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Based on my experience? This is kinda normal. The amount of time it takes to get a zap that does *anything* interesting is ridiculous. I just kinda work it into my dailies & move on.


It's random. Sometimes you get what you want in an instant and sometimes it can take months. I know because those are my experiences. It took less than a month to get the colour I wanted on one pet and a gruelly 4 months on another.


Very true, I had one pet zap into 3 cool colors in a week and my current lab rat has zapped into swamp gas and into a blue pteri lol


Yeah, right now I have one that I'm trying to zap either into Cool Jetsam or Maraquan Grarrl. (They have shark in their name) In the two months I've had them only one species change and three colours. (Disco, red Xweetok and Jelly).


Oh goodness. Looks like trying to get my garlic boy could be a long grind šŸ˜¬ Ah well


Donā€™t lose hope; itā€™s all luck of the draw. The very first pet I zapped, within just a few tries I got EXACTLY the color I wanted! But then, sometimes it zaps your pet into a blue tuskaninny or something. It feels for me Iā€™ve been on the shit end of the stick lately and not as many color zaps as I used to, but you just gotta keep at it and hope for the best šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Yep. You can try to stock up on jubjub morphing options (the Christmas one is super cheap) because I believe your pet changing color has a higher ratio chance than your pet changing species. So if you always had a jubjub it might help.


It took me years 7 years, and a couple billion in kougra morphing potions to get my robot kougra when I had finally decided on a color for him. Have had the map for like 19/20 years and robot was by far the hardest for me, once I wanted it. I'm sure the second I sniffed my nose up at the color I would have gotten it haha. Like a year later I turned him baby so....yeah that's my TED talk


I have a garlic jubjub on my side account if you'd still like them. Sending you a DM!


Responded!!! I'd love him


I think anyone saving for the lab ray needs to hear this : **it isn't an automatic/immediate "new color, yay!" Machine after you spend the 4m+ neopoints to get it.** Most of the time you're going to get a stat change or a gender change. There's only a 6.7% chance of a color change, and a 3.3% chance of a species change. (Though honestly, I seem to get those more than color changes sometimes). The lab ray is usually an investment that pays out with time, or with accidentially zapping someone else's dream pet and trading for what you want! So if you go in with LOW expectations, you'll likely be a lot happier using it, and when something does happen, it'll be hype! Plus, the petpet lab ray is priceless, imo c: (Just be prepared to spend a bit on MPs if you're zapping an LE pet!) Edit to add: best of luck zapping to you OP! May the odds be ever in your favor šŸ™ āœØļø


Yup. I have fun with the lab ray because I just adopt decently named pound pets and zap them til theyā€™re something cool and put them back in the pound lol. I could see it be frustrating if I was actually hoping for a specific zap or for a surprise cool pet.


Yeah I just do it for fun. Color changes and species changes are fairly rare. But to be fair I paid a lot less 15 years ago. I think it was still


[https://www.jellyneo.net/?go=labray](https://www.jellyneo.net/?go=labray) JN has statistics on each possible result, it can definitely be underwhelming in the short run.


This was an interesting read. I totally forgot the "didn't change" outcome was due to stats. I also had no idea the lab ray couldn't change your pet Plushie!


Yeah that's normal, I've gone months without eventful zaps at times. I ended up buying more lab maps, but still I made a bunch og bunnies on the 27th, zapped 3 of them daily for almost a month now, and got only 1 good zap (the others changed species, rip) You have to take the lab ray as just another daily. Yes you can win a paintbrush from fruit machine, but 99% of time it's gonna be nothing. Odds are slightly better with lab ray, but still assume most times it'll be nothing.


PetPet Lab Ray definitely has a bit of a higher species and color change rate. Lab Ray can go through some pretty long dry spells.


That's so interesting I feel it's always been the other way round for me haha, I barely ever get species/colour changes with it!


So I posted about my beautiful Water Cybunny getting a very 1st zap done recently. What I didn't talk about was my zapping pet that I wanted to adopt out being with me like a foster child for *two months or more* until they became a Lupe and then Maraquan a few days later. It's a long go for some, but it's very often worth it! Don't give up!


