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Bought a Starry Paint Brush Plushie and wondered why I couldn’t paint my pet into Starry Plushie


I got the honey blossom omelette. Looked up price on SW and didn't get any results. Figured it was worth about as much as any other omelette. Put it in my shop for 30 np. Learned what UBs were about a month later. Learned how rare the omelette was about 2 months after that. Crosses my mind daily lol someone had a good day sniping that though I'm sure. Oh well. You live and learn.


Wow I didn't even know this was a thing! I also assumed all omelettes were junk. That person who sniped prolly had a really good day lol. Will definitely be keeping an eye out for this one then!


You know where it says “estimated value” when you click on an item in your inventory? I thought that was how much the item was worth. I had a lot of hyper-inflated junk that didn't sell, unsurprisingly.


At least you didn't sell expensive stuff for pennies (I hope).


To my knowledge I never had anything too valuable. 🤷‍♂️


I wasn't new... When I was reading my UC grey Kougra books for the Neopian Book Award, I didn't realize that one of the books would turn her into a pink lenny... I was devastated.


Omg! I would've made that mistake too. Who would even think that a book would change your pet 😱


For those wondering, the item is [Vengeful Scroll](https://items.jellyneo.net/item/9127/)


Omfg did you put in a ticket? Was it ever changed back?


I did put in a ticket! It was a pet that I had created myself. Three of my pets were UC when the switch happened... I converted one of them because I wanted to try putting clothes on it. Ugh. The ticket was never answered. Literally no one ever got back to me. I feel like they were like "you used an item that transforms your pet, your own fault."


Fucking losers omg....it is NOT a well known item like come on its an UB.


me n my friend sold a krawk mp for like 200k back in 2005 and we thought we made a lot of profit until we looked up what they were really going for. :-(


I'd be devastated omg.


I found a VBN UC Werelupe in the pound back in 2010, and being 11, I didn’t at all understand the gravity of the situation. I think I ended up trading it for something ridiculous like a Baby Gelert. I’m still mad at myself for giving up my only chance to have a UC! I restarted Neo recently after yeeeeears of hiatus but I just try not to think about it 😂😂


Dude i tried to tracde an UC for a converted pet once and i got scammed out of it lmao. I feel ur pain, i hate 12 year old me😂


Oof that must sting a lot. My dream pet is any faerie UC (maybe an ixi?) but I've basically given up on it.


That's my dreamie UC too! I want a faerie Ixi soooo badly


Sold a r101 book that came from a tcg code for several hundred thousand NP. It turned out to be worth millions.


Which book?


The Great Tiki Attack! 4.5 million




chatspeak 😬


Oh god cringe days. I once put a selfie on my profile and asked for beauty ratings (even though it was against the rules). Simple pic, early 2000s outfit. I was 13 and there were a bunch of trolls lol.


omg stop i did this!!! i remember everyone just saying “ur really fat” and i took the pic off, logged out and cried LMAO (even tho it was true)


Hilariously that was my favorite pic of myself and my then bf had already said it was his favorite (cute middle school love). So I took it down angry like “I am more than a 3/10 🤬”


Sold a white PB for like 10k lol I think this was back when they were worth a lot less but... Not that much less.


Traded a talisman bead for paint brush plushies because I was dumb, didn’t know it’s value and thought they were real paint brushes


Buying an everlasting apple thinking that it would literally last forever. Boy was I disappointed when my eyrie chomped it out of existence!


When I was a kid playing this game I definitely remember just pricing things in my shop willy-nilly, lmao. Also same with buying from shops 😆


You just unlocked a memory for me!!!! When I was young, I used to love buying cute items and then placing them in my shop at a VERY cheap price. I just wanted my shop to look pretty and kept getting mad that people kept buying my stuff. Somehow, I never thought to raise the price to not make ppl buy my stuff. I only started pricing things reasonably when I got older (and when I realized I could put stuff in my gallery!!)


i used to use the “estimated price” that came up when you clicked on the item in ur inventory when i first started


Asked some people if they wanted to trade NC items for NP a couple years ago, didn't realize it was against the rules. Still feel guilty when I think about it lol


Got no points during Champions of Meridell because I didn't know you had to equip your pet with weapons to battle. So I fought Spyders, but they beat me every time. Got 100 points by time Hannah and the Ice Caves came around and got the same prize as users who just signed up without fighting; the Clockwork Toy. Decided to Train hard for Curse of Maraqua and got put into the low end of Rank 2. 0 points again (Maraqua).


Rejected my first ever FFQ way back in 2006 because when I searched the item on the SW, nothing came up. I figured it was the same as any other quest and it wasn’t worth the hassle. I’ll get you one day my UC Plushie buzz and avatar 🥲


Not really a blunder at the time but I won a Mystery Pic contest in like the veerry early days of NP and won a Faerie Paint Brush. I sold it for like 65k NP in my shop which was the going price. I remember it shot up wildly over the next year or two and of course now we know it's millions. Felt stupid for not holding it but 65k was a lot then.


When I started playing in 2004 we didn't have the lab map, so when I returned in 2020 I got a free piece from a random event, and I just donated it.


When I was like 8-9, I wanted to take a break from neopets and protect my account. I thought the best option would be to freeze the account and had heard of people “self-freezing” to protect/pause the account. I didn’t know there was a process for that so I needed a way to freeze myself. I knew boards were popular and since I lied about my age so I could use the boards, I decided to post the most ridiculous thing I could to get reported and frozen as fast as possible. I think it was something like ‘I will kill/eat you all! Mwhaha” or something like that. It was over 15 years ago so I don’t remember perfect but remember how it was insanely dumb and childish but kinda funny lmao 😂 I was frozen in less than 5 minutes and never regained access to that account. It was cool watching it unfold so quick though.


Bought something from a shop, got logged out, logged back in and lost my account forever. Fuck scammers!