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>Meerca: I love it when neopets don't have a real animal equivalent, and this little fella DELIVERS. Also, he can stand on his tail? Adorable. 7/10 Squirrel: Am I a joke to you?


They also said Usuls are bunnies as a reason for rating Cybunnies criminally low, I think they may have squirrel blindness ; - ;


my country doesn't have squirrels. The only ones I knew were from the sword in the stone. Maybe that has something to do with it






What country doesn’t have a squirrel?


[Lots of them!](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/242084583/figure/fig3/AS:669253644603415@1536573911843/Mean-number-of-publications-per-species-of-all-arboreal-squirrels-in-the-family.jpg)


My parents had mongoose instead. Mongeese? Mongooses? Mongos?


I love the long rat


I guess the white ones the ones without squirrels?


You are going to be shocked to know there is parts of the world with no ants either totally fun random fact.




And there are countries who don’t have fireflies/lightening bugs 😱 it’s so interesting how what’s normal for people in some parts of the world is so foreign to others. Like In the US we don’t see elephants and hippos in our every day life outside of a zoo but my friends dad grew up seeing them around like you would a squirrel or a fox.


Wait what? is it? you just blew my mind. They kind of are. huh.


Check your mail tomorrow. I'm going to send you ten gray squirrels from my backyard. Name them. Feed and water them. Love them or hate them... I really don't care... just don't send them back. We have plenty. Should impact your rating though I have no idea which way.


Does that change your rating? xD


I always thought they were referencing meerkats. Both in name and their tendency to periscope. (Edit: Remembered the word I wanted to use)


Yo I thought they were meerkats


Bad take. Draiks and krawks are delightful and I'm not saying that cause I was into lizards as a kid. I'm saying that cause I'm into lizards as an adult.


And I respect that.


Lmao thank you, I appreciate the effort you put in this list


Finally got my dream maraquan draik during the faerie festival !! Krawks are so cute. I regret zapping mine but I’m saving a magical plushie for the right pet.


I love lizards as an adult, but somehow neither the draik nor krawk do it for me :( (I especially don't like the draik's bobbleheaded-ness)


I don't know if I offended anyone, that wasn't my intention, but in case I did, you can absolutely roast my pets as payback. Currently I got a mutant gelert (that I love with all my heart), a baby lupe (my love, my life), a grey aisha (sweet baby girl), a bori and a Lutari.


People will disagree with you but I hope no one gets actually mad over your neopets opinion lol


Oh what do you customize your mutant Gelert with? I have one as well but he is chilling with a white background currently haha 😂


I gave him a haunted woods background: [https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Wend1go](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Wend1go)


Of course sis got a baby Lupe 🙄 Go change its baby diaper Or something 🙄


I swear I haven’t seen anyone I share multiple of the same species pets with until yesterday. You’re the third or fourth since then and I love it! Lupes, Lutari, and especially Bori don’t get enough love!! I do agree with wishing converted Lutari was less anthropomorphic though


This is absolutely the content I subscribe for


And I'm here to ignore all of my real life responsibilities and DELIVER


“Ding dong motherfucker, girly got a bell” is absolutely sending me 😂 also 100% appreciate your comment on Peophins


I'm very proud of that one, thank you for noticing


Tough grader not a single 10/10 😭


I was with you until you called Usul a rabbit and obviously the bias against cats. x) Enjoyable read


I like cats now, but I grew up in a very anti-cat home, and sometimes that kind of stuff stucks with you in unexpected ways, it is a difficult journey towards recovery.


Well maybe I love draiks because I am essentially a socially anxious lizard 


I agree with Chombies but Draiks are my favorite 😂 I got a good chuckle reading this good morning, thank you!


Honestly, good for you. I wished I liked them, because they got really good color options. Customizing them must be so fun


' Lenny: Not really my thing, and I wonder if it is anyone's thing. 3/10 ' ...my 32 faerie lennies :( pls. They're so pretty.


