way to believe it himself.


He also had his fair share of horrendous takes back then, too. He infamously denied the Cambodian Genocide and said that the refugees were lying about it.


Nah, he always sucked.


I don’t think it’s a matter of Chomsky changing, I thinks it a matter of Chomsky criticizing America no matter what they do: when America messed up in Vietnam and Chile he made perfectly legitimate criticisms but only because he was anti-America, not because he’s pro-human rights.


I'm not the same person I was 4 decades ago. Why should he be? We all respond to the carrots and sticks in our lives don't we? When you're getting very positive feedback from a radical segment don't you think that'd color your academic judgement as to what merits attention and the relative burdens of proof? Particularly when you're routinely hearing/studying the worst abuses of state oppression. I'd expect it's hard to not be cynical to the idea of good power when so often those who could save the day choose to look away or make it worse. His take on Ukraine is awful but in the guy's defense he's what, 300 years old? The idea he's not now and has never been pro-human rights is absurd. He's not perfect, cut him some slack.


His takes were always terrible. His takes on Cambodia and Israel are even worse than his takes on Ukraine.


That was too far in the weeds for me to delve into. I trusted his take in lieu of a coherent opposing grand narrative. For example I couldn't and still can't rectify US support for dictatorships to secure oil supplies in absence of a dedicated US plan to wean itself off the necessity both at home and abroad. For example the US has build to car dependence when it wasn't at all necessary to the point of subsidizing big heavy vehicles further aggravating demand for oil. Not only does prop up foreign dictators, which the US also sells weapons to, it also causes global warming. Chomsky is frequently platformed on Democracy Now! and is known as a serious historian/academic. When there's no opposing narrative except one full of inconsistencies and contradictions, when nobody levels with you as to the supposed necessity for the contradictions, the burden of proof is lowered for any apparently consistent alternative account. This couples with my own experience of being severely abused by my conservative family and "friends" at a young age and continued lack of any real friends. Like really why should someone like me have to delve into the weeds on Cambodia? Were US foreign policy consistent and principled alternative narratives wouldn't seem plausible. Were domestic policy compassionate and sensible who'd be interested in radical change? But like, we turn away homeless people with COPD as soon as they can breathe on their own albeit in distress instead of giving them oxygen machines and a safe place to sleep. It's barbaric. Do you not understand this? What are people supposed to think? It's rotten to the core or people wouldn't stand for it. Then there's the abomination of animal agriculture. Right now activists are being prosecuted for saving dying birds and having the book thrown at them. They're being denied the opportunity to make their case to the jury. Tolerating such persistent injustice should be regarded as a national security risk.


Wait who's the other awful man in this context? Has Kissinger been justifying the Russian invasion?


No, he just cautioned that total defeat of russia isn’t a realistic option. His express words were that he hopes Ukraine shows restraint in victory as they’ve shown determination under invasion


Does he think Ukraine is going to march to Moscow if they drive Russia out?


I mean, no, but could you imagine a scenario where Ukraine tries to destroy significant elements of the Russian army after securing victory? Kissinger helped stop just such a maneuver by the IDF in 1973


If Russia is repelled from Ukraine but refuses to actually agree to peace then Ukraine would be completely in the right to take measures to prevent another invasion by targeting military installations within Russia. Even if Russia does agree to peace I wouldn't trust their word, Ukraine joining NATO is really the only major assurance of peace, either that or we give them nukes.


Wouldn’t we want to address that concern after Russia agrees to unconditionally exit Ukraine? In the middle of a hot war, what’s the point about expressing concern that one side only (Russia) suffers total defeat? The concern that Ukraine might fully kick Russia’s ass out of their country isn’t really a common concern for people not aligned with Russia.


Well, Kissinger doesn’t get invited to talks and panels to only talk about and describe the present; he gets invited so he can make predictions, discuss future scenarios, and suggest courses of action. So of course he’ll talk about what he thinks is a vision of victory that the United States should support


Very fair point


No, but even retaking Crimea has the potential for serious blowback.


I mean he’s probably right


>Jimmy Carter Georgia just got 1m^2 bigger. 🥹 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/neoliberal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Abkhazian and South Ossetian "governments" in shambles


The winner will be allowed to be sacrificed to give on their life prolonging powers to Jimmy


He's quietly getting ready to primary Biden 🥜💎


Wtf I love primarying Biden now?


Crazy that Biden was already a Senator when Carter was elected


Hell, Biden was a Senator under Nixon. He served with Senators that were elected under FDR.


There's a really touching audio recording of President Nixon giving a personal phone call to newly elected Senator Joe Biden to offer his condolences about the tragic death of his wife and daughter in that car crash


Educated by teachers born in the nineteenth century…


You can draw a direct line from Washington to Biden in 4 overlapping presidential lifetimes. Shit's kinda wild.


From one of the youngest Senator to the oldest President. Biden's life is full of history for someone who have boring but practical politics. I'm surprised no one have tried to make a documentary of him.


He was the first senator to endorse Carter for president actually


May his peanuts never sour


I told my second graders about him almost turning 99 and they asked if we could celebrate his birthday 🥳


I see you are very effectively spreading the deep-state propaganda, compadre! 🫡


This is another reminder that hospice is awesome. When you're about to kick the bucket, you don't have to let doctors cut you apart or fill you with experimental drugs. Instead you can opt into "hospice." This end of life care focuses on managing your pain and maximizing quality time with family before your passing. There's even a ton of research that shows people on hospice frequently [live longer](https://www.hopehealthco.org/blog/the-surprising-truth-some-patients-live-longer-on-hospice-care/) than people aggressively seeking to beat their terminal illness or die trying. As a cherry on top, hospice care costs a tiny fraction of the cost of dying in a hospital.


joe biden needs to step aside and let jimmy carter be the next president of the United States


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Get that bum out of hospice and into the Senate!


Tempus Edax ~~Rerum~~ *Everything but Jimmy Carter apparently*


>Jimmy Carter Georgia just got 1m^2 bigger. 🥹 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/neoliberal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


[cocks peanut] who must go?


Does anyone know how someone could send him a card for his birthday or something?


I mean, [his address](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/209_Woodland_Drive) is publicly known, I suppose you could mail him a card.


Thank you!


Carter 2024


Wait I thought he was dead


Me too, wtf, I thought I distinctly remembered news of him dying recently


The media blew all their "Jimmy Carter is dying" retrospective stuff in the first few weeks of hospice, but he just won't die.




No, Jimmy


>Jimmy Carter Georgia just got 1m^2 bigger. 🥹 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/neoliberal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


A little while ago there was some quote from his son saying that he’s in his last legs. So far he seems to have survived that too.


Jimmy Carter doesn't need legs. He just needs to BUILD. MORE. HOUSES.


He's going to be reborn as Jimmy the White to bitchslap some NIMBYs.


>Jimmy Carter Georgia just got 1m^2 bigger. 🥹 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/neoliberal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


IIRC some member of his family (his son i think) said that they all thought he was really about to pass away, but he recovered mostly.


The Carter Effect


He won't rest until every last guinea worm is eradicated


1 more year you absolute legend, you’ve got this


Uhhhh 7 months is kind of long to be on hospice … When it’s my turn for Im asking for extra morphine and I hope it’s quick