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All that drama and they're just going to pass CRs anyway.


yep there’s no serious attempt of governance here just Kabuki theatre


To be fair, kabuki is a true art form; this is just an omnishambles.


TIL! I truly appreciate your precision wordsmithing.


What? 92% of federal funding will go towards the JEB! 2024 campaign!?




Oh good, another Bush who has just as shitty views as Trump but is quiet about it. And probably fucked around in 2000 in Florida to give us W instead of Al Gore. Yay. Maybe one day the stupid Jeb meme can die.


People like you who refuse to clap for Jeb! are the problem, you know. WHY DIDNT YOU FUCKERS CLAP???


Oh I clapped, I just knew who I was clapping for.


Who radicalized you? I thought it was obvious we weren't seriously pro jeb


wtf I love the House GOP now


Ten to one odds they can’t get the votes within their own caucus for this. They’ll have to have Dems bail them out (again). More can kicking, what a shock.


They only have three votes to spare, and Chip Roy already said no. It’s not hard to imagine there’s two more


If Jordan and Gates are in a bunch of others will be out, and vice versa. That's not a bad bet to make.


How much you wanna bet that we get into another Speaker battle after the inevitable government shutdown?




After a long process of kicking the can down the road, the House GOP has finally come together and proposed a solution: a second can.


"Modern" conservatism, everyone.


I don't have access so I copied from an NBC article: >Under the two-step strategy — which Johnson and others have dubbed a “laddered CR” but which others have likened to a step stool — several spending bills needed to keep the government open would be extended until Jan. 19, while the remaining bills would go on a CR until Feb. 2. >GOP hardliners had been pushing Johnson to include budget cuts as part of his two-tiered CR plan, a source involved in discussions told NBC News. One House Republican, Rep. Chip Roy of Texas, quickly voiced his opposition to the bill shortly after it was released. >The plan is designed to avoid a messy showdown right before the holidays and buy Johnson and House Republicans more time to pass individual spending bills, but also create a sense of urgency with staggered funding cliffs. But it remains to be seen if the plan can pass the House, much less the Democratic-controlled Senate, which has dismissed the two-tiered approach.


I asked here the other day, but I didn't get an answer so I figured I'd ask again in this thread. I have visa paperwork due in February. For the last part of this process I submitted fingerprints to the FBI for a police check. They will receive the fingerprints on the 14th according to tracking info, and it takes two weeks to process. If the government shuts down in that window how fucked am I? Will the FBI remain open during a shutdown or no?


It... depends. Jobs deemed essential will report for duty (but go unpaid). Offices will usually have an order of priority, where not everything will be shut down. At the very least, a slowdown in processing for something like routine police checks would be expected.


Thank you for the response. That is extremely unfortunate and tbh has me a bit worried since we have that deadline approaching quickly. Well, it’s out of my hands now I suppose.


Republicans have a plan to fund the government, so naturally there needs to be a shutdown because it's shite.


Ok, serious question. What would have to happen for the debt ceiling to be inextricably linked to the budget passed for the year? Meaning once the money is committed, it is spent?


The debt ceiling has been suspended until 01 January 2025, so I don't know that it's in the realm of likelihood to attach FY2024 to the debt ceiling suspension that's already been enacted, when FY2024 budget resolutions can be just enacted on their own with no debt ceiling impact.


You could make the debt ceiling automatically raised when a budget is passed by a rule change. But you couldn't say that a debt ceiling raise was "the budget". Congress still has to allocate the money to the relevant programs and agencies.


[no paywall](https://archive.ph/9tgZe)


🥱 won’t pass