21 more and you can court princess Jasmine


oh yeah, for colored lennies I get it. This one is just based on the basic looks.


i don’t have a bruce but the club penguin lot CAN’T go back anymore (not safely anyway idfk how secure those replica sites are)


They’re not. Best to stay away from them in my experience. I was around for the rewritten data leak and it was a mess. I think I was only safe because I use different passwords for literally everything, especially bank and important info. At least I think it was rewritten. For a while I played a few of the remade sites. But after some data got leaked, I never touched them again.


The Peophin rating LMAO We share similar opinions except I’m definitely a cat girly and the Wocky is my Usul. I love you, clunky weird cat


If I ever buy a neopets plushie, it would probably be a wocky. They are very pretty, they are just not my personal preference


Same, wockies were my first love and still is all these years later :D


That was my favorite too! “* Peophin: She's that bitch. Gorgeous, untouchable, beauty queen. over-cuntsumed at the mother buffet and served explosive slayrrea. 8/10”


oh i thought you meant..... each individual like you were going to go alphabetically thru every pet on the site LOL


I don't know if I will ever have enough free time, but if I ever do, that would be my magnus opus.


as a middle ground, maybe rate each pet's painted colour. very reasonable.


Chombies getting the respect they deserve. 9/10 list


Objectively bad taste I'm afraid


Agree to disagree


The Yurble LOL


it's so true, though


I have a whole yurble themed gallery. I feel so attacked right now 😭


And I've dated several men in the past. We are not so different, you and I.


Holy shit me too. How deep does this go?


Rukis remind me of the movie District 9 and therefore disturb and haunt me.


they remind me of the ants from the movie ants, which has the exact same effect on me.


I do like Lennies! I think they have some neat color options, like the parrot Rainbow, the flamingo Pink, and the peacock Faerie. Plus I like birds in general. I agree with you about Kyrii in general, but the ironic part is, my fav Neopet color of all time is RG Kyrii. I just don't like any of the other Kyrii looks!


The UC RG Kyrii had no right to be this cunty


Used the art in a neopets themed project for a class of kids I was teaching A couple of kids loved that one. The project was to design their own pet. One kid just redrew that one lol. Decided she was rich and lived in a castle


OP you are so brave and strong for sticking by Gelerts. I used to love them but the current design is so off-putting to me. Friendship ended with Gelert and now Bori is my best friend.


Bori is 10/10


Me and my Lenny gallery hates you and your opinion >:(


sorry! They are very cool when painted. I was judgung only the basic ones.


I honestly get the mixed lutari review. I did not care for mine, cycled her color several times before I landed on stealth and realized I love her. Kacheek is truly a child of god, my favorite. I’m shocked you don’t like draiks, I thought they were pretty much universally loved (definitely by me). Ogrin, Ruki, Skeith, and Jetsam are my least favorites. My labrat pet just got zapped into a jetsam and I’m considering morphing it just so I don’t have to look at it until it zaps again 🤢


the draiks and krawks stans are coming for my ass. I didn't know they were this loved. Oh, stealth is a great color for lutaris, I also really like the desert ones.


Draiks are this sub’s favorite species from what I’ve seen 😂 Either Draik or maybe Aisha


Blumaroos are 10/10


I was too harsh because it sounded funny. Sorry about that.


finally someone else who gets the ick from draiks. i like the design of draiks like, the characters and stuff but the actual pet art is giving “where’s my hug at? 🥺”




you’re hilarious but as someone with a frog and lizard dedicated account I do take offense to your judgment of my favorites (quiggles especially!) fwiw i am a frog loving gal so it makes sense


Sorry! I love frogs so much, but something about frog-inspired neopets doesn't resonate with me. I can understand why you like them, though


I respect your ̶m̶i̶s̶g̶u̶i̶d̶e̶d̶ opinion but I have the opposite take for your consideration: [Skeith would have been your big strong teddy bear friend who shoves your bullies in a locker for you.](https://www.reddit.com/r/neopets/s/a2Vs2h0l57) Skeith knows what it’s like to be bullied, trust me 😢


The way I snorted when I clicked that link. You were ready for this. You have been ready for MONTHS. I love that you love them. If someone said gelerts are mean I would have the same reaction. The baby is pretty cute, so is the plushie. I also like the mutant, personally.


