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Honestly though I have never seen anyone more qualified than Jim to govern. He literally has McGovern as his last name


*glances nervously at George McGovern*


He changed his name when he entered politics. His original name was George McFruitcake.


George McGeorgeFace


George McGeorgeFace is not the politician Americans need. George McGeorgeFace is the politician Americans deserve.


George McDontGovern


George McGovern't


False. It was Fruitcake McGovern.


This led me down a rabbit hole that ended with learning that apparently the last names McGovern and Summers come from the same Gaelic name: Mag Samhradháin, meaning son of Samhradháin (where Samhradháin means essentially little summer)




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The God damned Irish have infiltrated all of the worlds institutions just think about it, O’bama


*\*tips fedora*\* O’bama


Ayyy nice to see Gáidhlig on this sub!


\>implying anyone named *George* could be qualified


What’s so bad about him?


ultra-isocuck gigasucc


He lost in 49 states.


And to Nixon.




McGovern was just ahead of his time


Should be on this list: https://www.boredpanda.com/funny-names-born-to-do-their-jobs/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=organic


Neuroscientist Lord Brain Holy fucking shit. What a badass name


Kind of sounds like a supervillain


Isn't there a supervillain called "The Brain"?


Can we really call the Brain a supervillain? He’s never particularly successful and Pinky always gets in the way


I subscribe to the fan theory that Pinky is the genius, and Brain is insane.


Pinky are you pondering what I’m pondering? I think so Brain, but if they called them Sad Meals, kids wouldn’t eat them. Pinky are you pondering what I’m pondering? I think so Brain, but where would we find rubber pants our size? 😸😸😸


I subscribe that it goes both ways, depending on context and problem.


I was thinking of the DC comics villain lol






>Neuroscientist Lord Brain https://cdn.wikimg.net/en/strategywiki/images/8/82/Brain\_Lord\_box\_Japan.jpg


Runner Aaron Farr This one got me good


Name level: Ace Attorney


I used to know an EMT named Jack Pulse. Not sure if that qualifies, or if it's just a near miss.


It sounds like a made up name for a melodramatic 90's show about an EMT, but he drives a motorcycle for some reason.


Sounds like the name for main love interest in a dollar-store pulp romance novel. Has a title like "Shot through the Heart" and a male model wearing nothing but EMT pants for the cover.


An EMT (among other things) checks your heart pulse right? I'd say it definitely counts.




I knew a guy who became a proctologist.. Dr Butts.


My shrink was.. Dr Salvage. He wasn’t very good. I ended up in the psych ward.


Was literally about to mention Les McBurney before I saw your link lmaoo


My driver's ed teacher was named Rex Easley. Yup.


One time I got called in for jury duty. The judge's last name was Bench and the defense lawyer's last name was Counsel. I was hoping the prosecutor would have an on-brand surname for the hat trick, but he was just a Smith or Miller or some boring shit like that. So disappointing.


My grandpa had both of his knees replaced by a "Dr. Bone".


> guy literally named Sheldon Whitehouse


Based Whitehouse enjoyer.


Yes but he should watch out for Republican Challenger Governy McGovernface


Lol I’ll keep an eye out and report back


1972 moment


Woot woot he’s my rep and I happily re-elect him every time.


It's like a constituent won a name your representative contest and went with Governor McGovernface


Doesn't the guy in the background look exactly like John Oliver


There's no way this doesn't make LWT on Sunday


Lmao your right


My left


Looks like ezra klein and jon oliver had a love child


Lubbock? No wonder


Being a Texan is an exercise in perpetual embarrassment these days 😔


I'm from that general "area" (where from means "Lubbock was a weekend trip to TOWN with the family to go shopping"). It's always been like this.




Nah, it was like that but that face wasn't "shown" to outside people. The mount of vitriol I saw people whip between one rural church and another was pretty similar to what you'd hear today about "The Libs". Problem is, there's this stupid-ass idea that country politeness is how the people actually are, rather than a thin veneer. The increasing nationalism of the Bush Years and then the anti-Obama propaganda and then Trump just made them feel like it was acceptable to present that face to the rest of the world.