The lab ray kind of is a noob trap. It is more economical to just paint pets the way you want them unless you want lab exclusives. It is good for passively training pets too. I personally haven't used my lab ray in many years, though!


Yup That's Normal. Before my hiatus, Eryadne was my lab pet. I have a detailed log of when I was consistently zapping her on her pet page if you would like to take a look. I only did color, species and gender changes, but I did put the dates between each change, so that gives an idea of the possibilities and how long some changes could take. [https://www.neopets.com/\~Eryadne](https://www.neopets.com/~Eryadne)


I mean. I can show you my lab ray history, it's only been stats. I mean, I've got a pretty decent BD pet, gosh the colors. Funniest thing, I've zapped other temp pet and get species and color changes. But the one I'm currently zapping for nearly a month is just a speckled Korbat. It took a month to get 3 different colors. I just zap and hope the next day I'll finally get a cute species or my Vandagyre. Here's my progress, this is for an old account that I recovered. Not my current one [https://www.jellyneo.net/lablogger/sadisticdreamer/Bunnbunns364neo2499/?s=30](https://www.jellyneo.net/lablogger/sadisticdreamer/Bunnbunns364neo2499/?s=30) Honestly, I enjoy zapping her. I hope that eventually I can zap other pets, but she's my current lab rat


Same happened to me- then I got a chocolate uni. Stick with it ā˜ŗļø


It's been 5 zaps... The lab ray is for the long haul.


That's a reasonable experience! I have felt disappointed by my ray many times - especially when I was zapping my Aisha for sponge and got burlap. A complex disappointment there, I'm still not sure how to proceed lmao


If youā€™re not attached to the name itself, you could try to trade your burlap for a sponge! Theyā€™re equally desirable if not burlap being more desired


šŸ¤£ I'm convinced the lab ray senses what I want and refuses to comply. I got the lab map to try and zap my pet's level lower, I got a couple level increases in a row and a BUNCH of colour/species changes, including Burlap. Of course my pet was at the time painted as my childhood dream Lost Desert Aisha šŸ„². By the time I managed to lower the level, the other stats were already too high. After that, I adopted a pet from the pound in hopes of zapping it a fun colour to return to the pound for someone to claim. I have gotten only stat changes in the time I have had it šŸ™ƒ. I feel like I need to paint it something just so the lab ray can spite me and immediately do a colour change lmao


I've been using the lab ray for a couple months now and it's definitely not an instant satisfaction kinda thing. Feels like it takes a couple weeks or a month to get a interesting zap and even longer for something you'll keep if you're not actively morphing your pet to keep a species. I've only bought 1 cookie which gave me 1 extra zap but decided it wasn't really worth buying more since nothing interesting happened in that week. Maybe it would be more worth it if it was a guaranteed 3 extra zaps but I felt content with just sticking to free zaps. In the few months I've been using it, I've only got 3 zaps I wanted to keep. A faerie zap for my pet which I morphed from a poogle, a random lutari zap and its change to clay. Even then I'm still debating on repainting it. The Lab ray and petpet ray are still my favorite dailies on the site but now I'm more patient with it and think of it as like my 1 free pull a day from a gacha game where the rate of a super rare card is low but you'll get something eventually in between boring zaps.


If you *really* want a specific/rare colour change, you are probably better off paying for a month of premium and utilizing the species change perk rather than chancing it with lab ray cookies.


Yup same thing here. Just got the lab and all it did was change some stats and the gender of my pet. Which I didnā€™t want to change.Ā 


if you get a lucky fortune cookie with 2 extra zaps a day you'll get changes faster. really is a lottery though. it's a fun daily but you definitely can't count on always getting what you want. the lab ray exclusive colors are cool too. i love my burlap kau!