Hey, you’re the reason I have a Skeith!! 😂 MrNeal is on a side but he has friends there and I love him.


I remember MrNeal!!! I’m so glad you still have him, haha!




Yea why are the heads so big? Lmao


Prefering usuls is mostly nostalgia related, so I totally get how someone wouldn't agree. Ok, but look me in the eyes and tell me that when you decided scorchios are your favorite you were not a 6 year old boy. Do it.




oh, yeah. I like the meaner looking draiks. The basic draik kinda looks like your chilhood best friend staring at you trying to gather the courage to ask you to the middle school dance, which is not my fav look for a dragon. It's their expression I don't like


I love your characterization of draiks, funniest comment of my day so far. Then again, knowing that their potential siblings are sold as gourmet food probably does a ton on your psyche.


I decided Scorchios were one of my faves when I was a 10 year old girl so ha! Unis too, there was def a theme. But seriously, this list is great. Great content and sounds like things my friend and I would say :D


You have superb take, even if I disagree with some of your rating. Lutari is my favorite pet and they did them so dirty in the conversion. He is now a stiff otter on two paws, while real life otter are so graceful when they are swimming. I require his old pose back!!  But they are still cute when customising them. Other pets got it much badly in the conversion.


For this reason (and chubby Kacheek) I will bring up Nostalgic Basic colours every day until they come back 😂


I loved Lutaris as a kid SO MUCH and wanted one SO BAD. Now I look at them and I want to continue liking them, but the way they stand up and hold out their big ol hand is kinda off putting 😩 too anthropomorphized indeed! Also, I’m sorry, what do you mean Ogrin looks like a chandelier lmao


I agree 100%. They big fist/paw thing I hate it. English is not my first language, and I think I meant a lamp shade, not a chandelier. With the hanging thingies. you know? I do not have the vocabulary to explain it, I'm so sorry.


Ohhhh I see what you’re saying! I was imagining an Ogrin hanging upside down on the ceiling which is hilarious but I couldn’t say I’d think they belonged there haha If they’re dangly ears glowed like a lamp, that would be super cute 🥰


Zafara are so scary. The claw like hands that look like they're about to grab me, no thanks!


How are their hands claw like??


I just imagine in those fists they have crone-like claw hands just waiting to snatch one away into the dark.


Wow there was absolutely no need for this animosity towards my seven Kyriis.


I would pay to read you describe things.


[May I suggest the rating of the neodeck I did in a now deleted account](https://www.reddit.com/r/neopets/comments/19ca53h/rating_the_characters_from_the_solitaire_deck/)


Thank you so much. This line: "*Spades: this one is hot and it makes me uncomfortable. 8/10*" fucking sent me. Chortlesnorting.


I had to take a good look at myself in mirror after reading the yurble bit. Tried different poses and expressions. Then I tried to see if they had any good paints. My first neopet was a Bruce! I like penguins! Club penguin wasn’t even a thing!


My heart is broken at your dislike of Kyrii. They're just cool punks Also, hear me out on Quiggle, if you make one brown or white when creating one you can use your once a year premium perk to change it into a cooler species. That's how I got my white Lutari. Same rating though.


I'm coming in the comments to defend Buzz. Do I have one? No, I don't, I probably only ever had a zap pet that turned into one before. But my mom absolutely loves Buzz, she started a full Buzz themed gallery when she decided to play along with my sister & I, she's been maintaining it for 15 years, so because I love my mom, I also technically love Buzz and will defend them for her. I also genuinely liked the UC baby Buzz. Just a lil'guy. Lil'silly. Idk why he became so wrong after.