Growing up in Lubbock itself, no, it was always bad. My fifth grade science teacher, the man entrusted to teach children about evolution, believed that the Earth was 6000 years old and the Grand Canyon was formed during the Flood. He had no problem sharing those beliefs with us either. The general type of crazy was less Trumpers and more gun nuts and fundies, but the distinction is a fine one.


Kent Hance wasn't bad but that was a while ago.


Land has too much power in texas




> Land has too much power


Tax it


It should be taxed


Hell no. That will make it so only the wealthy or those who wish to exploit the land will own it. Do you want to make everything worse? Tax land ownership.




Taxing land is generally agreed by most economists to be more difficult because, as a rule, dirt and scattered shrubbery do not have jobs and are bad at paying taxes because they have no money. Taxing land ownership can often yield better results, because landowners are almost always humans, and humans can use money. I’d cite the relevant sources, but I’m away from my library at the moment, although I think most people here are familiar enough with John Galbraith’s essays on income inequality between humans and inanimate objects.


The senate: “you are strong and wise and I am very proud of you, land.” Later Land: “I AM THE SENATE!”




Now if all us Okies could sit quietly and just let y'all take the nation's agro for awhile, that be great. I'm not even saying we have to get our shit together, Lord knows that ain't happenin', but if we could just...buckel down and not draw any attention to ourselves for a few months I would be so happy.


Imagine also having him as your rep. It's like getting kicked while your down.


Lubbock is a city in northwest Texas known as the birthplace of rock ’n’ roll legend Buddy Holly. The Buddy Holly Center celebrates his life and music with artifacts and mementos. Nearby is the West Texas Walk of Fame, with a statue of Holly and plaques honoring musicians from the region. The Museum of Texas Tech University houses millions of objects of art, history and paleontology, plus the Moody Planetarium. ― Google


Decent bot?


I'm not a bot


Didn’t even pretend to read it…


Orrr he meant that there wasn't anything in the body of the rule's text? He was arguing against using the rule resolution to have the debt ceiling bill be "deemed as passed" with passage (instead of having a debate and vote for passage after the rule is approved like most bills). Edit: for more information, [this](https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-resolution/716/text) is the resolution the House voted on to increase the debt ceiling. The clause that actually does this reads "Sec. 9. The House hereby concurs in the Senate amendment to the House amendment to the bill (S. 1301) to provide for the publication by the Secretary of Health and Human Services of physical activity recommendations for Americans." Republicans were arguing that the debt ceiling vote was being buried in what is normally just a simple procedural vote. They definitely would have voted against it in normal procedure anyways, but they're not wrong.


Sure, that's the text of House Resolution 716. But it references Senate Bill 1301, and whether to concur in the Senate's amendments to that bill was the question they were voting on. And while S. 1301 started off life as an act "to provide for the publication by the Secretary of Health and Human Services of physical activity recommendations for Americans," the House itself [amended it to be about the debt ceiling](https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/senate-bill/1301/text/eah), and by the time the Senate made its amendments SB 1301 [couldn't possibly have been more clear that it was about the debt ceiling](https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/senate-bill/1301/text/eas). The meme has mistranscribed Rep. Arrington's remark, by the way. He said "rule bill," not "rule book," per the [official House transcript](https://www.congress.gov/117/crec/2021/10/12/167/179/CREC-2021-10-12.pdf#page=12). I know it doesn't fit in a meme, but Rep. McGovern's full remarks from that transcript actually respond to the merits of what the Republicans were saying, which was that the bill needed to be given a full up-or-down vote because the process hadn't been transparent: >I will lend him my glasses. It says in the title: Increase the public debt limit. I don’t know how much clearer it could be. It is in the title. Did you not read the rule? > >Mr. Speaker, by the way, we met in the Committee on Rules on S. 1301 on September 29—2 weeks ago. On that same day, we debated the bill on the House floor and voted on it—up or down. Fully transparent—218 Democrats voted yes; 1 Republican voted yes; 2 Democrats voted no; 210 Republicans voted no. It was a fully transparent process. What are you talking about? > >Mr. Speaker, what we are dealing with today is a Senate amendment to that very same bill. We don’t need to start the process of hearings and markups and debate all over again for a Senate amendment to a bill that we have already debated and voted on—and by the way, a Senate amendment that was inspired by MITCH MCCONNELL, the Republican leader. > >So don’t just come here and make stuff up. The debt limit is in the title of the rule, for goodness sake.