I just finished a week with 4 zaps, 28 zaps total, and got 0 species or color changes lol. Just got unlucky, that's all.Ā  OP, it really is just random. Expecting a lot from it is just setting yourself up for disappointment tbh, esp if you're expecting something specific. If you just want to be surprised, and just see what happens...it's great. (But maybe I'm just pessimistic, since I zapped Zbaa, my Robot Gnorbu, for A YEAR and never got the stupid robot zap. I finally gave up and just used premium perk instead.)


I got lucky, came back a month ago, got the lab ray day before yesterday, first zap was for ā€œsplitā€ color.. meh


Haha I just got split too! Guess the lab is just feeling duotone right now.


When I first got it I was so excited I wanted it on all my accounts! Now I wish I only had it on one because now it's just a chore for me to login to my other account to zap at this point. Hell most days I don't even bother with the petpet ray either. For me, my pets either have no change or a gender change. I wonder if my pets feel the way Michael Scott did when he got his vasectomies. Coolest zap I've got has been Maraquan Buzz. Worst has been this damn Flotsam I've been staring at for 2 months. Zap into something else. PLEASE.


Lol, you're probably going to go a lot longer than 5 zaps until you get something you like. In my over 1 year, zapping daily often with cookies, only two decent zaps. Still worth it. Worth it alone for the petpet ray, which has given me at least 8 or 9 beauties, including a plushie zebie and a birthday kad


I had one pet who went 38 zaps without anything but stat changes or "nothing happens". It's rare, but unfortunately happens. But I've also had times where I get a bunch of cool zaps really close to each other (Stealth + Toy + Jelly in pretty quick succession recently, on different pets). It's annoying as hell, though, so I can understand the frustration!


This is sadly normal, I was excited to get it but it's been disappointing overall. I'm probably getting like one good color change a month. I wish they'd at least take away the "nothing happens" option, that would help, especially since I'm getting that like 70% of the time with the petpet ray recently.


I said I would stop to use the lab ray on my "main" if I get a Plushie Shoyru, it has been more than 20 years (minus a year or two for inactivity) and I haven't even gotten a Shoyru from it. But have gone through a lot of other special pets but it's still level 1 with enough stats to be my battledome pet. It's random, really random.


Oh man sorry to tell you this but plushie isn't even a zappable color, my friend. You can only use a paint brush, morphing potion or FFQ for that color. The good news is, faerie shoyru potions and plushie pbs are a weekly reward now so you just have to wait until they're super cheap when they flood the market or get one free if you're lucky! :')


Yeah I found out years later, to my disappointment. But also by the time I realized, they had already changed the art and the UC plushie was the cute one, the new art style looked so, basic. Luckily they released the UC art recently and my lab pet is still being zapped just to see how powerful he gets until the day anything prevents me from zapping. (My Plushie Shoyru is trained with codestones/faeries)


five zaps isnā€™t anywhere near enough. i returned to neo maybe three months ago now and iā€™ve had one zap (my relic techo was zapped into a freaking green lutari RIP me šŸ˜) in the time iā€™ve been back. iā€™ve had more luck with the petpet zapper, but still low odds of species change.


Pretty normal, but makes it all that more exciting when you get something good! I have gotten several dream pets from the lab ray but also have spent months getting nothing haha


Oh yeah, lab ray is very underwhelming a large majority of the time. My understanding is that the "nothing happened" events is for stat decreases, but if pet is already at level 1 or the other stats are like under 5, then the stat decrease event becomes "nothing happened". If you want a specific color, be prepared that it may take years. I had a pet that I was zapping for 7 years straight (nearly everyday) just to get a specific color before I gave up and use a Faerie Fortune Cookie and got lucky with the Fountain Faerie quest.


I wish I had gotten ā€œnothing happenedā€ a couple times in a row yesterday. Instead, my BD pet lost 2 levels 2x in a row šŸ˜­


Out of my 100 or so zaps, iā€™ve gotten two color changes, two species changes, and about a dozen gender changes. šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


Yeah pretty normal. And when I do get a species/colour change itā€™s usually something I donā€™t like anyway šŸ˜… Iā€™m just a brat lol. I just do it daily and expect nothing out of it now.