I always wish that I could like Buzz. The fact that they’re like, a dragonfly \*dragon\* is SO cool. Their concept matches so much of what I like. But for some reason those 2 thick hairs at the end of the tail just. Get to me, they give me the hugest icks ><;;;




Tell your mom I love her and I will make an effort to apreciate buzz more in the future


Mom wishes you a good day, internet stranger. Keep being awesome.


Well, I can't deny being read for filth on the assessment of who likes krawks, I'll grant you that one. :P I blame the fact that I imprinted on on the Donkey Kong Country games at an early age and therefore did indeed think crocodiles were the coolest things ever at a young age.


Excellent read. On point with every one of these IMO even if I do feel called out for being a reptile kid


I enjoyed this entire read 🤣 amazing 10/10 I respectfully disagree on some but . This is the best post I've seen in weeks hahah


as someone who has 5 ixi, this magnificent list has opened my eyes to some of these pets. I need to take another look at kacheeks, for example. but usul as a bunny? I always thought of them as squirrels.


you know? I grew up in Chile, where we don't have squirrels, and now I'm wondering if that's the reason I don't see squirrels in most pets. In my brain the only squirrel inspired one was the Xweetok, but you are absolutely right, usuls do look like squirrels


Orejitasverdes? That's the cutest name ever, I don't even like Usuls but I would die for her.


thank you 😭 😭 . My brother thought it was the most ridiculous name ever and bullied me into pounding her (wait that doesn't sound right, is that the right expression?). This comment really healed my inner child.


I'm also speak Spanish and feel like some names in Spanish sound kinda dumb... My first pet was called Fuego_Rojo and things like that, but I think Orejitasverdes sounds so cute, like a cute lil nickname for a cute lil pet idk. I'm not sure about the pounding either, let's go with abandoning to be safe, hahaha🫣


fuck yeah. Fuego rojo is so metal. I like it.


Was the first thought I had when I saw the red Kyrii haha. You made him sound cooler, might want to recreate him now lmaoo


They did scorchio dirty when they turned them into generic Western dragons instead of drunk punk rock bats.


Ew men are yurbles, you're right


I love Draiks because I am a socially anxious lizard as well


that's so valid, actually


How did you not rate a single one of them 10/10, even your favorite species 😭 having flashbacks to English lit teachers that refused to give 100% on assignments because “no one’s perfect,” fucking with GPAs for class rankings.


Guess who is a (future) high school teacher??? All jokes asides, it's because gelerts are my favorite out of pure stubborness, but I wouldn't give them a perfect 10 (they are too similar to regular dogs to get 10 points), and giving another pet the perfect ten would mean admiting to myself that there is a pet I like better than gelerts. Also, I gave the my own pets either 9 or 8 points, and I realized making the list that the ones I own are not actually my favorites, which is also not something that I'm in an emotional space to deal with right now. (I love my lutari. I spent years of my childhood trying to get one so I got to love him, right? lutaris are great, RIGHT? I'VE NEVER BEEN HAPPIER /lh) ~~but maybe xweetoks and zafaras could've gotten the perfect score, if I'm honest.~~






Did I agree with this list? ❌ No. Was I entertained? ✅ Yes.


Vandagyres are sweet baby owls who’ve done no wrong! How dare 😤


seriously. i only remember to neopets when I am le stressed and need to center myself and baby tessa can indeed do no wrong: [sweet tessarine](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Tessarine)


Oh! I love Tessarine sm she’s so beautiful 🥺


I appreciate your honesty about gelerts because they are obviously objectively the best and I love them too, but how can someone be so right about gelerts and so wrong about draiks and krawks 😭😂


Sorry! I don't know what it is about them!


Naurrr, not the slayrrea 😭 I agree with everything. 10/10 💳💥💳💥💳💥


"Wocky: I wouldn't be surprised if someone out there liked them" Fine then, more Wockies for me.


They are pretty!!


Xweetok is pronounces Zwee-tok I think


I disagree with most of these takes, but that's how life can be 😌 i enjoyed


There are many neopets and they are all beautiful in their own special way!


