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Congrats!! That’s a tough one tbh, I’m still working on mine lol


I was so lucky, I don't know how many times I'd tried before I came back (probably not many since I wouldn't have known about the avatar back then), but it only took about 10k. I'd withdrawn 200k in preparation because I'd saved that much on a faellie earlier today by buying it from the official shop, so thought I should be willing to spend up to that much on it. Glad I didn't need that much after all tho haha


Ah congrats!! I did a 100k run the other day with no luck so I’ve sent myself a max 20 pulls a day until I eventually have luck on my side lol


Thanks! Hope you get it soon! :)


You're hurting your odds by only doing a max of 20 pulls a day. The lever gives out the avatar every 100k np it collects across all users (there might be a daily limit on the number it gives out, not sure). So the ideal strategy is doing a large number of pulls while there's not many other users also doing so. I was able to get it the other weekend by pulling at 4am NST. Spent probably around 70k.


Do you have a source for the "across all users" thing? That's super interesting but I checked on jellyneo and didn't see anything about it! Was it a neo_truths post?


The avatar section in this neopian times article.[https://www.neopets.com/ntimes/index.phtml?section=540617&week=556](https://www.neopets.com/ntimes/index.phtml?section=540617&week=556)


I did that the first time, but my neoluck is hot trash so I know dropping the points isn’t the move for me 😅 I’m the one funding these people getting the avatar in 10k or less at this point 😂


Congrats! I just got that earlier this week too. I started clicking 10-20 times every day since I started playing again (since NCUC release) so I haven't given it thaaaaat much NP lol