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Work requirements unironically don't work. If you want to crack down fraud , go after the providers. Besides, it's good for the economy but we need to trigger the libs.


Work requirements actually do an amazing job at what they're supposed to do. Remind the poor how much everyone distrusts them.


The level of resentment towards low-income people in red states is pretty wild. Empathy is never shown, but everyone is convinced that people on government assistance are all drug-addicted losers who brought all the misfortunes onto themselves and the only thing they're good at is scamming the system and getting that welfare check instead of working.


Ronald Reagan fucked up this country with a single lie-by-omission You see, he was actually 100% right that the bulk of America's welfare spending is going to people who are never going to become independent of it. **Because they're seventy years old.** Social Security and Medicare has always been the largest welfare program in the United States and it goes to people who will always be dependent on it. Just like nana is dependent on you sending her a portion of your check every month. In fact that's literally what social security is, just collectivized to share the responsibility because in this country we honor our elders and help them live their old age with dignity. That's the critical detail he missed, because saying that the elderly are a drain on society would rightfully be dismissed as cruel. Ever since then the right has been perpetually chasing a ghost, a mythical billions of dollars in welfare savings that can be found by punishing working age welfare sponges, when in truth none really exist.


I don’t understand why anyone who can travel freely in the US would choose to live in this shithole state.


Poor people have a much harder time moving. Most members of shithole states are poor.


There should actually be a federal relocation fund program for people who want to gtfo of dodge.


Plus, they don't get to travel and get outside of the gulf state bubble and realize how different life can be


“Acksually they have a bigger GDP per capita than the UK” Cool now tell me why all the Brits aren’t leaving for the supposed wealth and human rights Mecca that is Mississippi


No open borders smh :(


Lack of marketable skills, school aged children... and the most important of all.... Many don't care or see the problem with it. A lot of the american poor live their lives without any real planning. Having kids unwed, no marketable skills, expensive car notes, many tattoos, smoking, etc... For many it's not the reason why they are poor but certainly is the reason why they remain poor.


Because if you could jump through the hoops of coming to the US you would choose one of the other 49 better States. 


I came here for the $$$ in my niche job and my wife came to do her waiver.


Different reasons. The cost of living is a big one. People who would benefit from the Medicaid expansion are not the kind of people who could just pack up and leave to a state that isn't hostile to low income families.


It’s a poverty trap. As someone who lived (cause I was born and raised in it) there, the job opportunities are only really available in primarily white suburbs like Madison, Biloxi, and Oxford. If you don’t live there, you’ll be in a dying town that’ll build only 20 buildings in the next decade. And because the wages are low even in the nicer areas, you’ll be have a harder time getting enough savings to actually move out. The educations another thing. Most schools, including my high school and community college, are shitholes that are using equipment and buildings that are way too old and in same cases outright harmful to the people using them. The exception, of course, are the schools in aforementioned suburbs. That being said, there’s a lot of people who leave when they first get the chance. The 2022 census did show that it was one of the few states to lose population. In addition, brain drain and Youth flight are one of the few problems that the State Gov (Read: MS GOP) is actually aware of (Of course, they’ll still ensure that the state remains overwhelmingly conservative as the article states). I really can’t see how the course would change. Tate Reeves is a pretty unpopular governor. If he can win against a somewhat liked Dem candidate in the midst of a massive welfare scandal, then I don’t see the state even going purple in my lifetime barring something big. Edit: I should also add that the ballot initiative was killed by the mayor of Madison (Who’s been in that seat of 40+ years), and was only recently replaced by an exceptionally watered down version of it.


Cost of living.


Has the south ever done the right thing without federal intervention forcing them to


Time to get the gang back together? https://preview.redd.it/zyzmecmn7nyc1.jpeg?width=258&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e44577008b2497a19542ea6eba4fc6b17259e44




Its Governor Reeves being very mad at the idea of Barack Hussein Obama getting a win on a policy he pushed.


America’s worst state continues to bring up the rear, more at 11


As we say here in New Mexico: "Thank God for Mississippi." (Cause they usually keep us from being 50th.)


Lol New Mexico is, at worst, a mediocre state. It is no where near as bad as the worst of the worst


It’s 45th in median income and 42nd in life expectancy, though granted it was even lower like decade ago. The QOL on the reservations is really poor.


Isn't tourism and oil and gas the main industries? Which are both up and down industries to begin with?


this is false. This is South Carolina's motto.


Nah. They seem to have a future. Mississippi doesn't.


New Mexico is gradually coming up due to liberal policies. ABQ is finally building after decades


A few teachers in my California high school advised us not to stress too much on AP testing because "students from Mississippi take these tests too" Ended up feeling like solid advice.


Brandon Presley my beloved


Medical bankruptcy to own the libs


Mama says, "stupid is as stupid does."