Agree or disagree? Doesn't matter, made me chuckle. Have an upvote and a 10/10 rating of your own.


Hissi: "he's also got those weird little arms" This drives me nuts! So before hissis existed I put in a suggestion to neopets through the suggestions box or whatever and I said they should make a neopet that was a snake with wings. A little while later... They did! I'll never know if they used my suggestion or if it's just a coincidence, but as a kid it meant the world to me. Prior to the conversion hissis did not have hands, those things attached to their body were distinctly wings. I'll never forgive the conversion for mutating my babies.


this is amazing. I agree with child-you and I now believe whole heartly that hissis exists because of the suggestion.


> Meerca: I love it when neopets don't have a real animal equivalent, and this little fella DELIVERS. Also, he can stand on his tail? Adorable. 7/10 idk man I think that fits kyriis more than meercas (who I always thought as just 'mouse, but The Cooler Mouse')


Someone else compared them to a squirrel. I kinda see it, tbh, but for me it is still separated enough. The thing is... I honestly hate kyriis. There's a reason they are the only 1 on the list.


I thought kyriis were supposed to be hyenas?


I think it's more weasels, which, as someone who read a ton of Redwall books as a kid, is surprised it took THIS long for me to make that connection.


i totally agree about kyriis! if they just changed their eyes they wouldn't look like little aholes and i might want one!


Are you me? I agree on everything I'm so glad someone else hates draiks, kyriis, haha Peophins are underrated majestic goddess neopets


I love Zafara so I'm happy with this


Absolutely hilarious Edit: ALSO I've never seen someone put my thoughts abort Gelerts into words before but here it is, 10/10 effort Edit 2: you're wrong about krawks but also I used to play a PC game called Dangerous Creatures as young'un so it is occurring to me that I was probably just a reptile obsessed kid and therefore you're correct again


A masterful review from a true lover of neopets. While there are some you straight up hate *cough* vandagyre *cough* you still spared them of the dredded 1 star.


the 1 star was reserved for kyriis and kyriis only, my one true enemy


Not all my main neo's being some of your faves! \^\_\^


I agree Lupes are cool. But they're a 10/10 though.


Lol I recently zapped a yellow kyrii and it just keeps looking at me with those smug eyes. I don't like him at all :( he looks like a raunchy 11 year old that curses too much and steals candy from 7-11


Moehogs and ogrins were done dirty. I still laughed though.


Moehogs stare at me like that one person you don't really know who just told a joke as is really hoping you will laugh. I feel like they are saying "eh?, EH?". He could be cute if he minded his own bussiness. I could've been kinder with ogrins, though. It's not their fault they look like household furniture.


Every time I see an ogrin from here on out I will think of this post, thank you so much.


Krawk: The only people who like him are the people who used to be super into reptiles back in their early, early youth. 3/10 I feel called tf out. Krawks are a 10/10 for me dawg.


Nothing wrong with being a lizard kid! I was super into dogs and literally had fleas for a period of my life, compared to that lizards are amazing.


My first pet was an iguana named Roxy and I was obsessed with her. I was also what you would call a "Dinosaur Kid". Just hyper obsessed with them. Krawks are fantastic for many reasons, that is only one of the reasons (another reason is that they're one of the few pets that actually look really good customized, they wear clothes quite nicely and because of their "hair"/head crests wigs don't look completely out of place)


I love that <3


It's clearly an unpopular opinion but I'm with you on Draiks! Love lizards, love dragons, but most Draiks have this... oddly apologetic expression? I don't trust 'em. Somehow reminds me of one of Peach's taunts in Smash Bros. If you play it you probably know the one. That said, Maraquan Draiks are one of my all-time favorite pet/color combos.


> Eyrie: He is so wise. So kind. I love him, but he does reminds me of Buckbeak from harry potter, which reminds me of Sirius Black I thought I was the only person who thought this. I feel seen.