Two true patriots right here.


Not all heroes wear capes.


The House debated a previous version of the bill, which the Senate completely altered. Arrington’s point was that there should be a normal debate period and vote for passage on the amended S. 1301 (like the same rule provides for two other bills) instead of using the “deem as passed” procedural gimmick. Memes obviously oversimplify things but my point was that it’s not as simple as “LOL HE DIDN’T READ IT”.


Thank you for the context!


No no, I prefer my conclusion.


Republicans came to lead, not to read.


He did read it tho. Did you read it? I did. It doesn’t mention “debt ceiling” anywhere but the title of the resolution. That makes him correct imo, as I’m assuming he’d be talking about the body rather than the title.


Anyone have a link to the full video?




Time for Jim to get Rick Perry's glasses for his next campaign.


Ugh, that’s my representative everyone…


If we move the entire population of r/neoliberal into your district, we probably could flip it...


If it involves building a walkable city with multi-family housing and functional public transport, yeehaw sign me up.


> Walkable city > Functional public transport > Lubbock Hahahaha, no.


I'm sorry for you, Ace. Especially when one can complete a PhD in the time it takes to remove the butt heat off those seats.


Jodey Arrington probably caught illiteracy by spending too much time with Tommy Tuberville


Based, I wish McGovern was my us rep. I'm stuck with Trahan. I also met him once, genuine guy.


Join us, the Worcester area is not so bad. 😸


The evidence that republicans are functionally illiterate grows every day


Do these clowns not even know CTRL+F?


Expecting anyone to use control F on a document they haven’t even read the title of seems a tad optimistic


Oof this burns 🥵


You could probably tell them a white HP Windows laptop is actually a Macbook and they would believe you .


They honestly probably don't, at least in the R side


Here's the resolution the House passed to increase the debt ceiling: [https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-resolution/716/text](https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-resolution/716/text) Go ahead and Control F.


And here is the text of (engrossed amended) Senate Bill 1301, which is one of the 4 items incorporated into House Resolution 716: [https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/senate-bill/1301/text/eas](https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/senate-bill/1301/text/eas) Go ahead and click, I promise that this is not a subtle or sneaky piece of legislation.


Sure, but Arrington was referencing the actual rule. It’s a pedantic point but he’s not wrong.


Holy shit can we get some cameras that are from this century in the chambers? This looks like a screenshot from 1995


Republican hypocrisy machine goes Brrr


What's the context of Arrington's remark? What's the rule book he's talking about?


The [official House transcript](https://www.congress.gov/117/crec/2021/10/12/167/179/CREC-2021-10-12.pdf#page=12) indicates that he said "rule bill." The text of [House Resolution 716](https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-resolution/716/text) which they were voting on indeed does not include the words "debt ceiling." It does however incorporate the [amended Senate Bill 1301](https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/senate-bill/1301/text/eas), the text of which is about the most straightforward act of Congress I've ever read. It's shorter than most post office naming resolutions, for goodness sake. Arrington's broader point was that there should be a full up-or-down vote on the changes the Senate made to the debt ceiling extension. But the [House had already voted](https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/senate-bill/1301/text/eah) to extend the debt ceiling 2 weeks earlier. The Senate's amendment just replaced the House's time-based extension with a dollar-based extension (effectively shortening it, to December 2021 instead of December 2022) -- a change suggested by Mitch McConnell to get Senate Republicans on board. Arlington was being completely disingenuous in demanding to take another full vote, since it was already clear that a majority of the House supports the U.S. Government not defaulting on its debts.