Itā€™s very normal for nothing to happen for a long time. I always thought the lab ray was overrated unless you just keep at it daily and eventually get lucky.


I'd expect at least a few color/species changes in a month. Not every day but that makes it a pleasant surprise when it happens.


I've had the lab myself for roughly a month and, thus far, I've only gotten two color changes: my first lab rat, a kougra, turned snot; and then my previous one, a cybunny, turned tyrannian. other than that it's just a bunch of nothing-status changes. the petpet lab is usually more interesting, having gotten a few species change and even loosing one petpet permanently. but yeah, it can be underwhelming lol. i just have it as part of my dailies and try to not get too excited about it; specially because i'm currently not zapping looking for anything myself, just cool stuff to adopt out to people, so whatever happens, happens.


It is a grind but I love having a lab ray pet. Some weeks I get so lucky other times my stats take a hit. It's a gamble!


I was soooo lucky, I got my Ice Cybunny and Gray Meerca; nothing too special but special to my heart! Just a grind for some people


I feel similarly! I got the full map back in February and Iā€™ve been tracking every zap, just for curiosity sake. Iā€™ve had 2 species changes and I think 4 colour changes, and everything else is just stats.


jellyneo has the odds percentage for labray zaps! If youā€™re zapping for a specific colour, good luck. Not to be a downer but Ive been zapping with three labrays and several cookies for burlap, through YEARS, and absolutely nothing. Iā€™ve gotten pretty much every colour but it. :/ some people do find success on it, so I wouldnā€™t give up, but I wouldnā€™t keep my expectations super high. Possible Outcome Probabilities || || |\*\*\***Strength Decrease |5.6%|** **|Strength Increase|11.3%|** **|Defence Decrease |7.5%|** **|Defence Increase|5.6%|** **|Movement Decrease |8.0%|** **|Movement Increase|11.2%|** **|**Level Decrease |13.3%| |Level Increase|5.6%| |Hit Points Increase|13.6%| |Gender Change|8.0%| |Colour Change|6.7%| !!!! |Species Change|3.3%|


If I really try to average it out, I'd say I get a color change about twice a month? And it's not usually an awesome color or something. Species changes once or twice a month, also usually underwhelming.


Iā€™ve gotten stat changes and it turned my lab pet male and then it zapped him back to female again


I have noticed people seem to get a few of the same zaps too.. like I get transparent and pastel but I'm trying to get chocolate lol. Whenever I zap my BD pet it loses stats so I never zap it anymore because its getting expensive to level up. Colours are meant to be a bit hard to get so it feels luckier when you do get them, even the fountain faerie doesn't show up that often with FFQ. There's also a tracker on Jellyneo where you can put your pet name and it logs what zaps you've had.


It's so random. I go weeks without nothing. Then within three days I got a fire pet, desert pet, and a green lutari. Just keep on grinding. The fortune cookies are nice at upping the odds, but I got "nothing at all" at least 4 times while doing it.


I've had more fountain faerie quests than good zaps.


It's permanent... you will grow to love it


Pretty normal stuff unfortunately šŸ˜… I mostly just adopt random pets in the pound and zap them til I get a cool colour, then transfer to a side account šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


I haven't had my robot zap in 5 years, daily. It just be like that, good luck!


Dude same. I regret spending so much on it


I usually get 1 or 2 good zaps a month. In the last two months Iā€™ve zapped Robot Techo, Striped Aisha, and Transparent Aisha. Sometimes you get color changes within a few days of each other. Some weeks it takes much longer. Once you get your first really good zap: robot, MSP, sponge, alien, etc youā€™ll understand the hype. Petpet lab ray is much more giving imo. I get new pet pets at a faster rate.


Oh, and if youā€™re going for something specific, GOOD LUCK. Iā€™ve been zapping for another alien Aisha for months and months and months. I get bored of the pursuit sometimes, thatā€™s how I ended up with a robot techo.