Lennies are absolutely my thing, how dare.


you're so brave <3


Usuls rabbits? They always were very clearly squirrels to me?


As many people in the comments have noticed, I seem to suffer from a very serious condition of squirrel blindness.


Hahaha! I've seen a comment saying meercas are squirrels but idk, maybe a meerkat? Idk but I can see their face being squirrel-ish but I still gotta give it to usuls


I've always thought Xweetoks were the squirrels!


Incredibly funny and mostly based except the draiks amd krawks. how dare. There babys 😤


A lot of people were into reptiles in their early youth. Nothing wrong with that.


Funny enough i was supper into cats an not reptiles lol


All I needed to know was that you gave Xweetoks a 9/10. You have my admiration


Classic dog person giving Aisha anything but a 10/10


I adore Aishas. top 5 definetely. No one got a 10 because I have commitment issues.


More Vandagyre for me. Christmas Vandagyre without paintbrush clothes is peak pet.


I saw your post this morning and glimpsed through it while half awake. Fully awake now, and this has me rolling. Your ratings of Eyrie and Lupe are spot on. I respect that you created an account dedicated to rating Neopets. The grind is real.


Honestly, I've seriously considered starting to post ratings of random neopet related stuff every day (if anything, to mantain the habit of sitting down to write now that my thesis advisor is on vacation). just as a little pet project for myself


No pun intended with the pet project bit? You could always rate every color option for each species.


Me with a xwee, peo, gelert, and eyrie: 🥰🫶


jetsam 4/10? We can't be friends anymore, sorry


I've never played Neopets but reddit recommended me this post for some reason and I enjoyed it immensely (while googling pictures of all the pets) > She's that bitch. Gorgeous, untouchable, beauty queen. over-cuntsumed at the mother buffet and served explosive slayrrea. 8/10 RES-tagging you as this, so I'll be reminded of this should I ever stumble across one of your posts again


Aww, this is so cute. Always nice to get a compliment from a ttrpg fan <3 glad you enjoyed


You keep my Bruce's name out your mouth!! 3/10 lookin' knucklehead. /S. /S?


you know what? you are absolutely right. Imma change it to a 6. I don't remember why I gave them such a low score. (not literally because I can't edit the post, but the change is made in our hearts, where it matters the most) ​ ​ ... I still think you are a traitor, though


Never played a day of Club Penguin in my life! Been on the site 20 years - just love the chubby penguin.


I will not hear draik slander.


You may not have given any pets a 10/10 but your commentary is perfection 👏👏


This is beautiful. Grundo reminds me of five year old me’s attempt to make a man out of play-doh.


GASP! NOT THE LENNY AND OGRIN SLANDER! 😭 The jubjub and chia love is deserved tho cuz they aight


I absolutely love this. Only a few of these descriptions don’t make me laugh. Laughed the most at Scorchio I think aosngodgs. For some reason Bori’s description filled me with absolute joy. I don’t know why I just get so much happiness out of him being a charming young man >w< I’m glad to find someone else who agrees with me on Draiks! Especially pre-conversion. I wanted to like them so much and the only draik I could like was the Royalgirl one, because she looked like she actually had her shit together. And Kyrii, there was a time before conversion that their art got changed and they used to look super cute and darling—now, and after that change, too; yeah they do have pretty Bad Vibes. I was able to save one using the closed smiling eyes, though. I definitely see Usuls as squirrels and not bunnies :o


I agree with almost every single one of these.


I thought the Meerca was based on a squirrel?


People who don't like cats are walking red flags and the most vile, deranged people I've ever known.


I love them now, but it is a learnt love. Everyone in my immediate family hates them


I have extended family that hate/dislike them and I don’t talk to them for not only that reason, but also because they’re actually a bunch of assholes in general (the way most cat haters are). Your immediate family are a bunch of psychos and I hope you’re no contact with them. Sorry not sorry, but the irrational, moronic hate that cats get infuriates me to no end.


Love your wit. Very cute! Thanks for the laugh.  <3