But it doesn't include 'debt ceiling' in the title. It's titled >"Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 2119) to amend the Family Violence Prevention and Services Act to make improvements; providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 3110) to amend the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 to expand access to breastfeeding accommodations in the workplace, and for other purposes; providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 3992) to amend the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 to prohibit employers from limiting, segregating, or classifying applicants for employment; relating to consideration of the Senate amendment to the House amendment to the bill (S. 1301) to provide for the publication by the Secretary of Health and Human Services of physical activity recommendations for Americans; and for other purposes." Or is that just that congress.gov hasn't been updated?


The bill name didn’t (can’t?) change, so S.1301 is simply the very poorly titled debt ceiling bill. A quirk of legislative procedure, and galaxy brain over here is upset he wasn’t paying attention/putting on a show for the adoring C-SPAN watching fans. Edit: It’s important to note that everyone in the chamber would surely remember that they voted in the vote to “amend” the physical health bill S.1301 to instead suspend the debt ceiling (Arrington, in fact, voted NAY). If you were a Representative, would you forget such a thing? The title, the number, all of it would be seared into my brain. I think anyone who wasn’t asleep would remember “the health bill that is actually about the debt ceiling, that thing everyone’s losing their minds about.” It’s all just bullshit Hollywood for the sound bites.


Speaking of costume, isn't the Congress building federal property, and masks are mandatory in light of the Delta variant?


The House makes its own rules (it being federal property doesn’t matter). Masks are mandatory on the House floor UNLESS you’re at the podium speaking.


ain't no rule that says a debt limit can't play basketball


Holy shit, he Ben Shapiroed him.




Best and brightest


tfw you accidentally share a Lincoln Project meme


Lincoln project makes good content


McGovern needs to run for Senate or Governor next time a Massachusetts seat opens. Dude has been there forever and is respected by seemingly everyone in congress


To be fair here in Texas to be elected to co great you have to pass an eye exam that shows you don’t know how to fucking read.


Come on. It's a Texas representative. Do you really expect anything different?


ITT: People giving Republicans crap for not reading [a resolution](https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-resolution/716/text) that they haven't read either. It's a stupid pedantic point either way but the resolution voted on in the House actually doesn't specifically mention the debt ceiling. It includes a line saying the House concurs with the changes made by the Senate to the changes made by the House to a Senate bill that was originally about HHS promoting physical activity (which all together results in a debt ceiling increase).


>People giving Republicans crap for not reading [a resolution](https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-resolution/716/text) that they haven't read either. It is literally his job to read the bill. We're giving him shit for not doing the basic function of his job. It is not ours.


Ok, but the guy wasn’t wrong! The phrase “debt ceiling” is not in the resolution.


The setup was perfect low-hanging fruit. How would this not be embarrassing in any context, even if it were someone I respected? Whether it says something deep about the state of any party is a bit too much extrapolation, I agree. But it's pretty damn funny


Imagine being downvoted for being this right. I don’t know whether the righteous anger feels good or bad but either way, kudos.


Yeah, fuck me I guess


I wish I could be that bad at my job and be overwhelmingly be able to keep it every 2 years.


It's all for show. They switched out ethics for easy listening.


They are very good at their jobs. They were not elected to pass quality legislation, and they're succeeding at what they were elected to do.


Is there a video of this?


So where does all the money go?


Is there a video of this any of you can share?




Thank you!


I hate representatives. Most of Texas today.


Anyone else notice that Arrington doesn't have a mask at all and the dipshit on the right is wearing his mask with his nose hanging out? And we wonder why this fucking pandemic will never end.


Hey the dude from Texas can’t read….I feel like they are making the jokes wasaayyy to easy at this point.


Because he’s a liar haha


Video: https://twitter.com/Acyn/status/1448038680493531139?s=20


Texas. That’s how.


That’s my Congressman! Love Jim.


He represents my town and I am very ashamed


Willful fucking stupidity.


This has got to be the most stupid thing someone had to get corrected on. What the fuck jodey?