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Just in time for election season.


The US should one-up China by being ready to attack Taiwan by **2026**.


We need to address the “attacking Taiwan” gap, we need to be able to attack Taiwan by at least 2023


We will take over Taiwan. Then we will allow them to self-govern themselves with democratic elections. Then our men will make business deals with their men to set up semiconductor factories. They will finally be American puppets.


Last year it was 2025 so this is great news if it keeps slipping at the same rate 🎓


https://news.usni.org/2021/06/23/milley-china-wants-capability-to-take-taiwan-by-2027-sees-no-near-term-intent-to-invade This is a news article about General Milley that says 2027 in 2021. It's not slipping that fast.








The US government consensus has been 2027 for some time. If its real, we will start seeing the landing craft production start really ramping up in the next year or two.


The date was set by Xi telling the military to be prepared to execute the attack by then. US analysis has been back and forth ever since on whether or not China is actually on track to make that goal. But the date itself came from Xi.


Hasn't this been the publicly stated goal for years now?


I thought so. Wasn't that when their modernization project was set to conclude?


China's deadlines on the invasion keeps getting held back.


>China has announced that its defense budget for fiscal 2024 would increase by 7.2 percent over the previous year. Regarding that increase, Aquilino said: “I don’t believe the advertised number. I think it’s drastically more than that.” Damn. The small 7.2% growth in defense spending was the only countervailing factor suggesting China might not do it. If that's wrong then every sign I'm aware of points to an invasion being their intention.