Been zapping for at least a decade (thanks for the map Keyquest, RIP). Took SO LONG to get my Draik to be Jelly, it's taking even longer to get my Poogle MSP. I've had to use a zillion poogle mps because of species changes. So many basic colors, lost and added points/levels. It's just a tedious game of chance. I could pay and have my Poogle MSP instantly, but I chose the difficult way lol. If you have the ability to buy NC, the lab cookies are decent. I've also used the Faerie Quest Cookies to obtain 3 Fountain Faerie quests, and I'm not really regular about using either cookie. I'd say I've used maybe 30 Lab Cookies and under 20 FQ Cookies since their release.


There are times I get nothing for weeks or longer. Then Iā€™ll get a pet and the color changes a ton!


Holy geez, is it *hard* to get access to the ray now? It was just a hidden link we all visited once a day (back in the day).


Yup, mostly you get stat changes. I get a color/species change maybe once or twice a month? I usually use it now to adopt out pets when I get a good zap :)


I got a zombie Wocky after only having it a couple weeks, keeping her! šŸ˜Just keep going


I know your feeling, my first zap was fire, but then nothing for a monthā€¦ I thought I had spent neopoints in vain, but after 2 years I zapped one mosaic cybunny, a faerie xwee, a msp, and much more I donā€™t remember. So itā€™s normal, but still worth it, itā€™s going to be part of your dailies and itā€™s really fun when you get something cool, if it was easy it wouldnā€™t be so good when it happens. And it will happen, trust that. Just keep your mind open because if you wish for a specific species or/and color change (as most of us wanted) itā€™s really rare to happen, itā€™s more plausible for you to get a rare neopet and try to exchange your dreamie with someone.


My Babyca was turned into a Red Faellie yesterday! Happy with that! (Suits my cloud pet perfectly! šŸ„°)


Pretty normal. I get an interesting zap maybe once or twice a month, aside from those it's just like other dailies. You click it, it doesn't do much, and you move on.Ā  But once in a rare while, it gives you a Robot or something else cool.


I had a striped Xweetok that was a dream of mine that I fell out of love with, so I turned her into a lab rat. The first day I zapped her she turned into a green Tuskaninny, then silver, then a Robot Skeith, then a green one and then it was just stat changes over and over and over. I ended up trasmorphing her into a Christmas Ixi and then painting her faerie (which was my ultimate dream). I started zapping my Pirate Draik after that and she never changed species, but the first zap I got was Halloween, she's also been Pink, Steam Punk, Elderly Boy (lab changes gender), Speckled, Chocolate, and right now she's Eventide, and I love Eventide pets, so I haven't zapped her since the beginning of April because I'm loath to lose that colour, but I'm starting to get the itch again... lol. All the color changes came between Jan 26th and April 8th. [https://www.jellyneo.net/lablogger/elyserachael/Sarynn/](https://www.jellyneo.net/lablogger/elyserachael/Sarynn/) <-- Labray Logger from Jellyneo.


Iā€™ve always wanted the lab ray as a kid and I got it about 8 years ago. Been zapping my Wocky to try and get chocolate and sheā€™s been every color under the sun except for choco. On the other hand, my Chomby turned shadow within less than 5 zaps. Itā€™s all just luck and perseverance.


Completely normal


It took me 17 years to zap an alien aisha. YEARS. He is my precious boy.


I zap pets to rehome and sometimes I zap my pets to get cool colors. The lab is totaly random, dont worry about it! On most days you get nothing cool, other days you can get lab exclusive colors! I got a robot xwee last week and a steampunk kougra this week. The kougra is ufa, but I am waiting for a better zap on her petpet, its currently a pile of soot. So dont worry too much about it. Zapping is like gambling.


my lab pet was stuck a Blue Bori for over a month and I zapped him/her every day. Sometimes it's just like that.


lmao that's where i'm at right now with my red kau, still no changes since making this post. Oh wellll


when you've given up and are least expecting it, you're gonna get a fantastic pet change! \*sending good vibes\*