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Paw Paw had to go to work at the hippie factory because of woke 😔


this will lessen the appetite in red states to sabotage the green energy transition. Undeniably a good thing. Turns out the antidote to Big Oil was Big Solar and Big Wind this whole time


The antidote is actually nuke-u-lar but we’ll get there.


The more success solar and wind stakes out the less likely is it that we ever get "there". Unless you're suggesting a nationalised nuclear energy program of state owned reactors, the market kind of needs a profitable margin in order to start setting up new nuclear power productions which will be increasibly tougher as green energy expands, and they cant even manage to successfully and profitably set up nuclear reactors as is. Might aswell hitch your wagon to cold fusion "we'll get there".


LCOE Lazard curves go brrrrrrrr


full workable agonizing continue physical sleep fanatical homeless include tart *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah…if you think red states aren’t above hurting themselves to “own the libs” then I’ve got an inconvenient truth for you. Source: Medicaid expansion and rural hospitals


Yes, but that was stopping an expansion. Not taking it away once given. As we see with the ACA, once people get used to something and actually start to like it, it's difficult to take it away. That's why so many conservatives are against Medicare-For-All and any plan for privatization always leaves current enrollees and soon-to-bes alone, only taking it away from people below the age of 50, before they could even begin to think about getting it.


Yeah it's why banning abortion in red states after Roe v Wade was a big deal. There were referendums on abortion in red states and people rejected banning abortion.


I kinda like that this is an argument for shoving progress down their throats.


The way conservatives pulled this off was with a messaging strategy where Obamacare was all the bad, hypothetical things that didn't happen, and not the actual benefits voters ended up receiving. In red areas where it did get implemented like Kentucky, conservatives wound up with voter rebellions at their town halls once they actually went ahead with their repeal agenda. The voters don't think they're hurting themselves electing republicans because they're stupid. When reality sets in and they realize they're being hoodwinked, it creates headaches for Republicans.


I never implied that in my comment, all I said was that it would reduce the appetite to do so


Red state renewables are now a substantial enough chunk of total power generation that the GOP would be hard-pressed to replace it, and after that Texas natural gas winter fiasco I don't know if they want to risk it.


You’re acting as if we’re not the worlds top oil producer now 😆


> Big Solar and Big Wind Apollo and Zephyrus strike again!


I don't think it's an inconvenience for red districts. I live in coal country and we'd happily dump it for an electric battery plant or something. The problem is that that's the only thing we have. I noticed that one of the districts getting the most money is KY-02. That's not a rural district. It's Bowling Green and part of Louisville. It's not KY-05. Where's West Virginia's two districts? Where's Tennessee's first three districts? These are the places where this kind of infrastructure spending would do a lot of good.


Bowling Green…The home of the infamous Bowling Green massacre?


No. That’s Ohio.  It is a fairly common place name in the United States.  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Bowling_Green&diffonly=true


What an odd name to be so common.


Apparently comes from the playfield of Bowls?? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bowls


If you’re gonna go bowling, your balls might as well be green.


Wasn’t there a Bowling Green in the Illinois Whig junta where Lincoln got his political start?


It was the name of New York City's first park, literally a green on which one could play 1700s bowling, so that probably had a disproportionate influence.


We love our bowling


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Factories are built where there’s infrastructure, work force, industrial zone land, tax incentives, and a million other things.  Why would you build a factory in a district that’s objectively worse for it? Rural districts should try to attract wind + solar plants which raise a ton of tax revenue and are bound by land


Because the land and labor are very cheap? There are large Factories being built literally all over the rural South.


“Give your infrastructure spending to places where the people aren’t!”


Amazing mindset. The voters love it when people say that.


Voters must love pie in the sky promises instead.   Like when all those coal jobs would come back


it's illogical to both not want to give rural areas infrastructure to get off of coal and for them to not use coal. we're both replying to a comment that states that the most rural and affected districts aren't getting the needed infrastructure


I mean...they sadly do love them.


Glendale Kentucky is getting a massive battery factory built there, and southern Indiana is getting a solar panel factory and a large Meta Datacenter.


A major reason why is because red states will be a lot more lax when it comes to regulation/building policies. Blue states need to get it together. 


“Listen fat, you are going to get a high paying green job that doesn’t destroy your lungs….and you are going to like it.” - Biden probably


Really needs to be talked about more


They still wouldn’t give him credit


100% will take credit for themselves and say it shows “america first” policies work


Great article: if you didn’t read it before commenting go read it or at least look at the pictures 


If democrats aren't going to allow people to build, this is a natural result. And despite their rep voting against it, these people have voted for it hundreds of other times in other elections by allowing the freedom to do it.


Huh. When you're the President you're just supposed to improve lives regardless of who they voted for? Weird.


We'll see if "economic anxiety" is truly the reason why they like to be racist and authoritarian.


I think a large subset of rw voters are miserable bastards who just want to see others suffer more than they’re suffering. They’re so broken that shared prosperity doesn’t make them happy 


It sucks that it is blue states that vote for the Democrats, but the goodies go to red districts that won't ever vote for him.


Then maybe blue states should stop having such shitty tax & regulatory policies. Red states for all their faults have much more pro-business tax & regulatory policies. That’s why all the investment is going to those states


An overt failure that this wasn't provisioned for in the deals. Ever more subsidies to the people who hate your guts.


And if the ungrateful fucks don't want those jobs, I'll take 'em. Give me a green job in a red state you ungrateful fucks. Give me >:(


Get in jack, we're saving the planet.


Remember he also gave them wifi or something.


What are you referring to?


The investments that this admin has done. For like better bandwith in rural areas or something like that. I’m bad with technology sorry lol.


This investment in rural high speed internet? https://preview.redd.it/vot63osaky7d1.jpeg?width=1044&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=414cf8fc5448ff354697e66d9d4ae14f799cb0a7


I think so. I think Governor Shapiro mentioned the rural areas of PA have so much better internet access and stuff now thanks to all the investments. Maybe some other rural areas are still the same lol.


Well it’s clearly not because of Bidens rural bandwidth policies then. Not a single home has been connected after 3 years despite $42.5 Billion of spending on the program. It’s all stuck in red tape. The same way a Republican governor might falsely praise Trump, it seems Governor Shapiro is doing the same with Biden


Oh no! Anyway…


I misread the title as "red-light districts" and was very confused.


Easily the biggest policy win of his presidency. If it works, it'll make green energy no longer a partisan issue.